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Krantz S. — Mathematical apocrypha redux
Krantz S. — Mathematical apocrypha redux

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Название: Mathematical apocrypha redux

Автор: Krantz S.


A companion to "Mathematical Apocrypha," (published in 2002) this second volume of anecdotes, stories, quips, and ruminations about mathematics and mathematicians is sure to please. It differs from other books of its type in that many of the stories are from the twentieth century and many about currently living mathematicians. A number of the best stories come from the author's first-hand experience. The writing is lively, engaging, and informative. There are stories the reader may wish to share with students and colleagues, friends, and relatives. The purpose of the book is to explore and to celebrate the many facets of mathematical life. The stories reveal mathematicians as intense, human, and sympathetic. They should resonate with readers everywhere. This book will appeal to students from high school through graduate school, to faculty and to mathematical scientists of all stripes, and also to physicists, engineer, and anyone interested in mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 306

Добавлена в каталог: 24.08.2014

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Предметный указатель
Dubner, Harvey      163
Dudley, Underwood      26
Dulles, John Foster      156
Dunford, Nelson      46 110 172 240
Duren, W.L.      105 139
Dwindle Hall      104
Dylan, Bob      131
Dyson, Freeman      65 121 155 259
EckhartHall      151
Ecole Normale Superieure      186
Ed Sullivan Show      237
Eddy, Mrs.      269
Eddy, Robert      143
Edison, Thomas Alva      96
Edward and Vivian Thorp Endowment      210
Edward O. Thorp Associates      210
Egan, Jack      235
Ehad Mi Yode'a      3
Eichmann, Adolf      151
Eigenvalues      4
Eilenberg, Samuel      76 94 98 160 174
Einstein, Albert      66 86 90 108 110 139 141 154—156 195 269
Eiseinann, Kurt      3
Eisenbud, David      232
Eisenhart, Luther P.      143
Eisenhower, Dwight      155
Eisenman, Donald      185
Ekhad, Shalosh B.      146 257
Eliminating reproduction      17
Eliot Seminary      142
Eliot, Charles William      136 203
Eliot, T.S.      142
Eliot, Valerie      142
Eliot, William Greenleaf      142
Endowment to University of Illinois mathematics library      229
Enflo, Per      95
Engineers are blockheads      59
English BASIC      27
Equilateral triangle      235
Erdos number      190
Erdos, Paul      4 12 39—40 41 44 51 101 118 128 159 161 174 184 190 191 197 219 222 251—254
Erdos, Paul, amorous liaison      41
Erdos, Paul, tying his shoes      253
Escher, M.C.      66
Estela      251
Esterle, Jean      8
Euclid      167
Euclidean geometry      7
Euclidean point      124
Euler, Leonhard      214 21 237 252
Evans, L. Craig      55
Exact sequence      94
Exoo, G.      198
Extermination by Germans      161
Eye surgery      252
Fadiman, Clifton      251
Fairbanks, Douglas      190
Fantappie, Luigi      162
Farey series      237
Farey, John      236—237
Farkas, Donka      261
Farkas, Peter      261
Farlow, Stanley J.      274
Farnell, Al      59
Father of the College      167
Feferman, Sol      104
Fefferman, Charles L.      7 86 119 141 265 266 267
Fejer, L.      18 22
Fejes-Toth, Laszlo      79
Fekete, M.      204
Feller, William      174
Fenchel, W.      204
Fermat s Last Tango      258
Fermat's last theorem      13 67 120 251
Fermat, P.      237 258
Feynman, Richard      50 112 185 271
Fields medal      82 95
Filing cabinet, invention of the      74
Finance professor      62
Finite groups      5
Fish Machine      106
Fiske, Thomas S.      208
Fleischmann, Martin      248
Flexner, Abraham      223
Folland, Gerald B.      19 151 262 263 265 267 268
Ford, Gerald      156
Ford, Henry      212
Fornaess, John Erik      132
Foundations of Algebraic Topology      94
Fourier transform      4 232
Fowler, H.W.      93
Fox, Leslie      84
Fox, Ralph      140 143
Franck, James      220
Franklin and Deborah Tepper Haimo Teaching Award      183
Franklin, Benjamin      64
Frechet, M.      239
Fredholm, Ivar      90
Free Speech Movement      180
Freedman, Michael      36
French Legion d'Honneur      234
Freudenthal, Hans      134
Friedman, Harvey      237
Friedrichs, K.O.      174
Frink, Orin      94
Frisch, Otto      165
Fulton, William      36
Function of Mr. Green      147
Functions of Many Complicated Changeables      62
Gaffney, Matt      217
Garabedian, Paul      81
Gardner, Martin      118
Garfunkel, Art      263 268
Garsia, Adriano      29
Gates, Daryl      33
Gauss name      173
Gauss, Carl Friedrich      11 133 165 231 240
Gaussian distribution      260
Gaussian unitary ensemble      259
Gavrilov, Nikolai      187
Gehring, Fred      96
Geiringer-Pollaczek, Hilde      174
Gelfond, A.O.      187
Gell-Mann, Murray      236
General topology      49
Generalized Schoenfliess conjecture      38
Generals      267
Georg-August Universitet      11
Germain prime      217
Germain, Sophie      165—166
Gerstenhaber, Murray      51
Get the wooden spoon      167
Getting, Ivan A.      225
Gilbert and Sullivan      271
Gilder, Anne-Lee      175
Gilder, Joshua      175
Gillman, David      202
Gillman, Leonard      159
Gilman, Daniel Coit      114
Gleason, Andrew      35
Gleick, James      112
Glover, J.W.      168
God plays dice with the universe      110
God Save the Queen      84
Godwin, Gail      90
Goedel, Kurt      50 154 156 174
Goldstein, Rebecca      113 155
Goldwater, Barry      120
Gonseth, F.      239
Goofy Grape      51
Googol      170
Gore, Al      247
Goresky, Mark      128
Gorman, Dick      49
Goursat, E.      207
Graham number      197
Graham, Ronald      51 161 197 236
Grants, importance of      246
Grassman, H.      18
Grauert, Hans      11 66
Graustein, W.C.      127
Great Books      218
Great Depression      52
Great Expectations      251
Great Moments in Classical Music      7
Great Square Inches in Art      7
Greatest father-and-son team in mathematics      262
Green, Mark      262 263 267
Greenwood, Robert E.      2 143
Grell, Heinrich      162
Gromov, Mikhael      172
Gross, Benedict      36 219
Grossman, Nicholas      1
Grosswald, Emil      138
Grothendieck, Alexandre      177 178 179
Groton School      242
Gruman, Larry      131
Guinness Book of World's Records      197
Gundy, Richard      51
Hadamard, Jacques      51 174 201 215 234
Hales, Thomas      78
Hall, Marshall      172
Hall, Monte      117
Hall, R. Yazum      213
Hall, Russ      213
Halmos, Paul      5 47 48 53 89 139 201 219 255
Hamburger chaser      48
Hamilton, Jeffrey      2
Hannah, Steve      230
Hardy, G.H.      25 37 43 46 60 75 101 139 201 226 237—239
Hardy, G.H. and cricket      25
Hardy, G.H. and the telephone      43
Harish-Chandra      51 121
Harris, Joe      36
Hartl, Daniel      29
Hartogs, Fritz      161 173
Harvard reform      248
Hasse, Helmut      76
Hausdorff, Felix      161 173
Hawking, Stephen      110 149
Hayhurst, Jeremy      131
Hayman, Walter      204 257
Heaslet, Maxwell Alfred      170
Hecke, Erich      148 149
Heilbroner, Robert      85
Helgason, S.      218
Hellinger, Ernst      161 185
Henderson, T.S.      104
Henkin, Gennadi      33
Herstein, I.      241
Herzl, T.      215
Herzstark, Curt      162
Hestenes, Magnus      127
Heyting, A.      181
Hicks, Wes      49
High-speed computers      153
Hilbert Raum      11
Hilbert space theory      137
Hilbert spaces of entire functions      256
Hilbert, David      11 13 45 149 160 171 220 227
Hille, Einar      114 172
Hilton, Peter      106 107 110
Hippopotamus      9
Hironaka, H.      35
Hirzebruch, F.      16
Hitler, Adolph      185
Hochschild, G.P.      174
Hodge conjecture      77
Hodges, Andrew      106
Hoermander, Lars      176
Hoffman, David      247
Hoffman, Lulu      49
Homecoming Queen      6
Homotopy of spheres      217
Honig, Bill      67
Hopper, Grace M.      63
Horseshoe and good luck      26
Houdini, Harry      215
Howe, E.      69
Hsiang, Wu-Yi      78
Hu, Steve      142
Hughes Aircraft      71
Huntington, E.V.      127
Huntington, Samuel P.      250
Hurewicz, Witold      21 174 231
Hurwitz, Adolf      24
Husband-wife signals      9
Huston, Antoinette      105
Hutchins, Robert Maynard      218 219
I Want to Be a Mathematician      47
Identical twins      2
Idiot savant      213 238
Imagining Numbers      38
Institute for Defense Analyses      196 199
Integrate $f^{+}$      244
International Congress of Mathematicians      37 40 84 119
Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces      76
Ish      27
It's My Turn      219
Italian Mathematical Union      189
Ivic, Alexander      187
Jack, U.      3
Jackson, Allyn      178
Jackson, Dunham      81
Jacobson, Nathan      52 240 241
Janos, Margittai Neumann      23
Jarvik, Robert K.      117
Jech, Tom      197
Jefferson, Thomas      150 167
Jensen, Robert      51
Jewett, Frank      135
Jews are baptized      197
Job candidate and time management      183
John, Fritz      174 264 273
Johns Hopkins University      115
Jones, Peter W.      33 152 233
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications      191
Journal of the London Mathematical Society      6
Jovian bolt      248
Juhasz, Ferenc      184
Junior Optime      167
Kac, Mark      61 174 273
Kant, Immanuel      156
Kasner, Edward      170
Kassouf, Sheen T.      210
Kay, Leslie      86
Kazhdan, David      32
Kechris, A.S.      188
Keillor, Garrison      131
Keller, M. Wiles      138
Kelley, John L.      21 49 50 94
Kellogg, O.D.      207
Kemeny, John G      260
Kepler sphere-packing conjecture      78
Kepler, Johannes      78 79 175
Kerekjarto, Bela      4
Keynes, John Maynard      153
Kim, Kang-Tae      63
King's College      202
Kirchhoff      18
1 2 3 4 5
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