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Anderson J.L. — Principles of Relativity Physics |
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Friedrichs, K. 119
Full linear group 11 26
Fuller, R.W. 390 391
Fulton, t. 246
Galaxy formation 466 467
Galilean mappings, special 121
Galilean relativity, principle of 121
Gauge conditions 95
Gauge covariance 95 99
Gauge group 94
Gauge transformations 36 94 231
Gaussian curvature 64
Gauss’ Theorem 31
Gautreau, R. 182
General invariance, principle of 338—340 342
Generators of a group 36
Geodesic deviation 420
Geodesic surface 64
Geodesic, affine 47—49
Geodesic, metric 57
Geometrical object 14—16
Geometrical object, components of 15
Geometrical object, irreducible 20
Geometrical object, linear, homogeneous see "Tensor"
Geometrical object, local 15
Geometrical object, reducible 20
Geometrical object, transformation laws for 15 26
Geometry of Newtonian space-time 106—109
Ginsburg, V.L. 409
Global conservation laws 429
Goedel model 447 465 466
Goedel, K. 465
Gold, T. 461
Goldberg, J.N. 414 425 438 442
Graf, C. 299
Gravitational Bohr orbit 253
Gravitational charge 117 334
Gravitational collapse 401 402
Gravitational constant 117 253
Gravitational field 118 254 298 305
Gravitational field equations 118 299 305 341 342 344 see
Gravitational field equations, canonical form of 365—367
Gravitational field equations, linearization of 368—371
Gravitational field equations, structure of 362 363 434
Gravitational field in general relativity, equations for 341 342 344
Gravitational field in Newtonian mechanics, equations for 118
Gravitational field in special relativity, equations for 299
Gravitational field, degrees of freedom of 367 377
Gravitational field, independent components of 368
Gravitational field, initial-value problem for 363—368
Gravitational field, interaction with matter 301 303 346 347 352
Gravitational field, singularities in 367
Gravitational field, sources of 301 303
Gravitational field, stress-energy tensor for 300 304
Gravitational field, variational principle for 301 303—306 344 345 366
Gravitational interaction, action-at-a-distance description of 254 255
Gravitational potential 118
Gravitational radiation 302 430 432
Gravitational red-shift 417 418
Gravitational two-body problem 255
Gravitational waves 376 377 395—397 420 see
Green’s function for Klein — Gordon equation 290—292
Grommer, J. 438
Group 7
Group space 10
Group velocity 271
Group, Cartesian form 11
Group, faithful realization of 26
Group, internal 94
Group, realization of 14
Group, reparameterization of 13
Group, representation of 16
Groups of mappings 7—14
Guersey, F. 7 334 461
Gupta, S.N. 303
Guye, Ch.E. 199
gyromagnetic ratio 248
Hall, D.B. 172
harmonic oscillator 116
Havens, B.L. 132
Havens, W.W. 172
Hawking, S.W. 467
Hayward, R.W. 78
Heat equation 79
Heckmann, O. 455 465
Helmholtz decomposition 288
Herglotz, G. 320
Hilbert, D. 96 99 344
Hoek, M. 129
Hoffmann, B. 438
Holton, G. 136
Homogeneous, global structure of 454
Homogeneous, isotropic fields 451
Homogeneous, isotropic spaces 452—454
Homogeneous, symmetries of 454
Hopf, E. 380
Hoppes, D.D. 78
Hoyle, F. 355 462
Hubble constant 445 458 461 463
Hubble, E. 445
Hudson, P.R. 78
Hughes, V.W. 332
Hupka, E. 199
Hyperbolic differential equations 99
Hyperbolic motion 200 see
Hypersurface 67 68
Hypersurface integrals 29
Hypersurface, normal to 67
Iben, I.Jr. 399
Ideal gas 215—217 312
Ideal gas, equation of state for 216
Imaginary time 156
Improper continuity equation 424
Induced metric 68
Inelastic scattering 211 212
Inertia 110
Inertial frames 113 163
Inertial mass 117 334
Infeld, L. 286 438
Infinitesimal mappings 8 15
Infinitesimal transformation of action 92
Infinitesimal transformation of contravector 17
Infinitesimal transformation of covector 17
Infinitesimal transformation of fields 26
Infinitesimal transformation of tensor 18
Infinitesimal transformation of tensor density 23
Inhomogeneous Galilean group 11 121
Inhomogeneous Lorentz group see "Poincare group"
Initial value data 98
Initial value hypersurface 98
Initial value problem 98 434
Initial value problem for Einstein equations 363—368
Initial value problem for gauge covariant theories 100
Initial value problem for hyperbolic equations 99
Initial value problem for interacting particles 203 204
Initial value problem for Maxwell equations 287 288
Initial value problem on characteristic hypersurface 434
Instabilities in expanding universe 466
Instantaneous distance 115
Integrable affine connection 50 54
Integrals 28—30
Interacting particles, conservation laws for 204 207
Interacting particles, equations of motion for 203
Interacting particles, initial value problem for 203 204
Interacting particles, variational principle for 201
Internal affine connection 45
Internal affine connection, integrability of 54
Internal energy 313
Internal group 94
Internal transformation 36
| Intrinsic state of a physical system 80
Invariance of a physical theory 88
Invariant 80
Irreducibility 20
Irvine, W. 466
Ives, H.E. 133 270
Jacobi identity 12 37
Jammer, Max 4
Joule heat 325
Juettner, F. 215
Kaufmann, W. 199
Kennedy — Thorndike experiment 133 134
Kennedy, R.J. 133
Kerr field 394 395
Kerr, R.P. 394
Khalantnikov, I.N. 466 467
Killing vector 85
Killing vector, approximate 431
Killing vector, asymptotic 428 429
Killing’s equation 85
Kinematic relativity 123
Kinematically possible trajectories (abbreviated kpt) 74
kinetic energy 195
Kinetic stress-energy tensor 281 282 308 311
Klein — Gordon equation 288—294
Klein — Gordon equation, Green’s function for 289
Klein — Gordon equation, variational principle for 289
Kohlrausch, R. 128
Komar, A. 367 427 467
Kraichnan, R.H. 303
Kretschmann, E. 338
Kronecker delta 21
Kronecker product see "Tensor product"
Krotkov, R. 412 418
Kruskal manifold 388
Kruskal, M.D. 388
Kundt, W. 373 396 397
Lagrangian coordinates 317
Landau — Lifshitz pseudotensor 425
Landau, L.D. 244 321 425
Larmor hypothesis 134
Larmor, J. 134 136
Laue, M.v. 320
Lavanchy, Ch. 199
Law of universal gravitation 117
Lee, T.D. 78
Lemaitre model 465
Lemaitre, G. 459 460 462 465
Length contraction 169 170
Lense, J. 376
Leverrier, U.J. 407
Levi-Civita tensor density 24—26
Lichnerowicz, A. 379
Lie groups 10—14 36 93
Lie groups, generators of 36
Lie groups, structure constants of 12
Lienard — Wiechart potentials 219 265
Lifshitz, E.M. 244 321 425 466
Light clock 159—161
Light cone 153
Light rays 158
Light rays in a gravitational field 356—358 410 411
Light velocity see "Velocity of light"
Line element 55
Line integral 29
Linearized form of Einstein equations 371
Linearized form of Einstein equations, general solution of 373
Loar, H.H. 172
Local geometrical object 15
Local geometrical object, symmetries of 85
Local parallelism 50
Lodge, O. 133
Lorentz condition 96
Lorentz force 228
Lorentz group 141—149
Lorentz group, generators of 143
Lorentz group, history of 136
Lorentz group, irreducible representations of 147
Lorentz group, structure of 143
Lorentz transformation of spinors 295—297
Lorentz transformation of vectors 146
Lorentz transformation, finite forms of 144 145
Lorentz, H.A. 130 133 136 243 283
Lowering operation 57
Luminosity distance 433 445 458
Mach, E. 330
Mach’s principle 330—333 347
Magnetic dipole moment 248
Magnetic field 228
Magnetic field, motion in 239
Magnetic field, uniform 238
Magnetization current 323
Magnetization vector 322
Manifold 5
Manifold mapping group (abbreviated MMG) 8 75
Manifold mapping group (abbreviated MMG), covariance 75—77 79 82
Manifold mapping group (abbreviated MMG), symmetry 88
Manifold, complete 388
Manifold, differentiable 6
Manifold, maximal 388
Mapping 6
Mapping, allowed 6
Mapping, commutator 10
Mapping, groups 7—14
Mapping, infinitesimal 8 15
Mapping, space-time 6
Mapping, topological restrictions on 7
Marzke, Robert, F. 160
Mass anisotropy 332 333
Mass defect 214
Maximal coupling, principle of 337 352
Maximal manifold 388
Maximal physical theory 82
Maxwell stress tensor 274
Maxwell’s equations 76 96 357
Maxwell’s equations, continuity equations of 273
Maxwell’s equations, initial value problem for 287
Maxwell’s equations, plane wave solutions of 267
Maxwell’s equations, structure of 287
McCrea, W.H. 446
McReynolds, A.W. 199
Meitner, L. 213
Meson field see "Scalar field"
Messiah, A. 295
Metric affinity 59
Metric flatness 60 61
Metric geodesic 57
Metric tensor 55—57
Metric tensor, definiteness of 56
Metric tensor, inverse of 56
Metric tensor, symmetry of 56
Metric, induced 68
Metric, signature of 60
Michel, L. 253
Michelson — Morley experiment 130—133
Michelson, A.A. 130 134
Mills, R.L. 46
Milne, E.A. 446
Minimal surface condition 367
Minkowski matrix 11
Minkowski space 151
Minkowski space, depiction of 152 153
Minkowski space, geometry of 151—154
Minkowski space, perpendicularity in 152
Minkowski stress-energy tensor see "Kinetic stress-energy tensor"
Minkowski, H. 141 281 324 325
Misner, C.W. 365 366
Moessbauer effect 418
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