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MacVittie L.A. — XAML in a Nutshell |
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" " (double quotes)
" " (double quotes), attribute values
" " (double quotes), inline attribute declarations
.NET Framework, interfacing with XAML
.proj file extension
.xbap file
2-D vector graphics
3-D interfaces, Electric Rain ZAM D XAML Tool
<CDATA[...]]> tag, inlined code in
abbreviated syntax
abbreviated syntax, in C#
abbreviated syntax, specifying Margin thickness
abbreviated syntax, subpath declarations
Absolute positioning
absolute positioning, hindering localization efforts
Affine transformations
Angle attribute (RotateTransform)
Animation elements
Animation elements, attributes
Animation elements, Duration attribute
Animation elements, extending
animation types, matching type of targeted attribute
animations 2nd
animations, animating multiple element attributes with ParallelTimeline
animations, animation types
animations, coordinating multiple animations for a Button
animations, elements transforming position of other elements
animations, KeyFrame, using
animations, mixing and matching using ParallelTimeline
animations, modifying with AutoReverse and RepeatBehavior
animations, storyboards
animations, timing
AnimationTimeline element
AnimationTimeline element, elements derived from
ApplicationDefinition file
applications, building XAML applications
applications, defining in XAML
applications, sample XAML application
applications, XAML, created in Visual Studio
ArcSegment element
arguments (event)
attached attributes
attached attributes, Canvas element 2nd
attached attributes, DockPanel element
attached attributes, DockPanel element, altering position of child elements
attached attributes, Grid element
attached attributes, Row and Column (Grid)
attached properties
attached properties, DockPanel.Dock
Attributes 2nd
attributes, animating
attributes, animating, element belonging to a collection
attributes, Animation elements 2nd
attributes, assigning
attributes, common language runtime property
attributes, declaring
attributes, dependency properties
attributes, elements used as
attributes, modifying with triggers
attributes, NavigationWindow
attributes, referencing local resource
attributes, Shape elements
attributes, structures and elements used as attribute types
attributes, typing of
attributes, XAML elements
attributes, XAML elements, manipulation in code
AutoReverse attribute
Avalon namespace 2nd
Avalon project file, key XML elements
BackgroundColor attribute (Button), animating
BAML (Binary Application Markup Language)
BAML file
BasedOn attribute (Style)
Begin attribute
BezierSegment element
Binary Application Markup Language (BAML)
bind declaration
Block element, Padding attribute
blocks of text, formatting in documents
Bold element
BooleanKeyFrame element
Border element 2nd
Border element, alignment of TextBlock within
Border element, Padding attribute
Brush element 2nd
Brush element, predefined colors 2nd
Brush element, targeting for animation
bubbling events
building XAML applications
Button class
button element 2nd
Button element, animating BackgroundColor
Button element, animating width, using DoubleAnimation
Button element, background color declared as resource
Button element, conditionally styling, using a Trigger
Button element, coordinating multiple animations for
Button element, event handlers, declaration of
Button element, event handling in XAML application
Button element, modifying multiple attributes with a trigger
Button element, Padding attribute
Button element, style for width and height
Button element, using alternate elements as content
Button element, Width attribute
By attribute 2nd
C#, abbreviated syntax
C#, button OnClick event handler
C#, common event code
C#, default code for XAML application, generated in Visual Studio
C#, event handler implementation
C#, event handler syntax
C#, file generarted by MSBuild
Canvas element 2nd
Canvas element, absolute positioning of elements on
CharKeyFrame element
CheckBox element
child elements
child elements, content control with multiple
child elements, declaration of
child elements, DockPanel, altering position of
child elements, event routing
child elements, placement within Grid cells
Children property
class files, Avalon application
classes, .NET Framework, correspondence to XAML tags
classes, content control-derived
classes, dependency properties on CLR classes
Click event 2nd
clipping regions
CloseSegment element
CLR (Common Language Runtime)
CLR (Common Language Runtime), assemblies, generation with MSBuild
CLR (Common Language Runtime), classes, representation by XAML elements
CLR (Common Language Runtime), representation of classes in XAML elements
code, inlining in XAML files
codebehind, application logic and event processing
codebehind, event handlers 2nd 3rd
codebehind, file generated in Visual Studio for XAML application
collections, PathFigureCollection
collections, PathSegmentCollection
collections, PointCollection
collections, targeting an element for animation
Color element 2nd
ColorAnimation element
| ColorAnimation element, mixing with DoubleAnimation
ColorKeyFrame element
colors, predefined
Column attribute (Grid)
ColumnDefinition element
CombinedGeometry element
ComboBox element
common language runtime properties
compilation of XAML
complex attributes
Configuration attribute
Content attribute
Content attribute, modifying with triggers
content controls
ContentControl element
ContextMenu element
Control class
Control element
Control element, FontWeight property
Control element, IsMouseOver attribute
Control element, Padding attribute
control elements
control elements, content controls
control elements, item controls
control elements, simple controls
Controls 2nd
controls ,.g.cs file
controls, base control reference
controls, common event reference
controls, Content attribute
controls, core control reference
controls, events raised by
controls, grouping together to use common event handler
controls, modifying style with Triggers
DashStyle element
database file (.pdb) for program
DecimalKeyFrame element
declarations, default namespace
declarations, explicit declaration of complex attributes
declarations, inline declaration of simple attribute
declarations, local trigger
declarations, resources
declarations, rules for declaring XAML elements
declarations, subpath, abbreviated syntax for
declarations, Table element, full declaration
declarations, target of an animation
declarations, XAML, event handlers for Button
declarative markup languages
defining XAML applications
dependency properties
dependency properties, animated attributes
dependency properties, searches by WPT system for value of
DependencyObject class
DependencyObject element
DependencyProperty class
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs class
deployment file for XAML application
deserializing BAML into CLR objects
development resources
direct routing (events)
discrete KeyFrame elements 2nd
DiscreteRect3DKeyFrame element
DiscreteRectKeyFrame element
DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame element
DiscreteSize3DKeyFrame element
DiscreteSizeKeyFrame element
DiscreteStringKeyFrame element
DiscreteThicknessKeyFrame element
DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame element
DiscreteVectorKeyFrame element
DockPanel class 2nd
DockPanel class, Dock property, using for element positioning
DockPanel class, mixing and matching Dock values
DockPanel element 2nd
document elements 2nd
document elements, FixedDocument
document elements, FlowDocument
DocumentViewer element
DoubleAnimation element
DoubleAnimation element, animating width of elements
DoubleAnimation element, definition of
DoubleAnimation element, mixing with ColorAnimation
DoubleAnimation element, targeting Height and Width of a rectangle
DoubleAnimationUsingPath element
DoubleKeyFrame element
DragLeave event
DrawingBrush element
DrawingGroup element
Drop event
Duration attribute 2nd
Duration attribute, coordinating for multiple animations
Duration attribute, KeyFrame animations
DynamicResource keyword
Electric Rain ZAM D XAML Tool
elements, XAML 2nd
elements, XAML, absolute positioning and
elements, XAML, as attributes for other elements
elements, XAML, categories of
elements, XAML, control
elements, XAML, dealing with events
elements, XAML, declaring
elements, XAML, derived from AnimationTimeline
elements, XAML, document
elements, XAML, naming of
elements, XAML, order of declaration, relative positioning and
elements, XAML, panel
elements, XAML, reference
elements, XAML, resources
elements, XAML, root
elements, XAML, shape and geometric
elements, XAML, used as attribute types
elements, XAML, using as RadioButton content
elements, XML, in Avalon project file
Ellipse element 2nd
Ellipse element, fill attribute defined by a resource
EllipseGeometry element 2nd
EllipseGeometry element, clipping an image with
end tag, closing XAML elements
enumerations, inline declaration of
environment variables used by MSBuild
event handlers 2nd
event handlers, adding for button in XAML application
event handlers, C# implementation
event handlers, grouping controls together to use common handler
event handlers, syntax
event handlers, VisualBasic implementation
event routing
Events 2nd
events, argument reference
events, common event reference
events, common to all UIElement-derived elements
events, event reference
events, non-routed
events, raised by controls
events, routing strategies
executable application
Expander element
express applications 2nd
Expression Interactive Designer
extensible nature of XAML
eXtensible User-interface Language (XUL)
Figure element
FixedDocument element 2nd
Floater element
FlowDocument element 2nd
FontWeight property (Control)
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