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Dill K.A., Bromberg S. — Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology |
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Independent sites 342
Independent variables 65 131
Indifference, principle of 89
induced dipole 451
Induction 399
Inertia, moment of 204
Inference interpretation 100
Infinite temperature 224
Inhibition, competitive 550
Inhibition, noncompetitive 551
Inhibition, uncompetitive 551
Initial state 236
Insufficient reason, principle of 89
Intensive properties 106
Interactions, hydrophobic 583
Interactions, local 624
Interactions, long-ranged 370 450
Interactions, molecular 449
Interactions, nonbonded 457
Interactions, nonlocal 624
Interactions, range of 450
Interactions, short-ranged 253 370 450
Intercepts 137
Interface, dielectric 401
Interfacial tension 273
Intermediate state 501
Intermolecular interactions 449
Internal energy 42
Internal energy from partition function 183
Intersection 4
Interstitial model 347
Intramolecular localization 359
Invariant of the motion 40
Inverted region 363
Ion, channel 41 5
Ion, channels, voltage gated 417
Ion, conductivities 440
Ion, flow through membrane 531
Ion, mobilities 422
Ion, potential determining 414
Ion, solvation, enthalpy of 428
Ionic strength 437
Ionization of salts 375
Ising model 494 499 508
Ising, E 508
Isodichroic point 504
Isolated system 106
Isosbestic point 504 567
Isotherm 480
Isothermal compressibility 161
Jacobson — Stockmayer theory 619
Jones — Dole B coefficients 587
Joule, JF 42
Kelvin scale 126
kinetic energy 39
Kinetic mechanisms 344
Kinetic theory of gases 42
KNF model 548
Kohlrausch, F 441
Koshland, D 548
Kosmotropcs (structure makers) 587
Kuhn model of a polymer 614
Kuhn segments 614
Lagrange multipliers 69 97
Landau model 496 498
Langevin equation 333
Langevin model 333
Langmuir 1 515
Langmuir, adsorption equation 517
Langmuir, model 541
Langmuir, trough 154
Laplacian operator 306
Latent heat 41
Lattice model 32 284
Lattice model for mixing polymer molecules 598
Lattice model of a condensed phase 253
Lattice model of mixtures 267
Lattice model of volume changes 116
Lattice model, contact energy 462
Lattice model, coordination number 254
Lattice model, critical point 479
Lattice model, solvation 280
Lattice model, vapor pressure depression 280
Laugmuir model 515
Law of conservation energy 39
Law of corresponding states 483
Law, Coulomb’s 369
Law, Fick’s 316 318
Law, linear 316
Law, mass action 344
Law, Ohm’s 316
Law, Stokes — Einstein 328
Law, Stokes’s 328
Le Chatelier’s principle 243
Least bias 92
Legendre polynomials 204
Legendre transform 137
Lennard — Jones potential 456
Level curve 69
Lever rule 476
Lifting a weight 39
Ligand-protein binding thermodynamics 530
Ligands 5 1 5
Ligands, packing 552
Ligands, shape 552
Ligation states 540
Like dissolves like 463
Limit of metastability 477
Linear free energy relationships 360
Linear laws 316
Lineweaver — Burk plots 524
Linkage relationships 166
Liquid benzene phase diagram 468
Liquid mixture boiling 485
Liquid-gas coexistence 493
Local interactions 606 624
Local stabilities 473
Localization, intramolecular 359
Logic thermodynamic 119
London dispersion 455
Long-ranged interactions 450
Long-ranged order in crystalline solids 461
Lorentzian 23
Macrostate 1 72
Madelung constant 372
magnetic moment 187
Malthus, TR 324
Malthusian population growth 60
Marcus, R 363
Mass action law 344
mathematical operators 195
Matrix multiplication, refresher on 506
Maximum density, of water 572
Maximum entropy 85
Maximum multiplicity, principle of 30
Maxwell relations 155 158
McCrackin, FL 634
McGhee and von Hippel model 552
Mean force, potentials of (pmf) 583
Mean square ( ) 59
Mean-field approximation 270
Mechanical equilibrium 11 5
Mechanisms of chemical reactions 344
Melting ice 140
Membrane protein channel 418
Membrane, semipermeable 106 289
Metal alloys 494
Metastability, limit of 477
Metastable solutions 477
| Micelles 486
Micellization model 512
Micellization processes 544
Michaelis constant 523
Michaelis — Mcnten equation 523
Michaelis — Menten model 522 524
microcanonical ensemble 188
Microscopic reversibility 336
Microscopic reversibility, principle of 344
Microstate 172 229
Miscible system 472
Mixing entropy, polymer 604
Mixing, energy of 269 599
Mixing, entropy of 267
Mixing, free energy of 271
Mobile phase 521
Mobility 318 420
Model, Ising 499
Model, micellization 512
Model, nearest-neighbor 499
Molality 286
Molarity 286
Molecular machine 559
Molecular weights, average, of polymers 52
Molecules, heteronuclear diatomic 204
Molecules, homonuclear diatomic 204
Moments of a distribution 1 7 51
Moments of inertia 204
Moments, dipole 392 452
Monod, J 548
Monopoles 450
Most probable distribution 52
Multi-site binding 533
Multicolored die problem 90
Multiple binding equilibria 534
Multiplication rules of probability 541
Multiplicity 3
Multiplying vectors 301
Multipole expansion 451
Multipoles 450
Mutually exclusive 2
MWC allosteric model 548
Myglobin, saturation of 559
Natural function 156
Natural gas clathrate hydrates 580
Nearest-neighbor model 499
Negative activation energies 348
Negative cooperativity 537
Negative temperature 224
Nemethy, G 548
Nernst equation 410
Nernst equation for an electrode 412
Nernst — Planck equation 421
Nernst, WH 411
Nerve cell membrane, capacitance of 392
Neutral salts, chemical potential of 412
Neutrality, charge 412
Newton method for finding roots 55
Newton’s Second Law 38
No salt condition 433
Nonbonded interactions 457
Noncompetitive inhibition 551
Noncooperative model 500
Nonideal coUigative properties for polymer solutions 601
Nonidealities of strong electrolytes 441
Nonlocal interactions 607 624
Nucleation 510
Nucleation parameter 505
Nucleus, critical 510
Number, quantum 195
Objects, distinguishable 10
Octupole 451
Ohm’s Law 316 421
Onsager reciprocal relations 335
Onsager, L 509 336
Open system 106
Operator, Hamiltonian 195
Operator, Laplacian 306
Operator, mathematical 195
Operator, vector 305
Orbital steering in proteins 217
Order parameter 481 494
Order-disorder transition 494
Ordered sequences, permutations of 10
Ordering in metal alloys 495
Orientational entropy 82
Orientations of a vector, averaging 20
Osmotic pressure 289
Osmotic pressure, thermodynamic cycle for 290
Otto-cycle 149
Outcomes, composition of 30
Outcomes, sequence of 30
Oxygen binding to hemoglobin 546
Pair correlation function 460
Pair potential 449
Parabolic potential 201
parallel plate capacitor 391
Partial sum 49
Particle energy, average 184
Particle in a three-dimensional box 199
Particle, test 377 468
Particle-in-a-box 195
Particle-in-a-box, degeneracy of states 229
Particles, distinguishable 180
Particles, independent 180
Partition coefficient 291 639
Partition functions 175
Partition functions for chemical reactions 236
Partition functions, electronic 205
Partition functions, internal energy 183
Partition functions, q 87
Partition functions, rotational 204
Partition functions, total 206
Partition functions, translational 199 200
Partition functions, vibrational 203
Partitioning experiments 293
Pascal’s triangle 16
Passive transport 320 526
path integral 307 388
Pathway 73
Pauling model 547
Pauling, L 356 547
Pearson, K 57
Peltier effect 336
Percolation threshold, critical 569
Permanent dipole 451
Permanent dipole moment 373
Permeability 320
Permittivity of vacuum 370
Perpetual motion machines 41
Persistence length 615
pH titration 520
Phase 106
Phase behavior of polymers 601
Phase boundary 469
Phase diagrams 468
Phase diagrams for lipid bilayer membranes 486
Phase diagrams for surfactant molecules 487
Phase diagrams for the lattice model of solutions 475
Phase diagrams for uric acid 488
Phase diagrams for y-crystallin 471
Phase diagrams, closed-loop 488
Phase diagrams, liquid benzene 468
Phase diagrams, polymer 603
Phase ratio 522
Phase separations 471
Phase transitions 467
Phase transitions, kinetics of 509
Phenomenological flow coefficients 336
Physical properties of some typical liquids 568
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