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Anderson J.L. — Principles of Relativity Physics |
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Moller stress-energy complex 425
Moller, C. 130 325 339 418 425
Momentum four-vector 196 276 278
Momentum four-vector for a radiation pulse 276
Momentum four-vector for a system of particles 205 222
Morley, E.W. 130
Motion of particles in electromagnetic fields 227—231
Motion of particles in gravitational fields 352—355
Muon decay 172
Naimark, M.A. 148
Narlikar, J.V. 355
Neddermeyer, S.H. 213
Neumann, G. 199
Newcomb, S. 407
Newman, E. 414 436
News function 436
Newton, I. 106
Newtonian limit of Einstein equations 360—362
Newtonian mechanics 88
Newtonian space-time 106
Newtonian symmetries 109 123
Newton’s laws of motion 111 113 114
Nijgh, G.J. 335
Noether, E. 92 320
Noether’s identity 92
Noninertial reference frames 181
Noninertial reference frames, model of 182
Nordstrom, G. 297 341
Norm of a vector 56
Normal to a hypersurface 67
Normal velocity 353
Null geodesics 59 70 157
Null gravitational fields 395
Null vector 154
Oblateness of sun 409
Occhialini, G.P.S. 214
Oke, J.G. 446
Oppenheimer, J.R. 402
Orbit 349
Orthochronous Lorentz transformation 142
Palatini formalism 345
Papapetrou, A. 419 439
Parallel transport 38 39
Parity 77
Partial action 203
Partial field 118 290 302
Particle flux density 308 310
Paterson, C.C. 446
Pauli matrices 37
Pauli, W. 133 283 343 344
Peeling theorem 437
Pekar, D. 334
Penrose diagram 66
Penrose, R. 66 436
Perfect cosmological principle 461
Perfect fluid 313
Perihelion advance of planets 253 406—409
Petrov classification of Weyl tensor 65 396
Petrov, A.Z. 65
Phillip, K. 213
Physical Theory 74
Physical theory, completeness of 139
Physical theory, constituents of 74 75
Physical theory, hierarchies of 81
Physical theory, maximal 82
Pirani, F.A.E. 355 396 397 430
Planck, M. 315
Plane fronted waves 396 397 434
Plane waves 267—269
Planes of absolute simultaneity 107 155
Plass, G.N. 243
Plebanski, J. 339
Poincare covariance 75 76 80
Poincare group 11 76 80 85 140
Poincare group, generators of 149 150
Poincare group, limit of 156
Poincare group, minimal assumptions needed to definite 184—187
Poincare group, representations of 150 151
Poincare group, structure of 149 150
Poincare mappings, relation to space-time measurements 181
Poincare symmetry 85 87 88 93 140 187
Poincare, H. 136 213 285
Polar vector 144
Polarization vector 322
Positive-definiteness of energy 299
Pound, R.V. 418
Poynting vector 274 430
Preacceleration 245
Principia, The 105
Projection operator 350
Propagation vector 268
Proper density 310
Proper interval 170
Proper Lorentz transformation 142
Proper time 159
Quadrupole tensor 375
Quantity of motion 110
Radiation condition 267 432 433
Radiation damping in action-at-a-distance electrodynamics 240
Radiation field 279
Radiation reaction 240 243 250 278—280 see
Radiation-filled universe 450
Raising operation 57
Rasetti, F. 213
Raychaudhuri, A. 367 467
Rays 70
Realization see "Group realization
Rebka, G.A.Jr. 418
Red-shift formula 457
Reducibility 20
Reference frames 112 113 see
Reference frames, equivalent 165
Reference frames, inertial 113
Reference frames, relation to coordinate systems 138 183 184
Reference frames, rotating 183
Reissner field 398
Reissner, H. 398
Relativistic mass 194
Relativistic mass, relation to energy 199 213
Relativity of motion 336
Renormalization 243 261 280
Representation see "Group representation
Rest mass 194
Retarded potential 266
Ricci tensor 63
Riemann tensor 43 44 61
Riemann tensor for internal groups 46
Riemann — Christoffel tensor 61 62
Riemann — Christoffel tensor, interpretation of 64
Riemann — Christoffel tensor, symmetries of 62
Riemannian geometry 56
Rigid body 138 173 320
Rigid body motion 321
Rinow, W. 454
Ritz hypothesis 135
Ritz, W. 242
Robertson, H.P. 447 460
Robinson, I. 397
Robson, I. 395
Rogers, F.T.Jr. 199
Rogers, M.M. 199
Rohrlick, F. 246 261
Rosen, N. 339 391 395
Rossi, B. 172
Rotating reference Frames 183
Rotation group 10 37 78 79 86 146
Rotation group, representations of 147 297
Rotation tensor 319
Rotational symmetry 235
Runaway solutions 244
| Sachs, R.K. 430 433 436
Salpeter, E.E. 332
Sandage, A.R. 445
Sandoval-Valarta, M. 299
Satellites, uses of to test general relativity 419
scalar 16 27
Scalar field 288
Scalar field, interaction with matter 289
Scalar field, stress-energy tensor for 289
Scalar field, variational principle for 289 294
Scalar product 33
Scalar wave equation, uniqueness theorem for 266
Scattering problems 205
Schaefer, C. 199
Schiff, L.I. 413 419
Schiffer, S.P. 418
Schild, A. 174 223 277 420
Schott, G.A. 246
Schuecking, E. 455 465
Schwartz, L. 470
Schwarzschild field 385 386
Schwarzschild field, Eddington form of 387
Schwarzschild field, exterior 401
Schwarzschild field, interior 401
Schwarzschild field, isotropic form of 386
Schwarzschild field, Kruskal form of 389
Schwarzschild field, light cone structure of 387
Schwarzschild field, maximal analytic extension of 388
Schwarzschild field, motion of light signals in 410 411
Schwarzschild field, motion of test bodies in 404—406
Schwarzschild radius 385
Schwarzschild singularity 386 387
Schwarzschild, K. 217 381 398
Schweber, S.S. 289
Schwinger, J. 291
Second fundamental form 68 69
Segre, E.G. 214
Self-energy 261 280 286
Self-field 260
Shapiro, I.I. 420
Shear tensor 319
Simultaneity in Newtonian mechanics 107
Simultaneity in special relativity 164
Singer, S.F. 418
Singularities of gravitational fields 467 468
Slow-motion approximation in general relativity 440
Slow-motion approximation, to electrodynamics 225—227
Slow-motion limit of relativistic hydrodynamics 316
Snyder, H. 402
Sound velocity 317
Southerns, L. 334
Space inversion 142
Space of constant curvature 64
Space-like coordinates 365
Space-like hypersurface 155 364
Space-like vector 154
Space-time 4
Space-time, inversion 142
Space-time, manifold 4 5 14
Space-time, mapping 6
Space-time, measurements 137 138 162 see
Space-time, measurements, relation to coordinates 138 183 184
Space-time, measurements, relations between in different inertial frames 181
Space-time, point 4 15
Space-time, theories 4 75 82
Special relativistic systems, symmetries of 140
Special relativity, postulates of 136
Spherical symmetry 86
Spherically symmetric gravitational field 383
Spin 151 248
Spin precession 252
Spin tensor 249
Spin-orbit coupling 252
Spinors 148 296
State of a physical system 80
Static fields 351
Stationary fields 348 428
Stationary mass distribution, linearized field of 374
Statistical mechanics 215
Statistical mechanics, role in radiation damping 242
Steady-state cosmology 461 462
Stillwell, C.R. 133 270
Stokes, G.G. 129
Stokes, G.W. 132
Stokes’ Theorem 30
Stress-energy complex 423
Stress-energy complex, continuity equation for 426
Stress-energy tensor for electromagnetic field 273 274
Stress-energy tensor for field of arbitrarily moving charge 275
Stress-energy tensor for gravitational field 300 304
Stress-energy tensor for scalar field 289
Stress-energy tensor, role in general relativity 381
Stress-energy tensor, total 282 313
Structure constants 12 36
Structure of physical theories 74 75
Submanifolds 29
Subspaces, geometry of 67—70
Summation convention 8
Superpotential 424 426 427
Surface integral 29
Symmetrization of a tensor 20
Symmetry 84
Symmetry group 85 88
Symmetry group of charges in fields 232 234 235
Symmetry group of Newtonian mechanics of a physical system 87
Symmetry group, internal 94
Symmetry group, relation to conservation laws 93
Symmetry, Poincare 85 87
Symmetry, spherical 86
Synge, J.L. 277 278 420
Tangent plane 31
Telegdi, V.L. 253
Temperature 314—316
Tensor densities 23—26 35
Tensor densities, coderivative of 43
Tensor densities, derivative of 24
Tensor densities, determinant of 24 25
Tensor densities, infinitesimal transformation law for 23
Tensor densities, integrals of 29
Tensor fields 24—28
Tensor product 34
Tensors 16—23
Tensors, addition of 18
Tensors, antisymmetrization of 20
Tensors, coderivative of 42
Tensors, contraction of 19
Tensors, definition of 18
Tensors, derivative of 22
Tensors, geometrical interpretation of 31—35
Tensors, infinitesimal transformation law for 18
Tensors, multiplication of 19
Tensors, symmetrization of 20
Tensors, symmetry properties of 19
Test bodies 119
Tetrode, H. 217
Thermodynamic quantities, transformation of 314—316
Thirring, W. 302 376
Thomas precession 146 251
Thomas, L.H. 146
Thorndike, E.W. 133
Time dilation 166 167
Time inversion 142
Time-like vector 154
Time-like world line 155
Time-varying sources of gravitational field 377
Tolman, R.C. 315 465
Tomaschek, R. 135
Topology of manifolds 4 7
Townes, C.H. 132
Translational symmetry 234
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