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Katz E. (ed.) — Handbook of HPLC
Katz E. (ed.) — Handbook of HPLC

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of HPLC

Àâòîð: Katz E. (ed.)


Discusses principles, techniques, and instrumentation involving HPLC, delineating its usage in separation, purification, and detection processes across a wide variety of disciplines in industry and research. Part I covers HPLC theory, and Part II discusses different HPLC modes and critically addresses their applicability and limitations. Part III describes principles and practical operations of modern HPLC equipment, and Part IV examines applications. For chemists, biologists, and students.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 974

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.02.2007

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Reciprocating pumps      501—508
Reciprocating pumps bubbles and degasing      508
Reciprocating pumps check valves      505—508
Reciprocating pumps solvent compressibility      503—505
Recycle chromatography      510
Refractive index (RT) detector      154—156 536—537 555
Refractive index (RT) detector, optical principles      155
Refractive index (RT) detector, performance and application      156
Refractive index (RT) detector, to identify lipid compounds      759—761 764
Refractometry      284—285
Retention and selectivity      1—54
Retention and selectivity, chemical structure of surfaces and retention      21—31
Retention and selectivity, chemical structure of surfaces and retention, ion-exchange chromatography      29—31
Retention and selectivity, chemical structure of surfaces and retention, normal-phase LC      26—28
Retention and selectivity, chemical structure of surfaces and retention, reversed-phase LC      28—29
Retention and selectivity, chemical structure of surfaces and retention, support materials in LC      21—26
Retention and selectivity, effects of temperature on retention      607
Retention and selectivity, equations for chromatographic eluent selection      14—21
Retention and selectivity, principles of distribution and adsorption      1—14
Retention and selectivity, principles of distribution and adsorption, distribution coefficients and chemical potentials in solution      4
Retention and selectivity, principles of distribution and adsorption, distribution coefficients in adsorption from solution      4—7
Retention and selectivity, principles of distribution and adsorption, retention factor and distribution coefficients      2—3
Retention and selectivity, principles of distribution and adsorption, solvation of analytes      7—14
Retention and selectivity, stationary phases of special types of chromatography      31—36
Retention and selectivity, stationary phases of special types of chromatography, affinity chromatography      32—33
Retention and selectivity, stationary phases of special types of chromatography, chiral-stationary phases      33—35
Retention and selectivity, stationary phases of special types of chromatography, hydrophobic-interaction chromatography      35—36
Retention and selectivity, stationary phases of special types of chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography      36
Retention and selectivity, use of secondary chemical equilibria      36—52
Retention and selectivity, use of secondary chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria      37—47
Retention and selectivity, use of secondary chemical equilibria, complexation equilibria      47—51
Retention and selectivity, use of secondary chemical equilibria, partition equilibria into pseudophases      51—52
Reversed-phase stationary phases      28—29 293—323
Reversed-phase stationary phases additional reverse d-phase supports and stationary phases      317
Reversed-phase stationary phases, carbon-based phases      314
Reversed-phase stationary phases, chemically bonded silica based phases      298—310
Reversed-phase stationary phases, chemically bonded silica based phases, characterization techniques      308—310
Reversed-phase stationary phases, chemically bonded silica based phases, monomeric stationary phases      299—302
Reversed-phase stationary phases, chemically bonded silica based phases, polymeric stationary phase      302
Reversed-phase stationary phases, chemically bonded silica based phases, selectivities of monomeric and polymeric phases      303—308
Reversed-phase stationary phases, metal oxide supports other than silica      314—317
Reversed-phase stationary phases, metal oxide supports other than silica, chemically bonded alumina-based phases      315
Reversed-phase stationary phases, metal oxide supports other than silica, polymer-coated alumina-based phases      316
Reversed-phase stationary phases, metal oxide supports other than silica, zirconia- and titamia-based phases      316—317
Reversed-phase stationary phases, polymer-based phases      312—313
Reversed-phase stationary phases, polymer-coated silica-based phases      310—312
Reversed-phase stationary phases, silica      293—298
Ribonucleotides, large      733—734
Rivastatin      661
Saccharides      754
SCE-2787(cefozopran)      661—662
Secondary chemical equilibria      36—52
Secondary chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria      37—47
Secondary chemical equilibria, complexation equilibria      47—51
Secondary chemical equilibria, partition equilibria into pseudophases      51—52
Selectivity      see “Retention and selectivity”
Selenium anions      815—816
Self-regenerating suppressor      427—430
Serpentine tubes, low-dispersion      583—585
Serum albumin phases      675
Silica      see also “Chemically bonded silica-based phases”
Silica for adsorption chromatography stationary phases      325—327
Silica for ion-exchange chromatography stationary phases      389—390
Silica for RPLC stationary phases      293—298
Silica, silica gel      22 23—24
Simvastatin      662—663
Single-wavelength detector      148—149
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC)      273—292 831 832—848
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) applications      274—275 841—843
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) band broadening      281
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) calibration      277—281
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) calibration, broad-molecular weight calibration      279
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) calibration, primary calibration      278
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) calibration, secondary calibration      279
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) calibration, universal calibration      279—281
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) column selection      282—283
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) detection      284—289
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) detection, composition detectors      285—287
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) detection, concentration detectors      284—285
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) detection, molecular-weight-sensitive detectors      287—289
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) hydrophobic polymers      848
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) kinetic optimization of      136—138
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) mobile selection      283—284
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) mobile selection, organosoluble polymers      283
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) mobile selection, water-soluble polymers      283—284
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) molecular weight measurements      275—276 833—841
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) packing characteristics      282
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) resolution      281—282
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) separation by oligomers      843—848
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) separation mechanism      276—277
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) solute concentration effects      284
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) stationary phases for      36
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) study of degradation and polymerization reactions with      914—918
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) system evaluation      284
Small-volume sample injection      566—568
Snyder — Soczewkinski retention model      327—329
Solubility parameter model      9—11
Solute properly detectors      539—554
Solute properly detectors, electrochemical detector      550—551
Solute properly detectors, fluorescence detectors      547—550
Solute properly detectors, light-scattering detector      551—552
Solute properly detectors, tridet multifunctional detector      552—554
Solute properly detectors, UV detectors      540—547
Starches      754
Stationary phases effects of temperature on      608
Stationary phases for HIC      465—472
Stationary phases for ion interaction chromatography      456
Stationary phases for ion-exchange chromatography      29—31
Sugars      755—757 817
Sulfamethazine      663—664
Sulfur-containing anions      814—815
Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), kinetic optimization of      134—136
Support materials in LC      21—26
Support materials in LC inorganic materials      24
Support materials in LC modification of support materials      24—26
Support materials in LC organic polymers      24
Support materials in LC physical parameters      22
Support materials in LC silica gels      23—24
Suppressed ion chromatography      419—439
Suppressed ion chromatography, eluents in suppression ion chromatography      430—434
Suppressed ion chromatography, hollow-fiber membrane suppressor      423—424
Suppressed ion chromatography, ion-exchange column suppression      419—423
Suppressed ion chromatography, micromembrane suppression      424—427
Suppressed ion chromatography, other suppression applications      438—439
Suppressed ion chromatography, other suppression techniques      434—437
Suppressed ion chromatography, postsuppression strategies      437—438
Suppressed ion chromatography, self-regenerating suppression      427—430
Surfactants      789—904
Surfactants, ionic surfactants      790—798
Surfactants, ionic surfactants, amphoteric surfactants      796—798
Surfactants, ionic surfactants, anionic surfactants      790—795
Surfactants, ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants      795
Surfactants, ionic surfactants, general principles      790
Surfactants, nonionic surfactants      799—802
Surfactants, nonionic surfactants, analysis of individual nonionic surfactants      800—802
Surfactants, nonionic surfactants, general principles      799—800
Synthetic dyestuffs, identification of      905—909
Synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides      729—731
Synthetic oligoribonucleotides      731—732
Syringe pumps      509
Tandem LC systems      581—606
Tandem LC systems, LC-mass spectrometry systems      585—596
Tandem LC systems, LC-mass spectrometry systems, atmospheric lomzation interface      591—593
Tandem LC systems, LC-mass spectrometry systems, electro spray interface      589—591
Tandem LC systems, LC-mass spectrometry systems, laser desorption mass spectrometry      593—596
Tandem LC systems, LC-mass spectrometry systems, thermospray interface      587—589
Tandem LC systems, LC-mass spectrometry systems, transport interface      586—587
Tandem LC systems, low-dispersion connecting tubes      582—585
Tandem LC systems, low-dispersion connecting tubes, serpentine tubes      583—585
Tandem LC systems, other tandem LC systems      596—604
Tandem LC systems, other tandem LC systems, LC-atomic absorption spectroscopy systems      596—600
Tandem LC systems, other tandem LC systems, LC-infrared      600—602
Tandem LC systems, other tandem LC systems, LC-nuclear magnetic resonance systems      602—604 605
Tellurium anions      815—816
Temperature control      607—615
Temperature control, detector performance and      609—610
Temperature control, devices for      610—611
Temperature control, effects of temperature in on-line reactors      610
Temperature control, effects of temperature on analysis confirmation      609
Temperature control, effects of temperature on column efficiency      60S
Temperature control, effects of temperature, on retention      607
Temperature control, effects of temperature, on the stationary phase      60S
Temperature control, effects of temperature, on viscosity      608
Temperature control, examples of temperature effects      612—613
Temperature programming in LC      225—226
Temperature-rising elution fractionation (TrEF)      226 831 854—855
Tentacle ion-exchange phases      388—389
Testosterone-related compounds      664—665
Tetracycline      666
Textiles, applications of biotechnology for      696
Theophylline      648
Thermodynamic parameters, determination of      882—885
Thermodynamic parameters, determination of, adsorption isotherms by displacement chromatography      883—885
Thermodynamic parameters, determination of, temperature dependence of the retention      882—883
Thiophilic adsorption      496
Titania      316—317
Titania in adsorption chromatography      327
Transition metals      819—820
Trident multifunctional detector      552—554
Tungstate      816
Ultraviolet (UV) detectors      540—547 555
Ultraviolet (UV) detectors, diode-array detector      544—547
Ultraviolet (UV) detectors, fixed-wavelength detector      540—543
Ultraviolet (UV) detectors, to identify lipid compounds      758 759
Ultraviolet (UV) detectors, variable-wavelength detector      543—544
Ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry      285 286
Undenvatized ammo acids, detection of      709
Univariate data analysis, computer-assisted      260—263
UV-vis absorbance detector      147—150
UV-vis absorbance detector, multiple wavelength absorbance detection      149—150
UV-vis absorbance detector, single- and variable-wavelength detectors      148—149
Valve-switching options and requirements      200—205
Valve-switching options and requirements backflush      202
Valve-switching options and requirements comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography      204—205
Valve-switching options and requirements cutting      200—202
Valve-switching options and requirements multivalve configuration      202—204
Variable-wavelength detector      148—149 543—544
Viral proteins      728
Viscosity detector      165
Viscosity, effects of temperature on      608
Vitamins      761—762 763 768—774
Water, organic pollutants in      929—974
Water, organic pollutants in conventional detectors      940—964
Water, organic pollutants in conventional detectors, LC with diode-array detection analysis      940—941
Water, organic pollutants in conventional detectors, LC with electrochemical detection      941—944
Water, organic pollutants in conventional detectors, LC with fluorescence detection      945
Water, organic pollutants in conventional detectors, LC with mass spectrometric analysis      945—964
Water, organic pollutants in interlaboratory tests using on-line LC      964—970
Water, organic pollutants in sample handling strategies      930—940
Water, organic pollutants in sample handling strategies, liquid-liquid extractions      931—932
Water, organic pollutants in sample handling strategies, liquid-solid extraction      932—940
Water-soluble polymers      283—284
Zidovudine      666
Zirconia      316—317
Zirconia in adsorption chromatography      327
Zone spreading      55—142
Zone spreading, flow phenomena and compressibility effects      115—121
Zone spreading, flow phenomena and compressibility effects, compressibility effects on flow and plate height      118—120
Zone spreading, flow phenomena and compressibility effects, electrodrive and electrokinetic chromatography      120—121
Zone spreading, flow phenomena and compressibility effects, pressure flow relations      115—118
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency      56—115
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency, broadening and peak shape from nonideal and extracolumn processes      107—115
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency, mechanisms of zone-broadening      69—107
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency, peak shape      56—59
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency, random-walk processes, variance, diffusion, and plate height      61—66
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency, resolution and peak capacity      66—69
Zone spreading, measures of efficiency, theoretical plate concept      59—61
Zone spreading, optimization      122—140
Zone spreading, optimization, kinetic optimization      123—133
Zone spreading, optimization, kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules      133—140
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