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Carmo M.P. — Differential geometry of curves and surfaces |
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Surfaces of revolution 76
Surfaces of revolution with constant curvature 169 (Ex. 7) 320
Surfaces of revolution, area of 101 (Ex. 11)
Surfaces of revolution, area-preserving maps of 231 (Ex. 20)
Surfaces of revolution, Christoffel symbols 232
Surfaces of revolution, conformal maps of 231 (Ex. 20)
Surfaces of revolution, extended 78
Surfaces of revolution, Gaussian curvature of 162
Surfaces of revolution, geodesies of 255—258
Surfaces of revolution, isometries of 229 (Ex. 10)
Surfaces of revolution, mean curvature of 162
Surfaces of revolution, minimal 202—203
Surfaces of revolution, parametrization of 76
Surfaces of revolution, principal curvatures of 162
Symmetry 74 121
Synge’s lemma 390 (Ex. 10)
Tangent, bundle 439
Tangent, indicatrix 23 (Ex. 3) 36
Tangent, line to a curve 5
Tangent, map of a curve 393
Tangent, plane 84 88 3)
Tangent, plane, of abstract surfaces 429
Tangent, strong 10 (Ex. 7)
Tangent, surface 78
Tangent, vector to a curve 2
Tangent, vector to a regular surface 83
Tangent, vector to an abstract surface 428
Tangent, weak 10 (Ex. 7)
Tangents, theorem of turning 267 396
Tchebyshef net 100 (Exs. 3 4) 237 447
Tissot’s theorem 187 (Ex. 9)
Topological properties of surfaces 271—273
Torsion in a parametrization by arc length 22 (Ex. 12)
Torsion in an arbitrary parametrization 25 (Ex. 12)
Torsion, geodesic 153 (Ex. 19) 261
Torsion, sign of 28
Torus 61
Torus as orientable double covering of Klein bottle 443 (Ex. 3)
Torus, abstract 434
Torus, area of 98
Torus, flat 435
Torus, Gaussian curvature of 157
Torus, implicit equation of 62
Torus, parametrization of 65
Total curvature 399
Trace of a parametrized curve 2
Trace of a parametrized surface 78
Tractrix 7 (Ex. 4)
| Translation 23 (Ex. 6)
Transversal intersection 90 (Ex. 17)
Triangle on a surface 271
Triangle on a surface, geodesic 264 278
Triangle on a surface, geodesic, free mobility of small 295 (Ex. 8)
Triangulation 271
Trihedron, Darboux 261 (Ex. 14)
Trihedron, Frenet 19
Tubular neighborhood 110 400
Tubular surfaces 89 (Ex. 10) 399
Umbilical point 147
Uniformly continuous map 468
Unit normal vector 87
Variation, first, of arc length 345
Variation, second, of arc length 351
Variation, second, of energy for simple geodesies 307 (Ex.5)
Variations of curves 339
Variations of simple geodesies 307
Variations of surfaces 197
Variations, broken 420
Variations, calculus of 354-356 (Exs. 4 5)
Variations, orthogonal 346
Variations, proper 339
Vector field along a curve 240
Vector field along a curve, covariant derivative of 240
Vector field along a curve, parallel 241
Vector field along a curve, variational 340
Vector field along a map 343
Vector field on a plane 175
Vector field on a plane, local first integral of 178
Vector field on a plane, local flow of 177
Vector field on a plane, trajectories of 175
Vector field on a surface 179 238
Vector field on a surface, covariant derivative of 238
Vector field on a surface, derivative of a function relative to 186 (Ex. 7)
Vector field on a surface, maximal trajectory of 187 (Ex. 11)
Vector field on a surface, singular point of 279
Vector, acceleration 345
Vector, length of 4
Vector, norm of 4
Vector, velocity 2
Vertex of a plane curve 37
Vertex, the four, theorem 37
Vertices of a piecewise regular curve 266
Vertices of a triangulation 271
Warner, F. and J. Kazdan 446
Weingarten, equations of 155
Winding number 392
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