Transport processes 321 322
Transverse Doppler experiment 133 189 270
Trautman, A. 119 335 432 439
Trouton — Noble experiment 125 133
Trouton, F.T. 133
Twin paradox 176
Two-body problem 223—225 255
Unified theory 343
Uniform electric field, motion in 237 238
Uniform electric field, symmetries of 236
Uniform magnetic field, motion, symmetries of 238
Uniformly accelerated charge 245
Uniformly moving charge, field of 220 221 264 265
Uniqueness theorem for scalar wave equation 266
Variational derivative 90
Variational principles 88—91
Vector potential 46 217—219 229
Vector space 31
Velocity 112 193
Velocity field 309 310 317—320 447
Velocity mappings 145
Velocity of light 125
Velocity of light in emission theories 135
Velocity of light in moving medium 129 189
Velocity of light, constancy of 136
Velocity of light, measurement of 128
Velocity, addition law for 189
| Virial theorem 282
Voight, W. 136
Volkoff, G. 402
Volume integral 29
von Freud, P. 424
Walker, A.G. 447
Walton, E.T.S. 213
Wapstra, A.H. 335
Wave front 71
Wave packets 271 356
Weak interactions 77 78
Weber, A.J. 420
Weber, W. 128
Weyl fields 393 394
Weyl tensor 63
Weyl, H. 393 447
Wheeler, J.A. 160 217 222 334 367 390 391 392 402 463
Whitehead theory of gravity 253 409
Whitehead, A.B. 418
Whitehead, A.N. 253
Whittaker, E.T. 126 136
Wiegand, C.E. 214
Wigner, E.P. 150
Wu, C.S. 78
Yang, C.N. 46 78
Ypsilantis, T. 214
Yukawa potential 293
Zeeman, P. 335
Zero rest-mass particles 195