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Whyburn G.T. — American mathematical society colloquium publications. Volume XXVIII |
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-set 64
-set 28
-sets 28
, 6
-chain 13
-set 31
-curve (Theta-curve) 104
-curve (Theta-curve), separation of plane by 104
A-set 67 ff.
A-set, invariance of 145
A-set, true A-set 68
Absolute neighborhood retract 216
Accessibility 111
Accessibility from all sides 111
Accessibility, regular 111
Acyclic curve 88
Additive system 97
ARC 36
Arc wise connectedness 36
Arc-curve 80
Bibliography 266
Borel set 52
Borel set, classification of cut points 52
Borel theorem 5
Boundary 16
Boundary of an open set 16
Boundary, curve 76 165
Boundary, elements of a plane region 160
Brouwer fixed point theorem 243
Brouwer Reduction Theorem 17
Cactoid 76
Cactoid, invariance under monotone mappings 171
Cantor discontinuum 35
Cantorian manifold (local) 149
cell 116
Cell, 2-cell, characterization of 119
Characteristic, Euler 201
Characterization of the sphere 114
Closure of a set 2
Collection 1
Collection, countable 1
Collection, null 67 134
Collection, semi-closed 131
Collection, upper semi-continuous 122
Compact set 3
Complete enclosure 27
Complete space 27
Complete, locally 158
Component 13
Component, orbit 259
Conditionally compact set 5
Conjugate points 64
Connected set 13
Continua 15
Continua of convergence 18 70 81
Continua, E-continua 112
Continua, generalized 16
Continua, hereditarily locally connected 89 ff.
Continua, irreducible 17
Continua, n-dimensional 96 ff.
Convergence of sequence of sets 10
Convergence of sequences of points 3
Convergence, 0-regular 174
Covering theorems 4
Curve, acyclic 88
Curve, boundary 76 165
Curve, classification 98
Curve, rational 82—83 96
Curve, regular 82—83 96
Curve, simple closed 57
Cut point, cutting 41
Cut point-order theorem 49 ff.
Cyclic chain 71
Cyclic chain, approximation theorem 73
Cyclic chain, development 73 ff.
Cyclic connectedness 77 ff.
Cyclic connectedness, theorem 79
Cyclic element 66
Cyclic element, invariance 241 ff.
Cyclic set 107
Cyclic, additivity of b(X) 234
Cyclic, additivity of r(X) 85
Cyclidy extensible and cyclicly reducible properties 81 ff.
Decomposition space 123
Decomposition, upper semi-continuous 123
Degree of a transformation 199
Degree of multi coherence 83
Dendrite 88
Diameter 9
Dimensionality 82—83 96
Disjoint sets 1
Distance 9
Divisibility theorem 49
E-continuum 112
End point 64
Equicontinuous powers of a transformation 252
Equicontinuous powers of a transformation, relation to regular almost periodicity 252
Equivalence of two transformations 127
Equivalence to 1 220 ff.
Equivalence to 1 on cartesian product spaces 223
Equivalence to 1, cyclic extensibility of 222
Essential transformation 225
Euler characteristic 201
Euler characteristic, effect of interior transformation on 202 208
Exponential equivalence 225
Extension of transformations 28 179
Extension of transformations, interior 213 215
Extension of transformations, monotone, of non-alternating 180
Factor Theorem 141
Factorization 134 141
Factorization, monotone-light 143
Fixed point 240
Fixed point, property 242
Fixed point, theorem (Brouwer) 243
Frontier, F(G) 16
Generalized continuum 16
Graph (linear) 182
Graph (linear), interior transformations on 182
Groups , P, B(X) 229 ff.
H-set 72
Hemi-cactoid 172
Hemi-cactoid, invariance under monotone transformations 173
Hereditarily locally connected continua 89 ff.
Hereditarily locally connected continua, invariance under monotone mapping 138
Hereditarily locally connected continua, rationality of 93 ff.
Hereditary system 97
Hilbert parallelotope 6
Hilbert space 6
Homeomorphism 24
Homeomorphism of original and image sets 135
Homeomorphism, local 199
Homotopy 225 ff.
Hyperspace (of upper semi-continuous decomposition) 123
Imbedding theorems 33 74
Inducible property 17
Interior transformations 129
Interior transformations on dendrites 185
Interior transformations on inverse sets 147
Interior transformations on pseudo-manifolds 205
Interior transformations on simple arcs 184
Interior transformations on simple closed curves 184
Interior transformations, action on linear graphs 182
Interior transformations, analysis in the large of 200
Interior transformations, analysis in the small of 198
Interior transformations, effect on the numbers b(X) and 232
Interior transformations, finite-to-one property 189
Interior transformations, invariance of 2-manifolds 191 ff.
Interior transformations, invariance of boundary curves 185
Interior transformations, invariance of nodal set 148
| Interior transformations, inversion of arcs and dendrites 186
Interior transformations, inversion of components 148
Interior transformations, inversion of cyclic elements 151
Interior transformations, inversion of quasi-components 147
Interior transformations, non-increasing of order 147
Interiority at a point 149
Invariant, cyclic elements 242 248
Invariant, point 240
Invariant, set 240
Invariant, set (completely) 253
Inverse set 137
Irreducible continuum 17
Irreducible cutting 43
Irreducible transformations 162 ff.
Joining of sets by regions 93
Jordan curve theorem 100 ff.
Limit, point 2
Limit, superior and inferior 10
Limit, theorem 14
Lindeloef theorem 4
Local homeomorphism 199
Local separating point 61
Locally compact set 15
Locally connected continua 23 ff.
Locally connected continua, equality of r(X) and for 238
Locally connected set 18 20
Locally connected set, inversion under interior transformations 189
Locally connected set, uniformly 22
Manifold, 2-dimensional 193
Manifold, cantorian 149
Manifold, invariance under interior transformations 191 ff.
Manifold, pointwise periodic mappings on 262
Mapping of 2-cell onto arbitrary hemi-cactoid 177
Mapping of boundary elements of a plane region 160
Mapping of circle onto arbitrary boundary curve 166
Mapping of cyclic elements and A-sets 144
Mapping of interval onto arbitrary locally connected continuum 33
Mapping of plane region onto circle interior 161
Mapping of sphere onto arbitrary cactoid 175
Mapping onto the circle 219 ff.
Mapping, interior non-alternating, onto interval and circle 218
Mapping, monotone, of locally connected continuum into regular curve 219
Mapping, theorems 33 ff.
Metrization theorem 7
Monotone transformations 70 127
Monotone transformations of local connected continua into regular curves 219
Monotone transformations on spheres, cactoids, planes, and 2-cells 170 ff.
Monotone transformations, characterizations of 137 ff.
Monotone transformations, effect on the numbers b(X) and 232
Multicoherence, degree of 83
Multicoherence, degree of, cyclic additivity of 85
Mutually separated sets 13
Nodal set 77 148
Node 77
Non-alternating transformations 127
Non-alternating transformations on boundary curves 165 ff.
Non-alternating transformations, characterizations of 137 ff.
Non-cut point existence theorem 54
Non-separated collection 42
Non-separated cuttings 44 ff.
Null sequence (collection or family) 67 134
Orbit 253
Orbit, component 259
Orbit, continuity of 257 ff.
Orbit, decomposition 253 ff.
Orbit, invariance under limit taking 259
Orbit, potential 45
Order of a subset 48
Ordered set 41
Ordered set, naturally 41
Perfect set 53
Periodic transformation 239
Periodic transformation, almost 246
Periodic transformation, elementwise 248
Periodic transformation, pointwise 239
Periodic transformation, pointwise almost 246
Periodic transformation, reduction of pointwise periodic to periodic on manifolds 262 ff.
Periodic transformation, reduction of pointwise periodic to regularly almost periodic 262
Periodic transformation, regular almost 250
periodicity 239 ff.
Periodicity, almost 246
Periodicity, regular almost 250
Phragmen — Brouwer Theorem 105
Plane separation theorem 108
Point 1
Point of sets 1
Point, condensation 4
Point, fixed 240
Point, limit 2
Point, theorems for transformations 140
Points of interiority of a transformation 149
Product, cartesian or topological 6
Property S 20 111
Pseudo-manifold 205
Pseudo-manifold, interior transformation on 205
Quasi-component 90
Quasi-monotone transformation 151
Quasi-monotone transformation, characterizations of 152—153
Quasi-monotone transformation, effect on degree of multicoherence 153
Quasi-monotone transformation, invariance under 153—154
Rational curve 82—83 96 138
Reduction Theorem 17
Region 20
Regions and their boundaries 111 ff. 158
Regular chain 36
Regular convergence 174
Regular curve 82—83 96 138
Regular set 19
Regular space 2
Relative distance transformation 154
Retract, absolute neighborhood 216 ff.
Retractions 70 143
Retractions, non-alternating interior, of locally connected continua into arcs 212
Retractions, non-alternating interior, of locally connected continua into simple closed curves 213
Saturated collection 45
Semi-closed (set, collection) 131 ff.
Semi-locally-connected set 19
Separability 3
Separating point 58
Separating point, order theorem 60
Separation 13
Sequence, convergence of 3 10
Sequence, null 67
Sets, compact 3
Sets, countable 1
Sets, dense 30
Sets, locally compact 15
Sets, locally connected 18
Sets, nondegenerate 30
Sets, open and closed 3
Sets, operations with 1
Sets, perfect 53
Sets, regular 19
Sets, semi-closed 131
Sets, semi-locally-connected 19
Sets, totally disconnected 34
Simple arcs, interior transformations on 184
Simple arcs, pointwise periodic mappings on 264
Simple arcs, properties of 54 ff.
Simple closed curves 57
Simple closed curves, interior transformation on 184
Simple closed curves, pointwise periodic mappings on 264
Simple closed curves, separation of plane or sphere by 100 ff.
Simple link 64
Space of continuous mappings 27
Space, complete 27
Space, Hilbert 6
Space, metric 5
Space, normal 6
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