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Kowalski R. — Logic for problem solving
Kowalski R. — Logic for problem solving

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Название: Logic for problem solving

Автор: Kowalski R.


Investigates the application of logic to problem solving and computer programming. Requires no previous knowledge in this field, and therefore can be used as an introduction to logic, the theory of problem-solving and computer programming

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1979

Количество страниц: 287

Добавлена в каталог: 23.09.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abductive hypothesis      241
accessibility of consequences      239
Actionsl      33
active clausel      70
Added statements      134
Addition of assutnptions      230
Addition of surrogate subgoalsl      79 181
Admissible pairs problemll      6
Algorithm      102 125
Alpha-beta      95
Alternative conditions      201
Ambiguity      23 210
Ambiguity of only-if      215
Analogy      104
Analysis      49
Analysis of differencesl      79 185
Analysis of invariantsl      88
Analysis, case structure      34
Analytic resolution      71
AND-OR tree      75 85
And-or tree, extended      88
Anderson      244
Answer extraction      42
Antecedent theoreml      26
Application of procedure      88
Application of substitution      15 70
Arch recognition preblem      96 105 121
Argument      6
Arrayll      2
Arrow inversion problem      104 189
arrow notation      101 140 156 170
artificial intelligence      75 128
assertion      29 85
ASSIGNMENT      146 157
Assimilation of informationl      85 245
Associativity of conjunctionl      96
associativity of disjunctionl      96
Assumption      8
atom      6
Atomic forinula      2 6
Atomic sentence      1
Axiom, frame      138
Axiom, state space      137
Backtracking      62 96 112 113 130 176
Backtracking, intelligent      114
Belief system      239
Belnap      244
Bergman      41 111 125
Bi-directional problem-solving      99 101
Bi-directional reasoning      156
Bi-directional search      103
Bibell      26 129 177 200 204
Binary predicate symbol      22
Binary relationship      33
Binary representation      34 133 145
Binary tree      108 132
Bledsoe      iv 71 100 184 200
Blocks world problem      133 146
Bootstrapping      231
Bottom-up      7
Bottom-up derivation      68
Bottom-up executionll      8 123
Bottom-up inference      69
Bottom-up parsing      49
Bottom-up refutation      53
Bound variable      195
Boyerl      50 264
Branch-and-bound      85
Brand      71
Breadth-first search      61 84
Brough      95
Brown      71 177 200
Bruynooghe      iii 99 174
Bundle of arcs      85
Bundy      iii 41 166
Burstall      122 127 179 204
Calculation      12
calculus, relational      39
Call by need      117
Cancellation system of Colmerauer      177
Case analysis      154 216
Case structure analysis      34
CCNNIVER      99 128
Chang      iv
Charniakl      28
Chomsky      57
Church      220
Clark      iii 126 127 136 200 204 217 219 222
Clausal form      5
Clause      2 5
Clause, deletion of      164
Clause, empty      88
Clause, empty set of      164
Clause, Hornl      6
Clause, non-Hornl      7 147
Clause, non-restrictive relative      24
Clause, restrictive relative      24
Clause, self-resolving      173
Closed world assumption      214
Co-operating sequential process      117
Codd      37 39 108 123 129
Coe Iho      41
Colmerauer      iii 40 41 57 99 107 231
Colmerauer, cancellation system      177
Common instance      70
Commutativity of disjunction      200
Completeness      63 66 71
Completeness of connection graph proof procedure      176
Complier-writing      41
Component of substitution      70
Composite terms      6
Computation      107 109 129
Computer-aided design      41
Conceptual analysis of actions      46
Conclusion      1 5
Condition      1 5
Condition, selection of      63
Conjunction      197
Connection graph      95 119 122
Connection graph proof procedgre      71 102 163
Connection graph proof procedgre, completeness      176
Connectives      4
Connectives, propositional      193
Cons      27 108
Consequent theorem      128
Consistency      15 164 183 193
Constant symbol      2 6
Consumer-producer      126
Context-free gramniar      57 94
Context-sensitive grammar      57
Control component      125 127
Control lenguage      127
Controlled deduction      129
Conversion to clausal form      197
Coroutine      117 127 181
coroutines      117
Correct representebility      226
correctness      71
Cox      99
Dah      140 41
Darlington      40 122 126 127 179 184 204
Darvas      41 145
data flow      117
Data structures      107 113 122 212
Data structures, recursive      107
Data structures, separation of      121
Database      37 108 128 239
Database formalisms      124
Database guery      128
Database, departmenta      141
Database, relationa      137 123
Davies      128
Dawson      183
Default reasoning      241
Defined relations      137
Definition of factorial      187 210 211
Definition of natural number      213
Definition of subset      177 204 219
definitions      210
Deleted statements      134
Deletion of clauses      164
Deletion of redundant subgoals      179 180
Deletion of vacuous quantifiers      196
Deliyanni      32 113
DeLong      125
Demonstrate relation      227
Denia      13
Departmental database      41
Dependent subgoals      91 93
Depth-first search      61 84 96 177
Derivation of inconsistency      242
Derivation of programsl      93
Derivation, bottom-up      68
Derivation, top-down      67
Derived equivalencesl      99
Diff relation      43 136
Dijkstrall      4 284
Direct execution      226 228
Discourse, Universe of      12 14
Disjunctionl      97
Disjunctive conclusions      202
Disjunctive solutionsl      57
Documentation      122
Don’t cere non-determinism      113 186
Don’t know non-determinism      113
Doran      75
Doyle      99 242
Drug analysis      41 145
Duplicate subgoal      94 99
Earley      94 119
Earley parsing procedure      94 119
Efficiencyl      26 128
Ehrenfeucht - Rabin Theorem      166
Eight-queens problem      131
Elimination of existential quantifiers      198
Empty clause      6 15 88
Empty set of clauses      15 164
Equality      11 42 211
EQUIVALENCE      196 197
Equivalence of programs      120 126
Equivalence, derived      199
Evaluation function      84
Exception to general rules      243
Exclusive interpretation of “or”      16
Execution, bottom-up      118 123
Exhaustive search strategy      66 177
Existence      25 27
Existential quantifiers      194
Existential quantifiers, elimination ofl      98
Expression      15 70
Extended and-or tree      88
Extended semantic network      33
Factorial definition      10 118 120 187 210 211
Factoring      71 94 150
Failure, negation as      136 137
Fallacy of logic      213
Falsity      14
Farmer, wolf, goat and cabbage problem      104
Fault diagnosisl      28
Feldmanl      28
Fibonacci number      118 178
Fikes      133
Fillmore      34
Fishman      113
Floyd      204
formalisation of provability      225
Formula      195
Formula, atomic      2
Foster      49
Frame axioml      38
Frame problem      133
frames      246
Free variablel      95
Friedman      117
Function      113 127
Function symbol      2 6 26 96 195
Function symbol, cons      27
Function symbol, infix      109
Function, evaluation      84
Functional notation      42
Futo      41 145
G-deduction      71
game playing      95
Gelernter      75 183
General law      39 125
General Problem Solver      75 179
Geometry Theorem Proving Machine      75 183
Geometry theorem-proving      41
Geometry, use of diagrams      183
Goal state      75
Goal stateraent      88
Goal transformationl      79
Goals as generalised solutions      184
Godel      225
Grammar, context-free      57 94
Grammar, context-sensitive      57
Graph representation of a search space      79
Graph Traverser      75
Green      40 136 158
Guarded command      114
Hayes      127 129 136
Henderson      117
Hendrix      32
Herbrand      iii
Heuristic search      84
Hewitt      10 99 128 129 133 183
Hill      71
Hoare      107 120 204
Hodges      ii
Hogger      126 200 204
Holds relationl      36
Horn clause      16
Horn clause, problem-solving interpretation of      88
Hornl      6
Human memory      31
Hyper-resolution      71
If-and-only-if      31 136 137 210
Implication      3 9 28 29 197
Inclusive interpretation of "or"      16
Incompleteness of formal arithmetic      225
Incompleteness of the formalisation of provability      233
Inconsistency      9 14 197
Independent subgoals      89
Individual      2
Induction schema      221
Inductive generalisation      241
Inference rules      60
Inference system, completeness of      71
Inference system, correctness of      71
Inference, bottom-up      69
Inference, top-down      67
Infinite search      64
infix function symbol      109
Infix notation      22 109
Information retrieval      184
Information system      239
Inheritance of links      174
Initial state      75
Input      89 108 123
Input component      89
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