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Katz E. (ed.) — Handbook of HPLC
Katz E. (ed.) — Handbook of HPLC

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of HPLC

Àâòîð: Katz E. (ed.)


Discusses principles, techniques, and instrumentation involving HPLC, delineating its usage in separation, purification, and detection processes across a wide variety of disciplines in industry and research. Part I covers HPLC theory, and Part II discusses different HPLC modes and critically addresses their applicability and limitations. Part III describes principles and practical operations of modern HPLC equipment, and Part IV examines applications. For chemists, biologists, and students.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 974

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.02.2007

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Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species lanthanides and actinides      820—821
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species noble metals      820
Ions and inorganic species, chromatographic methods for cationic species transition metals      819—820
Ions and inorganic species, HPLC analysis of inorganic species in specific industries      822
Ions and inorganic species, methods for common anion mixtures      810—813
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species      813—817
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species arsenic, selenium, and tellurium anions      815—816
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species carboxylic acids      817
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species halides, pseudohalides, and oxyhalides      813—814
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species inorganic complexes      816
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species miscellaneous inorganic anions      816
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species molybdate, tungstate, and chromate      816
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species nitrogen-containing anions      814
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species phosphorus-containing anions      815
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species sugars      817
Ions and inorganic species, methods for specific anionic species sulfur-containing anions      814—815
Ions and inorganic species, separation of      805—810
Ions and inorganic species, separation of organometallic compounds      821
Ions and inorganic species, separation of, modes of separation      806—807
Ions and inorganic species, separation of, practical aspects of ion chromatographic separations      807—81
Ions and inorganic species, separation of, sample pretreatment      809—810
Ions and inorganic species, simultaneous determination of anions and cations      822
Isocratic elution      499—510
Isocratic elution, comparison of column-switching LC separations and      229
Isocratic elution, comparison of gradient-elution LC separations and      227
Isocratic elution, computer-assisted methods for isocratic separations      255—257
Isocratic elution, constant flow rate pumps      500—501
Isocratic elution, constant-pressure pumps      500
Isocratic elution, flow programming      509
Isocratic elution, reciprocating pumps      501—508
Isocratic elution, recycle chromatography      510
Isocratic elution, syringe pumps      509
Isocratic elution, troubleshooting      519—520
Isotachophoresis (ITP)      170 186—187
Iterative target-transformation factor analysis (ITT-FA)      267
Kinetic optimization      123—133
Kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules      133—140
Kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules, compressible supercritical Kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules, fluid chromatographic methods      134—136
Kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules, field-flow fractionation      140
Kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules, hydrodynamic chromatography      138—140
Kinetic optimization of separation methods for macromolecules, SEC      136—138
Kinetic optimization particle size limitations      127—129
Kinetic optimization pressure limitations      125—127
Kinetic optimization using reduced variables      129—130
Lanthanides      620—621
Large deoxyribonucleotides      732—733
Large ribonucleotides      733—734
Laser desorption mass spectrometry      593—596
Ligand-exchange chromatography      678
Ligands in affinity chromatography      486—487
Light-scattering detector      164—165 285—289 551—552
Linear-solvent-strength (LSS) model of LC gradients      211—214
Lipids      758—761
Lipids detectors      758—761 764 765 766
Liquid adsorption chromatography (LAC)      850—851
Liquid chromatography (LC)-atomic absorption spectroscopy (LC-AAS) tandem systems      596—600
Liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (LC-DAD)      940—941
Liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (LC-ECD)      941—944
Liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FD)      945
Liquid chromatography-infrared (LC-IR) tandem systems      600—602
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems      585—596
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems atmospheric ionization interface      591—593
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems electro spray interface      589—591 953—960
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems in analysis of organic pollutants in water      945—964
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems in analysis of organic pollutants in water, with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization      960—964
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems in analysis of organic pollutants in water, with ionspray interface      953—960
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems in analysis of organic pollutants in water, with thermospray interface      945—953
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems in art conservation      920
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems laser desorption mass spectrometry      593—596
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems thermospray interface      587—589 945—953
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) tandem systems transport interface      586—587
Liquid chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance (LC-NMR) tandem systems      602—604 605
Liquid precipitation chromatography (LPC)      852
Liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC)      1
Liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC) distribution equilibria in      7—14
Liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC) in extracting organic pollutants from water      931—932
Liquid-solid chromatography (LSC)      1
Liquid-solid chromatography (LSC) distribution equilibria in      7—14
Liquid-solid chromatography (LSC) in extracting organic pollutants from water      932—940
Lisuride      652—653
Low-angle laser-light-scattering (LALLS) detectors      164—165
Low-dispersion connecting tubes      582—586
Macromolecular chromatography, kinetic optimization of separation methods for      133—140
Macromolecular chromatography, kinetic optimization of separation methods for compressible supercritical fluid chromatographic methods      134—136
Macromolecular chromatography, kinetic optimization of separation methods for field-flow fractionation      140
Macromolecular chromatography, kinetic optimization of separation methods for hydrodynamic chromatography      138—140
Macromolecular chromatography, kinetic optimization of separation methods for SEC      136—138
Manual sample injection valves      559—568
Manual sample injection valves sample-loading techniques      563—566
Manual sample injection valves small-volume sample injection      566—563
Mass spectrometiy (MS)      286 400—404
Mass spectrometiy (MS) laser desorption MS      593—596
Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS)      595
MDL 73,005EF (binspirone mesylate)      653—654
Mechanisms of zone-broadening      69—107
Mechanisms of zone-broadening, alternative expressions and additional forms of broadening      82—107
Mechanisms of zone-broadening, convective dispersion in the mobile phase      71—79
Mechanisms of zone-broadening, longitudinal molecular diffusion      69—70
Mechanisms of zone-broadening, sorption and desorption      80—82
Medical applications of biotechnology      696
Membrane proteins      726—728
Metal oxide supports in RPLC      314—317
Metal oxide supports in RPLC chemically bonded alumina-based phases      315
Metal oxide supports in RPLC polymer-coated alumina-based phases      316
Metal oxide supports in RPLC zirconia- and titania-based phases      316—317
Metoclopramide      654—655
Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC)      51—52 170 186
Microcapillary hydrodynamic chromatography (MHDC)      138
Microheterogeneity of glycoproteins      739—742
Micromembrane suppressor (MMS)      424—427
Midazolam      647—648
Minerals      761—762 763 768—774
Mitomycin      655
Mizolastine      655^
Mobile phases of hydrophobic interaction chromatography      472—473
Mobile-phase delivery systems      499—529
Mobile-phase delivery systems, biocompatability and materials of construction      513—516
Mobile-phase delivery systems, flow rate range      516—517
Mobile-phase delivery systems, gradient elution      510—512 513
Mobile-phase delivery systems, gradient elution problems, causes, and remedies in multipump gradient elution      514
Mobile-phase delivery systems, gradient elution troubleshooting      521—522
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution      499—510
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution constant flow rate pumps      500—501
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution constant-pressure pumps      500
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution flow programming      509
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution reciprocating pumps      501—508
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution recycle chromatography      510
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution syringe pumps      509
Mobile-phase delivery systems, isocratic elution troubleshooting      519—520
Mobile-phase delivery systems, pulse dampers      517—518
Mobile-phase delivery systems, pump table      523—528
Mobile-phase delivery systems, troubleshooting      518—522
Molecular-weight-sensitive detectors for SEC systems      287—289
Molecular-weight-sensitive detectors for SEC systems, light-scattering detection      288—289
Molecular-weight-sensitive detectors for SEC systems, light-scattering viscometry      289
Molecular-weight-sensitive detectors for SEC systems, viscosity      287—288
Molybdate      816
Morphine      655—656
Multiangle laser-light-scattering (MALLS) detector      165
Multiple wavelength absorbance detection      149—150
Multipump gradient elutions, problems, causes, and remedies in      514
Multivariate data analysis, computer-assisted      263—261
Natural dye stuffs, identification of      905—909
Nicorandil      656
Nicotine      656—657
Nifedipine      657
Nitrogen-containing anions      814
Noble metals      820
Nonionic surfactants      799—802
Nonionic surfactants, analysis of individual surfactants      800—802
Nonionic surfactants, general principles      799—800
Nonsuppressed ion chromatography      440—448
Nonsuppressed ion chromatography, detection by postcolumn reaction      445—448
Nonsuppressed ion chromatography, eluent counterion      441—444
Nonsuppressed ion chromatography, nonsuppression      440—441
Norbuprenorphine      634
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography      325—363
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, adsorption chromatography      325—348
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, adsorption chromatography, retention mechanisms      327—348
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, adsorption chromatography, stationary phases      325—327
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, polar-bonded-phase chromatography      348—361
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, polar-bonded-phase chromatography applications      356—361
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, polar-bonded-phase chromatography bonding reactions      350—353
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, polar-bonded-phase chromatography mobile-phase selection      355—356
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, polar-bonded-phase chromatography retention mechanisms      353—355
Normal-phase (NP) liquid chromatography, stationary phases for      26—28
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)      286—287
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), LC-nuclear magnetic resonance (LCNMR) tandem systems      602—604 605
Nucleic acid and related compounds      729—734
Nucleic acid and related compounds, large deoxyribonucleotides      732—733
Nucleic acid and related compounds, large ribonucleotides      733—734
Nucleic acid and related compounds, simple nucleotides      729
Nucleic acid and related compounds, synthetic and small oligodeoxyribonucleotides      729—731
Nucleic acid and related compounds, synthetic and small oligoribonucleotides      731—732
Oligodeoxyribonucleotides, synthetic and small      729—731
Oligomers, separation of      843—848
Oligoribonucleotides synthetic and small      731—732
On-line LC, interlaboratory tests using      964—970
Optical activity detection      166
Optimization of LC conditions, computer-assisted strategies for      251—252
Organic amines      821
Organic pollutants in the museum environment, monitoring      918—919
Organic pollutants in water      929—974
Organic pollutants in water, conventional detectors      940—964
Organic pollutants in water, conventional detectors, LC with diode-array detection analysis      940—941
Organic pollutants in water, conventional detectors, LC with electrochemical detection      941—944
Organic pollutants in water, conventional detectors, LC with fluorescence detection      945
Organic pollutants in water, conventional detectors, LC with mass spectrometric analysis      945—964
Organic pollutants in water, interlaboratory tests using on-line LC      964—970
Organic pollutants in water, liquid-liquid extractions      931—932
Organic pollutants in water, liquid-solid extraction      932—940
Organic pollutants in water, sample handling strategies      930—940
Organic polymers      24
Organometallic compounds      821
Organosoluble polymers      283
Ovomucoids-bonded stationary phase      675
Oxyhalides      813—814
Oxytetracycline      666
Packed-column hydrodynamic chromatography (PHDC)      138
Paclitaxel      657
Partition equilibria      51—52
Peptides      720—721
Pesticides      776—784
pH influence on retention factor and selectivity coefficient      41—46
Pharmaceutical applications of biotechnology      696
Phenobarbital      635
Phenolics      767—776 777—783
Phenytoin      635 658
Phosphorus-containing anions      815
Photodiode array (PDA) detector      761 765
Physic î chemical measurements      855—902
Physic î chemical measurements, adsorption isotherms by displacement chromatography      883—885
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of equilibrium constants by HPLC      875—881
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of equilibrium constants by HPLC, complex stability constants      875—878
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of equilibrium constants by HPLC, drug-protein-binding constants      878—881
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC      860—875
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC, chromatographic hydrophobicity index      867—873
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC, determination of partition coefficients      861—862
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC, general approach      865—867
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC, hydrophobicity in biomedieal sciences      860—861
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC, practical aspects      865
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of hydrophobicity by HPLC, theoretical background      862—864
Physic î chemical measurements, determination of thermodynamic parameters by HPLC      882—885
Physic î chemical measurements, temperature dependence of the retention      882—883
Physostigmine      658—659
Pirkle phases      677
Polar-bonded-phase chromatography      348—361
Polar-bonded-phase chromatography, applications      356—361
Polar-bonded-phase chromatography, bonding reactions      350—353
Polar-bonded-phase chromatography, mobile-phase selection      355—356
Polar-bonded-phase chromatography, retention mechanisms      353—355
Poly(styrene)-based phases      385—386
Polymer analysis      831—858
Polymer analysis, detectors for      162—165
Polymer analysis, detectors for evaporative detectors      163—164
Polymer analysis, detectors for light-scattering detection      164—165
Polymer analysis, detectors for viscosity detectors      165
Polymer analysis, separation by composition      848—854
Polymer analysis, separation by composition, separation by liquid adsorption chromatography      850—851
Polymer analysis, separation by composition, separation by liquid precipitation chromatography      852
Polymer analysis, separation by composition, separation by other techniques      852—854
Polymer analysis, separation by composition, separation mechanisms      849—850
Polymer analysis, separation by other functions      854—856
Polymer analysis, separation by other functions, field-flow fractionation      855—856
Polymer analysis, separation by other functions, temperature-rising elution fractionation      854—855
Polymer analysis, separation by size      832—848
Polymer analysis, separation by size applications      841—843
Polymer analysis, separation by size hydrophobic polymers      848
Polymer analysis, separation by size molecular weight measurements      833—841
Polymer analysis, separation by size separation by oligomers      843—848
Polymer-based phases for RPLC      312—313
Polymer-coated alumina-based phases      316
Polymer-coated silica-based phases for RPLC      310—312
Polymer-coated zirconia-based phases      317
Polyols      754
Polypeptides, hydrolysis of      707—709
Polysacchande separation employing CSPs      670—673
Porous graphitized carbon (PGC)      22 24
Pressure-flow relations in zone spreading      115—118
Pressure-flow relations in zone spreading, flow in capillaries      115—117
Pressure-flow relations in zone spreading, flow through packed columns      117—118
Primidone      635
Programmed analysis      193—232
Programmed analysis, column-switching methods      198—205
Programmed analysis, column-switching methods, effects of the column in LC      198—200
Programmed analysis, column-switching methods, valve-switching options and requirements      200—205
Programmed analysis, comparison of main programming methods      226—230
Programmed analysis, general elution problem      194—195
Programmed analysis, gradient elution      205—225
Programmed analysis, gradient elution, gradient optimization      214—218
Programmed analysis, gradient elution, gradient scouting      218—220
Programmed analysis, gradient elution, gradient solvents      220—221
Programmed analysis, gradient elution, instrumental aspects      222—225
Programmed analysis, gradient elution, migration under gradient conditions      206—211
Programmed analysis, gradient elution, theory of LSS gradients      211—214
Programmed analysis, other programming methods      225—226
Programmed analysis, other programming methods, ionic-strength programming      226
Programmed analysis, other programming methods, temperature programming in LC      225—226
Programmed analysis, place ofprogamming analysis      195—198
Propylene oxide, block copolymers of      802
Protein sequencing      716—720
Proteinaceous materials in art conservation      910—914
Proteins      721—728 763—767
Proteins general interest      721—725
Proteins hydrophobic interaction chromatography of      473—479
Proteins immunoglobulins      725—726
Proteins membrane proteins      726—728
Proteins preparative chromatography of      377—381
Pseudohalides      813—814
Pulse dampers      517—518
Pulsed-amp erometric detection (PAD)      159—160 396—400
Pump design for isocratic elution constant flow rate pumps      500—501
Pump design for isocratic elution constant flow rate pumps constant-pressure pumps      500
Pump design for isocratic elution constant flow rate pumps flow programming      509
Pump design for isocratic elution constant flow rate pumps reciprocating pumps      501—508
Pump design for isocratic elution constant flow rate pumps syringe pumps      509
Pyronandine      659—660
Quinidine      660
R023-9424      660—661
Radio chemical detection      166
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