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Amundsen M., Smith C. — Teach Yourself Database Programming With Visual Basic 4 in 21 Days
Amundsen M., Smith C. — Teach Yourself Database Programming With Visual Basic 4 in 21 Days

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Íàçâàíèå: Teach Yourself Database Programming With Visual Basic 4 in 21 Days

Àâòîðû: Amundsen M., Smith C.


This step-by-step tutorial shows readers how to program with Visual Basic in a set amount of time. Presented in a daily format with each week focusing on a different area of database development. Written by a Microsoft Certified Visual Basic Professional CD-ROM includes chapter examples, Function Libraries, Microsoft ACCESS/JET 2.5 compatibility layer, and the WHAT6 Help Authoring Tool

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 867

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.08.2015

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Forms, designing aligning controls      118
Forms, designing colors      118—125
Forms, designing custom colors      122—123
Forms, designing default background colors      117
Forms, designing default fonts      117
Forms, designing frame controls      117—118
Forms, designing input area colors      117
Forms, designing Panel3D control      117
Forms, designing sizing controls      118
Forms, designing standard colors      121—122
Forms, designing system colors      123—125
Forms, graphs      398—402
Forms, Grid Height property      119
Forms, Grid Width property      119
Forms, inserting bound input controls      9—10
Forms, inserting Crystal Reports controls      202—203
Forms, inserting data controls      4—5
Forms, inserting Delete command button      13—16
Forms, inserting New command button      13—16
Forms, sizing      11
Forms, SQLVBAbout form, creating      745—747
Forms, SQLVBChild form, creating      743—745
Forms, SQLVBMain form, coding      747—749
Forms, SQLVBMain form, creating      740—743
Forms, SQLVBMain form, Subforms, creating with data-bound grid control      437—443
Formula Field...command (Insert menu)      197
Formula fields (Crystal Reports Writer)      182
Formula fields (Crystal Reports Writer), editing      191
Formula...command (Edit menu)      195
Form_Activate event (Crystal Reports control)      209—210
Form_Load() routine, list boxes (listing 6.5)      140
Form_Load() routine, TBSEEK01.VBP (listing 4.11)      86
FoxPro command (File menu)      241 248—249
Frame controls      156
Frame controls, designing forms      117—118
Free Locks (Visdata multiuser setting)      261
FreeFile() function      472
Functions      see also "Routines"
Functions, aggregate functions (SQL)      282—283
Functions, AVG (SQL aggregate function)      282
Functions, COUNT (SQL aggregate function)      282
Functions, FreeFile()      472
Functions, IsMissing()      406
Functions, library functions (input validation)      146—156
Functions, library functions (input validation), CheckSize      152—153
Functions, library functions (input validation), InRange      150—152
Functions, library functions (input validation), IsConditional      154—156
Functions, library functions (input validation), IsValid      153—154
Functions, library functions (input validation), KeyNumbers      147—148
Functions, library functions (input validation), KeyUpper      148—149
Functions, library functions (input validation), KeyUpperNumber      149
Functions, MAX (SQL aggregate function)      282
Functions, MIN (SQL aggregate function)      283
Functions, ODBC functions, creating      615
Functions, SUM (SQL aggregate function)      282
Functions, TrimRight()      189—190
Functions, Visual Basic functions, using within SELECT...FROM statement (SQL)      283—285
Gantt charts      391
General file errors      460—462
GetToken procedure (SQL-VB project)      754—755
Global Replace command (Utility menu)      264—265
Global variables, declaring (SQL-VB project)      749
Grand Total...command (Insert menu)      198
Graphic...command, Format menu      199
Graphic...command, Insert menu      198
graphs      388
Graphs, adding data, design time      392
Graphs, adding data, QuickData property      394—396
Graphs, adding data, runtime      392—394
Graphs, adding to CompanyMaster project      409—416
Graphs, displaying on-screen      403—404
Graphs, inserting in forms      390
Graphs, legends      396—397
Graphs, library routines      398—402
Graphs, library routines, arguments for ShowGraph routine      406—409
Graphs, library routines, ShowGraph      403—404
Graphs, library routines, testing libraries      404—406
Graphs, loading graph control      389—390
Graphs, Pinnacle-BPS graph control      398
Graphs, points      391
Graphs, QuickData property      394—396
Graphs, sizing      411
Graphs, types      390—391
Graphs, writing to files      397—398
GraphType property      390—391
Grid Height property (forms)      119
Grid Width property (forms)      119
GROUP BY...HAVING clause (SQL)      289—290
Group Section...command, Edit menu      196
Group Section...command, Insert menu      198
Group Sort Order command (Report menu)      201
HAVING clause (SQL)      289—290
Header and footer bands (Crystal Reports Writer)      181 187—192
Help menu commands, About      747
Help menu commands, Visdata      268
Help screen, FI key command      4
Help, online      702
Help, online, About dialog box      721
Help, online, adding help commands to menus      719—721
Help, online, authoring tools      725—726
Help, online, code for help file      723—725
Help, online, contents pages      714—715
Help, online, creating menu events      721—722
Help, online, creating topic files      703—710
Help, online, designing help system      726—727
Help, online, jumps      714
Help, online, linking to applications      713
Help, online, project files      711
Help, online, project files, compiling      712
Help, online, project files, editing      717—721
Help, online, project files, Titles section      711
Help, online, project files, [Alias] section      712
Help, online, project files, [Buildtags] section      712
Help, online, project files, [Config] section      712
Help, online, project files, [Map] section      712
Help, online, project files, [Options] section      711
Help, online, properties for attaching files      713—714
Help, online, topic files      703
Help, online, topic files, context strings      705—706
Help, online, topic files, creating browse sequences      708—709
Help, online, topic files, footnotes      705
Help, online, topic files, keywords      707—708
Help, online, topic files, pop-ups      715—717
Help, online, topic files, saving      709
Help, online, topic files, separating topics      704
Help, online, topic files, titles      706—707
Help, online, topic files, tracking      710
Help, online, topic files, writing text for files      703—704
High/low/close graphs      391
History of SQL (Structured Query Language)      272—273
Idle method (DBEngine data access object)      307 311
IGNORE NULL keyword (SQL)      509
Image controls, bound      114—115
Import/Export command (Utility menu)      265
IN keyword (SQL)      279
Include System Files command (Preferences menu)      268
Independent relationships, data normalization      568—570
Index data access object      338—339
Indexes      69
Indexes, adding to data tables (Data Manager)      51—54
Indexes, adding to databases (Visdata)      254—255
indexes, creating      506—508
Indexes, database integrity      508—509
indexes, deleting      506—508
Indexes, deleting Data Manager      54
Indexes, DISALLOW NULL keyword      509
Indexes, Dynaset data objects      82—83
Indexes, editing in data tables (Data Manager)      55—63
Indexes, foreign key indexes      23—25 514—518
Indexes, IGNORE NULL keyword      509
Indexes, PRIMARY KEY keyword      509
Indexes, primary keys      23—25
Indexes, primary keys, data normalization      565—568
Indexes, sort key indexes      508
Indexes, UNIQUE keyword      509 511—513
InitApp procedure (SQL-VB project)      761
Initializing form values      663
INNER JOIN clause (SQL)      291—292
Input area colors, designing forms      117
Input controls, bound controls, inserting into forms      9—10
Input controls, CompanyMaster data entry form      159—169
Input past end of file error      462
Input validation      130—177
Input validation, CompanyMaster data entry form      174—176
Input validation, compared to error trapping      130
Input validation, conditional fields      131
Input validation, field level validation      132—140
Input validation, field level validation, filtering keyboard input      132—136
Input validation, field level validation, masking input      136—138
Input validation, field level validation, validation lists      139—140
Input validation, form level validation      140—146
Input validation, form level validation, conditional fields      145—146
Input validation, form level validation, field lengths      142—143
Input validation, form level validation, required fields      144—145
Input validation, form level validation, value ranges      141—142
Input validation, library functions      146—156
Input validation, library functions, CheckSize      152—153
Input validation, library functions, InRange      150—152
Input validation, library functions, IsConditional      154—156
Input validation, library functions, IsValid      153—154
Input validation, library functions, KeyNumbers      147—148
Input validation, library functions, KeyUpper      148—149
Input validation, library functions, KeyUpperNumber      149
Input validation, library functions, rules      131—132
Input validation, library functions, validation lists      130
InRange function (input validation library)      150—152
INSERT INTO...FROM statement (SQL)      528—534
Insert menu commands, Box      198
Insert menu commands, Database Field...      197
Insert menu commands, Formula Field...      197
Insert menu commands, Grand Total...      198
Insert menu commands, Graphic...      198
Insert menu commands, Group Section...      198
Insert menu commands, Line      198
Insert menu commands, MDIForm      740
Insert menu commands, Module      147 749
Insert menu commands, Object      198
Insert menu commands, Procedure      102 750
Insert menu commands, Special Field, Group Number Field      197
Insert menu commands, Special Field, Page Number Field      197
Insert menu commands, Special Field, Print Date Field      197
Insert menu commands, Special Field, Record Number Field      197
Insert menu commands, Subtotal...      197—198
Insert menu commands, Summary...      198
Insert menu commands, Text Field...      197
INSERT statement (SQL)      525
inserting      see also "Adding"
Inserting, bound input controls into forms      9—10
Inserting, constraints      519—520
Inserting, Crystal Reports controls into forms      202—203
Inserting, data controls in forms      4—5
Inserting, Delete command button into forms      13—16
Inserting, graphs on forms      390
Inserting, New command button into forms      13—16
Inserting, records (data-bound grid control)      431 433—437
inserting, rows      525—528
Installing ODBC interface      604—606
INTEGER data field type      26 34
Integrity of data, data normalization      562—563
Integrity of data, deleting records      563
Integrity of data, Dynaset data objects      83
Integrity of data, referential integrity      25
Integrity of data, referential integrity, enforcing      58
Integrity of data, referential integrity, Relation data access object      341—344
IsConditional function (input validation library)      154—156
IsMissing() function      406
IsValid function (input validation library)      153—154
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine      302—345
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, attaching non-Microsoft JET tables to      334—336
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, cascading updates/deletes      587—588
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, cascading updates/deletes, building demo project      588—591
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, cascading updates/deletes, guidelines      592—593
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, cascading updates/deletes, running project      591—592
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, comparisons, to ANSI SQL standards      273
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, comparisons, to data controls      303
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, creating databases      247—248 252
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects      303—304
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, Database      319—327
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, DBEngine      304—311
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, Field      336—337
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, Index      338—339
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, QueryDef      340—341
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, Relation      341—344
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, TableDef      328—336
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, data access objects, Workspace      312—319
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, database-level locking      579—580
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, definition      302—303
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, encryption      648
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, key sets      71
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, loading      239—240
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, Microsoft Access SYSTEM security file      646
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, Microsoft Access SYSTEM security file, limitations      646—648
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, opening databases      231—232
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, page-level locking      581—582
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, table-level locking      580—581
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, transactions      593
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, transactions, advantages      597
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, transactions, building projects      594—597
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, transactions, limitations      597
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, transactions, workspace objects      593—594
JET (Joint Engine Technology) database engine, VisdataJET menu commands      256—261
JET command (File menu)      247—248
JET Engine MDB command (File menu)      239—240
JET menu commands, Attachments      256—258
JET menu commands, Multiuser Settings      260—261
JET menu commands, Relations      258—260
JET menu commands, SYSTEM.MDA      261
JOIN clause (SQL)      290—293
JOIN clause (SQL), INNER JOIN      291—292
JOIN clause (SQL), LEFT JOIN      292—293
JOIN clause (SQL), RIGHT JOIN      293
Jumps in help files      714
Key commands, F1 (help screen)      4
Key commands, F4 (opening listboxes)      49
Key commands, F5 (compiling programs)      13
key fields      23—25 69
Key fields, adding to data tables (Data Manager)      51—54
Key fields, adding to databases (Visdata)      254—255
Key fields, creating      506—508
Key fields, database integrity      508—509
Key fields, deleting      506—508
Key fields, deleting Data Manager      54
Key fields, DISALLOW NULL keyword      509
Key fields, Dynaset data objects      82—83
Key fields, editing in data tables (Data Manager)      55—63
Key fields, foreign key indexes      23—25 514—518
Key fields, IGNORE NULL keyword      509
Key fields, PRIMARY KEY keyword      509
Key fields, primary keys      23—25
Key fields, primary keys, data normalization      565—568
Key fields, sort key indexes      508
Key fields, UNIQUE keyword      509 511—513
Key sets (Dynaset data objects)      71—72
Keyboard input, filtering (input validation)      132—136
KeyNumbers function (input validation library)      147—148
KeyPress event (text box controls)      133—136
KeyUpper function (input validation library)      148—149
KeyUpperNumber function (input validation library)      149
keywords      see also "Clauses (SQL)"
Keywords, BeginTrans      593
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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