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Krantz S. — Mathematical apocrypha redux
Krantz S. — Mathematical apocrypha redux

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Название: Mathematical apocrypha redux

Автор: Krantz S.


A companion to "Mathematical Apocrypha," (published in 2002) this second volume of anecdotes, stories, quips, and ruminations about mathematics and mathematicians is sure to please. It differs from other books of its type in that many of the stories are from the twentieth century and many about currently living mathematicians. A number of the best stories come from the author's first-hand experience. The writing is lively, engaging, and informative. There are stories the reader may wish to share with students and colleagues, friends, and relatives. The purpose of the book is to explore and to celebrate the many facets of mathematical life. The stories reveal mathematicians as intense, human, and sympathetic. They should resonate with readers everywhere. This book will appeal to students from high school through graduate school, to faculty and to mathematical scientists of all stripes, and also to physicists, engineer, and anyone interested in mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 306

Добавлена в каталог: 24.08.2014

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Предметный указатель
Kissinger, Henry      143
Kleenex ingestion      29
Klein, F.      18
Klein, Felix      111
Kleitman, Daniel      51
Kline, John R      24 138 161 201 225
Knuth, Donald      2 9—10 197
Kobayashi, S.      249
Koblitz, Ann Hibner      250
Koblitz, Neal      250
Kohlmayr, Gerhard      181
Kohn, Joe      23 200 210 211
Kola Astier      103
Koosis, Paul      11
Korean snack sensation      21
Kostant, Bertram      39
Kowalevski, Sonja      17 19 218 220 221—222
Krantz, Steven G.      193
Kripke, Saul      222
Kronecker, Leopold      56
Ku Klux Klan      185
Kuratowski, K.      15 61
Kuwait      13
La Clef des Songes ou Dialogue avec le Bon Dieu      179
Lagarias, Jeff      128
Landau, Edmund      5 37 75 80
Lang, Serge      176 251
Langenhop, Carl E.      59
Langlands, Robert      272
Laplace, Pierre-Simon      36
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, Mecanique Celeste      205
Laugwitz, D.      181
Law of Large Numbers      74
Lax, Peter      114 174 177 214
Le Monde      178
Lebesgue, Henri      18 136 207
Lecture Notes in the Fine Hall Library      90
Lefschetz, Solomon      59 85 91 113 140 195 209 229
Lehrer, Tom      270 271
Leningrad seminar      258
Lenstra, Hendrik      65 69
Leray, Jean      66
Lesniewski, Stanislaw      104
Letimann, George      150
Leuengerber, Christoph      5
Levi problem      66
Levi-Strauss, Claude      180
Levinson, Norman      177 226 247
Lewy, Hans      174
Liddell, Alice      9
Lindeloef, Ernst      75 136
Linear algebra      209
Linear Algebra Done Right      209
Linear operators      46
Linnik, Y.V.      187
Lisker, Roy      177 178
Lisp      107
Little League practice      222
Littlewood, J.E.      46 75 100 108 166 187 236
Loewner's equation      257
Loewner, Charles      174 228 257
Look and say sequence      146
Lorch, Edgar R.      157 170 224
Lorch, Lee      205
Lord Byron      110
Lord Kelvin      109
Lord Lymington      153
Lorenzen      181
Los Alamos      165
Lossers, O.P.      27
Lottery winners      74
Lwow, Poland      159
Ma, Daowei      85
Maak, Wilhelm      148
Mac Lane, Saunders      7 24 53 67 81 98 127 137 139 160 171 189 241
MacDonald, O.      3
MacHale, Desmond      42
MacMillan, W.D.      198
MacOS      189
MacPherson, Robert      36 79 128
Magaziner, Ira C.      249
Magnetic waves      192
Magnus, Wilhelm      253
Magwich      251
Mail damaged in transit      52
Markstein, Peter      38
Marshall, Donald      176
Martin, D.A.      188
Martin, Steve      113
Martin, William Ted      62 247
Marx, Karl      40 182
Masani, P.R.      134 227
Massachusetts Institute of Theology      177
Massey, W.S.      205
Math labs, cracking down on      74
Mathematical Reviews      101 112
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute      65 113
Mathematician as Uebermensch      77
Mathematics learning disability      231
Mathmanship      67
MathSciNet      101 190
Matiyasevich, Yuri      149
Matthai, Abraham      227
Maxwell, James Clerk      109
Mazur, Barry      38 118 251
McCarthy era      39 205
McDowell, Att      176
McDowell, Robert H.      25 176
McLuhan, Marshall      64
McMillan, Brockway      242
McQuillen, Mary      38
McTaggart, J.E.      156
Mecanique Celeste      205
Medal of Meritorious Service      55
Menemsha Beach      143
Menger, Karl      174
Meramec Junior College      117
Merton, Robert K.      64
Michigan, University of      4
Miller, George Abram      4 229
Miller, Victor S.      34 35 121
Milne, J.S.      152
Milner, Eric      12
Milnor, John      82 140 235 268
Minkowski space with light rays      29
Miss Havisham      251
MIT      38
Mittag-Leffler Institute      39 176
Mittag-Leffler, Goesta      39 90 129 215 218 221 222
Mittelhof, Thomas      127
Moby Dick      261
Monkey fields      44
Monsieur Grat      22
Monsieur LeB lane      165
Monte Hall Problem      117
Montgomery, Hugh      259
Moore Instructor at MIT      89
Moore, Calvin      62
Moore, E.H.      239
Moore, R.L.      91 105
Morawetz, Cathleen      230 246
Morgenstem, Oskar      155
Moron schools      35
Morrison, Jim      36
Morse theory      15
Morse, Louise      92
Morse, Marston      15 91 127
Moschovakis, Y.N.      188
Moser, Willy      12
Moulton, D.      69
Mozart, Wolfgang      154 255
Mr. Scratch      22
Mr. W      91
MSRI      11
Mumford, David      34 179 246
Munro, H.H.      63
Mussolini, Benito      162
Mussorgsky, P.      215
My Proof of the Paradox      184
Napster      125
Narasimhan, R.      133
Nash, John Forbes      247
National Academy of Sciences      189 251
National Medal of Science      156
National Science Board      189
Navier-Stokes equations      77
Navy ROTC      38
Neeman, Amnam      246
Nemerov, Howard      98
Neugebauer, Otto      112 174
Neuwirth, Bebe      9
Neuwirth, Lee      9
Nevai, Paul      214
Nevanlinna, Rolf      136
New Trends in Calculus Teaching      65
New York Mathematical Society      208
New York Times      99
Newton, Humphrey      153
Newton, Isaac      32 109 112 152 236
Newton, Isaac, Principia Mathematica      32 204
Newton, Isaac, religious devotion      32
Newton-John, Olivia      215
Neyman, Jerzy      65 174
Nicholson, Jack      190
Nikodym, Otton      18
Nirenberg, Louis      67
Niven, Ivan      53 112 114 137 138 174
Nnmb3rs      55
Nobel Prize in economics      35 67 247
Nobel Prize in Physics      66
Nobel Prize in Physics for Poincare      90
Noether, Emmy      45 60 174
Non-Euclidean geometry      240
Norbie      134
Notation for the empty set      45
Novikoff, Albert      83
O'Neal, Tatum      124
O'Neill, Eugene      142
Ochs, Phil      57
Office of Naval Research      244 245
Oka, Kiyoshi      66
Oldenburg, Henry      154
Oliver, Robert      14
Olivier, Laurence      190
Omphaloskepsis      168
One-button mouse      220
Oppenheimer, J. Robert      169
Optimal number system      151
Ordre-pour-le-Semite      148
Ore, Oystein      82 172 240 241
Osgood, William Fogg      41 127
Osgood, William Fogg, calculus book      42
Osserman, Robert      113
Oxford University      166
P vs. NP Problem      77
Painleve, Paul      90
Palka, Bruce      59 217
Parallel lines meeting at infinity      70
Parks, Harold R.      86
Parmenides      156
Pascal, Blaise      71 144
Passano, Leonard Macgruder      74
Patemo, Joe      193
Patterson, Gene      190
Paul Nevai's Quiz      214
Pauli, Wolfgang      194
Paulsen, William      64
Paycheck at commencement      254
PDE Crossword      274
Peanese      27
Peirce, Benjamin      18 114 203
Peirce, Charles      208
Penn State University      192
Penrose, Roger      29 266
People Magazine      141
Pere Lachaise Cemetery      36
Perelman, Grisha      78
Petard, H.      2
Peterson, Thurman S.      53
Philipp, Stanton      123
Photocopying      16
Photographic memory      23
Physics experimentalists      90
Pickford, Mary      190
Pickled squid sandwich      14
Pink flamingo      154
PIP      251
Pitcher, Everett      94 189
Plateau problem      226
Plato      99
Playing Wagner from low-flying helicopters      199
Poincare conjecture      77 78 215
Poincare, Henri      1 23 90 129 145 233 236
Poldavian      27
Poles apart      65
Polking, John      123
Polya, George      22 83 136 174 215 239
Pons, Stanley      248
Pool of oil      192
Posa, Lajos      253
Potrzebie      10
Potrzebie system of weights and measures      10
Pound, Ezra      64
Prager, William      174
Principia Mathematica      87 153
Probability theory      2
Profesorry-rat      65
Professor Jesus      213
Pseudodifferential operators      232 273
Publish or perish      64
Putnam, T.M.      105
Pyrenees Mountains      177
Pythagoras      50
Qualifying exams      28
Quean of the sciences      75
Queen Victoria      9
Queries for colloquium speaker      42
Quine, Van Willard Orman      61
Quite good      4
Rabbit      158
Rademacher, Hans      138 160 174
Rado, Tibor      27 174
Radon, J.      18
Rainwater, J.      27
Ramanujan, Srinivasa      254
Ramsey theory      44
Recollections of Childhood      221
Recoltes et Semailles      178
Red Guard      99
Redheffer, Raymond      1 97
Rees, Mina      244 245
Refrigerator gases      155
Regents of the University of California      202
Rehm, Diane      112
Remedial trigonometry      232
Remington typewriter      61
Renyi, Alfred      161
Reshetikhin, Nicolai      8
Rhinoceros      9
Ribet, Kenneth      34
1 2 3 4 5
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