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Hewitt E., Ross K.A. — Abstract Harmonic Analysis (Vol. 1)
Hewitt E., Ross K.A. — Abstract Harmonic Analysis (Vol. 1)

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Название: Abstract Harmonic Analysis (Vol. 1)

Авторы: Hewitt E., Ross K.A.


Abstract theory remains an indispensable foundation for the study of concrete cases. It shows what the general picture should look like and provides results that are useful again and again. Despite this, however, there are few, if any introductory texts that present a unified picture of the general abstract theory.A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis offers a concise, readable introduction to Fourier analysis on groups and unitary representation theory. After a brief review of the relevant parts of Banach algebra theory and spectral theory, the book proceeds to the basic facts about locally compact groups, Haar measure, and unitary representations, including the Gelfand-Raikov existence theorem. The author devotes two chapters to analysis on Abelian groups and compact groups, then explores induced representations, featuring the imprimitivity theorem and its applications. The book concludes with an informal discussion of some further aspects of the representation theory of non-compact, non-Abelian groups.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Анализ/Продвинутый анализ/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 1979

Количество страниц: 519

Добавлена в каталог: 02.04.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Subgroup, commutator      358
Subgroup, normal      16
Subgroup, one-parameter      85
Subgroup, open and closed      33—34 62
Subgroup, proper      4
Subgroup, pure      447
Subnet      14
Sufficiently many      343
Sufficiently many characters      345
Sufficiently many representations      343
Sum of Hilbert spaces      468
Sum of linear spaces      452
Sum of operators      468
Support of a measure      124
Suskevic kernel      101
Swierczkowski, S.      229
Symmetric difference      2
Symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_n$      8
Symmetric matrix      7
Symmetric set      19
Sz.-Nagy, B.      214 375
Szele, T.      27
t      3
T, automorphism group of      433
T, character group is Z      366
T, continuous automorphisms of      369
T, Haar measure on      199
Tarski, A.      220
Thoele, F.      481
Thoma, E.      103 348
Topological automorphism      426 208
Topological field      112
Topological group      16
Topological group, always $T_0$ after page      83
Topological group, automorphism group of      426—429
Topological group, compactly generated      35
Topological group, discrete      24
Topological group, free      72
Topological group, homomorphism groups of      374
Topological group, independence of axioms      25
Topological group, monothetic      85
Topological group, normal      16
Topological group, ordered      24
Topological group, quotient      40
Topological group, real-character      390
Topological group, self-dual      422
Topological group, solenoidal      85
Topological group, unimodular      196
Topological linear space      453
Topological linear space with only one linear functional      371—373
Topological linear space, locally convex      453
Topological ring      112
Topological semigroup      98 233
Topologically isomorphic      41
Topology, $\Delta-$      360
Topology, Gelfand      478
Topology, norm      454
Topology, P-      361
Topology, stronger      9
Topology, weak      458
Topology, weak-$\ast$      458
Topology, weaker      9
Topology, Weil      229
Torsion group      439
Torsion group, compact characterized      406
Torsion rank      444
Torsion-free group      439
Torsion-free group, compact characterized      406
Torsion-free group, divisible characterized      421
Total variation of a measure      169
Totally bounded metric space      13
Totally disconnected group, small subgroups of      62
Totally disconnected space      11
Toyama, H.      214
Trace of a matrix      7
Transform, Fourier      360 478
Transform, Fourier — Stieltjes      360
Transformation      2
Transitive set of mappings      8
Translate of a function      184
Translation      4
Translation of functions, continuity of      285 305
Transpose of a matrix      7
Triangle inequality      453
Two-sided ideal in a semigroup      100
Two-sided ideal of an algebra      469
Two-sided invariant functional      184
Two-sided invariant mean      230 (see also “Invariant means”)
Two-sided invariant pseudo-metric      67
Uniform nearness      20
Uniform norm      119 230
Uniform structures      21
Uniform structures, equivalent      21
Uniform structures, examples      28
Uniformly continuous mapping      21
Unimodular group      196
Unimodular group, compact      196
Unimodular group, equivalent uniform structures      278
Uniqueness of T in duality theorem      424
Unit ball      453
Unit, approximate      303
Unit, relative to I      474—475
Unitary group      7 (see also “$\mathfrak{U}(n)$”)
Unitary group, special      7 (see also “$\mathfrak{S}\mathfrak{U}(n)$”)
Unitary matrix      7
Unitary operator      467
Unitary representations, continuity equivalences      346
Unitary representations, no finite-dimensional      348
Upper semicontinuous function      121
Urbanik, K.      229
Variation of a measure      169
Vaughan, H.E.      261
Vector space      451—452
Vector, cyclic      315
Vilenkin, N.Ya.      52 60 82 106 375 376 399 423 426
Vitali, G.      283
Volterra, V.      282
Waerden, B. L. van der      l
Wallace, A.D.      106
Weak direct product of groups      6
Weak direct product of groups, character group of      364—365
Weak topology      458
Weak-$\ast$ topology      458
Weaker topology      9
Weakly continuous representation      335
Weakly measurable representation      335
Weierstrass, K.      281 282
Weierstrass’s approximation theorem      281—282
Weight function      144
Weil topology      229
Weil, A.      1 32 59 60 83 106 134 135 214 229 283 311 353 354 355 375 398 399
Wendel, J. G.      311
Weyl, H.      213 214 282 283 311 334 353 354 375
Wiener — Hopf equation      282
Wiener, N.      282 375
Wigner, E.P.      26 349 353
Word      8
Yosida, K.      375
Young, W. H.      150
Zero of a semigroup      257
Zippin, L.      32 51 66 76 83 106 398
Zuckerman, H.S.      282 283 312 354 370 435 439
Zygmund, A.      1 282
1 2 3 4
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