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Options Institute — Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies
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Íàçâàíèå: Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies
Àâòîð: Options Institute
Àííîòàöèÿ: Options, when used strategically can help investors control investment risk, capitalize on market opportunities, or enhance investment income. In order to maximize these opportunities, market participants must first grasp the fundamentals of options, including their attendant risk, features, and benefits. Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies is an authoritative guide to options products and the tactics for incorporating them into an investment strategy. This easy-to-understand guide explains what options are, how they are priced, and how they are traded. Most importantly, it shows how options can enhance a portfolio's performance and help readers meet their investment objective. Covering Everything from the history of the options industry to the latest index options and products (including LEAPS, CAPS, and FLEX) this revised edition shows how to: Use options to protect profits, positions and portfolios; Make more informed, strategic decisions when buying or selling equity and index options- and avoid the most common pitfalls; Understand options pricing and forecasting theories without getting bogged down in the math.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 2nd
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 430
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.11.2006
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Fence strategy see Collar/fence strategy
Filer, Herbert 5—6
Firm-specific risk 319 357
FLEX options 141 160—161 385
FLexible Exchange options see FLEX options
Forward conversion 367; see also Conversion
FT-SE 100 Index 352 356 361
FT-SE 100 Index, options and futures on 329 361
Future volatility 57
Gamma 42—46 272
Gamma, curve and 269—270
Globex 294
Harvard Business Review 379
Hedge ratio 268; see also Delta
Hedgewrap strategy see Collar/fence strategy
Hedging 245 275
Hedging, dynamic 218—220 230—232;
Hedging, index options 275
Hedging, market makers and 245
Hedging, short stock 167
Historical volatility 57—59 305;
Hold and hope see Repair strategies
Horizontal spread see Calendar spread and
Hull, John 59
Implied volatility 36—37 57 68—71 270—271 305—311;
Implied volatility, changes in 69—71
Implied volatility, focus on 78 270—271
Implied volatility, index of 161—162 305—306
Implied volatility, indicator as 305
Implied volatility, market declines and 306—307
Implied volatility, versus expected volatility 69
In-the-money options 20—21
In-the-money options, call buying as insurance 88—89
In-the-money options, delta 38
In-the-money options, delta change over time 46
In-the-money options, gamma and 42—46
In-the-money options, intrinsic value of 21—22
In-the-money options, put buying as insurance 93
In-the-money options, puts and early assignment 256 259—260
In-the-money options, speculative call buying 84—87
In-the-money options, speculative put buying 92
In-the-money options, stock price and 20—21
In-the-money options, time decay 30—31
In-the-money options, uncovered call writing 97—98
In-the-money options, volatility and 35—36
Independents 247; see also Market makers
Index call options, 90/10 strategy and 220—221
Index call options, covered writing against portfolio 232—235
Index call options, dynamic hedging and 230—232
Index call options, gaining leverage with 226—228
Index call options, implied volatility of price 226—228
Index call options, increasing market exposure 220—232
Index call options, portfolio equivalents as 220—223 228—230
Index call options, portfolio insurance as 228—230
Index call options, portfolio repair and 239—241
Index futures see Stock index futures
Index LEAPS 155—156
Index LEAPS, portfolio insurance and 155—156
Index options, advantages as portfolio insurance 200—201
Index options, American versus European-style premiums 332
Index options, cash settlement of 276 328
Index options, collar/fence strategy and 235—239 328 368—369
Index options, early exercise/assignment of 241 276
Index options, expiration cycles 170—171
Index options, hedging with surrogates 275—276
Index options, introduction of by CBOE 11
Index options, manageability 200
Index options, market makers and 274—278
Index options, narrow based 11
Index options, removing risks from 274—276
Index options, summary of contracts 328—329
Index options, trading portfolio delta neutral 276—278
Index options, versus equity options evaluation 275—276 356—358
Index put options, decreasing market exposure 202—220
Index put options, dynamic hedging and 218—220
Index put options, implied volatility of price 201 209 213—214 216—217
Index put options, portfolio equivalents as 202—206 212—
Index put options, strategies for portfolio insurance 202—208 212—217
Index put options, versus equity puts for portfolio insurance 196—200
Index put options, writing versus equity put options 175
Institutional Index (XII), CAPS and 156
Institutional Index (XII), end-of-quarter options and 161
Institutional investor versus speculator 242—244
Insurance strategy see Portfolio insurance
Insurance value, call buying 87—89
Insurance value, covered call writing 173 324 346—347
Insurance value, LEAPS puts 349
Insurance value, put buying 93—94 165—167 341—344
Interest rate options 12
Interest rate plays 253 258
Interest rates 33—34 55
Interest rates, call versus put price and 254
Interest rates, carrying costs and 55 253
Interest rates, LEAPS and 143—144
Interest rates, pricing box spreads and 259—260
Interest rates, short stock 252—254
Interest rates, theoretical value and 33—34
Intrinsic value 21—22
Intrinsic value, speculative call buying and 85—86
Investment Securities Act of 1934 6
Jarrow, Robert 59
Jeffrey, Robert 379
Jelly roll 261—262
Jelly roll, time spread and 261 280
Kappa see Vega
KISS strategy 193—195
LEAPS calls, buying versus buying stock on margin 146—149
LEAPS calls, covered writing 150—151
LEAPS options 141—156 160
LEAPS options, collar/fence strategy and 154—155
LEAPS options, delta 145
LEAPS options, dividends and 143—144
LEAPS options, early assignment 155
LEAPS options, FT-SE 100 Index LEAPS 361
LEAPS options, index LEAPS 155—156
LEAPS options, interest rates and 143—144
LEAPS options, introduction of by CBOE 11—12
LEAPS options, standardization of contract terms 12
LEAPS options, time decay 141—143
LEAPS options, volatility of 143—144
LEAPS puts, buying as insurance 152—154 349
Legging 249
Leverage, buying stock on margin and 146—148
Leverage, index call buying 226—228
Leverage, out-of-the-money index calls 223—225
Leverage, speculative call buying 84—85 171—
Leverage, speculative put buying 92
Leverage, transfer of risk and 192
LIFFE see London International Financial Futures Exchange
Listed options, expiration cycles 170—171
Listed options, introduction of by CBOE 9—11
Locals 290; see also Independents
Log-normal distribution 266 311
London International Financial Futures Exchange 361
Long butterfly spread 135—138; see also Butterfly spread
Long butterfly spread, break-even points 136
Long butterfly spread, cost of 135—136
Long butterfly spread, directional strategy as 137—138
Long butterfly spread, motivation of buyer 137
Long condor see Condor spread
Long straddle 117—121
Long straddle, break-even points 118—120
Long straddle, cost of 118
Long straddle, motivation of buyer 118
Long straddle, risks of 119—120
Long straddle, stock volatility and 121
Long straddle, time decay and 120—121
Long straddle, versus long strangle 124—126 135
Long strangle 121—126
Long strangle in-the-money versus out-of-the-money 122—123
Long strangle, break-even points 122—123
Long strangle, versus long straddle 124—126 135
Long volatility 271
Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities see LEAPS options
Major Market Index (XMI) 11
Major Market Index (XMI), CAPS options and 156
Major Market Index (XMI), end-of-quarter options and 161
Margin account, spreads in 117 191
Margin call 149
Margin interest 147 177
Margin requirement 176
Market declines see also Portfolio insurance and Portfolio risk management
Market declines, dynamic hedging and 218—220
Market declines, implied volatility and 306—307
Market declines, index puts as insurance 196—200 202—208 212—217
Market exposure, index calls to increase 220—232
Market exposure, index puts to decrease 202—220
Market maker strategies, backspreads 271 282
Market maker strategies, box spread 257—261
Market maker strategies, butterfly spread 278—279 284—288
Market maker strategies, conversion 252—257
Market maker strategies, delta neutral spreading 267—272 276—278
Market maker strategies, interest rate plays 253 258
Market maker strategies, jelly roll 261—262
Market maker strategies, position risk summary 262—263
Market maker strategies, reversal 252—257
Market maker strategies, summary of spread exposure 273—274
Market maker strategies, time box 262
Market maker strategies, time spread 261 271—272 278—284
Market maker strategies, vertical 282
Market maker strategies, volatility plays 270—272
Market makers 9
Market makers, acceptance of risk 262—264
Market makers, arbitrage and 246—247
Market makers, arbitrage spreads and 249—262
Market makers, curve and 269—270
Market makers, hedging and 245
Market makers, option pricing model and 264—265
Market makers, prerequisites for becoming 288
Market makers, price efficiency and 245
Market makers, pricing options 249—262
Market makers, risk management and 248—251
Market makers, risk transfer and 245
Market makers, role of 245—248
Market makers, short stock interest and 252—254
Market makers, trading styles 248
Market makers, two-sided markets and 245
Market makers, volatility exposure and 264—267 271
Market making business, choosing clearing firm 291—292
Market making business, choosing exchange 290—291
Market making business, costs and commitments of 288—290
Market making business, partnership and backing 292
Market making business, reflections on future 293—294
Market making business, size of operations 247—248
Market making business, success in 292—293
Market risk 319 357
Market timing 218 378—379;
Market Volatility Index, CBOE (VIX) 161—162 305—306
Married put 166—167; see also Put options
MID see Mid-Cap Index
Mid-Cap Index (MID), end-of-quarter options and 161
MidAmerica Commodity Exchange 20
Naked call writing see Uncovered call writing
Naked put writing see Uncovered put writing
Naked stock buying 191—192
NASDAQ 100 Index 336 356
NASDAQ 100 Index, options on 329
Natenberg, Sheldon 59
New York Mercantile Exchange 19
New York Stock Exchange 2 10 290
NYSE see New York Stock Exchange
NYSE Composite Index 11
Odd-lot volume indicator 298
OEX see Standard & Poor's 100 Stock Index
Open outcry system 9
Option Pools 4—5
Option premiums 297 301 357
Option premiums, index versus equity options 357
Option premiums, indexes of 301—304
Option premiums, reflecting future factors 297
Option premiums, volatility and 357
Option pricing model 17 305
Option pricing model, Black — Scholes model 17 294 333 359
Option pricing model, market makers and 264—265
Option repair strategy 188—191; see also Repair strategies
Option strategies see also individual strategy listings
Option strategies, bear spreads 113—117
Option strategies, bearish/defensive 309—310
Option strategies, bull spreads 107—113
Option strategies, bullish 310
Option strategies, calendar spread 181—182; see also Time spread
Option strategies, call buying 82—89 168—172
Option strategies, combinations 186—188
Option strategies, covered call writing 103—107 172—175
Option strategies, covered straddle writing 177—178
Option strategies, LEAPS as collar/fence strategy 154—155
Option strategies, LEAPS call buying 146—149
Option strategies, LEAPS covered call writing 150—151
Option strategies, LEAPS put buying as insurance 152—154
Option strategies, long butterfly 135—138
Option strategies, long condor 139—140
Option strategies, long straddle 117—121
Option strategies, long strangle 121—126
Option strategies, married put 166—167
Option strategies, neutral 310
Option strategies, profit/loss diagrams explained 81—82
Option strategies, protective put 165—166
Option strategies, put buying 89—94 165—168
Option strategies, put writing 99—102 175—177
Option strategies, short butterfly 126—129
Option strategies, short condor 129—130
Option strategies, short straddle 130—133
Option strategies, short strangle 133—135
Option strategies, time spread 278—284; see also Calendar spread
Option strategies, uncovered call writing 94—99
Option Strategy Spectrum, The 310
options 18
Options Clearing Corporation, The (OCC) 8—9 160 384
Options Clearing Corporation, The (OCC), counterparty risk and 160
Options Institute, The 241 289
Options on futures 19—20 290—291
Options, American see American-style option
Options, ancient use of 1
Options, contract size 19
Options, delta and 23 38—42;
Options, derivative instruments as 17
Options, developed as insurance 6
Options, early popularity of 9—11
Options, elements of theoretical value 26—37
Options, equity versus index evaluation 356—358
Options, European see European-style option
Options, evaluation of listed contracts 354—358
Options, fair valued 76 297
Options, flexibility of 80—81
Options, history of 1—13
Options, international trading movement 10
Options, listed versus over-the-counter 375 383—385
Options, market in U.S. before CBOE 6—7
Options, over-the-counter see Over-the-counter options
Options, overvalued 75—78 249
Options, parity 23
Options, prices and dividends 54; see also Dividends
Options, prices and interest rates 54—55; see also Interest rates
Options, rights versus obligations 18
Options, standardization of contract terms 6—9
Options, theta and 47—49; see also Time decay
Options, underlying assets and 80
Options, undervalued 75—78 249
Options, value and volatility 59—71; see also Volatility
Options, versatility of 17