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Steen S. — Mathematical Logic with Special Reference to the Natural Numbers |
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Abbreviation 23
Abel, N.H. 560
abstract 15
Abstraction, function forming 213
Abstraction, of variable 16
Abstraction, operator 214
Abstraction, symbol 13
Ackermann, W. 201 202 233 275
Addison, J.W. 421 560 606
Addition, cardinal 181
Addition, function 236
Addition, ordinal 179
Aleph 181 204 604
Algebraic closure 377
Algorithm 273 378 609
Alphabet 158
Alphabetical order 27
Analysis 548
Analytical hierarchy 553
Anderson, J.M. 66
Anti-system 228 286
Antinomy, of greatest ordinal 176
Antinomy, of liar 31
Application 15 213
Applied predicate calculus 73
Applied propositional calculus 34
Arabs 273 609
Argument 15
Aristotle 30 65 609 610
Arithmetic, degree 416
Arithmetic, set 346
Arithmetically, defined 416
Arithmetically, undefinable 416 417
Arithmetization of syntax 274
Array 324
Association to the left 14
Associativity, of conjunction 45
Associativity, of disjunction 43 47 52
atomic 293
Available 107
Axiom scheme 19
Axiom, of choice 181 183 198 204 205 555
Axiom, of constructivity 602 607
Axiom, of infinity 175 203 204 598
Axiom, of reduction 203
Axiomatizable 372 403
Axioms, of 519
Axioms, of 518
Axioms, of 215—216
Axioms, of 278
Axioms, of 438
Axioms, of A 387
Axioms, of A' 513
Axioms, of Boolean algebra 62
Axioms, of E 430
Axioms, of set theory 171
Axioms, of the classical predicate calculus 78
Axioms, of the classical propositional calculus 42
Bachmann, H. 204
Bar-Hillel, Y. 205
Barwise, J. 559
Base 20
Based on 74 114 406
Basic formal system 398
Basic propositional calculus 37
batch 572
Behmann, H. 202
Bernays, P. 31 65 66 67
Bernstein, F. 204
Beth, E.W. 202
Biconditional 51
Binary predicate calculus 166 203
Bochenski, L.M. 65
Boethius 65
Bolzano — Wierstrass 377
Boole, G. 30 65 66 68
Boolean algebra 61 66 68 70 71 129 194 605
Boolean ring 71
Boolean valued model 194 204
Borel, E. 421
Bound occurrence 14 267
Boundary 200
Bounded truth-table 381
Branch 20
Brouwer, L.E.J. 8 9 66 273
Building rules 42 78 217
Calculable 130 232 246 258
Caley, A. 205
Cancellation 44 78
Cantor, G. 203 204 274 380 407 559
Cardinal, integers 180
Cardinal, numbers 180
Carried forward 443
Cases, definition by 243
Categorical 564
Cauchy, A. 560
Chain of degrees 374
Change of bound variable 23
Characterise 577 606
Characteristic function 243
characteristica universalis 30
Choice function 162
Chrysippus 65
Church's thesis 288 343 378
Church, A. 31 65 66 68 202 203 230 273 286 378 379 606 609
Chwistek, L. 203
Class, existence 516
Class, of ordinals 180
Class, proper 169
Class, theory 65 168
Class, variable 516
Classical predicate calculus 78
Classical propositional calculus 42
Closed, set 199
Closed, statement 267
Closure 80 84 574
Cohen, P. 204 599 609
Cohesive set 365 379
Collision of bound variables 198
Combinatory logic 230 378
Commutativity, of conjunction 45
Commutativity, of disjunction 43 47 52
Compact 200
Complement 61 168 192
Complete arithmetic 213
Complete Boolean Algebra 192 605
Complete degree 345 356 360
Complete set 323 343 379 381
Complete set of atomic instructions 294
Complete table 295
Complete w.r.t. negation 30 227 315
Complete w.r.t. truth-definition 29 225 280
Completely productive set 335
Completeness, of 55
Completeness, of higher order predicate calculi 594
Complex number 178 548
complexity 191
composition 42
Compound quantifier 73
compound statement 213
Comprehension axiom 516
Computing degrees of unsolvability 419
Concatination sign 11 31 215
Concept writing 30
Conclusion 7 19
Conditional symbol 48
conditions 601
Conjunction symbol 45 214 265
Conjunctive normal form 56 64 68 81
Connected table 300
| Connective 6 34
Consecutive part 12
Consequence 18
Consistency 55 113 224 398 407 451 501 519 530
Consistent, model 113
Consistent, w.r.t. negation 30 113 227
Consistent, w.r.t. truth-definition 29 213 224 280
Constant 13 72
Constant, function 233
Constructable universe 204
Construction sequence 234 568
Constructive method 6 27
Constructive ordinals 327 511
Continuum Hypothesis 182 204 205 406
Contraction of quantifiers 409
Contributing table 325
Convergence function 375
Converse relation 170
Conversion 230 378
Coordinate function 236 242
correctness 1
Correspondence, (1-1) 180
Corresponding column 150
Corresponding occurrence 21
Corresponding parenthesis 16
Corresponding set 582
Countable chain condition 193
Counter example 149
Course of values recursion 247 434
Cover 200
Craig, W. 202 408
Creative set 327 343 379
Crossley, J.N. 607
Curry, H.B. 230
Cut formula 49 see
Davis, M. 380
De Morgan, A. 30 66 67 609
De Morgan, laws 47 52
Decidability of 57
Decidable 27 213 227 229
Decidable, arithmetic 225
Decomposable 210
Dedekind induction 273 274
Dedekind sections 178 376
Dedekind, finite 603
Deduction Theorem 48 80 115 231 469 521
Deductive method 7 39
Definable, 232 389
Definable, 399
Definable, A 409 557
Definition 23 34
Definition, by cases 243
Degree, of solvability 344
Degree, of unsolvability 329 343 607
Dekker, J.E. 379 382 408
Denumerable model 110 204
Denumerable ordinals 180
Derivation 40
Derived rule 20 123
Descartes, R. 213
descendent 79 578
Designated 36 76 564
Destruction rules 228
Detachment 49 see
determine 218
Diadic predicate calculus 73
Diagram of a table 298
Dilution 42 78 217
Dilution, existential 278
Direct product 127 170
Discrete 199 324
Disjoint 193
Disjunction 42 214 265
Disjunctive normal form 56 64 68
Distributive laws 43 47 52 86 193
Domain 170
Domain, restricted 170
Dorp, J. 66
Double Negation 42 47 52
Double nested recursion 256
Double recursion 250 434
Dual 53 90
Duality 52
Duerr, K. 65
E-correct 438 455
Effective truth definition 29
Effectiveness 32 66 273
Element of a model 36
Elimination, of -symbol 184 205
Elimination, of axiom schemes 126
Empty set 167
End segment 12 244
Enumerable 284
Enumerating function 262 341
Enumeration of primitive recursive functions 260
Epimenides 31
Equality 119 123 166 171 213 214 265
Equation calculus 430
Equivalence relation 123
Equivalent 28 35 37 51 235 262 281 300 304 312
Eratosthenes 273
Essentially undecidable 314 315 316 379 431
Euclid 203 273 601
Excluded Middle see "T.N.D."
Exclusiveness 219
Existential dilution 78
Existential quantifier 78 116 278
Existential statement 282 499
Exponentiation, function 237
Exponentiation, of cardinals 181
Exponentiation, of ordinals 179 211
Express 48 51 329
Extension, of 541
Extension, of A 425
Extension, of a formal system 28
Extensional 171 203 271
f-calculable 337
f-column 150
Factorial function 237
False ancestor 472
Falsity definition 29 213 219 272 283 389
Field 413
Finite, Dedekind 603
Finite, set 177 603
Finiteness 66
First Order Predicate Calculus 78
Fitch, F.B. 229 407
Fixed point proposition 335 379
Forcing method 204 601
Forcing rules 601
Formal system 10 27 28 378 428 438 609
Formalization of primitive recursion theory 243
Formation rules 15
Formula, forms 21 22
Formula, induction 8 9
Fraenkel, A. 204 205
free 354
Free, disjunctive form 115
Free, for 16 23
Free, occurrence 14
Free, variable 15 72
Frege, G. 30 32 65 66 67 201 203
Freundental, H. 9
Friedberg, R.M. 274 379
Fubonacci 273
Full model 567
Function 76 170 215
Function, calculus 72
Function, characteristic 266
Function, of a complex variable 548
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