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Amundsen M., Smith C. — Teach Yourself Database Programming With Visual Basic 4 in 21 Days |
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Path method 74
Path not found error 462
Path property 102
Path/File access error 462
Pausing programs 585
Performance, data set size 70
Period (.), SQL statements 280
pessimistic locking 582
Pessimistic Locks on Edit (Visdata multiuser setting) 261
Physical media errors 467—468
Pie charts 391
Pinnacle-BPS graph control 398
Pixels, compared to twips 118
Plus sign (+), help file browse sequences 708
Pointer fields 21
Pointers, Table data objects 84
Polar graphs 391
Pop-ups in help files 715—717
Pound sign (#), date fields 548
Pound sign (#), marking footnotes in help topics 705
Preferences menu commands, Include System Files 268
Preferences menu commands, Login Time-Out Value 268
Preferences menu commands, Open Last Database 267
Preferences menu commands, Query Time-Out Value 268
Preferences menu commands, Show Performance Numbers 267
Prefix naming conventions 8
PRIMARY KEY, clause (CONSTRAINT keyword) 510—511
PRIMARY KEY, keyword (SQL) 502 509
primary keys 23—25
Primary keys, data normalization 565—568
Print command (File menu), Export 194
Print command (File menu), Printer 194
Print command (File menu), Report 194
Print Preview command (File menu) 186 194
Print Report dialog box (Crystal Reports controls), coding 209—213
Print Report dialog box (Crystal Reports controls), designing 204—208
Printer Setup command (File menu) 194
Printing table structures (Visdata) 255—256
Procedure command (Insert menu) 102 750
Procedures (SQL-VB project), creating 102
Procedures (SQL-VB project), ErrMsg 760
Procedures (SQL-VB project), GetToken 754—755
Procedures (SQL-VB project), InitApp 761
Procedures (SQL-VB project), LoadFileTypes (Crystal Reports control) 209
Procedures (SQL-VB project), LoadNotePadFile 759—760
Procedures (SQL-VB project), ShowTable 759
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLdbClose 756
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLdbMake 756—757
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLdbOpen 755
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLDoCommand 758
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLFileClose 751
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLFileOpen 750—751
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLFileProcess 752—754
Procedures (SQL-VB project), SQLMain 750
Program code errors 468
Programs, pausing 585
Project files, (online help) 711
Project files, (online help), compiling 712
Project files, (online help), editing 717—721
Project files, (online help), Titles section 711
Project files, (online help), [Alias] section 712
Project files, (online help), [Buildtags] section 712
Project files, (online help), [Config] section 712
Project files, (online help), [Map] section 712
Project files, (online help), [Options] section 711
projects, creating 4
Projects, data field types project 27—34
Projects, data field types project, BOOLEAN data field type, testing 29
Projects, data field types project, BYTE data field type, testing 29—30
Projects, data field types project, COUNTER data field type, testing 32—33
Projects, data field types project, CURRENCY data field type, testing 31
Projects, data field types project, DATE data field type, testing 31—32
projects, saving 9
Projects, SQL-VB project 738—764
Projects, SQL-VB project, advantages 738—739
Projects, SQL-VB project, compiling 762—763
Projects, SQL-VB project, creating forms 740—749
Projects, SQL-VB project, declaring global variables 749
Projects, SQL-VB project, designing 739—740
Projects, SQL-VB project, ErrMsg procedure 760
Projects, SQL-VB project, GetToken procedure 754—755
Projects, SQL-VB project, InitApp procedure 761
Projects, SQL-VB project, LoadNotePadFile procedure 759—760
Projects, SQL-VB project, modifications 763—764
Projects, SQL-VB project, ShowTable procedure 759
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLdbClose procedure 756
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLdbMake procedure 756—757
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLdbOpen procedure 755
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLDoCommand procedure 758
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLFileClose procedure 751
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLFileOpen procedure 750—751
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLFileProcess procedure 752—754
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLMain procedure 750
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLVBAbout form, creating 745—747
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLVBChild form, creating 743—745
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLVBMain form, coding 747—749
Projects, SQL-VB project, SQLVBMain form, creating 740—743
Projects, SQL-VB project, testing 762—763
Properties 303
Properties command, File menu 245—247
Properties command, File menu, Database 246—247
Properties command, File menu, DBEngine 246
Properties command, File menu, Workspace 246
Properties command, View menu 6
Properties option (Visdata Table window) 233
Properties, AllowAddNew (data grid control) 431
Properties, AllowDelete (data grid control) 431
Properties, attaching help files to applications 713—714
Properties, AutoInc (graph control) 393
Properties, BackColor (forms) 117
Properties, BackStyle (forms) 117
Properties, Bookmark (Dynaset data objects) 80—82
Properties, BoundColumn (data-bound list control) 423
Properties, BoundText (data-bound list control) 423
Properties, Caption (data controls) 7—8
Properties, Collating Order (Database data access object) 322
Properties, Connect, data controls 101
Properties, Database data access object 321
Properties, Database data access object properties 320—322
Properties, DatabaseName (data controls) 5—7 101—104
Properties, DataField, data-bound list control 424
Properties, DataField, text box controls 10—13
Properties, DataField, text/label controls 113
Properties, DataSource, data-bound list control 424
Properties, DataSource, text box controls 10—13
Properties, DataSource, text/label controls 113
Properties, DBEngine data access object properties 305—306
Properties, DrawMode (graph control) 393
Properties, Enabled, BtnBarEnable routine 374
Properties, Enabled, RecEnable routine 368
Properties, Exclusive, data controls 104—105
Properties, Exclusive, locking databases 579
Properties, Field data access object properties 336—337
Properties, Filter, Dynaset data objects 77—78 80
Properties, Filter, Table data objects 88—89
Properties, GraphType 390—391
Properties, Grid Height (forms) 119
Properties, Grid Width (forms) 119
Properties, ListField (data-bound list control) 418
Properties, LockEdits 582
Properties, Name, data controls 7—8
Properties, Name, Database data access object 321
Properties, NumPoints 391
Properties, NumSets 391
Properties, Options (data controls) 105—107
Properties, PasswordChar 660
Properties, Path 102
Properties, Query Time Out (Database data access object) 322
Properties, QuickData (graph control) 394—396
Properties, ReadOnly (data controls) 104—105
| Properties, Records Affected (Database data access object) 322
Properties, RecordSource (data controls) 5—7 101—104
Properties, RowSource (data-bound list control) 418
Properties, runtime properties 14—15
Properties, Sort, Dynaset data objects 80
Properties, Sort, Table data objects 88—89
Properties, Sort, TableDef data access object properties 329
Properties, Sort, Tag 363
Properties, Sort, ThisPoint 393
Properties, Sort, ThisSet 393
Properties, Sort, Transactions (Database data access object) 321
Properties, Sort, Updatable (Database data access object) 322
Properties, Sort, Version (Database data access object) 322
Properties, Sort, Visible (data grid control) 431
Properties, Sort, Workspace data access object properties 312—313
Qualifier fields 21
Queries see also "SQL (Structured Query Language)"
queries, Append queries 528—534
Queries, creating (Data Manager) 60—61
queries, Delete queries 630
Queries, Delete Table queries 544—551
Queries, Make Table queries 539—544
Queries, saving (Data Manager) 60—61
queries, Update queries 535—538
Query Builder command (Utility menu) 262—264
Query Time Out property (Database data access object) 322
Query Time-Out Value command (Preferences menu) 268
QueryDef data access object 340—341
QuickData property (graph control) 394—396
Radio buttons (Visdata) 231 236—238
Radio buttons (Visdata), data access objects, selecting 236
Radio buttons (Visdata), data entry form types, selecting 237—238
Ranges of values (form level validation) 141—142
RDC (Remote Data Control) 642
RDO (Remote Data Objects) 642
ReadOnly property (data controls) 104—105
RecBack routine 369
RecDelete routine 359 369
RecEnable routine 359 368
RecError routines 369—371
RecInit routine 359 363—364
RecLocate routine 359 364—365
RecNext routine 369
Record Sort Order command (Report menu) 201
Record-oriented systems, compared to set-oriented systems 68—70
Records (relational databases) 19—20
Records (relational databases), adding to data tables 13—16
Records (relational databases), adding to data tables, CompanyMaster data entry form 171
Records (relational databases), adding to data tables, Data Manager 61—63
Records (relational databases), counting in Dynasets 75—76
Records (relational databases), deleting 13—16
Records (relational databases), deleting CompanyMaster data entry form 172—173
Records (relational databases), deleting data integrity 563
Records (relational databases), deleting data-bound grid control 431 435—436
Records (relational databases), deleting Delete Table queries 544—551
Records (relational databases), deleting from data tables (Data Manager) 64
Records (relational databases), inserting data-bound grid control 431 433—437
Records (relational databases), locating CompanyMaster data entry form 172
Records (relational databases), locating Data Manager 63—64
Records (relational databases), page-level locking, LockEdits property 582
Records (relational databases), refreshing in data tables (Data Manager) 63
Records (relational databases), searching 349—350
Records (relational databases), searching bookmarks 357—358
Records (relational databases), searching Find method 356—357
Records (relational databases), searching Move methods 350—354
Records (relational databases), searching NoMatch method 355
Records (relational databases), searching RecLocate routine 364—365
Records (relational databases), searching Seek method 354—355
Records (relational databases), sorting 276—277
Records (relational databases), updating Data Manager 63
Records (relational databases), updating data-bound grid control 434—435
Records (relational databases), writing CompanyMaster data entry form 172
Records Affected property (Database data access object) 322
Recordset data objects 68 93—94
Recordsets, creating (RSOpen routine) 361—363
RecordSource property (data controls) 5—7 101—104
RecRead routine 359 366
RecWrite routine 359 367—368
References command (Tools menu) 304
Referential integrity 25
Referential integrity, enforcing 58
Referential integrity, Relation data access object 341—344
Refresh method 72
Refresh method, data controls 107—110
Refresh option (Visdata Table window) 235
Refresh Report Data command (Report menu) 202
Refreshing, Dynaset data objects 72
Refreshing, records in data tables (Data Manager) 63
RefreshLink method 330
Regional Settings applet (Windows 95) 32
RegisterDatabase method (DBEngine data access object) 306 310—311
Registering ODBC data sources 606—608
Related multiple relationships (data normalization) 570—575
Relation data access object 341—344
Relation objects, cascading updates/deletes 587—588
Relation objects, cascading updates/deletes, building demo project 588—591
Relation objects, cascading updates/deletes, guidelines 592—593
Relation objects, cascading updates/deletes, running project 591—592
Relational databases 18
Relational databases, data tables 20
Relational databases, fields 18—19
Relational databases, fields, pointer fields 21
Relational databases, fields, qualifier fields 21
Relational databases, fields, types 25—27
relational databases, key fields 23—25
Relational databases, records 19—20
Relations command (JET menu) 258—260
Relationships, creating (Data Manager) 57—59
Relationships, data normalization 568—575
Relationships, data tables 21—23
Relationships, data tables, one-to-many relationships 23
Relationships, data tables, one-to-one relationships 21—22
Relationships, foreign key relationships 514—518
Remote Data Control (RDC) 642
Remote Data Objects (RDO) 642
Remove All Records option (Visdata Table window) 235
Remove from Report...command (Database menu) 200
Rename option (Visdata Table window) 233—234
Repair Database command (File menu) 42 250—251
RepairDatabase method (DBEngine data access object) 306—308
Repairing databases (Data Manager) 41—43
Report Designer command (Add Ins menu) 180
Report menu commands, Edit Group Selection Formula 201
Report menu commands, Edit Record Selection Formula 201
Report menu commands, Group Sort Order 201
Report menu commands, Record Sort Order 201
Report menu commands, Refresh Report Data 202
Report menu commands, Report Tide 202
Report menu commands, Save Data with Closed Report 202
Report menu commands, Select Groups 201
Report menu commands, Select Records 201
Report menu commands, Set Print Date 202
Report Tide command (Report menu) 202
Reports, Crystal Reports controls coding OK command button 211—212
Reports, Crystal Reports controls coding OK command button, coding Print Report dialog box 209—213
Reports, Crystal Reports controls coding OK command button, designing Print Report dialog box 204—208
Reports, Crystal Reports controls coding OK command button, inserting into forms 202—203
Reports, Crystal Reports controls coding OK command button, selecting report destinations 210—211
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer 180—215
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, bands 181—182
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, Database menu commands 199—200
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, detail bands 183—186
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, Edit menu commands 194—196
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, fields 182
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, File menu commands 193—194
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, Format menu commands 199
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, header and footer bands 187—192
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, Insert menu commands 196—198
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, page numbers 188
Reports, Crystal Reports Writer, Report menu commands 201—202
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