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Dill K.A., Bromberg S. — Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology |
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operator 304
(ergs ) 263
-conditions 624
-solvents 624
-temperatures 624
Absolute entropy of argon 209
Absolute temperature scale 126
Absorbing boundary condition 321
Absorption of radiation 193
Acid dissociation near an oil/water interface 420
Acid-base equilibria 418
Activation, barrier 341 346
Activation, energies 345
Activation, enthalpy 355
Activation, entropy 355
Activation, free energy 355
Active transport 320 526
Activity coefficient 273 282 283 443
Adair equation 546
Addition rules of probability 541
Adiabatic boundary 106 122
Adsorbates 515
Adsorption of nitrogen on silica 546
Adsorption of polymers 638
Adsorption, chromatography 521
Adsorption, equation, Langmuir 517
Adsorption, processes 515
Affine deformation 621
Affine network model 621
Aggregation processes 544
Alphabet, letters of 10
Anti-cooperativity 537
Apparent equilibrium constant 419
Apportionment, principle of fair 89
Approximation, Bragg — Williams 270
Approximation, first order 54
Approximation, mean-field 270
Approximation, second order 54
Approximation, Stirling’s 56
Argon, absolute entropy 209
Argon, energy levels for 198
Arithmetic-geometric series 50
Arrhenius plot 346
Arrhenius, S 345
Assembling charges, method of 423
Asymmetrical electrolyte solutions 437
Atomic energy states 207
Atomic spectroscopy 193
Autocorrelation times 335
Average exponent 51
Average molecular weights of polymers 52
Average particle energy 184
Bath 132
battery 414
Benzene in water 580
Benzene, oil/water partitioning 299
Benzene, solulbility in water 580
bernoulli 22
Bernoulli trials 15
BET adsorption model 545
Bias in dice 87
Bias, least 92
Biased coins 88
Binding, constant 517
Binding, cooperative ligand 533
Binding, cooperativity 537
Binding, intermediate states 539
Binding, multi-site 533
Binding, polynomial Q 535
Binding, polynomials 533
Binding, processes 515
Binding, site based 537
Binodal curve 477
Binomial distribution 15 23
Biochemical switching 543
Bjerrum length 374
Black, J 40
Boiling, a liquid mixture 485
Boiling, enthalpy of 259
Boiling, point elevation 287
Boiling, principles of 479
Boiling, temperature 285
Boltzmann, constant 81
Boltzmann, distribution law 87 173 175
Boltzmann, factors 177
Boltzmann, L 81
Bomb calorimeters 142
Bond, covalent energies 452
Bond, hydrogen 456 563
Born energy 426
Born model 426
Bose-Einstein statistics 13
Bosons 13
Bound complex 519
Boundary 106
Boundary, adiabatic 106 122 131 132
Bragg — Williams, approximation 270 599
Bragg — Williams, mean-field lattice model 509
Bronsted law 360
Bronsted law of acid and base catalysis 359
Bronsted law, Evans — Polanyi model 361
Bronsted relationship 360
Brownian ratchets 330
Calorimeter 142
Calorique 40
Calorique, theory of heat 41
canonical ensemble 188
Capacitance 370 391
Capacitance of a nerve cell membrane 392
Capacitor, parallel plate 391
Carnot, Sadi 124
Carrier proteins 524
Cartesian coordinates 312
Catalysis, enzyme 522
Catalysis, surface 526
Cavendish, H 369
Cavities 254
Cavities in liquids 298
Celsius scale 126
Chain, four-bead 172
Chain, growth 596
Chain, rule 77 78
Chain, stiffness 613
Change-of-symmetry reaction 240
Chaotropcs (structure breakers) 587
Chapman, DL 434
Characteristic ratio 614
Charge distribution 450 451
Charge distribution, creating 423
Charge distribution, moments of 451
Charge neutrality 412
Charged spherical shell 396
Charging process 424
Chemical equilibrium 235
chemical potential 272
Chemical potential of neutral salts 412
Chemical potential, 108
Chemical potential, ideal gas 210
Chemical potential, lattice model 33
Chemical potential, standard state 242 273
Chemical reaction 341
Chemical reaction, affects of salts 443
Chemical reaction, mechanisms of 344
Chromatographic separations 530
Clapeyron equation 256 258
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 258
Closed form 50
Closed system 106
Closed-loop phase diagram 488
Co-ions 434
| Coefficient, activity 283 443
Coefficient, diffusion 316
Coefficient, friction 318 326
Coefficient, partition 291
Coefficient, rate 342
Coefficient, transmission 351
Coexistence curve 474
Coexistence region 470
Coil state 499
Coil-to-globule transitions 628
Coin flips, mean and variance 19
Collectively exhaustive 2
Colligative properties 279
Colloids, steric stabilization of 633
Combinatorics 9
Common tangent 473 601
Competitive inhibition 550
Complex, bound 519
Complex, equilibria 237
Complex, system 173
Composite functions 77
Compressing a spring 39
Concentration cell 414
Concentration gradients 318
Condensation polymerization 52
Conditional probability 7
Conditional statistical weights 505
Conditions, absorbing 638
Conductivity, electrical 421
Conductivity, thermal 323
Confinement entropy 639
Conformational free energy 624
conjugate 109
Conjugate pairs 138
Conjugated polymers 218
Conservation laws 37
Conservative forces 39 390
Conserved property 37
Constant, apparent equilibrium 419
Constant, dielectric 373
Constant, Henry’s law 294
Constant, madelung 372
Constant-pressure work 1 21
Constant-temperature work 121
Constant-v olume work 121
Constraints 67 91
Constructing thermodynamic functions, limits on 141
Contact free energy 625
Continuity 397
Continuum models 568
Contour length 611
Convention, solute 283 284
Convention, solvent 283 284
Cooperative behavior, simplest models 499
Cooperative binding, Hill plot for 543
Cooperative ligand binding 533
Cooperativity, anti 537
Cooperativity, binding 537
Cooperativity, free energy 537
Cooperativity, negative 537
Cooperativity, positive 537
Coordinates, Cartesian 312
Coordinates, cylindrical 312
Coordinates, spherical 312
Coordination number, lattice 254
Correlation time 335
Correlation, degree of 8
Corresponding states 493
Corresponding states, law of 483
Coulomb 370
Coulomb, CA 369
Coulomb’s law 369
Counterions 434
Counting sequences, coin flips 12
Counting sequences, objects, distinguishable 11
Counting sequences, objects, indistinguishable 11
Covalent bond energies 452
critical exponent 497 498
Critical micelle concentration 486
Critical percolation threshold 569
Critical phenomena 493
Critical point 65 478
Critical temperature 470 498
Cross-derivatives 156
Cross-link density 623
Crystals, sodium chloride 371
Curie’s law 187
Curie’s law of paramagnetism 186
Curve, binodal 477
Curve, coexistence 474
Curve, solubility 470
Curve, spinodal 477
Curve, volcano 528
Curve-crossings 363
Cycles 119
Cycles, thermodynamic 121 146
Cylindrical coordinates 312
Dahl and Anderson model 568
Davy, H 42
de Gennes, PG 642
Debye theory 21 5
Debye unit 451
Debye — Hiickel theory 441
Debye — Htickel equation 436
Debye, P 441
Decaffeinating coffee 483
Degeneracies, electronic 205
Degeneracy of states for particle-in-a-box 229
Density of states 228
Density, anomaly 572
Density, cross-link 623
Detailed balance, principle of 342
Dice, bias in 87
Dice, multicolored 90
Dielectric, constant 373
Dielectric, interface 401
Differential, exact 74
Differential, inexact 75
Diffusion from a point source 322
Diffusion of particles toward a sphere 321
Diffusion, coefficient 316
Diffusion, constants 317
Diffusion, controlled reaction 322
Diffusion, coupled with a chemical reaction 325
Diffusion, equation 318 636
Diffusion, through a slab 319
Dilution entropy 605
DiMarzio — McCrackin reflectance 634
DiMarzio, EA 634
Dimer association 135
Dimerization 134 294
Dipole moment 392 452
Dipole moment, permanent 373
Dipole-dipole interaction 454
Dipoles 392 450
Dipoles, energy of 392
Dipoles, induced 451
Dipoles, permanent 451
Dipoles, potential field around 393
Dipoles, pre-organized 358
Dipoles, randomly oriented 82
Dispersion forces 455
Dissociation constant 523
Dissociation reaction 242
Distillation 486
Distillation, fractional 485
Distinguishable particles 180
Distribution functions 13
Distribution functions, binomial 15
Distribution functions, continuous probability 14
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