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Amundsen M., Smith C. — Teach Yourself Database Programming With Visual Basic 4 in 21 Days |
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Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, starting 180—181
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, trailing spaces, removing from fields 189—190
Reposidon event (data controls) 110—112
Required fields (form level validation) 144—145
Restoring data controls (CompanyMaster data entry form) 172
Result sets, limiting (WHERE clause) 277—280
Resume label method, exiting error handlers 457—458
Resume method, exiting error handlers 453—455
Resume Next method, exiting error handlers 455—457
Retry Count (Visdata multiuser setting) 260
RIGHT JOIN clause (SQL) 293
Rights, adding rights-checking to applications 688—692
Rights, building Access Rights Maintenance form 670—686
Rights, running forms 686—688
RollBack keyword 593
routines see also "Functions"
Routines, API calls, high-level routines 618—633
Routines, API calls, mid-level routines 613—618
Routines, BtnBarEnable 359 374
Routines, BtnBarInit 359 372—374
Routines, BtnBarProcess 359 375—379
Routines, error trapping 655
Routines, Main() 660
Routines, RecBack 369
Routines, RecDelete 359 369
Routines, RecEnable 359 368
Routines, RecError 369—371
Routines, RecInit 359 363—364
Routines, RecLocate 359 364—365
Routines, RecNext 369
Routines, RecRead 359 366
Routines, RecWrite 359 367—368
Routines, RSOpen 359 361—363
Routines, ShowGraph 403—404
Routines, ShowGraph, arguments 406—409
Rows, append queries 528—534
rows, inserting 525—528
RowSource property (data-bound list control) 418
RsData parameter (ShowGraph routine) 403
RSOpen routine 359 361—363
Run command (File menu) 748 763
Run menu commands, Start 13
Run menu commands, Start with Full Compile 762
Running data entry forms 640—641
runtime 102
Runtime, properties 14—15
Save As...command (File menu) 193
Save command (File menu) 193
Save Data with Closed Report command (Report menu) 202
Save parameter (Validate event) 111
Save Project command (File menu) 9
Saving, projects 9
Saving, queries (Data Manager) 60—61
Saving, topic files for online help 709
Scatter graphs 391
Screen prompts (CompanyMaster data entry form) 159—169
Scripts, SQL-VB Interpreter, creating scripts 496—498
Scripts, SQL-VB Interpreter, editing scripts 497—498
Scripts, SQL-VB Interpreter, loading 495—496
Scripts, words for special handling 753—754
Searching, Dynaset data objects 80—82
searching, records 349—350
Searching, records, bookmarks 357—358
Searching, records, Find method 356—357
Searching, records, Move methods 350—354
Searching, records, NoMatch method 355
Searching, records, RecLocate routine 364—365
Searching, records, Seek method 354—355
Searching, Table data objects 84—88
Section...command (Format menu) 199
Security, Access Rights scheme 669—670
Security, Access Rights scheme, adding rights-checking to applications 688—692
Security, Access Rights scheme, building User Access Rights Maintenance form 670—686
Security, Access Rights scheme, rights levels 669
Security, Access Rights scheme, running forms 686—688
Security, application security 648—649
Security, application security, access rights schemes 649
Security, audit logs 648 692
Security, audit logs, creating audit trails 693—696
Security, audit logs, developing User Audit system 692
Security, audit logs, recording user activity 697—698
Security, encrypting/decrypting databases (Data Manager) 43—45
Security, encryption (Microsoft JET) 648
Security, Microsoft Access SYSTEM security file 646
Security, Microsoft Access SYSTEM security file, limitations 646—648
Security, user login/logout system 649—660
Security, user login/logout system, building user login form 660 663—664
Security, user login/logout system, user logout 667—668
Security, user login/logout system, verifying login 664—665 667
Seek method, searching records 354—355
Seek method, Table data objects 84—88
Select Fields command (Edit menu) 195
Select Groups command (Report menu) 201
Select Records command (Report menu) 201
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL) 274—275
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), DISTINCT clause 285—287
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), DISTINCTROW clause 285—287
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), GROUP BY...HAVING clause 289—290
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), JOIN clause 290—293
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), JOIN clause, INNER JOIN 291—292
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), JOIN clause, LEFT JOIN 292—293
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), JOIN clause, RIGHT JOIN 293
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), ORDER BY clause 276—277
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), TOP n clause 287—288
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), TOP n PERCENT clause 287—288
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), UNION clause 293—294
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), Visual Basic functions within 283—285
SELECT...FROM statement (SQL), WHERE clause 277—282
SELECT...INTO...FROM statement (SQL) 539—544
Selecting, data access objects in Visdata 236
Selecting, data entry form types in Visdata 237—238
Selecting, report destinations (Crystal Reports controls) 210—211
Semicolon (;), SQL statements 497
Send Behind Others command (Edit menu) 196
Set Alias...command (Database menu) 200
Set for All Records (Visdata multiuser setting) 261
Set Location...command (Database menu) 200
Set Print Date command (Report menu) 202
SET statement (SQL) 69
Set-oriented systems, compared to record-oriented systems 68—70
Show Performance Numbers command (Preferences menu) 267
Show SQL Query command (Database menu) 200
Show/Hide Sections...command (Edit menu) 196
ShowGraph routine, arguments 406—409
ShowTable procedure (SQLr-VB project) 759
Shutting down ODBC interface 610
SINGLE data field type 26 34
Sizing, controls, designing forms 118
Sizing, data sets, performance considerations 70
Sizing, forms 11
Sizing, graphs 411
Snapshot data objects 89—93 422
Snapshot data objects, compared to Dynaset data objects 90—93
Snapshot data objects, storing 90
Snapshot data objects, when to use 93
Snapshots, searching (Find method) 356—357
Sort key indexes 508
Sort property, Dynaset data objects 80
Sort property, Table data objects 88—89
sorting records 276—277
Special Field command (Insert menu), Group Number Field 197
Special Field command (Insert menu), Page Number Field 197
Special Field command (Insert menu), Print Date Field 197
Special Field command (Insert menu), Record Number Field 197
SQL (Structured Query Language) 272—299
SQL (Structured Query Language), ; (semicolon) in statements 497
SQL (Structured Query Language), advantages of SQL keywords 500—501
SQL (Structured Query Language), aggregate functions 282—283
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, BETWEEN...AND 278
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, DISTINCT 285—287
| SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, DISTINCTROW 285—287
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, GROUP BY...HAVING 289—290
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, INNER JOIN 291—292
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, JOIN 290—293
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, LEFT JOIN 292—293
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, ORDER BY 276—277
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, RIGHT JOIN 293
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, TOP n 287—288
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, TOP n PERCENT 287—288
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, UNION 293—294
SQL (Structured Query Language), clauses, WHERE 277—282
SQL (Structured Query Language), constraints 509—510
SQL (Structured Query Language), constraints, FOREIGN KEY...REFERENCES 514—518
SQL (Structured Query Language), constraints, PRIMARY KEY 510—511
SQL (Structured Query Language), constraints, UNIQUE KEY 511—513
SQL (Structured Query Language), creating queries (Data Manager) 60—61
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization 556—558
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, data integrity 562—565
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, eliminating repeating groups 558—561
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, Fifth Normal Form,571 First Normal Form 559—561
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, Fourth Normal Form 569
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, independent relationships 568—570
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, primary keys 565—568
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, redundant data 562—565
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, related multiple relationships 570—575
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, Second Normal Form 562—565
SQL (Structured Query Language), data normalization, Third Normal Form 566—568
SQL (Structured Query Language), DML (Data Management Language) 524—525
SQL (Structured Query Language), DML (Data Management Language), append queries 528—534
SQL (Structured Query Language), DML (Data Management Language), Delete Table queries 544—551
SQL (Structured Query Language), DML (Data Management Language), INSERT statement 525—528
SQL (Structured Query Language), DML (Data Management Language), Make Table queries 539—544
SQL (Structured Query Language), DML (Data Management Language), update queries 535—538
SQL (Structured Query Language), history 272—273
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, database integrity 508—509
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, DISALLOW NULL keyword 509
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, foreign key indexes 514—518
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, IGNORE NULL keyword 509
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, PRIMARY KEY keyword 509
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, sort key indexes 508
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes, UNIQUE indexes 511—513
SQL (Structured Query Language), keywords, AS 282
SQL (Structured Query Language), keywords, ASC 508
SQL (Structured Query Language), keywords, DESC 508
SQL (Structured Query Language), keywords, IN 279
SQL (Structured Query Language), keywords, LIKE 279—280
SQL (Structured Query Language), keywords, UNIQUE 509
SQL (Structured Query Language), Microsoft JET engine, compared to ANSI SQL standards 273
SQL (Structured Query Language), saving queries (Data Manager) 60—61
SQL (Structured Query Language), set-oriented systems 69
SQL (Structured Query Language), SQL-VB Interpreter, creating scripts 496—498
SQL (Structured Query Language), SQL-VB Interpreter, editing scripts 497—498
SQL (Structured Query Language), SQL-VB Interpreter, loading 495—496
SQL (Structured Query Language), SQL-VB Interpreter, syntax 499—500
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, ALTER TABLE 519—520
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, ALTER TABLE...ADD COLUMN 503—505
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, ALTER TABLE...DROP COLUMN 503—505
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, CREATE INDEX 506—508
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, CREATE TABLE 501—503
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, DELETE...FROM 544—551
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, DROP INDEX 506—508
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, DROP TABLE 505
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, INSERT 525
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, INSERT INTO...FROM 528—534
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, SELECT.. INTO...FROM 539—544
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, SELECT...FROM 274—275
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, SET 69
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, TRANSFORM...PIVOT 294—296
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, UPDATE 69
SQL (Structured Query Language), statements, UPDATE...SET 535—538
SQL passthroughs 61
SQL Server driver 604
SQL window (Visdata) 231 235—236
SQL-VB project 738—764
SQL-VB project, advantages 738—739
SQL-VB project, compiling 762—763
SQL-VB project, creating forms 740—749
SQL-VB project, designing 739—740
SQL-VB project, ErrMsg procedure 760
SQL-VB project, GetToken procedure 754—755
SQL-VB project, global variables, declaring 749
SQL-VB project, InitApp procedure 761
SQL-VB project, LoadNotePadFile procedure 759—760
SQL-VB project, modifications 763—764
SQL-VB project, ShowTable procedure 759
SQL-VB project, SQLdbClose procedure 756
SQL-VB project, SQLdbMake procedure 756—757
SQL-VB project, SQLdbOpen procedure 755
SQL-VB project, SQLDoCommand procedure 758
SQL-VB project, SQLFileClose procedure 751
SQL-VB project, SQLFileOpen procedure 750—751
SQL-VB project, SQLFileProcess procedure 752—754
SQL-VB project, SQLMain procedure 750
SQL-VB project, SQLVBAbout form, creating 745—747
SQL-VB project, SQLVBChild form, creating 743—745
SQL-VB project, SQLVBMain form, coding 747—749
SQL-VB project, SQLVBMain form, creating 740—743
SQL-VB project, testing 762—763
SQLAllocEnv API 614
SQLdbClose procedure (SQL-VB project) 756
SQLdbMake procedure (SQL-VB project) 756—757
SQLdbOpen procedure (SQL-VB project) 755
SQLDoCommand procedure (SQL-VB project) 758
SQLFileClose procedure (SQL-VB project) 751
SQLFileOpen procedure (SQL-VB project) 750—751
SQLFileProcess procedure (SQL-VB project) 752—754
SQLMain procedure (SQL-VB project) 750
SQLVBAbout form, creating 745—747
SQLVBChild form, creating 743—745
SQLVBMain form, coding 747—749
SQLVBMain form, creating 740—743
Square brackets ([ ]), SQL statements 291
Standard colors, designing forms 121—122
Start command (Run menu) 13
Start with Full Compile command (Run menu) 762
Starting Crystal Reports Writer 180—181
State/Province list form 381—386
statements, On Error GoTo 449
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), ; (semicolon) 497
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), ALTER TABLE 519—520
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), ALTER TABLE...ADD COLUMN 503—505
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), ALTER TABLE...DROP COLUMN 503—505
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), CREATE INDEX 506—508
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), CREATE TABLE 501—503
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), DELETE...FROM 544—551
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), DROP INDEX 506—508
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), DROP TABLE 505
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), INSERT 525
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), INSERT INTO...FROM 528—534
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), SELECT...FROM 274—275
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), SELECT...INTO...FROM 539—544
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), SET 69
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), TRANSFORM...PIVOT 294—296
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), UPDATE 69
Statements, SQL (Structured Query Language), UPDATE...SET 535—538
static variables 82
Storing Snapshot data objects 90
Structured Query Language (SQL) 272—299
Structured Query Language (SQL), ; (semicolon) in statements 497
Structured Query Language (SQL), advantages of SQL keywords 500—501
Structured Query Language (SQL), aggregate functions 282—283
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, BETWEEN...AND 278
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, DISTINCT 285—287
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, DISTINCTROW 285—287
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, GROUP BY...HAVING 289—290
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, INNER JOIN 291—292
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, JOIN 290—293
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, LEFT JOIN 292—293
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, ORDER BY 276—277
Structured Query Language (SQL), clauses, RIGHT JOIN 293
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