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Alexander C. — Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis
Alexander C. — Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

Àâòîð: Alexander C.


Market Models provides an authoritative and up-to-date treatment of the use of market data to develop models for financial analysis. Written by a leading figure in the field of financial data analysis, this book is the first of its kind to address the vital techniques required for model selection and development. Model developers are faced with many decisions, about the pricing, the data, the statistical methodology and the calibration and testing of the model prior to implementation. It is important to make the right choices and Carol Alexander's clear exposition provides valuable insights at every stage.
In each of the 13 Chapters, Market Models presents real world illustrations to motivate theoretical developments. The accompanying CD contains spreadsheets with data and programs; this enables you to implement and adapt many of the examples. The pricing of options using normal mixture density functions to model returns; the use of Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the VaR of an options portfolio; modifying the covariance VaR to allow for fat-tailed P&L distributions; the calculation of implied, EWMA and 'historic' volatilities; GARCH volatility term structure forecasting; principal components analysis; and many more are all included.
Carol Alexander brings many new insights to the pricing and hedging of options with her understanding of volatility and correlation, and the uncertainty which surrounds these key determinants of option portfolio risk. Modelling the market risk of portfolios is covered where the main focus is on a linear algebraic approach; the covariance matrix and principal component analysis are developed as key tools for the analysis of financial systems. The traditional time series econometric approach is also explained with coverage ranging from the application cointegration to long-short equity hedge funds, to high-frequency data prediction using neural networks and nearest neighbour algorithms.
Throughout this text the emphasis is on understanding concepts and implementing solutions. It has been designed to be accessible to a very wide audience: the coverage is comprehensive and complete and the technical appendix makes the book largely self-contained.
Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis is the ideal reference for all those involved in market risk measurement, quantitative trading and investment analysis.

ßçûê: en

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A-GARCH, academic research      69
A-GARCH, conditional variance      70 80
A-GARCH, leverage coefficient      80
A-GARCH, leverage effect      68—69 79
A-GARCH, steady-state variance      99
A-GARCH, volatility estimates      80—81
A-GARCH, volatility forecasts      81 99
AEX      85 89 217 363 364
Algorithms, BHHH algorithm      80 95
Algorithms, chaotic dynamics      403—405
Algorithms, DFP algorithm      95
Algorithms, gradient algorithm      96
Algorithms, nearest neighbour algorithms      404—405
Algorithms, parameter estimation      92—95
Algorithms, quasi-Newton variable      95
Alpha, capital asset pricing model (CAPM)      231 238
Alpha, high frequency data      83
Alpha, I-GARCH      77 78
Alpha, single outliers      96
Alpha, symmetric GARCH      73
Annualized volatility, definition      5
AORD      87 89
Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), multi-factor models      181 233 247
Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), risk factors      233
ARCH, conditional variance      71 83
ARCH, high frequency data      82 393
ARCH, volatility clustering      386
Asian call      104 105
Asian crisis      90 185
Asset management, country indices      186
Asset management, risk      236
Asymmetric GARCH      see "A-GARCH" "E-GARCH" "N-GARCH"
Asymmetric GARCH, asymmetric power GARCH      81
Asymmetric GARCH, conditional variance      79
Asymmetric GARCH, equity markets      31
Asymmetric GARCH, multivariate GARCH      114
Asymmetric GARCH, volatility clustering      68 79
At the money      see "ATM"
ATM options, Black — Scholes model      136 297 306—307
ATM options, call options      24 30
ATM options, gamma      44
ATM options, marked-to-market (MtM) value      135 136—137
ATM options, short-term      33
ATM options, vega      44
ATM volatility, changes      171
ATM volatility, constant      37
ATM volatility, deviations      157—159 161—162
ATM volatility, market regimes      36—38 39 43
ATM volatility, maturity      36
ATM volatility, straddles      125 386
ATM volatility, underlying price      39
ATM volatility, volatility sensitivity      167 168 169
Augmented Dickey — Fuller test (ADF)      327 328 354—356 372 373 379
Autocorrelation, Box — Pierce test      66 68 97 315 335—337 386
Autocorrelation, common autocorrelation      384—386
Autocorrelation, Durbin — Watson test      431
Autocorrelation, high frequency data      391—393
Autocorrelation, omitted variables      430—431
Autocorrelation, ordinary least squares (OLS)      431 432
Autocorrelation, over/under-differencing      431
Autocorrelation, residual analysis      429—432
Autocorrelation, squared returns      63 65—66 68 97
Autocorrelation, structural breaks      430
Autoregression, multivariate time series      340—341
Autoregression, univariate time series      329—331
Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity, ARCH      70—71
Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity, GARCH      see "GARCH models"
Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity, volatility clustering      63 65—67 97
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA), forecasting      338—339
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA), testing down      337—338
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA), time series models      313 315 332—333 337—339
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA), unit root tests      324
Backtesting, cointegration      375—381
Backtesting, prediction      444—445
Backtesting, VaR (value-at-risk) models      125 250 275—277
BARRA Growth and Value Indexes      234
Basel Accord (1988), Amendment (1996)      38 201 249 251 252 275—276 279
Basel Accord (1988), Basel 2      249 255
Basel Accord (1988), Basel Committee on Banking Supervision      249 255
Basel Accord (1988), credit risk capital requirement (CRR)      252 255
Basel Accord (1988), G10      251 252
Basel Accord (1988), market risk capital requirement (MRR)      251 252 255 276 279
Basel Accord (1988), solvency ratio      251 252
Bayesian methods, Bayes' rule      240—242
Bayesian methods, estimation      242—245
Bayesian methods, factor sensitivities      239—246
BEKK model, convergence      217
BEKK model, correlation estimates      109 110
BEKK model, diagonal BEKK      114
BEKK model, parameter estimates      220
BEKK model, scalar BEKK      114
Benchmark downside risk      258—259
Benchmark regression      144
Benchmark tracking models      172
Benchmark volatility forecasts      118
Beta, capital asset pricing model (CAPM)      231 238
Beta, high frequency data      83
Beta, single outliers      96
Beta, time-varying correlation      109 238
Beta, VaR (value-at-risk) models      109
Beta, weighted average      109
BHHH algorithm      80 95
Binomial trees      34 38 43 98
Bivariate GARCH, academic research      111
Bivariate GARCH, calibration      111
Bivariate GARCH, conditional correlation      108
Bivariate GARCH, conditional mean      108
Bivariate GARCH, conditional variance      108
Bivariate GARCH, convergence      108 109
Bivariate GARCH, correlation estimates      109 110 205
Bivariate GARCH, covariance      110
Bivariate GARCH, parameterization      108 111
Bivariate GARCH, time-varying correlation      16
Bivariate GARCH, time-varying hedge ratios      64 111
Black Monday      52—53 57 85 185
Black — Scholes model, assumptions      21 26 30 34 61 104
Black — Scholes model, ATM options      136 297 306—307
Black — Scholes model, constant volatility      21 24 26 30 34 61
Black — Scholes model, delta      32 44
Black — Scholes model, gamma      32
Black — Scholes model, geometric Brownian motion (GBM)      10 21 30
Black — Scholes model, implied volatility      12 22 23—26 33 34 106
Black — Scholes model, ITM      136 297 306 309
Black — Scholes model, moneyness      23 24 25 44
Black — Scholes model, option pricing      1 10 21 104 106 305—306
Black — Scholes model, OTM      136 297 306 309
Black — Scholes model, process volatility      11 23
Black — Scholes model, quanto correlation      46
Black — Scholes model, risk-free rate of return      21 23
Black — Scholes model, risk-neutrality hypothesis      32
Black — Scholes model, spread options      367
Black — Scholes model, strike      23 24 26 30
Black — Scholes model, vega      32 44
Black — Scholes model, Wiener process      21
Black — Scholes volatility, meaning      10
Box — Pierce test, autocorrelation      66 68 97 315 335—337 386
Breush — Pagan test      433
Butterflies      118
CAC index      71 72 76 85 89 111 117 129 174 202 217 239 363 364
Call options, Asian call      104 105
Call options, ATM options      24 30
Call options, average price      104
Call options, Black — Scholes model      24
Call options, implied volatility      26—28
Call options, ITM      24 26 28 30 31
Call options, OTM      24 30
Call options, rising markets      27
Call options, volatility term structures      31 32
Capital allocation, efficient frontier      190
Capital allocation, risk-adjusted performance measures (RAPM)      193—194
Capital allocation, risk-adjusted returns      186 187
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), beta      231 238
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), covariance matrices      115 238
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), decomposing risk      230—232
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), market sensitivity      109
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), ordinary least squares (OLS)      111
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), risk factors      232
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Sharpe — Lintner version      230
Cash-flow maps, covariance VaR models      263—265
Cash-flow maps, factor models      262
Cash-flow maps, risk measurement      256
Chaotic dynamics, academic research      404
Chaotic dynamics, algorithms      403—404
Chaotic dynamics, Lyapunov exponents      403 404
Chaotic dynamics, multivariate embedding models      405—407
Chaotic dynamics, nearest neighbour algorithms      404—405
Chaotic dynamics, price prediction models      401—407
Chaotic dynamics, testing for chaos      401—404
Chaotic dynamics, time-delay embedding      402
Cholesky decomposition      182 183—184
Co-dependency, copulas      8
Co-dependency, correlation      7 8
Co-monotonic dependency      8
Coherent risk measures      259
Cointegration, causality      361—366
Cointegration, commodity markets      367
Cointegration, common features      381—387
Cointegration, common trends      350—353
Cointegration, correlation      349—350
Cointegration, currency markets      366
Cointegration, Engle — Granger methodology      353 354—357 360—361 368
Cointegration, equity markets      368—369
Cointegration, error correction model (ECM)      347 355 362—366
Cointegration, financial markets      347 366—369
Cointegration, futures      367
Cointegration, introduction      348—353
Cointegration, investment analysis      369—381
Cointegration, Johansen methodology      357 361 363 368
Cointegration, long-run equilibria      350—353
Cointegration, long-short strategies      374—376
Cointegration, market integration      368—369
Cointegration, meaning      347—338
Cointegration, spread options      367
Cointegration, stock selection/allocation      369—371
Cointegration, term structures      368
Cointegration, testing      353—361
Cointegration, tracking models      372
Collinearity, multicollinearity      144 172—174 436—437
Collinearity, principal component analysis (PCA)      143 144 171
Combined forecasts      118 129—134
Commodity markets, cointegration      367
Commodity markets, correlation estimates      15 56
Commodity markets, futures      55 60
Commodity markets, GARCH parameters      77 85
Commodity markets, mean-reversion      75
Commodity markets, spot-future correlations      55
Commodity markets, time-varying futures hedge      111
Commodity markets, volatility clustering      65
Components GARCH      78—79
Conditional correlation      see also "Time-varying correlation"
Conditional correlation, bivariate GARCH      108
Conditional correlation, orthogonal GARCH      211
Conditional correlation, unstable estimates      16—17
Conditional covariance, capital asset pricing model (CAPM)      238
Conditional covariance, parameters      114
Conditional covariance, principal component analysis (PCA)      162—163
Conditional distribution      12 13
Conditional heteroscedasticity      see "GARCH models"
Conditional mean, bivariate GARCH      108
Conditional mean, GARCH models      69—70 100
Conditional mean, high frequency data      82
Conditional mean, leptokurtic distribution      82
Conditional mean, models      12 13 14
Conditional mean, multivariate GARCH      111
Conditional variance, ARCH      71 83
Conditional variance, asymmetric response      79
Conditional variance, bivariate GARCH      108
Conditional variance, constant volatility      13
Conditional variance, covariance matrices      114
Conditional variance, GARCH models      70 72 73 78 79 80 83—84 97 98 109
Conditional variance, linear regression models      64
Conditional variance, time-varying volatility models      13
Conditional volatility, GARCH models      81 96—97
Conditional volatility, time-varying volatility models      12 14
Confidence intervals for variance      126
Confidence intervals for volatility      118 119 126—134
Confidence intervals, combined forecasts      129—134
Confidence intervals, GARCH models      128—129
Confidence intervals, Granger — Ramanarthan procedure      118 129
Confidence intervals, interval predictions      133—134
Confidence intervals, meaning      421—424
Confidence intervals, moving averages      126—128
Confidence intervals, prediction      444
Confidence intervals, realized volatility      133
Constant absolute risk aversion (CARA)      196
Constant correlation, estimates      108
Constant correlation, models      14—17
Constant relative risk aversion (CRRA)      196 197
Constant volatility, ATM volatility      37
Constant volatility, Black — Scholes model      21 24 26 30 34 61
Constant volatility, geometric Brownian motion (GBM)      117
Constant volatility, historic volatility      120
Constant volatility, implied volatility      22
Constant volatility, likelihood functions      122
Constant volatility, models      12 13 18 21 22
Constant volatility, square root of time rule      61
Constant volatility, unconditional volatility      12
Constant volatility, underlying asset price process      22
Constant volatility, volatility term structures      61 99
Convergence, BEKK model      217
Convergence, bivariate GARCH      108 109
Convergence, multivariate GARCH      109 115
Convergence, orthogonal GARCH      217
Convergence, univariate GARCH      73 75 84 96 97—98 108 109
Convergence, volatility term structures      12 75 76 97—98 102—103
Copulas, co-dependency      8
Copulas, financial risk management      9
Copulas, multivariate distributions      8
Correlation estimates      11 15—16 18 19 50
Correlation estimates, artefact of method      56
Correlation estimates, BEKK model      109 110
Correlation estimates, bivariate GARCH      109 110 205
Correlation estimates, conditional correlation      16—17
Correlation estimates, constant correlation      108
Correlation estimates, cross market      15—16
Correlation estimates, multivariate GARCH      205
Correlation estimates, orthogonal GARCH      109 110
Correlation estimates, time-varying      15 107
Correlation forecasts, uncertainty      137—138
Correlation forecasts, underlying correlation      117
Correlation matrices, eigenvalues      149 152 153 154 159
Correlation matrices, eigenvectors      149 152 153 154 159
Correlation matrices, simple cash portfolios      262
Correlation matrices, time-varying      115
Correlation risk, hedging      138
Correlation term structures, GARCH models      109
Correlation, apparent stability      16
Correlation, basic concept      3—4
Correlation, co-dependency      7 8
Correlation, co-movements      5 6
Correlation, conditional      16—17
Correlation, cross-market      15—16 18
Correlation, exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)      55 76 111
Correlation, financial markets      8 10 11 12 111
Correlation, GARCH constant      115
Correlation, implied      45
Correlation, joint density      5 15
Correlation, long-term      57
Correlation, ordinary least squares (OLS)      7
Correlation, orthogonality      7
1 2 3 4 5 6
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