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Dill K.A., Bromberg S. — Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology |
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Distribution functions, exponential 86
Distribution functions, flat 85
Distribution functions, gaussian 57
Distribution functions, multinomial 1 5
Distribution functions, multinomial probability 16
Distribution functions, normalized 14
Distribution functions, probability 13
Distribution functions, probability, nth moment 1 7
Distribution of chain lengths 593
Distribution of conformations 593
Distribution, charge 451
Distribution, coin flips 16
Distribution, most probable 52
Distribution, undetermined 84
Divergence 305
Dot product 302
Double-reciprocal 524
Double-reciprocal plot 523
Eigenvalues 195
Einstein model of solids 213
Einstein — Smoluchowski equation 327
Elasticity, of rubbery materials 621
Elastomers 621
Electrical conductivity 421
Electrical double layer 434
Electrical resistance 421
Electrochemical potential 409 410
Electrodes, Nernst equation for 412
Electrodes, reference 414
Electrolytes 433
Electrolytes, asymmetrical solutions 437
Electrolytes, strong 440
Electrolytes, weak 440
Electromagnetic energy spectrum 196
Electronic degeneracies 205
Electronic partition function 205
Electrostatic field 376
Electrostatic field from a line charge 381
Electrostatic field from a point charge 377
electrostatic forces 375
Electrostatic model for the chemical bond 464
Electrostatic potential 387
Electrostatic potential around a line charge 398
Electrostatic potential around a point charge 389
Electrostatic potential surfaces 389
Electrostatic potential, gradient of 388
Electrostriction 586
Elevation, boiling point 287
Empirical energy functions 457
End-to-end length 612
End-to-end vector 61 3
Endothermic 136
Energy 38
Energy of a dipole 392
Energy of mixing 269 599
Energy, change with volume 162
Energy, fluctuations 228 230
Energy, fundamental thermodynamic equation for 108
Energy, ground-state 239
Energy, ideal gas 207
Energy, kinetic 39
Energy, ladders for two-state equilibrium 237
Energy, landscape 348
Energy, level 172 229
Energy, level diagrams 43
Energy, potential 39
Energy, quantization of 193
Energy, states, atomic 207
Engine, internal combustion 149
Ensemble 100 188
Ensemble, Canonical 188
Ensemble, Grand Canonical 188 556
Ensemble, microcanonical 188
Enthalpy 138
Enthalpy of fusion 288
Enthalpy of ion solvation 428
Enthalpy of vaporization of water 495
entropy 35 81 94
Entropy of mixing 267 596
Entropy, absolute, of argon 209
Entropy, change with pressure 162
Entropy, computing 184
Entropy, confinement 639
Entropy, dilution 605
Entropy, extensive 95
Entropy, fundamental thermodynamic equation for 107
Entropy, hydrophobic 580
Entropy, ideal gas 208
Entropy, maximum 85
Entropy, orientational 82
Entropy, residual, of ice 576
Entropy, rotational 82
Entropy, temperature dependence of 144
Entropy, thermodynamic definition of 123
Equations of state 108
Equilibria, acid base 418
Equilibria, chemical 235
Equilibria, complex 237
Equilibria, constant 235 237
Equilibria, constant, apparent 419
Equilibria, constant, pressure dependence of 246
Equilibria, constant, pressure-based 241
Equilibria, mechanical 27 115
Equilibria, metastable 29
Equilibria, neutral 29
Equilibria, stable 29
Equilibria, states of 27
Equipartition of vibrations 213
Equipartition theorem 212
Ericksson, John 41
Escaping tendency 243 281
Ether 42
Euler reciprocal relationship 75
Evans, MG 361
Events, combining 5
Events, composite 5
Events, composition of 9
Events, correlated 6
Events, elementary 5
Events, intersection of 7
Exchange parameter xab 271
Excited states 172
Excluded volume 631 632
Exothermic 136
Expansion, multipole 451
Exponent, average 51
Exponential distribution 23 86
Exponential distribution, law 87
Extensive properties 106
Extrema of functions, maxima and minima 64
Extremum principles 27
Fahrenheit scale 126
Fair approtionment, principle of 89
Farad 370
Ferromagnet 508
Ficks, first law 316
Ficks, second law 318
Fictitious processes 119
Field from a charged planar surface 382
Field from a line charge 381
Field from a point of change 377
Field, electrostatic 376
Field, scalar 303
Field, vector 303
Filmer, D 548
Final state 235
Finding roots, Newton method 55
First law of thermodynamics 37 42 122
First-order, approximation 54
First-order, homogeneous function 110
| First-order, transition 481
Fisher, RA 324
Flat distributions 23 85
Flory model 624
Flory theorem 606
Flory — Fluggins model 596
Flory — Huggins theory 601 624
Flory, PJ 595
Flow 40 315
Flow, steady-state 319
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 333
Fluctuations 59 132 535
Fluids, incompressible 161
Fluids, supercritical 480
Fluids, viscoelastic 640
force 38
Force correlation function 335
Force, conservative 390
Force, electrostatic 375
Force, retraction 157
Force, stretching 1 57
Form, closed 50
Fractional distillation 485
Free energy of charging a parallel-plate capacitor 425
Free energy of charging a sphere 424
Free energy of mixing 271
Free energy of transfer 292
Free energy, conformational 624
Free energy, contact 625
Free energy, cooperativity 537
Free energy, excess 284
Free energy, Gibbs 139
Free energy, Helmholtz 132 133 136
Free energy, ideal gas 210
Free energy, solvation 624
Freedom and constraints, degrees of 28
Freedom, translational 82
Freely jointed chain 612
Freezing temperature 288
Frequency interpretation 100
Friction coefficient 318 326
Functions, composite 77
Functions, homogeneous 111
Functions, homogeneous, first order 110
Functions, natural 1 56
Functions, path-dependent 74
Functions, state 74 120
Functions, time correlation 333
Functions, velocity autocorrelation 333
Fundamental equations 141 153
Fundamental equations, energy, differential form 109
Fundamental equations, entropy, differential form 109
Fundamental equations, thermodynamic, for energy 108
Fundamental equations, thermodynamic, for entropy 107
Fusion, enthalpy of 259 288
Fux 315
Fux for electric field vectors 378
Fux, vector field 308
Gambling equation 9
Gas 251
Gauche 594
Gaussian box 403
Gaussian distribution 57
Gaussian function 22
Gauss’s law 381
Gauss’s law, differential form of 396
Gauss’s theorem 310 311
Gauss’s theorem, applied to electric fields 395
Geometric series 49
Gibbs free energy 139
Gibbs, JW 100
Global minimum 69
Global stabilities 473
Global warming 298
Global warming of the oceans 576
Gouy, L-G 434
Gradient 316
Gradient of electrostatic potential 388
Gradient, vector 304 303
grand canonical ensemble 188 556
Green — Kubo relationships 335
Ground state 172
Ground-state energies 239
Guggenheim’s experiments 498
Hamiltonian operator 195
Harmonic oscillator model 201
Harmonics, spherical 204
Heat bath 132
heat capacity 40 142 228
Heat capacity, hydrophobic 582
Heat capacity, iceberg model 581
Heat exchange 227
Heat flow equation 323
Heat pumps 259
Helicases 560
Helium, standard state pressure 211
Helix content, average 502
Helmholtz free energy 132 133
Helmholtz free energy, fundamental equation for 1 36
Hendcrson — Hasselbalch equation 418
Henn and Kauzmann model 568
Henry’s law 517
Henry’s law, constants 282 294
Henry’s law, region 282
Hermite polynomials 201
Heteronuclear diatomic molecules 204
Higher-order transition 481
Hill plot for cooperative binding 543
Histidine in a spherical protein 419
Hofmeister series 589
Hofmeister, F 589
homogeneous functions 111
Homogeneous functions, first-order 110
Homonuclear diatomic molecules 204
Hooke’s law 616
Huckel, E 441
Huckel, Erich 441
Huggins, ML 595
Hydration, hydrophobic 583
Hydrodynamic screening 642
Hydrogen bonds 456 563
Hydrogen bonds, acceptor 456 564
Hydrogen bonds, cooperativity 564 565
Hydrogen bonds, donor 456 564
Hydrogen bonds, strength 567
Hydrogen bonds, water-water 564
Hydrophobic, effect 577
Hydrophobic, entropy 580
Hydrophobic, heat capacity 582
Hydrophobic, hydration 583
Hydrophobic, interaction 583
Hydrophobic, solvation 582 583
Hydrophobicity temperature dependence 578
Ice, pressure-induced melting of 572
Iceberg model of the heat capacity 581
Ideal gas, chemical potential 210
Ideal gas, energy 207
Ideal gas, entropy 208
Ideal gas, free energy 210
Ideal gas, law derived from quantum mechanics 206
Ideal gas, law derived from the lattice model 109
Ideal gas, pressure 206
Ideal gas, quasi-static adiabatic expansion 147
Ideal solutions 269
Image charges, method of 399
Immiscibility, principles of 479
Immiscible system 472
Incompressible fluids 161
Independent particles 180
Independent site model 521
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