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Options Institute — Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies
Options Institute — Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies

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Íàçâàíèå: Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies

Àâòîð: Options Institute


Options, when used strategically can help investors control investment risk, capitalize on market opportunities, or enhance investment income. In order to maximize these opportunities, market participants must first grasp the fundamentals of options, including their attendant risk, features, and benefits. Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies is an authoritative guide to options products and the tactics for incorporating them into an investment strategy. This easy-to-understand guide explains what options are, how they are priced, and how they are traded. Most importantly, it shows how options can enhance a portfolio's performance and help readers meet their investment objective. Covering Everything from the history of the options industry to the latest index options and products (including LEAPS, CAPS, and FLEX) this revised edition shows how to: Use options to protect profits, positions and portfolios; Make more informed, strategic decisions when buying or selling equity and index options- and avoid the most common pitfalls; Understand options pricing and forecasting theories without getting bogged down in the math.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 430

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.11.2006

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"Cost of carry"      253
"Free money"      106 133
"Hockey-stick" diagrams      31
"Trading at parity"      23
90/10 strategy      220—221 344—345 351—352 358—359
90/10 strategy, LEAPS call with      352 358—359
90/10 strategy, option alternatives for      352 358—359
90/10 strategy, versus protective put      344
adjusting      231 270
American Stock Exchange (AMEX)      10
American-style option      20 276 353 355
American-style option, versus European-style      241 332 353 355
Arbitrage      52—53 246—247 249—262
Arbitrage spreads      249—262; see also Conversion and Reversal
Arbitrage spreads, box spread      257—261
Arbitrage spreads, butterfly spread      278—279 284—288
Arbitrage spreads, jelly roll      261—262
Arbitrage spreads, option pricing and      249—262
Arbitrage spreads, time spread      278—284
Arbitrage, hidden risks      255—257
Arbitrage, market makers and      246—247
Arbitrage, mathematical      246—247
Arbitrage, spreads and option pricing      249—262
Arbitrage, synthetic      246
ASSIGNMENT      see Exercise and assignment
At-the-money options      20—21
At-the-money options, call price versus put price      254
At-the-money options, covered call writing and      104—105
At-the-money options, delta      38
At-the-money options, delta change over time and      46
At-the-money options, gamma and      42—46
At-the-money options, index calls and 90/10 strategy      221
At-the-money options, index calls as portfolio equivalents      221—222 229—230
At-the-money options, index puts as portfolio insurance      202—208 212—217
At-the-money options, stock price and      20—21
At-the-money options, time decay and      29—30 32—33 47—48
At-the-money options, uncovered call writing      97—98
At-the-money options, volatility and      34—36
Automatic exercise      19 156—159
Automatic exercise, portfolio management and      200
Backspreading      271 282
Barren's      299
Barren's, Confidence Index      304
Barren's, option premium index      303
Basis risk      275
Bear call spread      117
Bear put spread      113—117 309—310
Bear put spread, box spread and      258
Bear put spread, break-even point      113—114 116
Bear put spread, cost of      113
Bear put spread, motivation of spreader      114—115
Bear put spread, time decay and      115
Bear put spread, trade-offs of      115
Bear put spread, types of      115—117
Bear put spread, versus CAPS puts      156—158
Better switch      see Repair strategies
Binomial process      62; see also Volatility
Black — Scholes model      17 294 333 359;
Black — Scholes model, option pricing and      17
Box spread      257—261
Box spread, advantages of      260—261
Box spread, bull/bear spread and      258
Box spread, cash-equivalent alternative as      367—368
Box spread, double      285—286
Box spread, extra premium and      260
Box spread, pricing      258—261
Box spread, time box      262
Break-even point, bear put spread      113—114 116
Break-even point, bull call spread      107—108 110—111
Break-even point, call buying      83—84
Break-even point, covered call writing      103—104
Break-even point, long butterfly      136
Break-even point, long straddle      118—120
Break-even point, long strangle      122—123
Break-even point, put buying      89—90
Break-even point, put writing      99—100
Break-even point, short butterfly      127—128
Break-even point, short straddle      131
Break-even point, short strangle      134
Break-even point, strategic break-even point      190—191
Break-even point, uncovered call writing      95
Bucket shops      4
Bull call spread      107—113 310
Bull call spread, box spread and      258
Bull call spread, break-even points      107—108 110—111
Bull call spread, cost of      107
Bull call spread, dividend risk      112
Bull call spread, early assignment and      112—113
Bull call spread, motivation of spreader      108
Bull call spread, repair strategy as      190—191
Bull call spread, time decay and      109—110
Bull call spread, trade-offs of spreading      108—109
Bull call spread, types of      110—111
Bull call spread, versus CAPS calls      156—158
Bull put spread      111—112
Bullish long call spread      see Bull call spread
Bullish short put spread      see Bull put spread
Butterfly spread      278—279 284—288
Butterfly spread, boxes and      285—286
Butterfly spread, bull/bear spreads and      284
Butterfly spread, CAPS and      158—159
Butterfly spread, directional strategy as      137—138
Butterfly spread, double box and      285—286
Butterfly spread, double butterfly      285—286
Butterfly spread, flat-top butterfly      286; see also Condor spread
Butterfly spread, iron butterfly      285
Butterfly spread, long      135—138; see also Long butterfly spread
Butterfly spread, market makers and      278—279 284—288
Butterfly spread, pan-head butterfly      286; see also Condor spread
Butterfly spread, profit/loss profiles      284—287
Butterfly spread, short      126—129; see also Short butterfly
Butterfly spread, stock price swings and      285
Butterfly spread, straddles/strangles and      285
Butterfly spread, time decay and      285
Butterfly spread, top hat butterfly      see Condor spread
Butterfly spread, trading inventory as      285
Butterfly spread, trading of      287—288
Butterfly spread, volatility and      285
Buy-write      103—105 310;
Buy-write, bullish strategy as      310
Calendar spread      see also Time spread
Calendar spread, far out-of the-money      181—182
Call options      18
Call options at-the-money versus put price      254
Call options, buying      82—89 310
Call options, buying with stock versus long call      94
Call options, covered writing      103—107 172—175 309—310 316—317 323—324 341 346—347;
Call options, delta      38—42
Call options, insurance value of buying      87—89
Call options, introduction of by CBOE      8
Call options, parity speculative buying      84—87 168—172 310
Call options, price relationship to puts      see Put-call
Call options, theoretical value      26—28
Call options, time decay      29—31
Call options, uncovered writing      94—99
Call options, writer motivation      96—97
Call options, writing covered versus naked      106
Call options, writing versus shorting stock      99
Capped options      see CAPS options
CAPS options      141 156—159 160
CAPS options, calls versus bull call spreads      156—158
CAPS options, puts versus bear put spreads      156—158
CAPS options, value of      157
CAPS options, versus butterfly and condor spreads      158—159
Carrying costs      55
Cash equivalent alternatives      367—368
Cash equivalent alternatives, box spread      367—368
Cash equivalent alternatives, forward conversion      367
Cash overlay strategy      367
Cash settlement      276
Cash settlement, index hedging surrogates and      275—276
Cash settlement, index options      11
Cash-plus-call portfolio      221
CBOE      see Chicago Board Options Exchange
CBOE 100 index      see Standard & Poor's 100 Stock Index
CBOT      see Chicago Board of Trade
CFTC      see Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Chicago Board of Trade      19
Chicago Board of Trade, creation of CBOE      8—9
Chicago Board of Trade, registration by SEC      8
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE)      6 8—13 290
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), annual volume      10
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), creation of      8—9
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), Equity Put-Call Ratio      299
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), introduction of index options      11
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), introduction of put options      10
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), Market Volatility Index (VIX)      161—162 305—306
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), new product expansion      11—13
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), opening day      9
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), Put and Call Option Premium Indexes      301—304
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), S&P 100 Put-Call Ratio      299
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), SEC expansion moratorium      10—11
Chicago Board Options Exchange, (CBOE), SEC pilot program      8
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)      20 275 359
Clearing firms      291—292
CME      see Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Collar/fence strategy      235—239 328 349—350 368—369 375
Collar/fence strategy, institutional portfolio and      235—239
Collar/fence strategy, LEAPS options and      154—155
Combination      186—188
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)      290
Computer technology, computer-based trading      294
Computer technology, proprietary      247
Condor spread, long      139—140 286—287
Condor spread, short      129—130
Condor spread, top hat, flat-top, pan-head butterfly as      286—287
Condor spread, versus CAPS      158—159
Confidence Index, Barron 's      304
Contrary sentiment indicators      298—301
Conversion      3—4 252—257 299
Conversion, advantages      260—261
Conversion, dividends and      254—255
Conversion, forward      367
Conversion, hidden risks      255—257
Conversion, interest and      252
Conversion, option premiums and      303—304
Conversion, put-call ratios and      299
Conversion, synthetic equivalents and      252
Cost-of-money      54—55
Counterparty risk      160
Covered call writing      103—107 172—175 309—310 323—324
Covered call writing, against portfolio      316—317 341 346—347
Covered call writing, buy-write      103—105 310
Covered call writing, expected returns      341
Covered call writing, insurance value      173 324 346—347
Covered call writing, motivation of writer      172—173
Covered call writing, opportunity cost      106 175
Covered call writing, overwriting      105—106 309
Covered call writing, percentage return of      173—175
Covered call writing, protection aspect      104—105 173
Covered call writing, systematic writing      178—179
Covered call writing, versus naked put writing      106—107 175—176 241—244
Covered call writing, volatility and      105
Covered straddle writing      177—178; see also Short straddle
Cox, John      59
Crash, stock market of 1929      5
Crash, stock market of 1987      211 213 241 317
Curve      269—270
Daily Graphs Option Guide      307
Day traders      248
Day traders, direction risk and      264
Delta      23 38—42 267—269
Delta, curve and      269—270
Delta, dynamic hedging and      218—220 230—232 270—271
Delta, gamma and      42—46 269—270 272
Delta, hedge ratio and      268
Delta, LEAPS      145
Delta, net delta      268—269 277
Delta, neutral      45
Delta, neutral spreading      267—271 276—278
Delta, short straddle      133
Delta, speculative call buying and      86—87
Delta, time passage and      46—47
Delta, uncovered call writing      98
Designated Primary Market Maker (DPM)      294
Distribution of stock price      59—71
Distribution of stock price, expected      68 71
Distribution of stock price, volatility as      68
Diversification, portfolio      319 357
Diversification, speculative call buying and      171—172
Dividends      54
Dividends, ex-dividend date      112 254
Dividends, LEAPS and      143—144
Dividends, portfolio yield versus writing index calls      232—235
Dividends, pricing relationships and      254—255
Dividends, risk in spreading      112
DJIA      see Dow Jones Industrial Average
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)      226
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), all time high      336
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), ninety day declines of 15 percent      215
DPM      see Designated Primary Market Maker
Dual trading      290
Dynamic hedging, adjusting      231
Dynamic hedging, increasing portfolio market exposure      230—232
Dynamic hedging, market makers and      270—271
Dynamic hedging, reducing portfolio market exposure      218—220
Dynamic portfolio insurance      317—318 341 352—354
Dynamic portfolio insurance, advantages      353
Dynamic portfolio insurance, difficulties      317 354
Dynamic portfolio insurance, stock index futures and      317—318 353
Dynamic portfolio insurance, versus static insurance      352—354
Efficient market theory      297 311
End-of-quarter options      141 161
Enhancement strategy      183—186
Equity options, CBOE Equity Put-Call Ratio      299
Equity options, expiration cycles of      170—171
Equity options, naked put writing versus writing index puts      175
Equity options, versus index options evaluation      275—276 356—358
Equity options, versus index options for portfolio insurance      196—200
Equivalent positions      250—251
Equivalent positions, butterfly/condor versus CAPS      158—159
Equivalent positions, covered call versus short put      106—107
Equivalent positions, long put and stock versus long call      94
Equivalent positions, stock versus synthetic stock      250—251
Escrowed puts      350
European-style option      20 241 353 355
European-style option, portfolio insurance and      353 355
European-style option, versus American-style      241 332 353 355
Ex-dividend date      112 254
Exercise and assignment      19—20
Exercise and assignment, automatic exercise      19 156—159 200
Exercise and assignment, CAPS and      156—159
Exercise and assignment, early assignment      112—113 155—159 241 256 259—260
Exercise and assignment, early exercise      20 156—159 241 276
Exercise style      see American-style option; CAPS option; European-style option
Expected return distributions      319—323 327—328 341
Expected return distributions, covered calls and      341
Expected return distributions, protective puts and      341—344
Expected return distributions, skewness of      321—323 327—328 340 343
Expected value      59—67
Expected value, changing volatility and      60—67
Expected value, theoretical value as      67
Expected volatility      57 67—69
Expected volatility, versus implied volatility      69
expiration      18—20
Expiration cycles      8 170—171
Expiration, date      8 18
Expiration, rules of      19—20
Fair price      49; see also Put-call parity
Fair valued options      76 297
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