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Santalo L., Kac M. — Integral geometry and geometric probability |
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Papangelou, F. 67
Parallel convex sets 7 220
Parallel hyperplanes 188
Parking problem 25
Particles inside ball 284
Partition of unity 362
Pattern analysis 294
Perimeter 2
Petkantschin, B. 201 207 209
Petrov, E.E. 348
Petty, C.M. 185 210
Pfaffian differential systems 145
Pfaffian differential systems, completely integrable 146 147
Pillow, M.E. 62(22)
Plane linear graphs 42
Pleijel, A. 37 38 121
Pluecker formulas 344
Pohl, W.F. 38 211 250 251(481) 252 343 350
Poincare's Formula 109 111
Poincare's formula, generalized 277
Poincare's lemma 359 361
Poincare, H. 111 121
Poisson field of planes 296
Poisson line system 56
Poisson point processes 17
Poisson point processes, nearest neighbors in 23
Polar reciprocal convex sets 10 185
Polya, G. 42 230(490) 311
Polygons formed by random lines 55
Poole, G. 138
Power of the chords 46 238
Probabilities on lattices 138
Probability of acute angled triangle 17
Probability of obtuse angled triangle 21
Projections of convex sets 221
Proper cone 329
q-dimensional measure 260
Quermassintegrale 217
Quermassintegrale and integrals of mean curvature 224
Quermassintegrale of ball 224
Quermassintegrale of convex cylinder 225
Quermassintegrale of ellipsoid of revolution 226
Quermassintegrale of line segment 225
Quermassintegrale of right parallelepiped 224
Quotient group 169
r-planes in n.e. spaces 309
r-planes that support a convex body 248
r-planes, intersecting a convex set 233
r-planes, intersecting a manifold 243
Radius of curvature 3
Radon transform 346 348
Radon, J. 346 347
Random chords 60—63
Random clusters 213
Random division of space 297
Random elements 13
Random figures 104
Random great circles 329
Random lines 289
Random planes 294 286
Random points in unit ball 23 65 212
Random points on unit sphere 326
Random points, inside of convex set 280
Random polygons 66
Random polyhedral cones 328
Random rectangles 276
Random regions on sphere 329
Random sets 275
Random spheres 293
Random spherical figures 313
Random strips 68
Random tesselations 19 298
Random triangles 21
Rank of a differential form 362
Rankin, R.A. 138
Raynaud, H. 23
Real projective group 192
Redei, L. 60
Reed, W.J. 65(498)
Reflection of lines 39
Refraction of lines 39
Refraction of lines of geodesics 336
Region 128
Reiter, H. 157 (500) 178
Relation between densities 240
Relative invariant density 177 360
Relative vectors 360
Renyi, A. 13 22 23 25 60 66
Reproductive property 252
Reuleaux polygons 8
Rhee, H. 348
Rhin, G. 291
Rhines, F.N. 290
Richards, P.I. 17 57
Riedwyl, H. 291
Right invariant differential forms 84 155
Right translations 81 149 183
Roach, S.A. 102
Robbins, H.E. 25 276
Roberts, F.D.K. 23 213
Rodrigues' formulas 264 302 320
Rods of fixed length 290
Rogers, C.A. 11 190
Rohde, H. 343
Romanov, V.G. 348
Rotations about a point 197
Rotations about a q-plane 198
rth total absolute curvature 253
Ruben, H. 60
Sancho San Roman, J. 178(521)
Santalo, L.A. 10 41 43 51(539) 58 79(534) 98(523) 101(560) 104(531) 111(523) 112 140 141(551) 176 188(577) 190(557) 194(577) 195 228(574) 231(546) 260 275 290 294 324(539 541) 329(592) 338(567) 341
Sawyer, D.B. 137
Schaeffer, J.J. 137
Schiffman, B. 343
Schlaefli, L. 328
Schmidt, W.M. 66 138
Schuster, E.F. 72(601)
Scott, D.G. 26
Scott, P.R. 138
Second order moments 313
Sections by random lines 289
Sections by random planes 286
Sections by random spheres 293
Self intersections 104
Self-linking number 252
Sets of circles 161
Sets of congruent figures 86
Sets of constant breadth 9
Sets of ellipses 191
Sets of geodesic segments 338
Sets of geodesics 331
Sets of geodesics, (2n-2)-dimensional 336
Sets of geodesics, 2h-dimensional 334 349
Sets of hyperbolas 191
Sets of hyperquadrics 194
Sets of intervals on the line 24
Sets of lattices 189
Sets of lines 27
Sets of n-tuples of points 13
Sets of pairs of spaces 205
Sets of parabolas 191
Sets of parallel hyperplanes 188
Sets of parallel subspaces 190
Sets of points 12
Sets of points, lines and strips 72—75
| Sets of r-planes 233 309
Sets of segments on plane 89
Sets of segments, interior to a polygon 92
Sets of segments, intersecting an angle 92
Sets of strips 68 249
Sets that are met by a strip 71
Sets with positive reach 303
Several moving manifolds 259
Sherman, S. 31(604)
Shohat, J.A. 48
Sholander, M.. 10
Sibasov, L.P. 348
Sidak, Z.A. 290
Siegel, C.L. 190 345
Silver, M. 138
Similitudes in the plane 160
Skew symmetric covariant tensor 355
Slavskii, V.V. 254
Solid angle element 185 302
Solomon, H. 26 276(616 617)
Space curves 250
Special affine groups 180
Special linear group 149
Special motions 196
Special nonhomogeneous affine groups 187
Spherical image 263
Spherical particles 287 291
Stability subgroup 173
Stanilov, G. 194 211 351(621)
Stein, S.K. 125 126
Steiner's formula 220
Steiner's formula in n.e. spaces 321
Steinhaus, H. 31 38
Steppe 49(627)
Stereology 282
Sternberg, S. 12 143 147 165 353 358(628) 359 362(628)
Stevens, W.L. 25(630)
Stiefeld manifold 207
Stochastic processes of lines 66
Stoka, M.I. 13 16 58 98 161 177 191 194(646 647) 195 250 269 351(646)
Stoke's formula 267 333 359
Stoll, W. 343
Storey, S.H. 213
Streit, F. 101(658) 269(657) 280
Strips that contain a set 69
Strips that meet a domain 69
Stronger isoperimetric inequalities 119
Structure constants 152
Structure equations 152
Subspaces through origin 185
Sulanke, R. 22 23 34 42 48 66 177(661) 200(664) 211 276
Support flats 231
Support function 3 11
Support hyperplane 215
Support line 3 6
Surface area of the n.e. sphere 308
Sylvester's problem 63—65
Sylvester's problem in n-dimensional euclidean space 64
Sylvester's problem on the hemisphere 313
Sylvester, J.J. 34 63 64
Symplectic group 345
Symplectic integral geometry 344 345
Szego, G. 230(490) 311
Takacs, L. 25
Tallis, G.M. 291
Tamarkin, J.D. 48
Tangent vector space 144
Tate, C. 213
Terragno, P.J. 100
Tessellations in 297
Tessellations on the plane 19
Tessellations on the sphere 327
tetrahedron 229
Tetrahedron in n.e. geometry 311
Theodorescu, R. 13
Theorem of Frobenius 147
Tietze, H. 198(670)
Torsion of curve 254
Total absolute curvature 34 253 255
Total curvature 112
Total curvature of a closed curve 112
Total curvature of a plane domain 112
Total square curvature 276
Trandafir, R. 134 275
Transitive Lie transformation group 173
Translations 197
Triangular convex sets 9
Triangular groups 178
Triples of points 16
Tsuji, M. 176
Tubes of geodesics 335
Turan, P. 123
Ueno, S. 41
Unimodular groups 156
Unit ball, random points in the 23 65 212
Unit ball, volume of 9
Unit sphere, random points on the 326
Unit sphere, surface area of 9
Unitary group 339
Upper limit for isoperimetric deficit 120
Valentine, F. 1 3(683)
van Kampen, E.R. 72
Varga, O. 193 197 211 277(687) 343
Vector integral geometry 350
Vidal Abascal, E. 211 322(690) 330
Viet, U. 126
Vilenkin, N.Ya. 346 347 348
Vinogradov, O.P. 103
Volume element in 256
Volume element in polar coordinates 307 308
Volume of Grassmann manifold 203
Volume of Hermitian elliptic space 342
Volume of n.e. sphere 308
Volume of parallel convex sets 220 321—322
Volume of Unit Ball 9
Voronoi tessellations 20
Voronoi, G. 20
Votaw, D.F. 25 276
Vranceanu, G. 177
Walters, A.G. 220
Watson, G.S. 290
Wedge product 354
Weil's condition 168
Weil, A. 157(710) 168 190 302
Wendel, J.G. 326
Weyl, H. 276 343
Weyl, J. 343
White and black random strips 78
White, J.H. 246 252 325
Whitney, H. 359
Wicksell, S.D. 288 292
width 6
Wills, J.M. 138
Winding number 38 251
Wintgen, P. 66 200(664) 276
Wintner, A. 72
Wirtinger, W. 343
Wong, E. 49(627)
Wu, H.H. 344
Wu, T.J. 311
Yanez 58 329(592)
Zaregradski, I.P. 103
Ziezold, H. 23(736) 66
Zoll, O. 351
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