Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kowalski R. — Logic for problem solving |
Предметный указатель |
Input parameter 110
Instance 13 15 70
Instance, common 70
Instantiation 15
Integration, symbolic 41
Integrity constraint 40 124 191 211 243
Intelligent backtracking 98 114 242
Inter-connectivity graph resolution 71
Interfacing proceduresl 22
Interpretation 9 12
Invariants, analysis of 188
Iteration 112 118 119
Kahn 117
Kanoui 41 111 125
Kellogg 40 177
Key 38
Klahr 40 177
Kowalski v 32 71 75 85 95 107 113 129 176
Kuehner 71 75
Lakatos 242 244
Lawler 85
laws 125
Learning 103
Lee iv 158
Lemma 94
Lemma, negative 94
Linear resolution 71
Link 175
Lisp 107 109 123 127 204 232
LIST 109 112
Logic component 125
Logic program 107
Logic Theorist 75
Logic, propositional 151
Logic, standard forml 27 152 193
Logical implication 3
Loop 94 174 185 220
loop detection 185
Loveland iii iv 71 75 94 160 182
Luckham 71
Macro-processingl 22 137 169
Maintenance procedure 239
Mannal 27 200 204
Markusz 41
Martelli 60
Matching 54
Matching procedure 88
Matching substitution 70 89
Mathematical programming 181
McCabe iii 127
McCarthy 103 107 136 232
McDermott 99 126
McSkimin 40 183 184
Meaning 4 6
Mechanics problems 41
Meltzer 140 147 166
Memory, human 31
Merit ordering 85
meta-language 44 135 136 211 215 226
Michie 71 75
Middle-out reasoning 137 150 169
Mini-niax 95
Minker 40 75 113 183 184
Minsky 103 222 241 246
Model elimination 71 94
modus ponens 54
Modus Tollens 56
Monotonicity criticism 222
Montanari 60
Moore 150 161 204
Morris 117
Moss 111 144 158
Most general substitution 54 59
Most general unifier 70
Murray 200
Mutilated checker board problem 190
n-ary representation 34
Name of an individual 194
Natural deduction systems 200
Natural language 31 129 210 213 225 233 244
Negation 28 197 217
Negation as failurel 36 137 217 234
Negative goals and sssertions 147
Negative lemma 94
Network, extended semantic 33
Network, semantic 31
Nevins 200
Newe 1175 179
Nicolas 40
Nilsson iii 75 85 133
Non-determinism 111 176
Non-determinism 111 113
Non-determinism, don’t care 188
Non-determinism, don’t know 188
Non-deterministn 114
Non-Horn clause 17 147
Non-restrictive relative clause 24
Notation, functional 42
Notation, infix 22
Notation, prefix 22
Object language 44 210 215 226
Omission of universal guantifiers 197
Only-if 31
Only-if halves of definitions 202
Open world assumption 214
Operators 75
Or, exclusive interpretation 16
Or, inclusive interpretation 16
Ordered linear reolution 71
Organic compounds, synthesis of 144
Output 89 108 109
Output component 88 89
Output pararaeter 110
Palindrome 72
Paradox of self-reference 225 233
Parallel execution 126
Parallel search 113
Parallelism 116
Parameter, input 110
parameter, output 110
Parent clausel 49
Parityl 9
Parse tree 50
Parsing problem 49 123 168
Partial output 109 120
Paterson 60
Path-finding 75 77 85
Path-finding problem 102 114 130
Path-finding search strategies 83
Peirce 241
Pereira iii 41 107 231
Pietrzykowski 99
Pirotte 39
Plan-fortnation 41 133 181 183 191
PLANNER 10 99 128 129 133 138 230
Pohl 100
Pople 75
Popper 242
postconditions 134
PR0L0G 41 99 107 109 125 127 145 219
Pragmatics 120
Pratt 129
Prawitz iii 60
Precedence relation, among function symbols 109
Precedence relation, among quantifiers and connectives 196
preconditions 134
Predicate 2
Predicate symbol 3 6
| Predicate symbol, binary 22
Predicate symbol, renaming of 140 147
Predicate symbol, unary 22
Prefix notation 22
Primitive re!ations 137
Principle of eager consideration 93
Principle of procrastination 93
Problem, 8-queens 131
Problem, admissible pairs 116
Problem, arch recognition 96 121
Problem, arrow inversion 104 189
Problem, blocks worldl 33 146
Problem, farmer, wolf, goat and cabbage 104
Problem, framel 33
Problem, mutilated checker board 190
Problem, parsingl 23
Problem, path-finding 102 114 120 130
Problem, plan-formation 133
Problem, sorting 115 120
Problem, state-space 133
Problem, symbolic integration 125
Problem, water containers 75 81 130 146
Problem-reduction 75 85
Problem-reduction, search strategies for 95
Problem-solving 75
Problem-solving by example 104
Problem-solving interpretation of Horn clauses 56 63 86
Problem-solving method 88
Problem-solving, global strategies 179
Procedural interpretation 107
Procedure 85 88 107
Procedure body 107
Procedure invocation 107
Procedure name 107
Procrastination, principle of 93
Program correctness 126
Program derivation 204
Program designl 21 125
Program equivalence 120 126
Program properties 40 211
Program properties, proof of 220
Program provingl 79 190
Program semantics 204
Program specification 124 144 200
Program terminationl 79
Program transformation 122 126 179
Program verification 204
Programl 2 107
Pronoun, relative 24
proof 1
Proof by induction 221
Proof procedure 60
Proof procedure, connection graph 71 102
Proof procedure, trace 235
Proof theory 71
Property 2
Propositional connectives 193
Propositional logic 151
Provability, formalisation of 225
Pseudo-link 173 175 185
Purity principle 164
Q-system 57
QA41 28
Quantifiers 193
Quantifiers, existential 194
Quantifiers, universal 194
Query, languages 39
Query-by-example 39 125
Question-answering 40 41
Quillian 34
Quine ii 242
Rabin 166
Reboh 128
Recursion 119
Recursion equations 127 179 204
Recursion theory 123
Recursive data structures 107
Recursive definition 2l3
Redundancy 71 90 113 139 143 145 167
Reflection principle 229
Refutation 56 67
Refutation procedure 60
Refutation, bottoin-up 53
Refutation, top-down 55
Reiter 71 214 241
Rejection of inconsistent goal statements 179 182
Rejection of subgoals contradicted by an example 179
Relation 2 12 122 212
Relation, Diffl 36
Relation, Holdsl 36
relational calculus 39 42
Relational database 37 123
Relationship 1
Relationship, binary 33
Relative pronoun 24
Renaming of predicate symbols 140 147
Renaming of variables 149 196
Representation, binary 34
Representation, n-ary 34
Resolution 7l 137 147
Resolution, analytic 7l
Resolution, inter-connectivity graph 71
Resolution, linear 71
Resolution, ordered linear 71
Resolution, structure-sharing implementation 150
Resolvent 149
Restoration of consistency 242
Restrictive relative clause 24
Rewriting systems 57
Robinson iii iv 60 71 137 147 159 164 174 183
Roussel iii 41 99 107
Rulifsonl 28
Sacerdotil 28 133 145
SAIL 128
Sambuc 40 41
Schank 34 46 246
Schmidt 98
Schreiber 200
Schubert 32
Schwerzl 27 129
Scientific theory 240
Script 246
Search space 60
Search space, graph representation of 79
Search strategy 60 113
Search strategy, exhaustive 66 177
Search strategy, for path-finding 83
Search strategySearch strategy, for problem-reduction spaces 95
Search, breadth-first 61 84
Search,depth-first 61 84 96
Search,heuristic 84
Search,infinite 64
Selection strategy 67
Self-referential sentence 225
Self-resolving clausel 73
Semantic network 31 102 113 183 184
Semantic network, extended 333
Semantics 8 71 144 151 193
Semantics of programs 204
Sentence 195
Sentence, atomic 1
Separation of data structures 121
Separation of logic from control 125
Sequential search 112
Shapiro 32
Shaw 75 179
Sibertl 83
Sicke 171 126 177 200 204
Siekmann 177
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