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Katz E. (ed.) — Handbook of HPLC
Katz E. (ed.) — Handbook of HPLC

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of HPLC

Àâòîð: Katz E. (ed.)


Discusses principles, techniques, and instrumentation involving HPLC, delineating its usage in separation, purification, and detection processes across a wide variety of disciplines in industry and research. Part I covers HPLC theory, and Part II discusses different HPLC modes and critically addresses their applicability and limitations. Part III describes principles and practical operations of modern HPLC equipment, and Part IV examines applications. For chemists, biologists, and students.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 974

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.02.2007

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Detectors (detection), requirements for and characterization of detectors, selectivity      147
Detectors (detection), requirements for and characterization of detectors, sensitivity and detection limits      144—146
Detectors (detection), solute properly detectors      539—554
Detectors (detection), solute properly detectors, electrochemical detector      550—551
Detectors (detection), solute properly detectors, fluorescence detectors      547—550
Detectors (detection), solute properly detectors, light-scattering detector      551—552
Detectors (detection), solute properly detectors, tridet multifunctional detector      552—554
Detectors (detection), solute properly detectors, UV detectors      540—547
Detectors (detection), specifications for      532—536
Detectors (detection), specifications for detector linearity and response index      532—534
Detectors (detection), specifications for detector noise level      534—535
Detectors (detection), specifications for detector sensitivity      535—536
Detectors (detection), specifications for flow sensitivity      536
Detectors (detection), specifications for linear dynamic range      534
Detectors (detection), specifications for measurement of detector noise      535
Detectors (detection), specifications for pressure sensitivity      536
Detectors (detection), specifications for temperature sensitivity      536
Detectors (detection), suppliers of LC detectors      556—553
Detectors (detection), UV-vis absorbance detection      147—150
Detectors (detection), UV-vis absorbance detection, multiple wavelength absorbance detection      149—150
Detectors (detection), UV-vis absorbance detection, single- and variable-wavelength detectors      148—149
Dexfenfluramine      642—643
Diclofenac      643—644
Diltiazem      638
Diode-array detector (DAD)      544—547
Diode-array detector (DAD), LC with diode-array detection (LC-DAD)      940—941
Displacement chromatography, determination of adsorption isotherms by      883—885
Distribution coefficients chemical potentials in solution and      4
Distribution coefficients in adsorption from solution      4—7
Distribution coefficients retention factor and      2—3
DMP      811 644—645
Dobutamine      645
Dominant solvation phenomena      18—21
Downstream processing in biotechnology      742—745
Drotaverine      645
Drug-protein-binding constants, determination of      878—881
Drug-protein-binding constants, determination of frontal elution      880
Drug-protein-binding constants, determination of Hummel and Dreyer method      879
Drug-protein-binding constants, determination of vacancy peak method      880—881
Drug-protein-binding constants, determination of zone elution      879
Drugs in biological samples      629—668 794
Drugs in biological samples 6-methylen-androsta-l,4-diene-3,7-dione      654
Drugs in biological samples acyclovir      630
Drugs in biological samples alclofenac      630—631
Drugs in biological samples amfenac      631
Drugs in biological samples amoxicillin      631—632
Drugs in biological samples ascorbic acid      632
Drugs in biological samples BAY y3118      632
Drugs in biological samples bromazepam      633
Drugs in biological samples buprenorphine      634
Drugs in biological samples canrenone      635
Drugs in biological samples carbamazepine, phenytom, phenobarbital, and primidone      635
Drugs in biological samples catecholamine      636—638
Drugs in biological samples celiprolol and diltiazem      638
Drugs in biological samples chloroqume and chloroguanide      638
Drugs in biological samples chlortetracycline      666
Drugs in biological samples chlorzoxazone      638—639
Drugs in biological samples clobazam and diazepan      639
Drugs in biological samples clozapine      639
Drugs in biological samples cocaine      639—641
Drugs in biological samples coumann      641—642
Drugs in biological samples danazol      642
Drugs in biological samples debrisoquine      642
Drugs in biological samples dexfenfluroamine      642—643
Drugs in biological samples diclofenac      643—644
Drugs in biological samples DMP      811 644—645
Drugs in biological samples dobutamine      645
Drugs in biological samples drotavenne      645
Drugs in biological samples E-1100      646
Drugs in biological samples EM523      646—647
Drugs in biological samples ethynylestradiol      647
Drugs in biological samples etoposide      647
Drugs in biological samples flumazenil and midazolam      647—648
Drugs in biological samples fluoroquinolines and theophylline      648
Drugs in biological samples furosemide      648
Drugs in biological samples galocitabine      648
Drugs in biological samples guaifenesin      649—650
Drugs in biological samples hydrochlorotbaade      650
Drugs in biological samples intoplicine      651—652
Drugs in biological samples lisuride      652—653
Drugs in biological samples lmipenem      650—651
Drugs in biological samples lodobenzylguanidine      652
Drugs in biological samples MDL 73, 005ER (binospirone mesylate)      653—654
Drugs in biological samples metoclopramide      654—655
Drugs in biological samples mitomycin      655
Drugs in biological samples mizolastine      655
Drugs in biological samples morphine      655—656
Drugs in biological samples nicorandil      656
Drugs in biological samples nicotine      656—651
Drugs in biological samples nifedipine      657
Drugs in biological samples norbuprenorphine      634
Drugs in biological samples oxytetracycline      666
Drugs in biological samples paclitaxel      657
Drugs in biological samples phenytoin      658
Drugs in biological samples physostigmine      658—659
Drugs in biological samples pyronardine      659—660
Drugs in biological samples quinidine      660
Drugs in biological samples R023-9424      660—661
Drugs in biological samples rivastatin      661
Drugs in biological samples SCE-2767(cefozopram)      661—662
Drugs in biological samples simvastatin      662—663
Drugs in biological samples sulfamethazine      663—664
Drugs in biological samples testerone-related compounds      664—665
Drugs in biological samples tetracycline      666
Drugs in biological samples zidovudine      666
Dye stuffs, natural and early synthetic, identification of      905—909
Dye-ligand affinity chromatography      494
E-1100      646
Early synthetic dyestuffs, identification of      905—909
Electrical conductivity detector      537—539 555
Electrochemical detection (ECD)      156—160 396—400 550—551
Electrochemical detection (ECD), electrode materials, flow-cells, and instrumentation      158
Electrochemical detection (ECD), LC with electrochemical detection (LC-ECD)      941—944
Electrochemical detection (ECD), principles of operation      156—158
Electrochemical detection (ECD), pulsed-amperometric detection      159—160
Electrochemical detection (ECD), selectivity enhancement      159
Electrodrive chromatography (EDC)      120—121
Electrokinetic chromatography (EKC)      120—121
Electroosmotic flow (EOF)      174—177
Electrophoretic mobility      172—173
Elution (elutes)      see also “Gradient elution Isocratic
Elution (elutes) eluent countenon for nonsuppressed ion chromatography      441—444
Elution (elutes) in affinity chromatography      491
Elution (elutes) in suppression ion chromatography      430—434
Elution (elutes) ion interaction chromatographed eluents      454—456
Elution (elutes) role in ion exchangers      391—395
EM523      646—647
Entantiomers indirect separation of      682—687
Entantiomers indirect separation of denvatization of alcohol      684—685
Entantiomers indirect separation of denvatization of amines      685—686
Entantiomers indirect separation of denvatization of carboxylic acids      686—687
Entantiomers separation of      670
Environmental applications of biotechnology      696
Equations for chromatographic eluent selection      14—21
Equilibrium constants, determination of      875—881
Equilibrium constants, determination of complex stability constants by HPLC      875—878
Equilibrium constants, determination of drug-protein-binding constants by HPLC      878—881
Esters      802
Ether sulfate      792—793
Ethoxylated acids      801
Ethoxylated alkylamines      802
Ethoxylated esters      802
Ethylene oxide, block copolymers of      802
Ethynylestradiol      647
Etoposide      647
Evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD)      163—164 285
Evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD) to identify lipid compounds      758—759 760
Export Systems in Chemical Analysis (ESCA) project      244—246 258
Fatty acid alkanolamides and their ethoxylates      802
Fatty acid analysis of museum collection samples      919—920
Field flow fractionation (FFF)      831—832 855—856
Field flow fractionation (FFF) kinetic optimization of      140
Fixed-wavelength detector      540—543
Flame-ionization detector (FID)      226
Flow programming for isocratic elution      509
Flumazenil      647—648
Fluorescence detection (FD)      150—154 547—550 555
Fluorescence detection (FD), fluorescence yields      152
Fluorescence detection (FD), instrumentation      152—153
Fluorescence detection (FD), LC with fluorescence detector (LC-FD)      945
Fluorescence detection (FD), postcolumn derivatization      154
Fluorescence detection (FD), precolumn fluorescence labeling      153
Fluoroquinolines      648
Food and nutritional analysis      753—788
Food and nutritional analysis carbohydrates      753—757
Food and nutritional analysis, lipids      758—761
Food and nutritional analysis, lipids detectors      758—761 764 765 766
Food and nutritional analysis, other food components      763—784
Food and nutritional analysis, other food components, pesticides and herbicides      776—784
Food and nutritional analysis, other food components, phenolics      767—776 777—783
Food and nutritional analysis, other food components, proteins      763—767
Food and nutritional analysis, vitamins and minerals      761—762 763 768—774
Foods, applications of biotechnology for      696
Founer-transform-infrared (FT-IR.) detection      286
Fraction collectors      617—618
Fraction collectors, applications      622
Fraction collectors, operational considerations in LC      618—622
Fraction collectors, operational considerations in LC, low-resolution techniques      618
Fraction collectors, operational considerations in LC, separation of complex mixtures      618—622
Fraction collectors, troubleshooting      625—627
Furosemide      648
Galocitabine      648
Gas-phase detectors      167
General elution problems      194—195
Genetic engineering, downstrean processing and      743—744
Glycoproteins, microheterogeneity of      739—742
Gradient elution      205—225 510—512 513
Gradient elution, comparison of designs      513
Gradient elution, gradient optimization      214—218
Gradient elution, gradient scouting      218—220
Gradient elution, gradient solvents      220—221
Gradient elution, instrumental aspects      222—225
Gradient elution, migration under gradient conditions      206—211
Gradient elution, multipump, problems, causes, and remedies in      514
Gradient elution, relative advantages and disadvantages of column switching LC methods and      230
Gradient elution, relative advantages and disadvantages of isocratic LC methods and      227
Gradient elution, theory of LSS gradients      211—214
Gradient elution, troubleshooting      521—522
Gradient separations, computer-assisted      253—255
Group IIIA metals      818
Group IVA metals      819
Guaifenesin      649—650
Halides      813—814
Herbicides      776—784
Hollow-fiber membrane suppressor      423—424
Host-guest complexation equilibria      5_1
Hydrochlorothiazide      650
Hydrodynamic chromatography (HDC), kinetic optimization of      138—140
Hydrophilic polymers, SEC separation of      848
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC)      463—482 796
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC), chromatographic system      464—473
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC), chromatographic system, Mobile Phase      472—473
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC), chromatographic system, Stationary Phase      35—36 465—472
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC), fundamentals of retention      463—465
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC), general aspects of HIC of proteins and selected applications      473—479
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HEC), general aspects of HIC of proteins and selected applications, selected applications of high performance HIC      475—478
Hydrophobicity, determination of      860—875
Hydrophobicity, determination of chromatographic hydrophobicity index      867—873
Hydrophobicity, determination of determination of partition coefficients      861—862
Hydrophobicity, determination of general approach      865—867
Hydrophobicity, determination of hydrophobicity in biomedical sciences      860—861
Hydrophobicity, determination of theoretical background      862—864
Hydrophobicity, determination of] practical aspects      865
Imipenem      650—651
Immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC)      494—495
Immunoaffinity chromatography (IAC)      492—494
Immunoglobulins (Igs)      725—726
Inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) detection      404—406
Infrared (IR) detection      165—166
Infrared (IR) detection LC with infrared (LC-IR) tandem systems      600—602
Injection devices      559—579
Injection devices auto samplers      569 570—571
Injection devices column-switching valves      569—573
Injection devices maintenance and troubleshooting      573—579
Injection devices maintenance and troubleshooting operator techniques      574—575
Injection devices maintenance and troubleshooting poor connections      575—576
Injection devices maintenance and troubleshooting preventative maintenance      577—579
Injection devices maintenance and troubleshooting rotor malfunction      575
Injection devices maintenance and troubleshooting valve contamination      576—577
Injection devices manual sample injection valves      559—568
Injection devices manual sample injection valves sample-loading techniques      563—566
Injection devices manual sample injection valves small-volume sample injection      566—569
Inorganic complexes      see “Ions and inorganic species”
Intoplicine      651—652
Iodobenzylquanidine      652
Ion chromatography      413—462
Ion chromatography basic prinicples of ion exchange      414—417
Ion chromatography bstoncal background      412—414
Ion chromatography conductivity detection in ion chromatography      417—419
Ion chromatography, ion interaction chromatography      453—459
Ion chromatography, ion interaction chromatography background      453
Ion chromatography, ion interaction chromatography detection      457—459
Ion chromatography, ion interaction chromatography eluents      454—456
Ion chromatography, ion interaction chromatography equilibria      453—454
Ion chromatography, ion interaction chromatography stationary phases      456
Ion chromatography, ion-exclusion chromatography      448—453
Ion chromatography, ion-exclusion chromatography background      448—449
Ion chromatography, ion-exclusion chromatography survey of applications      449—453
Ion chromatography, nonsuppressed ion chromatography      440—448
Ion chromatography, nonsuppressed ion chromatography detection by postcolunm reaction      445—448
Ion chromatography, nonsuppressed ion chromatography eluent countenon      441—444
Ion chromatography, nonsuppressed ion chromatography nonsuppression      440—441
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography      419—439
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography eluents in suppression ion chromatography      430—434
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography hollow-fiber membrane suppressor      423—424
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography ion-exchange column suppression      419—423
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography micromembrane suppression      424—427
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography other suppression applications      438—439
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography other suppression techniques      434—437
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography postsuppression strategies      437—438
Ion chromatography, suppressed ion chromatography self-regenerating suppression      427—430
Ion-exchange chromatography      365—411
Ion-exchange chromatography, operating variables      385—406
Ion-exchange chromatography, operating variables detections      395—406
Ion-exchange chromatography, operating variables dextran- and cellulose-based phases      387—391
Ion-exchange chromatography, operating variables eluents      391—395
Ion-exchange chromatography, operating variables ion-exchange stationary phases      385—387
Ion-exchange chromatography, principles of ion exchange      366—385
Ion-exchange chromatography, principles of ion exchange for high molecular weight ions or proteins      371—381
Ion-exchange chromatography, principles of ion exchange for low molecular weight ions      366—371
Ion-exchange chromatography, principles of ion exchange ion-exchange HPLC theories      384—385
Ion-exchange chromatography, principles of ion exchange ion-exclusion chromatography of small ions      383—384
Ion-exchange chromatography, principles of ion exchange retention of low molecular weight ions      381—383
Ion-exchange chromatography, stationary phases for      29—31
Ion-pairing      49—51
Ionic surfactants      790—798
Ionic surfactants, amphotenc surfactants      796—798
Ionic surfactants, aruonic surfactants      790—795
Ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants      795
Ionic surfactants, general principles      790
Ionic-strength programming      226
Ions and inorganic species      805—829
Ions and inorganic species, capillary electrophoresis      822—824
Ions and inorganic species, capillary electrophoresis anions      823
Ions and inorganic species, capillary electrophoresis cations      823—824
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species      818—821
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species alkali and akaline earth metals      818
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species ammonium and organic amines      821
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species group IIIA metals      818
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species group IVA metals      819
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