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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Upgrading and Fixing Your PC |
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interfaces, CDs/DVDs specifications (specs)
interfaces, drive interface types (hard disk drive specifications) 2nd
interfaces, MIDI
interfaces, MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) 2nd
interfaces, MIDI, home recording studios
interfaces, parallel
interfaces, parallel, scanners
interfaces, SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)
interlaced display technology
interlaced display technology, monitors
internal cards
internal cards, bad connections
internal CD drives
internal CD drives, installing 2nd 3rd
internal DVD drives
internal DVD drives, installing 2nd 3rd
internal expansion slots 2nd 3rd 4th
internal expansion slots, AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
internal expansion slots, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)
internal expansion slots, PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
internal floppy disk drives
internal floppy disk drives, installing 2nd
internal hard disk drives
internal hard disk drives, formatting/partitioning 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
internal hard disk drives, installing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
internal memory card readers
internal memory card readers, installing
internal ports
internal sound cards
internal sound cards, installing 2nd 3rd
internal video capture cards
internal video capture cards, installing
internal Zip disk drives
internal Zip disk drives, installing 2nd
Internet attacks
Internet attacks, firewalls 2nd
Internet attacks, firewalls, software 2nd
Internet attacks, Internet Connection Firewall 2nd
Internet attacks, potential threats
Internet Connection Firewall 2nd
Internet Options dialog box
Internet Radio
Internet radio, playing 2nd
Internet Service Provider [See ISP]
Internet, broadband connections 2nd 3rd
Internet, broadband connections, bridge configurations
Internet, broadband connections, choosing 2nd
Internet, broadband connections, digital cable 2nd 3rd 4th
Internet, broadband connections, digital satellite 2nd 3rd 4th
Internet, broadband connections, DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Internet, broadband connections, gateway configurations 2nd
Internet, broadband connections, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
Internet, broadband connections, modem/hub bridge configurations
Internet, connections
Internet, connections, sharing
Internet, digital images
Internet, digital images, e-mailing 2nd
Internet, music
Internet, music, downloading 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting, connections
Internet, troubleshooting, disconnects 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting, downloads 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting, e-mail servers
Internet, troubleshooting, e-mail, attachments
Internet, troubleshooting, e-mail, sending/receiving 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Internet, troubleshooting, ISP (Internet Service Provider)
Internet, troubleshooting, modems
Internet, troubleshooting, modems,
Internet, troubleshooting, modems, connections
Internet, troubleshooting, modems, dialing numbers 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting, mouse 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting, partially loaded Web pages 2nd
Internet, troubleshooting, speed
Internet, troubleshooting, telephone lines
Internet, troubleshooting, Web browser connections 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Internet, viruses 2nd
interrupt request (IRQ)
Invalid destination specified error message
Invalid page fault error message
Invalid system disk, replace the disk, and then press any key error message
Invalid VxD Dynamic Link Call error message
IOGEAR Web site
Iomega Web site
IRQ (interrupt request)
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
ISP (Internet service provider)
Jasc Paint Shop Pro Web site
joysticks, installing
jumpers, drive selection 2nd
jumpers, hard disks
jumpers, hard disks, troubleshooting 2nd
Karbosguide Web site
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Web site
KB (kilobyte)
KDS Web site
Keep Your Computer Up-to-Date with Windows Update option
Kensington Web site
Kerio Personal Firewall Web site
Keyboard error, press F2 to continue error message
Keyboard error. Press F1 to continue error message
Keyboard external connector 2nd
Keyboard Properties dialog box
keyboard shortcuts
keyboard shortcuts, mouse operations 2nd
keyboards 2nd
keyboards, choosing 2nd
keyboards, connecting 2nd
keyboards, installing
keyboards, maintaining
keyboards, troubleshooting 2nd 3rd
keyboards, troubleshooting, beeping 2nd
keyboards, troubleshooting, cleaning
keyboards, troubleshooting, connections
keyboards, troubleshooting, incorrect case
keyboards, troubleshooting, incorrect characters
keyboards, troubleshooting, incorrect numbers
keyboards, troubleshooting, new installations
keyboards, troubleshooting, speed
keyboards, troubleshooting, wireless
keyboards, Windows freezes 2nd
keyboards, wireless
keyboards, wireless, installing
keys, Registry Editor
keys, start interrupt
Keytronic Web site
kilobyte (KB)
Kingston Web site
Knowledge Base (Microsoft) 2nd
LaCie Web site 2nd
LANs, wired/wireless
laptops [See portable PCs]
laser printers 2nd
Last Know Good Configuration option (Windows startup menu)
Last Known Good Configuration option
Last Known Good Configuration option, Windows startup 2nd
latency, CAS
latency, CAS, memory specifications (specs)
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors 2nd 3rd
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, connections
LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors, size
Lexmark Web site
| line-level audio output
links, Fixing a Problem
links, Fixing Problem
links, Use Tools to View Your Computer Information
links, View Workgroup Computers
Linksys web site
liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors 2nd 3rd
liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, connections
liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, size
Logitech Web site
long-term storage
long-term storage, hard disk drives 2nd
macro viruses
Mad Dog Multimedia Web site
magnetic disk drives
magnetic disk drives, external hard disk drives
magnetic disk drives, external hard disk drives, installing 2nd
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives 2nd
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, manufacturers
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, replacing 2nd
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, specifications (specs)
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, specifications (specs), access time
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, specifications (specs), capacity
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, specifications (specs), data transfer rate
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, specifications (specs), drive interface type 2nd
magnetic disk drives, hard disk drives, specifications (specs), spin rate
magnetic disk drives, internal floppy disk drives
magnetic disk drives, internal floppy disk drives, installing 2nd
magnetic disk drives, internal hard disk drives
magnetic disk drives, internal hard disk drives, formatting/partitioning 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
magnetic disk drives, internal hard disk drives, installing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
magnetic disk drives, internal Zip disk drives
magnetic disk drives, internal Zip disk drives, installing 2nd
magnetic disk drives, memory card readers
magnetic disk drives, memory card readers, installing 2nd 3rd
magnetic disk drives, memory card readers, installing, flash memory storage 2nd
magnetic disk drives, memory card readers, installing, USB drives
Magnetic storage
Mail [See e-mail]
Maintenace Wizard [See Scheduled Tasks]
managers, Device Manager 2nd 3rd 4th
managers, Device Manager, problem devices;identifying 2nd
managers, Device Manager, problem devices;reconfiguring
managers, Device Manager, problem devices;solving conflicts
managers, Device Manager, problem devices;updating
managers, Device Managers
managers, Device Managers, system hardware reports, creating 2nd
Maximum Port Speed setting
Maxtor Web site
MB (megabyte)
McAfee Personal Firewall Web site
McAfee VirusScan Web site
Media Center (Windows)
megabytes (MB)
megahertz (MHz)
Memory [See also RAM (random access memory)]
memory card readers
memory card readers, installing 2nd 3rd
memory card readers, installing, flash memory storage 2nd
memory card readers, installing, USB drives
memory chips 2nd
memory leaks
Memory size error (error message)
Memory size mismatch error message
memory sticks
memory, bytes
memory, digital video edits
memory, flash 2nd
memory, manufacturers 2nd
memory, printers
memory, printers, troubleshooting 2nd
memory, RAM modules
memory, RAM modules, DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module)
memory, RAM modules, RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module)
memory, RAM modules, SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)
memory, specifications (specs) 2nd
memory, video cards
menus, Windows startup 2nd
Messages [See error messages]2nd [See e-mail]3rd [See also error messages]
MHz (megahertz)
Micro Solutions Web site
Microphone external connector
microprocessors 2nd 3rd
microprocessors, IBM
microprocessors, troubleshooting
Microsoft Backup 2nd 3rd 4th
Microsoft Broadband Network Web site
Microsoft Knowledge Base 2nd
Microsoft Picture It! Photo Web site
Microsoft System Information
Microsoft System Information, system hardware reports
Microsoft System Information, system hardware reports, creating 2nd
Microsoft Web site 2nd
Microtek Web site
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 2nd
MIDI external connector
Midi Warehouse Web site
MIDI, interfaces
MIDI, interfaces, home recording studios
MIDI-to-game port adapters
MiniDV camcorder
MiniDV camcorder, video capture cards
MMC (MultiMedia Card)
modem/hub bridge configurations
modem/hub bridge configurations, broadband connections
modems 2nd
modems, Internet
modems, Internet, troubleshooting
modems, Internet, troubleshooting, broadband
modems, Internet, troubleshooting, connections
modems, Internet, troubleshooting, dialing numbers 2nd
modems, troubleshooting
modules, continuity
modules, RAM
modules, RAM, DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module)
modules, RAM, RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module)
modules, RAM, SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)
Monitors 2nd 3rd 4th
monitors, connections
monitors, CRT (cathode ray tube) 2nd
monitors, CRT, connections
monitors, CRT, size
monitors, digital video edits
monitors, dot pitch
monitors, installing 2nd
monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display) 2nd 3rd
monitors, LCD, connections
monitors, LCD, size
monitors, maintaining
monitors, manufacturers
monitors, multiple
monitors, multiple, installing 2nd
monitors, refresh rate
monitors, resolution 2nd 3rd
monitors, size 2nd
monitors, sleep mode
monitors, startup 2nd
monitors, troubleshooting 2nd
monitors, troubleshooting, beeps
monitors, troubleshooting, connections 2nd
monitors, troubleshooting, displaying data 2nd
monitors, troubleshooting, drivers
monitors, troubleshooting, error messages 2nd
monitors, troubleshooting, flickering
monitors, troubleshooting, high-pitched whines
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