Авторизация |
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Steen S. — Mathematical Logic with Special Reference to the Natural Numbers |
Предметный указатель |
Primitive sign 10
Principal characteristic function 244
Principia Mathematica 8 30 203 205
Principle of Mathematical Induction 423
Priority, list 353
Priority, method 274 379
Problem, decision 66 130
Problem, of formalizing 38
Problem, Post's 352
Problem, reduction 136 202
Procedure, rules of 19
Produces 311
Product, function 239
Product, of a table 312
Product, of ordinals 210
Product, of relations 170
Production, a level 441
Production, function 239
Production, Post 378
Productive set 330 379 405
Productive, completely 335
Progression 1 8
Projection of a set 346
proof 20
Proof, 265
Proof, 451
Proof, in normal form 92
Proof-predicate 265 390 448
Proof-thread 20 31
Proof-tree 20
Proper class 169
Proper symbol 13
Property 278
Property, induction 514
Property, variable 511
Propositional calculus 31 34 610
Pure iteration 254 257
Pure predicate calculus 78
Pure propositional calculus 42
Quantificational power 157
Quantifier 72 201 213
Quantifier, compound 73
Quantifier, existential 278
Quantifier, limited 244
Quantifier, simple 73
Quantifier, universal 387
Quine, W.vO. 9 31 275
Quotient 240
Ramified types 77 198 559
Ramsey, P.F. 203
Rank, of a proof 93
Rank, of a term 219
Rational numbers 178 375
Real numbers 178
Recursion, course of values 247 434
Recursion, double 250
Recursion, simple nested 252 434
Recursion, simultaneous 247 434
Recursion, with substitution in parameter 248 434
Recursive fundamental sequence 375
Recursive ordinals 328
Recursive permutation 329
Recursive real numbers 375 544
Recursive statements 254
Recursive, degree 344
Recursively decidable 314
Recursively enumerable 319 322 345
Recursively independant 361
Reduced prefix 554
Reduced, -0- 234
Reducible,(1-1) 331 380
Reduction, problem 136 202
Reduction, type 142
Redundant 120
Reflexive 123
register 338 358
Regularity 51 88 498
Related occurrences 21
Relation 123 168 170 609
Relative consistency proof 600
Relativization 169
Relevant table 325
Remainder, of an ordinal 210
Remainder, on division 241
Remodelling rules 42 78 217 228
Represented 235 311 337
Resolved 160
Resolved form 166 206
Restricted 79 92 99
Restricted quantifier 244
Reversibility, Ia, b, IIb, c, e 79 163
Reversibility, Ia, IIb, c 43
Reversibility, IIb' 45
Reversibility, IIb, c, e 163
Reversibility, IId* 98
Reversibility, in 519
Reversibility, in 463
Rice, H.G. 382
Riemann integral 548
Right parenthesis 13 42 214
Ring 412
Ring, boolean 70
Robinson, A. 606
Robinson, R.M. 247
Rogers,H. jun. 380 508
Romans 609
Rose, G.F. 379
Rosser, J.B. 204 205 286 559 560 607
Rowbottom, F. 230 274
Rule 10 13
Rule, 213
Rule, - 22
Rule, of consequence 18
Rule, of formation 14
Rule, of predicate calculus 78
Rule, of procedure 19 217
Rule, of propositional calculus 42
Rule-scheme 20
Russell, B. 8 9 31 32 67 201 559 606
Ryll-Nardzewski, C. 606
S-model 580
Sacks, G. 379 607
Satisfaction 101 108 141 201 568 570 590
Satisfiable over 109 567
Scheme, of generation 11
Scheme, of primitive recursion 234
Scheme, of substitution 233
Schmidt, A. 201
Schoenfinkel, M. 202
Scholastic logic 65
Scholz, H. 203
Schroeder, E. 30 65 67 201 202 286
Schuette, K. 66 201 202 508
Scope of an abstraction 16
Scott, D. 204
Secondary extension 28
Secondary formula 42
Segment, end 244
Segment, initial 244
Segment, of an ordinal 210
Semantic tableau 149 206
Semi-formal system 508
Semi-lattice 346
Semi-model 77
Sentential power 157
Separable 200
Sequence, C 568
Sequence, of degrees 261
Sequence, of natura numbers 235
| Sequence, S 568
Sequenzen 68
Set 169
Set theory 171
Set variable 169
Sheffer, H.M. 68
Sheperdson, J.C. 204 607
Shoenfeld, J.R. 379 382 508
Sierpinski, W. 204 205
SIGN 5 10 213
Sikorski, R. 205
Similar 177
Similarity relation 177
Simple nested recursion 252 434
Simple quantifiers 73
Simple set 323 343 379 610
Simply connected 548
Simultaneous recursion 247 434
Simultaneous satisfaction 589
Singularly predicate calculus 65 208
Situation 307
Skolem, S-normal form 138 140
Skolem, Th. 201 202 204 205 207 273 274 408 599 606
Skolem, V-normal form 138 140
Skolimowski, H. 67
Smullyan, R.M. 378 382
Solovay, R. 204
solvable 130 132
Specker, E. 382
Spector, C. 379 560
Spectrum 372
Square 10 288
Square-root function 254
Standard, determination 220
Standard, model 403 565
Standard, order 586
Standard, position 294
Standard, proof 220
Standard, truth definition 563
State 366
Statement 19 214 266
Statement-form 22
Stoic — Megara school 65
Sub-system 28
Subsidiary 42
Substitution, function 271
Substitution, in parameter 248 434
Substitution, rule 67 114 163
Substitution, scheme 233
Subtraction, limited 237
Successor function 213 214 230 233
Sum of ordinals 210
Summation function 239
Superior variable 92
Suppes, P. 205
Suranyi, L. 202 203
Sylvester, J.J. 66
Symbol 10 213
Symmetry 123
Syntax 7
Syntax, language 31
System, 519
System, 518
System, 213
System, 278
System, 438
System, 42
System, 78
System, A 387
System, A' 511
System, E 430
Syzygy 55 66
t-column 150
Table, complete 295
Table, model 37
Table, truth 58 66
Tableau, semantic 149
tally 4 292
Tape 5 9 288 378
Tarski, A. 9 31 65 201 202 286 379 407 421 559 606
Tautologous 92
Tautology 55 64 66 101 102 104 105 106 521
Term 266
Term, numerical 213 214
Terminating instruction 296
Tertium non datur (T.N.D.) 9 66 80 91 396 461 517 520
Theorem, induction 49 85 445
Theorem, scheme 20
Theory 114
Theory, degree of 372
Theory, in free disjunctive form 115 121
Thread of a proof 429
Three-valued propositional calculus 65
topology 199
Total function 303
Transfinite induction 178
Transfinite induction, jump 416
Transfinite induction, number 175 598
transform 170
Transitivity 123
Translation 116 124
Treated 157 441
Tree-form 20
Trivial model 37
Truth 6
Truth, -definition 29 31 193 272 279 282 388 395 401 405 416 420 521 535 538
Truth, table 58 66
Truth, values 55
Turing, A.M. 9 31 233 273 378 559 609
Turing, machine 130 288
Turing, oracle 336
Two-valued model 564
Two-valued negation 29
TYPE 13 14 15 17 18
Type, ramified 77 198 559
Type, symbol 34
Type, theory 31 203
Ullian, J.S. 379
Ultra filter 582
Ultra filter, product 589
Unbounded least number operator 273 284
Unbounded quantifier 273 387 407 438
Unbounded truth tables 381
Uncertainty principle 551
Undecidability, essential 379 391 508
Undecidability, of 314
Undecidability, various results 316
Undefinable arithmetically 416 417
Undesignated 76 564
Uniformly effective 322
Union class 61 127 168 169
Unit class 169
Unit, element 61
Universal algorithm 273
UNIVERSAL class 169
Universal function 291 313
Universal quantifier 89 387 407 438
Universal statement 389 484
Unlimited least number operator 273 284
Unlimited quantifier 273
Unsolvability, degree of 329 343 379 607
Upper formula 19
Upper semi-lattice 344
Vacant 354
Val 522
Valid, M- 37
Valid, over a general model 567
Validity 108 193 201
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