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Bonahon F. — Low-Dimensional Geometry: From Euclidean Surfaces to Hyperbolic Knots (Student Mathematical Library: Ias Park City Mathematical Subseries) |
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, a ball in a metric space 4
, the identity map of X 357
, the disk model for the hyperbolic plane 36 36—39 43 44 101 158—160 209 212 216 223
, the set of all complex numbers 356 361—364
, the hyperbolic plane 11 11—46
, the 3-dimensional hyperbolic space 227 227—240
, the set of all positive integers 356
, the set of all rational numbers 356
, the set of all real numbers 356
, the euclidean plane 1—10 357
, the 3-dimensional euclidean space 4 357
, the 2-dimensional sphere 47
, the 3-dimensional sphere 343 351
, the set of all integers 356
Absolute value 23 362
Action of a group 185 185—205 248
Adjacent tiles 137 137—146 261
Alexander, James Waddell II (1888-1971) 318
Antilinear fractional map 27 27—33 38 186 231—235
Antipodal points 49 102
Arc length see "Length"
Area 131
Area, hyperbolic area 43 43—44
Area, spherical area 53 182
Ball, ball in 5 344
Ball, ball in a metric space 4 42—43 68—79 240 262
Ball, ball model for the hyperbolic space 236 240
Belong to 355
Bijection 5 90 185 357
Bijective 357
Bonahon, Francis iii
Bonnet, Pierre Ossian (1819-1892) 131
Boundary, boundary of a manifold 348
Boundary, boundary point 152
Bounded 62 81 152 152 161
Brock, Jeffrey F. 283
Bromberg, Kenneth W. 282
Busemann, Busemann function 178 183
Busemann, Busemann, Herbert (1905-1994) 178
Canary, Richard D. 283
Cannon, James W. 302
Canonical tile 143 143—146
Cauchy, Cauchy sequence 135 182
Cauchy, Cauchy, Augustin (1789-1857) 182 211
Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895) 45
Center, center of a horocircle 172 214
Center, center of a horosphere 234
Cerf, Jean 318
circle 5 17—22 32—33 38 48 85—87 172 207—212 230 288 317
Circle, great circle 48 129
Circle, great circle arc 49 50—51
Closed, closed curve 49 316
Closed, closed geodesic 49 127—129 204
Closed, closed subset 62 80 152 152—154 250—251 257—258 286
Compact metric space 150 150 154 182 203 251 348
Companion knot 321
Complement 356
Complement, knot complement 293—313 319—340 352—354
Complete, complete geodesic 21
Complete, complete metric space 135 147—155 174 182 183 203 230 260 311 322 325 341 346 348
Complex number 6 11 23 361 361—364
Complex number, complex conjugate 6 23 44 362
Complex number, complex exponential 242 364 362 364
composition 6 15 28 42 51 52 185 186 357
Cone 86
Cone, surface with cone singularities 87 125—126 136 192 205 342
conjugate see "Complex conjugate"
Connected 64 341
Continued fraction 224
Continuous function 4 8 9 61 90 151 302 360
Convergence 4 135 147—155 360
Convergence, limit at infinity 361 360—361
Convergence, toward infinity 361 360—361
Convex, euclidean polygon 62
Convex, hyperbolic polygon 82
Convex, spherical polygon 82
Crossratio 44—45
Differential map 29 29—38 40 49—50 229—230 317
Dihedral angle 235 259 259—265 290
Dihedron 235
Dirichlet, Dirichlet domain 198 197—201
Dirichlet, Lejeune Dirichlet, Gustav (1805-1859) 198
Discontinuity domain 286—287
Discontinuous group action 189 189—197 203—205 248 254 260 268 280—283 286 313
Discrete walk 58 58—60 69—79 85—86
Disjoint sets 356
Disk, disk in the plane 5
Disk, disk model for the hyperbolic plane 36 36—39 43 44 101 158—160 209 212 216 223
Disk, disk sector 72 86 205
Distance, distance function 3
Distance, euclidean distance 2 1—3 8 340
Distance, hyperbolic distance 12 12—14 37 39 44 45 228
Distance, signed distance 218—220 253 253—254
Distance, spherical distance 48 343
Domino diagram 225 291
Dumas, David 282
Dunne, Edward G. xv
Earle, Clifford J. 280
Edge of a hyperbolic polyhedron 258 258—265
Edge of a polygon 61 61—83 257
Edge, edge cycle 172 172—181
Element of a set 355
Elliptic isometry 41 239 240
Empty set 355
Epstein, David B.A. 340
Equivalence class 84
Equivalence relation 84
Essential surface 343—346
Essential surface, essential Klein bottle 345
Essential surface, essential projective plane 344
Essential surface, essential sphere 344
Essential surface, essential torus 344
Euclidean, euclidean distance 2 3 340
Euclidean, euclidean geodesic 3 21
Euclidean, euclidean isometries 5—7 39
Euclidean, euclidean length 2 48
Euclidean, euclidean metric 67 340
Euclidean, euclidean norm 33
Euclidean, euclidean plane 1—10
Euclidean, euclidean polygon 61 61—66 183
Euclidean, euclidean space 340 349
Euclidean, euclidean surface 67 89—97 103—104 341 343
Euclidean, euclidean triangle 125
Euler, Euler characteristic 131
Euler, Euler exponential notation 6 362
Euler, Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783) 131 362
Exceptional fiber 347
Exponential, complex exponential 242 364 362—364
Exterior point 152
Face of a polyhedron 258 257—265 334—340
Farey, crooked Farey tessellation 243 241—247 265—265 279 291—297
Farey, Farey circle packing 210 207—226
Farey, Farey series 223
Farey, Farey sum 209
Farey, Farey tessellation 210 207—226
Farey, Farey, John (1766-1826) 210
Fiber 347
Fibration see "Seifert fibration"
Fields medal 322 350
Figure-eight knot 303 293—313 352 353
Finite volume 324
fix 358
Fixed point 358
Ford, Ford circles 212
Ford, Ford domain 331 326—340
Ford, Ford, Lester Randolph (1886-1967) 212 340
Free group action 192 264 280—282 297 352
Fuchs, Lazarus Immanuel (1833-1902) 284
Fuchsian group 255 252—257 280 283—284
Fuchsian group, fuchsian group of the first type 256
| Fuchsian group, fuchsian group of the second type 256
Fuchsian group, twisted fuchsian group 288
Function 357
Fundamental domain 192 185—205 259 259—269 296—298
Gauss — Bonnet formula 131
Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) 131
Generate transformation group generated by bijections 135—136 186 194 260
Genus 97 129
Geodesic 21
Geodesic, closed geodesic 49 127—129 204
Geodesic, complete geodesic 21
Geodesic, euclidean geodesic 3 21
Geodesic, hyperbolic geodesic 17 22 230
Geodesic, spherical geodesic 49—51
Geometric structure 349
Gordon, Cameron McA. 340
Great circle 48 129
Great circle arc 49
Group 185 185—205
Group, abstract group 202
Group, fuchsian group 255 252—257 280 283—284
Group, group action 185 185—205
Group, group of isometries 186
Group, isometry group 186
Group, kleinian group 248 241—302 326—340
Group, tiling group 136 135—184 212—222 259
Group, transformation group 185 185—205
Haken, Wolfgang 350
Hamilton, Richard S. 350
Haros, C. 211
Hatcher, Allen E. 318
Hiatt, Christopher xvi
Homeomorphic 90
Homeomorphism 41 90 91 96—98 126 129 130 182 270 288 303—311 317—319 325
Homogeneous 7 15—16 34—36 49—50 128 129 230 349
Homothety 15 28 40 228 239 286
Horizontal translation 15 28 41 228 239
Horocircle 172 172—181 214—222 290
Horocycle 172
Horocyclic isometry 172 172—176 221—222
Horodisk 178 178—180 256
Horosphere 234 234—235 260—265 268 298 331—332
Howe, Roger E. xv
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic area 43 43—44
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic disk 42
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic distance 12 12—14 37 39 44 45 228
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic geodesic 17 22 230
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic isometry 14—17 25 23—27 40 232 231—231 234 238 239
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic knot 322 322—340
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic length 11 17—22 33—34 227 230
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic metric 12 12—14 37 39 44 45 82 228
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic norm 33 33—36 228 229
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic plane 11 11—46 234
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic polygon 80
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic reflection 15 240
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic rotation 40
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic space 227 227—240 349
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic surface 82 102 341—343
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic triangle 43 98 125 130
Hyperbolic, hyperbolic volume 240 353
Ideal, ideal polygon 116
Ideal, ideal vertex 116 170 170—180 257 258 257—265
identity map 185 357
Image 357
Imaginary part 11 362
Infimum (pl. infima) 359 358—360
Infinite limit 361 360—361
Infinity, limit at infinity 361 360—361
Infinity, vertex at infinity 170 170—180 257 258 257—265
Injective 357
Interior, interior of a manifold 348
Interior, interior point 152
Intersection 356
Inverse map 185 357
Inversion across a circle 16 16—17 28 28 42
Inversion across a sphere 229 237
Isometric, isometric extension 233 231—233 236
Isometric, isometric group action 186
Isometric, locally isometric 67
Isometry 5
Isometry, elliptic isometry 41 239
Isometry, euclidean isometries 5 7 39
Isometry, group of isometries 186
Isometry, horocyclic isometry 172 172—176 221—222
Isometry, hyperbolic isometry 14—17 25 23—27 40 232 231—234 238 239
Isometry, isometry group 186
Isometry, loxodromic isometry 40 239
Isometry, parabolic isometry 41 239 327
Isometry, spherical isometries 50
Isomorphic knots 317
Isotopic knots 316
Isotopy 316
Isotropic 7 34—36 49—50 230 349
Jaco, William H. 321 350
Jacobian 238 317
Johannson, Klaus 321 350
Klein, Klein bottle 95 93—95 128 341
Klein, Klein bottle, essential Klein bottle 345
Klein, Klein, Felix (1849-1925) 45 95 284
Kleinian group 248 241—302 326—340
Kneser, Hellmuth (1898-1973) 350
Knot 316
Knot, companion knot 321
Knot, figure-eight knot 303
Knot, hyperbolic knot 322 322—340
Knot, knot complement 293—313 319—340 352—354
Knot, satellite knot 321
Knot, torus knot 319
Knot, trefoil knot 319
Knot, unknot 317
Length, euclidean length 2 48
Length, hyperbolic length 11 17—22 33—34 227 230
Length, length in a metric space 3 9 87 127
Length, length of a discrete walk 58
Length, length of a sequence 135 147—155
LIMIT 4 135 147—155
Limit, limit at infinity 361 360 361
Limit, limit point 248
Limit, limit set 248 247—252 255—256 270—279 299—302
Linear fractional map 27 27 33 38 186 231—235
Linear groups 202
Listing, Johann Benedict (1808-1882) 104
Little, Charles N. 337
Locally finite 134 145 197 259 261 333 334
Locally isometric 67 82 83
Loxodromic isometry 40 239
Luecke, John 340
Manifold 340 340—351
MAP 357
Marden, Albert 296
Maximum (pl. maxima) 358 358—360
McMullen, Curtis T. 322
Metric 3
Metric, euclidean metric 67 340
Metric, hyperbolic metric 12 12—14 37 39 44 45
Metric, metric function 3
Metric, metric space 3 3—5 58—61 134—135 150—155
Metric, path metric 9 63 81 82
Metric, product metric 8 344
Metric, quotient metric 61 58 61 141—143 187—189
Metric, spherical metric 48 343
Milnor, John W. 350
Minimum (pl. minima) 358 358—360
Minsky, Yair N. 282 283
Moduli space 342
Modulus (pl. moduli) 23 362
Moebius strip 341
Moebius, Moebius group 237
Moebius, Moebius strip 104 103—104
Moebius, Moebius transformation 237
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