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Options Institute — Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies
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Íàçâàíèå: Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies
Àâòîð: Options Institute
Àííîòàöèÿ: Options, when used strategically can help investors control investment risk, capitalize on market opportunities, or enhance investment income. In order to maximize these opportunities, market participants must first grasp the fundamentals of options, including their attendant risk, features, and benefits. Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies is an authoritative guide to options products and the tactics for incorporating them into an investment strategy. This easy-to-understand guide explains what options are, how they are priced, and how they are traded. Most importantly, it shows how options can enhance a portfolio's performance and help readers meet their investment objective. Covering Everything from the history of the options industry to the latest index options and products (including LEAPS, CAPS, and FLEX) this revised edition shows how to: Use options to protect profits, positions and portfolios; Make more informed, strategic decisions when buying or selling equity and index options- and avoid the most common pitfalls; Understand options pricing and forecasting theories without getting bogged down in the math.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 2nd
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 430
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.11.2006
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Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index options (SPX) 11 329;
Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index options (SPX), introduction of by CBOE 11
Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index options (SPX), LEAPS options on 329
Standard deviation 72—74; see also Volatility
Standard deviation, risk measurement as 319—320
Standardization of contract terms 6—9
Static portfolio insurance 341 352—354
Static portfolio insurance, versus dynamic insurance 352—354
Stock index futures 202—204 211—212 249 275 317—318 347—348 353
Stock index futures, cash overlay strategy 367
Stock price curve and 269—270
Stock price curve and, delta and 38—42
Stock price curve and, gamma and 42—46
Stock price curve and, historical 58—59
Stock price curve and, option price and 20—21
Stock price curve and, prediction, importance of 75 78
Stock price curve and, probable future price movements 72—73
Stock price curve and, theoretical value and 27—28
Stock repair 191—192; see also Repair strategies
Stop order 166
Straddle see Long straddle and Short straddle
Strangle see Long strangle and Short strangle
Strike price 8 18—21
Strike price, intervals between 18—19
Synthetic equivalents 250—251; see also Equivalent positions
Synthetic long stock 250—251
Systematic writing 178—179; see also Covered call writing
Takeovers, covered call writing and 175
tau see Vega Thales
Theoretical traders 248
Theoretical value 26—37 57—71
Theoretical value, basis for 76—78
Theoretical value, call 26—28
Theoretical value, components of 26
Theoretical value, estimate as 76
Theoretical value, expected value as 67
Theoretical value, expected volatility and 68
Theoretical value, implied volatility and 68—71 270—271
Theoretical value, interest rates and 33—34
Theoretical value, put 25 27—28
Theoretical value, stock price and 27—28
Theoretical value, time and 29—33
Theoretical value, volatility and 34—37 57—68 262—267 305
Theta 47—49 272;
Time box 262
Time decay 23 29—33
Time decay, bear put spread and 115
Time decay, bull call spread and 109—110
Time decay, butterfly spread and 285
Time decay, call options and 29—31
Time decay, call writing and 96—98
Time decay, LEAPS and 141—143
Time decay, long straddle and 120—121
Time decay, option buyers and 32—33
Time decay, option writers and 32—33
Time decay, put buying and 91
Time decay, put options and 31
Time decay, short straddle and 132
Time decay, small investor and 192—193
Time decay, speculative call buying and 85—86
Time decay, theta and 47—49 272
Time spread 261 271—272 278—284;
Time spread, dividends and interest effect 283
Time spread, jelly roll and 261 280
Time spread, time decay and 281—282
Time spread, trading 281—284
Time spread, volatility and 271—272 282—283
Time value 21—22
Time, delta and 46—47
Time, theoretical value and 29—33
Time, theta and 47—49
Treasury bills 177 303 344—346 351—352 358—359
Treasury bills, 90/10 strategy 220—221 344—345 351—352 358—359
Treasury bills, writing puts and buying 345—346 350
Treasury bond options 12
Tulip craze in Holland 1—2
Turnbridge & Company 3—4
Two-sided market 9 245
Uncovered call writing 94—99; see also Call options
Uncovered put writing 99—102 175—177 241—244 310;
Understanding Put and Call Options 5
Undervalued options 75—78 249
Underwrite 310; see also Put options
Vega 49 271—272
Vertical spread 284
VIX see Market Volatility Index CBOE
Volatility 57—79
Volatility Index see Market Volatility Index
Volatility of option price, implied volatility 201 209 213—214 216—217 226—228
Volatility plays 270—272
Volatility premium 266—267
Volatility premium, time spread and 271—272 282—283
Volatility, average stock price movements and 72—73
Volatility, binomial process 62
Volatility, covered call writing and 105
Volatility, daily returns and 58—59
Volatility, delinking index futures and stock market 317—318
Volatility, expected 57 67—69
Volatility, expected stock price distribution and 68 71
Volatility, expected value and 59—67
Volatility, exposure 264—267
Volatility, future 57
Volatility, historical 57—59 305
Volatility, implied 36—37 57 68—71 78 161—162 270—271 305—311;
Volatility, implied price ranges and 73—75
Volatility, LEAPS and 143—144
Volatility, long volatility 271
Volatility, option buyers and 75 77—78
Volatility, option value and 59—71
Volatility, option writers and 75 77—78
Volatility, price distribution and 59—71 266
Volatility, short volatility 271
Volatility, standard deviations and 72—74
Volatility, summary of 78—79 305
Volatility, theoretical value and 34—37 57—68 262—267 305
Volatility, time spread as volatility play 271—272
Volatility, unknown factor as 37 265
Volatility, vega and 49 271—272
Wall Street 3
Wall Street Journal, The 6 197 385
XII see Institutional Index
XMI see Major Market Index
Yield spread indicators 304