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Klein E. — Mathematical methods in theoretical economics |
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Ordered set, well- 37
Ordering on product sets 41
Ordering, axioms 36
Ordering, elements of 39—41
Ordering, lexicographic 44
Ordinary least squares 228
Oriented simplex 126
Orthogonal basis of vector space 187
Orthogonal matrix 290
Orthogonal vectors 179
Orthonormal basis of vector space 187
Orthonormal set of vectors 179
Owen, G. 168 375
Pareto optimum 167 328 344
Pareto, W. 375
Partial preordering 327
Partially ordered set see "Ordered set"
Partially preordered set see "Preordered set"
Particular solution 274
Partition of sets 10
Partitioned matrix 215
Partitioned matrix, matrix inversion and 257
Patterson, E.M. 375
Pease, M.C. 228 299 375
Permutation matrix 347 366
Perron, O. 357 375
Point-to-point mapping see "Singlevalued functions"
Point-to-set mapping see "Multivalued function"
Pointed convex cone 334
Polar cone 336 338
Polyhedra 128—131
Polyhedra, definition 128
Polytope 333
Positive definite form 302
Positive definite matrix 304—306
Positive integers set of 21
Positive matrices 346
Positive semidefinite form 302
Positive semidefinite matrix 304—306
Positively semi-independent convex cones 336
Power set 6
Preference-indifference relation 33 45
Preordered set, partially 37
Preordered set, subsets of 38
Preordered set, totally 37
Preordering on products sets 41
Preordering, axioms 38
Preordering, elements of 39—41
Preordering, preference see "Preference-indifference relation"
Price-wealth pair 105
Principal minors 305
Private-ownership economy see "Economy"
Probability function 102
producers 155—156
Product of linear transformations 194
Product of matrices 213
Product of point and scalar 72
Product of sets 17—19
Product of two points 72
Production set 32 153
Production set, aggregate 78
Production set, assumptions for 154
Profit function 156
Profit maximization 155
Propensity to spend see "Matrix multiplier"
Properties of operations 20
Pure exchange economy see "Economy"
Quasi-ordering see "Preordering"
Quirk, J. 168 375
Rader, J.T. 168 299 375
Range space 196
Rank of linear transformation 196
Rank of matrix 230—232
Rank of quadratic form 301
Rational numbers set of 21
Real numbers set of 21
Real quadratic form 301
Real symmetric matrix 300
Reflexive relation 28
Relations 25—30
Relations, classes 27
Relations, graph 27
Relations, logical concept of 26
Retract of 137
Retraction mapping 137
Ring 147
Ring with unity 148
Ring with zero divisors 148
Ring, commutative 148
Row equivalent matrices 234
Row rank 230 see
Row space 230
Russell's paradox 15
Saddle-point theorem 142
Samuelson, P.A. 372 375
Saposnik, R. 168 375
Satiation consumption 46
Scalar matrices 222
Scalar multiple of linear transformation 194
Scalar multiple of matrix 213
Scarf, H. 168 372 375
Schwartz, J.T. 34 79 103 168 372
Semipositive matrix 346
Separating hyperplane 324
Sequence of matrices 239
Sequence of points 17 23
Sequence of sets 17
Sequential compactness 63—66
Sequential compactness, bicompactness and, in first countable spaces 79
Sequential compactness, bicompactness and, in general 63
Sequential compactness, bicompactness and, in metric spaces 69
Sequential compactness, countable compactness and 79
Sequentially compact sets 64
Sequentially compact sets, direct product of 65
Sequentially compact sets, intersection of 68
Sequentially compact sets, union of 68
Series of functions 293—297
Set algebra 11
Set algebra, propositional calculus and 14 15
Set closed under operation see "Operations"
Set of attainable states 327
Set-builder description of sets 4
Shubik, M. 168 375
Similar matrices 239 285
Similar sets 93
Similarity 239 284 see
Similarity mapping 93
Simon, H.A. 372
simplex 124
Simplex, 0—skeleton of 125
Simplex, barycentric coordinates of 125
Simplex, boundary of 126
Simplex, closure of 126
Simplex, dimension of 125
Simplex, faces of 125
Simplex, vertex of 125
Simplicial complex see "Complex"
Simplicial decomposition 128—131
Simplicial mapping 132
Simplicial subdivision 130 see
Simplicial topology 124—134
Simultaneous diagonalization 310
Single-valued functions, classes of 84
Single-valued functions, continuous 89
Single-valued functions, contour of 98
Single-valued functions, convex and concave 95
| Single-valued functions, definition of 6 81
Single-valued functions, equal 83
Single-valued functions, extension of 83
Single-valued functions, restriction of 83
Single-valued inverse function 87
Singular form 301
Singular linear transformation 199
Singular matrix see "Nonsingular matrix"
Skew—Hermitian matrix 225
Skew—symmetric matrix 223
Smallest element see "First element of set"
Snell, J.L. 374
Solow, R. 372
Solution of linear systems 265
Solution space 275
Solution, basic 268
Spanier, E.H. 375
Spanned subspace 181
Speed of response 296
Spencer, G.L. 373
Sperner's Lemma 133
Sperner, E. 375
Square matrices 219—226
Square matrices, definition 219
Stability 297
Strictly concave function see "Concave-contoured function"
Strictly convex function see "Convex-contoured function"
Strictly triangular matrices see "Triangular matrices"
Subcovering 66
Subcovering of compact set 67
Subdivision of complex 129
Subeconomy, independent 15
Subsequence 63
Subsequence, convergent 63
Subsets, definition of 5
Subspaces see "Vector space"
Sufficiency criteria for quadratic forms 312
Sum of compact sets 75
Sum of convex cones 334
Sum of convex sets 75
Sum of linear transformations 194
Sum of matrices 213
Sum of points 72
Sum of sets in 74—75
Sum of vector subspaces 181
Suppes, P. 16 375
Supply correspondence 116—117
Supply correspondence, continuity of 117 156
Supporting hyperplane 324
Supremum 43
Supremum, uniqueness of 43
Surjective mapping 84
Symmetric matrix 223
Symmetric relation 28
Tabular description of sets 4
Technological expansion 362—363
Technological expansion, existence theorem 362
Technological expansion, factor 362
Technology matrix 360
Theorems on maxima 114—117
Thompson, G.L. 374
Thrall, R. 192 375
Titchmarsh, E.C. 103 376
Tomheim, L. 197 375
Tompkins, C.B. 142 376
Topological space 59—60
Topological space, associated with metric space 60
Topological space, definition of 59
Topological space, discrete 78
Topological space, Euclidean 60
Topological space, indiscrete 76
Topological space, Kuratowski axioms for 59
topology 59
Topology, -open sets of 59
Topology, discrete 78
Topology, indiscrete 76
Topology, usual 60
Totally bounded set 65 see
Totally bounded set, covering of 67
Totally ordered set see "Ordered set"
Totally preordered set see "Preordered set"
Trace of matrix 220 239
Transformations see "Function" "Mappings"
Transitive relation 30
Transpose of linear transformation 203—205
Transpose of matrix 217—219
Triangular matrices 222 see
Triangularization 287—293
Triangularization, theorem 291
Triangulation see "Simplicial decomposition"
Tucker, A.W. 374
Unbounded set 61
Unconstrained quadratic form 301—309
union 8
Union of bicompact sets 69
Union of closed sets 56
Union of convex cones 335
Union of countable sets 49
Union of open sets 56
Union of sequentially compact sets 68
Uniqueness of growth factor 366
Unitary matrix 292
Unitary space 177
Universal set 5
Upper bound of interval 22
Upper boundary of set 61
Upper bounded set see "Bounded set"
Upper bounds of set 42
Upper bounds, set of 43
Upper semicontinuity of multivalued function 109—110
Upper semicontinuity of single-valued functions 114—115
Upper triangular matrix see "Triangular matrices"
Usual basis of vector space 187
Utility function 92 100 156
Utility function, existence of 160
Utility function, indirect 158
Utility maximization 157—158
Uzawa, H. 168 376
Vaidyanathaswamy, R. 79 376
Van der Waerden, B. 151 376
Vector addition 175
Vector multiplication by a scalar 174
Vector space 171—176
Vector space, definition 172 180
Vector space, finite dimensional 174
Vector space, infinite dimensional 174
Vector space, subspace of 179—183
Vector-space homomorphism 189—190 193—206 see
Vind, K. 168 376
Volume of matrix 262
von Neumann's model 359—362
Von Neumann's theorem 363—365
von Neumann, J. 168 369 376
Wald, A. 152 168 376
Wallace, A.H. 376
Wallman, H. 373
Walras, L. 152 168 376
Weak continuity 114
Wealth constraint 157 159
Wealth distribution 157
Weierstrass theorem 94
Weil, R.L. 365 369 376
Well-ordered set see "Ordered set"
Well-ordering principle see "Ordering axioms"
Zero of polynomial 285
Zero transformation 915
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