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Alexander C. — Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis
Alexander C. — Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

Àâòîð: Alexander C.


Market Models provides an authoritative and up-to-date treatment of the use of market data to develop models for financial analysis. Written by a leading figure in the field of financial data analysis, this book is the first of its kind to address the vital techniques required for model selection and development. Model developers are faced with many decisions, about the pricing, the data, the statistical methodology and the calibration and testing of the model prior to implementation. It is important to make the right choices and Carol Alexander's clear exposition provides valuable insights at every stage.
In each of the 13 Chapters, Market Models presents real world illustrations to motivate theoretical developments. The accompanying CD contains spreadsheets with data and programs; this enables you to implement and adapt many of the examples. The pricing of options using normal mixture density functions to model returns; the use of Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the VaR of an options portfolio; modifying the covariance VaR to allow for fat-tailed P&L distributions; the calculation of implied, EWMA and 'historic' volatilities; GARCH volatility term structure forecasting; principal components analysis; and many more are all included.
Carol Alexander brings many new insights to the pricing and hedging of options with her understanding of volatility and correlation, and the uncertainty which surrounds these key determinants of option portfolio risk. Modelling the market risk of portfolios is covered where the main focus is on a linear algebraic approach; the covariance matrix and principal component analysis are developed as key tools for the analysis of financial systems. The traditional time series econometric approach is also explained with coverage ranging from the application cointegration to long-short equity hedge funds, to high-frequency data prediction using neural networks and nearest neighbour algorithms.
Throughout this text the emphasis is on understanding concepts and implementing solutions. It has been designed to be accessible to a very wide audience: the coverage is comprehensive and complete and the technical appendix makes the book largely self-contained.
Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis is the ideal reference for all those involved in market risk measurement, quantitative trading and investment analysis.

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GARCH models, low-frequency      82 83
GARCH models, maximum likelihood      447
GARCH models, MBRM-GARCH      64
GARCH models, multivariate      see "Multivariate GARCH"
GARCH models, non-linear      see "N-GARCH"
GARCH models, non-normal      73 82
GARCH models, option pricing      1 98
GARCH models, orthogonal      see "Orthogonal GARCH"
GARCH models, parameter estimates      85 91
GARCH models, parameter estimation algorithms      92—95
GARCH models, persistence      92
GARCH models, positive semi-definiteness      184
GARCH models, quadratic GARCH      81
GARCH models, reaction      92
GARCH models, realized volatility      11
GARCH models, RiskMetrics data      202
GARCH models, second derivatives      94
GARCH models, specification and estimation      84—98
GARCH models, stochastic processes      98 105
GARCH models, symmetric      see "Symmetric GARCH"
GARCH models, t-GARCH      82
GARCH models, threshold GARCH      81
GARCH models, time-varying correlation      16—17 108—114
GARCH models, time-varying variance      70
GARCH models, time-varying volatility models      14 95 115
GARCH models, uncertainty      128
GARCH models, univariate      see "Univariate GARCH"
GARCH models, vanilla      72 73 75 79 84 96
GARCH models, volatility clustering      96 97
GARCH models, volatility forecasts      91 98 99—100
GARCH models, volatility term structures      32 50 61 64 85 98—103
GAUSS programs      82 92
Gaussian white noise      316
Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity      see "GARCH models"
Generalized least squares (GLS), estimators      433—436
Generalized least squares (GLS), residual analysis      429
Generalized least squares (GLS), risk factors      237—238
Generalized least squares (GLS), systems of seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE)      434—435
Generalized Pareto distributions (GPD), conditional VaR      260 295
Generalized Pareto distributions (GPD), extreme value distributions      290
Generalized Pareto distributions (GPD), underlying distribution      295
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), Black — Scholes model      10 21 30
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), constant volatility      117
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), diffusion process      104
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), implied volatility      10 23 28
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), spread options      367
Geometric Brownian motion (GBM), underlying price      30
Ghost effects/features, historic correlation      55
Ghost effects/features, historic volatility      53 128
Ghost effects/features, RiskMetrics data      204
Ghost effects/features, weighted average      53 60 125
GJR model      81
Goldfeld — Quandt test      432 433
Granger causality      315—316 344—346 347
Granger representation theorem      361
Granger — Ramanathan procedure      118 129
Guidelines for Banking Supervision      280
Gulf War      55—56 76 78 85
Gumbel distribution      293 294
Hang Seng      90 91
HARCH, High Frequency ARCH      83—84
Hedging, basket options      56—57
Hedging, correlation risk      138
Hedging, delta      43—45 119 138 139
Hedging, dynamically hedged portfolios      138—140
Hedging, futures, spot price      27
Hedging, implied volatility      119 139 140
Hedging, perfect hedge      21 106
Hedging, performance      124
Hedging, proxy hedge ratio      54 111
Hedging, rebalancing      112
Hedging, standard error      139 140
Hedging, statistical hedge ratios      109
Hedging, volatility      139—140
Hessian matrix      94 95
High frequency data, alpha      83
High frequency data, ARCH      82 393
High frequency data, autocorrelation      391—393
High frequency data, beta      83
High frequency data, chaotic dynamics      401—407
High frequency data, conditional mean      82
High frequency data, data and information sources      390
High frequency data, data filters      390—391
High frequency data, data processing      397—398
High frequency data, error distributions      82
High frequency data, forecasts      389—407
High frequency data, GARCH models      82—84
High frequency data, neural networks      395—401
High frequency data, noise      17
High frequency data, parametric models      393—395
High frequency data, persistence      83
High frequency data, price prediction models      401—407
High frequency data, sampling error      17
High frequency data, square root of time rule      83
Historic correlation, basket options      56
Historic correlation, definition and application      50—52
Historic correlation, equally weighted moving averages      49 50
Historic correlation, extreme events      52 57
Historic correlation, ghost effects/features      55
Historic correlation, proxy hedge ratio      54
Historic correlation, sampling error      51
Historic correlation, use of estimates      57
Historic volatility, computation      118
Historic volatility, constant volatility      120
Historic volatility, definition and application      50—52
Historic volatility, equally weighted moving averages      49 50 52—53
Historic volatility, extreme events      52 57 85
Historic volatility, ghost effects/features      53 128
Historic volatility, volatility estimates      57 128
I-GARCH, alpha      77 78
I-GARCH, beta      77 78
I-GARCH, currency markets      76
I-GARCH, equity markets      76
I-GARCH, exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)      60 76 111
I-GARCH, long-term volatility      90
I-GARCH, omega      77
I-GARCH, persistence      76
I-GARCH, unconditional variance      76
I-GARCH, volatility estimates      76 77
Ibovespa      89 90
Implied correlation      45—47
Implied trees      35
Implied volatility and process volatility      22
Implied volatility and underlying      11 26 28 183
Implied volatility, ATM volatility      30 34 35 279
Implied volatility, back out      26 34 106
Implied volatility, Black — Scholes model      12 22 23—26 33 34 106
Implied volatility, call options      26—28
Implied volatility, constant volatility      22
Implied volatility, features      30—34
Implied volatility, futures options      28
Implied volatility, geometric Brownian motion (GBM)      10 23 28
Implied volatility, hedging      119 139 140
Implied volatility, meaning      10 22—30
Implied volatility, option maturity      31
Implied volatility, option pricing      4 10 21—45
Implied volatility, OTM      30
Implied volatility, principal component analysis (PCA)      143
Implied volatility, put options      26—28
Implied volatility, scenario analysis      38—43 185
Implied volatility, skews      1 30—31 32 33 68 155 158
Implied volatility, smile effect      1 30 32 33 98 155
Implied volatility, statistical volatility distinguished      28—30
Implied volatility, strikes      26 27 28 30 31 32—33 155
Implied volatility, trading strategy      125
Implied volatility, volatility cones      29
Implied volatility, volatility forecasts      117—118 124—125
Implied volatility, volatility smile surface      106 154
Implied volatility, volatility surfaces      32—34
Implied volatility, volatility term structures      31—32 78
Index tracking models, linear regression      172
Information ratio (IR)      194 445
Integration, cointegration      see "Cointegration"
Integration, GARCH models      see "I-GARCH"
Integration, high frequency data      400—401
Integration, time series models      320—322
International equity portfolios      181 234
Intra-day data      see "High frequency data"
Investment analysis, capital allocation      see "Capital allocation"
Investment analysis, cointegration      369—381
Investment analysis, covariance matrices      179 185—201
Investment analysis, global asset management      186
Investment analysis, mean-variance analysis      185—186 197 198—201
Investment analysis, optimal allocations      186
Investment analysis, quadratic programming      185
Investment analysis, trading limits      186
Investment analysis, utility functions      185 194—197
ITM (in the money), Black — Scholes model      136 297 306 309
ITM (in the money), call options      24 26 28 30 31
ITM (in the money), long-term options      33
ITM (in the money), market regimes      160
ITM (in the money), straddles      124
Jarque — Bera (JB) statistic      287
Johansen methodology      357 361 363 368
Joint density, correlation      5 15
Joint density, price/volatility      41 42 43
JP Morgan      163 179 201 202
Jumpy markets, market regimes      35 36 37—38 44 156
KCBOT, natural gas      54 55 111
Kurtosis, term structures      303—305
Lagrange multiplier (LM)      67 68 336 428 432
Leptokurtic distributions      see "Fat tails"
Leverage effect, coefficient      99 100
Leverage effect, debt/equity ratios      68
Leverage effect, equity markets      31 68—69 79
Leverage effect, GARCH models      64 68—69 79
Leverage effect, skews      31 68
Likelihood functions, boundaries      96
Likelihood functions, constant volatility      122
Likelihood functions, definition      91
Likelihood functions, gradient      94
Likelihood functions, gradient algorithm      96
Likelihood functions, local optimum      96
Likelihood functions, log-likelihood      95
Likelihood functions, maximum      see "Maximum likelihood"
Likelihood functions, minimum data      91
Likelihood functions, out-of-sample      121
Likelihood functions, post-sample predictive tests      122
Likelihood functions, prediction      445
Likelihood functions, second derivatives      94
Likelihood functions, time-varying variance      95
Likelihood ratio (LR)      428—429
Linear portfolios, covariance matrices      180—182
Linear portfolios, factor models      181 187 229
Linear portfolios, linear regression      172
Linear portfolios, optimization      179
Linear portfolios, risk factors      181
Linear portfolios, stress testing      185
Linear portfolios, variance      180—182 183
Linear regression models, CAPM      see "Capital asset pricing model"
Linear regression models, combined forecasts      133
Linear regression models, conditional variance equation      64
Linear regression models, estimation      230
Linear regression models, explanatory variables/regressors      172 409—410
Linear regression models, homsoscedastic returns      14
Linear regression models, multivariate models      412—414
Linear regression models, ordinary least squares (OLS)      414—419
Linear regression models, simple linear model      410—412
Linear regression models, slope parameters      7
Local volatility, moneyness      37
Local volatility, sticky tree model      38
Local volatility, strikes      34—35
Local volatility, trending markets      37
Lorenz butterfly      401
Lyapunov exponent      403 404
Marked-to-market (MtM) value, adjustment for uncertain volatility      136—138
Marked-to-market (MtM) value, ATM options      135 136—137
Marked-to-market (MtM) value, long-term volatility      57
Marked-to-market (MtM) value, option portfolios      119
Marked-to-market (MtM) value, portfolio valuation      134—135
Marked-to-market (MtM) value, VaR (value-at-risk) models      135
Market events, Asian crisis      90 185
Market events, Black Monday      52—53 57 85 185
Market events, currency markets      102
Market events, equity crash (1987)      90 250
Market events, equity crash (1998)      166 169—170 171
Market events, extreme events      31 52 57 80 85 99 117 185 203 204
Market events, ghost effects      see "Ghost effects/features"
Market events, Gulf War      55—56 76 78 85
Market events, intensity of reaction      102
Market events, news announcements      65—66 79
Market events, Russian debt crisis      35 251
Market price, model price      21 22
Market regimes, ATM volatility      36—38 39 43
Market regimes, fixed strike volatility      159—167
Market regimes, jumpy markets      35 36 37—38 44 156
Market regimes, range-bounded markets      36 44 117 156
Market regimes, sticky models      36—38 44
Market regimes, trending markets      36 37 44 156
Market risk capital requirements (MMR)      251 252 253 254—255 274 276 279 280
Market risk capital requirements (MMR), internal models      252—255
Market risk capital requirements (MMR), scenario analysis      253
Markets, foreign exchange      see "Currency markets"
Markets, shares      see "Equity markets"
Maximum likelihood      see also "Likelihood functions"
Maximum likelihood, GARCH models      447
Maximum likelihood, maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs)      447 448 449—452
Maximum likelihood, methods      447—452
Maximum likelihood, non-normal density function      451—452
Maximum likelihood, normal density function      449—450
MBRM-GARCH      64
Mean-reversion, commodity markets      75
Mean-reversion, currency markets      75
Mean-reversion, time series models      317—320
Mean-reversion, univariate GARCH      111
Mean-reversion, volatility clustering      31
Mean-reversion, volatility forecasts      75 79
Mean-reversion, volatility term structures      61 98 109 111
Mean-variance analysis, asset allocation      230
Mean-variance analysis, efficient frontier      201
Mean-variance analysis, investment analysis      185—186 197 198—201
Mean-variance analysis, portfolio theory      186
Mean-variance analysis, utility functions      197
MFIT statistical package      82 84
Minimum variance portfolios, constrained minimum variance      191
Minimum variance portfolios, covariance matrices      187—192
Minimum variance portfolios, efficient frontier      191
Minimum variance portfolios, global minimum variance      188 189 191
Minimum variance portfolios, risk-free assets      192
Missing data, missing observations      439—440
Missing data, new assets      144
Missing data, principal component analysis (PCA)      18 144 171 174—178 439
Model price, market price      21 22
Moneyness, constant volatility      24
Moneyness, definitions      23 24 25 44
Moneyness, local volatility      37
Monte Carlo simulation for derivatives portfolios      104 105 182
Monte Carlo simulation, covariance matrices, use of      185
Monte Carlo simulation, spread options      367
Monte Carlo simulation, VaR (value-at-risk) models      267 270—273 274 277—278
Morgan Stanley indices      217 369 371
Moving averages, ARMA      see "Autoregressive moving average"
Moving averages, confidence intervals      126—128
Moving averages, equally weighted      see "Weighted average"
Moving averages, exponentially weighted (EWMA)      49 57—60
Moving averages, historic correlation      49
Moving averages, historic volatility      49
Moving averages, long-term      18
Moving averages, sampling error      63
Moving averages, short/long      51
1 2 3 4 5 6
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