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Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook
Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook

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Название: C# Cookbook

Авторы: Hilyard J., Teilhet S.


The C# Cookbook offers a definitive collection of solutions and examples for this new programming language. Recipes range from simple tasks to the more complex, and are organized with respect to the types of problems you'll need to solve as you progress in your experience as a C# programmer. Nearly every recipe contains a complete, documented code sample showing you how to solve the specific problem, as well as a discussion of how the underlying technology works and a discussion of alternatives, limitations, and other considerations where appropriate.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: First

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 800

Добавлена в каталог: 08.09.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
HttpStatusCode enumeration      
HttpWebRequest class      
HttpWebResponse class      
HybridDictionary class      
hyphen (-)      
hypotenuse of a triangle      
I/O      [See files]
IAsynchResult interface, IsCompleted property      2nd
ICloneable interface      
ICollection class      
ICollection interface      
ICompanyData interface      
IComparable interface      2nd 3rd
IComparer interface      2nd
icons used in this book      
IDisposable interface      
IEnumerable interface      2nd 3rd 4th
IEnumerator interface      2nd
IFormattable interface, ToString method and      
Ildasm disassembler tool      
implementing polymorphism with      
implementing with abstract base class      
implementing with concrete class      
implementing with interfaces      2nd
improving performance of      
in .NET Framework      
in enumerations, testing      
in equations      
in regular expression patterns      
in this book, system requirements for      
incorrect parameters      
Index property, BinaryTreeNode class      
IndexOf method      
IndexOfAny method      2nd 3rd 4th
IndexOfAny method, string class      2nd 3rd 4th
IndexOutOfRangeException exception      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
inequality operator (!=)      
inheritance hierarchies of types in      
inheritance hierarchies of, in assemblies      
inheritance hierarchies, of types in assemblies      
initializing with overloaded constructors      
initializing with static constructors      2nd
InnerException property, TargetInvocationException exception      
innermost, finding      
InnerXML property, XmlElement class      
INotificationCallbacks interface      
Input/Output      [See files]
Insert method      
inserting character or string into      
inserting elements into      
inserting into strings      
InsertIntoArray method      
InstallException exception      
instance methods, when to use      2nd
instance, when to use      2nd
int data type      
interchanging with Debug class      
interchanging with Trace class      
interfaces implementing      
interfaces used for      
Intern method      
Intern method, string class      
intern pool      
InternedStrCls class      
intersection of      2nd 3rd 4th
intersection of set objects      2nd 3rd 4th
IntersectionOf method, Set class      2nd
invalid characters in, handling      
InvalidCastException exception      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
InvalidComObjectException exception      
InvalidEnumArgumentException exception      2nd 3rd
InvalidFilterCriteriaException exception      
InvalidOleVariantTypeException exception      
InvalidOperationException exception      2nd 3rd 4th
InvalidPathChars field      2nd
InvalidPathChars field, Path class      2nd
InvalidProgramException exception      
invocation list for      
invoked using reflection, exceptions generated by      
InvokeEveryOther method      
InvokeInReverse method      
IOException exception      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
IP address      
IPHostEntry class      
Is operator      
is operator used for      
IsApproximatelyEqualTo method      
IsCharEqual method      
IsCompleted property      2nd 3rd
IsDefined method      
IsDefined method, Enum class      
IsEven method      
IsGranted method, SecurityManager class      
IsInRange method      
IsIntegerRegEx method      
IsInterned method      
IsInterned method, string class      
IsMatch method      
IsMatch method, Regex class      
IsNumeric method      
IsNumericFromTryParse method      
IsNumericRegEx method      
IsOdd method      
isolated storage of      
IsolatedStorageException exception      
IsProcessResponding method      
IsSafeToConvert method      
IsSubclassOf method      
IsSubclassOf method, Type class      
IsSubsetOf method, Set class      2nd
IsSupersetOf method, Set class      2nd
isThreadAvailable method      2nd
IsUnsignedIntegerRegEx method      
italic text used in this book      
iterating over characters in string      
iterating over characters in string using      
iterating over characters of      
iterating over interfaces with      
iterator design pattern      
jagged arrays      
Java language, compared to C#      
Join method      
keyboard input, monitoring and responding to      
Keys property, Hashtable class      2nd
Language enumeration      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
LastAccessTime property      2nd
LastChanceHandler method      
LastWriteTime property      2nd
LastWriteTime property, FileInfo class      
launching console utilities with      
Learning C# (O'Reilly)      
least-significant bits (LSB) of an integer, determining      
Left property, BinaryTreeNode class      
Length property      
Length property, StringBuilder class      
less than operator (<)      
less than or equal operator (<=)      
letter, determining if character is      2nd
Lexers      [See tokenizers]
Line structure      2nd
LineCount method      
LineCount2 method      
linefeed character      [See also EOL (end-of-line character)]
linefeed character in      [See linefeed character]
list of      
list of common patterns for      
ListDictionary class      2nd
listener for, canceling action that raised an event      
listeners element, application configuration file      2nd
ListExportedTypes method      
little-endian format      
LoadFrom method      
LoadFrom method, Assembly class      
loading, exceptions generated by      
LoadMissingDLL method      
LocalDataStoreSlot class      
LocalIntranet permission set      2nd
lock keyword      
Lock method      
Lock method, FileStream class      
locking against critical sections      
locking portions of      
Log class      
log file, creating and maintaining      
Log4Net logging software for      
Log4Net software      
Log4Net software for      
logging      [See also event logs]
logical AND operator (&&), overloading
logical OR operator (||), overloading      
long data type      
LSB (least-significant bits) of an integer, determining      
machine configuration file      
Macintosh (\r)      
Magnetic class      
maintaining sort when adding or modifying elements      
malicious modifications to, preventing      
Managed code      [See also unsafe code]
managed execution environment      
managed languages      
mapped to HRESULT      
mapping to exceptions      
Marshal class, ReleaseComObject method      
MarshalDirectiveException exception      
Mastering Regular Expressions (O'Reilly)      
Mastering Visual Studio .NET (O'Reilly)      
Match method      2nd
Match method, Regex class      
Match object      2nd
MatchCollection object      2nd
Matches method      2nd 3rd
Matches method, Regex class      
MatchesCollection object      
MatchEvaluator delegate      
MatchEvaluator delegate for      
MatchHandler method      
Math class      
mathematical equations, ensuring correctness of      
MaxChildren property      
maximum size for, setting      
maximum values stored in, setting      
MaxMinSizeHashtable class      
MaxMinValueHashtable class      
Media class      
MediaCollection class      
MemberAccess privilege      2nd
MemberAccessException exception      
MemberFilter delegate      
members in      
members in, finding      
MemberTypes enumeration      
Memento class      
memento design pattern      
MementoCareTaker class      2nd
MemoryStream class      
MethodAccessException exception      2nd
MethodInfo class, GetBaseDefinition method      2nd
METHODS      [See also parameters]
methods used on multiple object types      
minimizing attack surface of      
minimum size for, setting      
minimum values stored in, setting      
MissingFieldException exception      
MissingManifestResourceException exception      
MissingMemberException exception      
MissingMethodException exception      
ModifyDirAttr method      
ModifyFile method      
ModifyFileAttr method      
ModifyNumericField method      
monetary values, regular expression patterns for      
Monitor class, TryEnter method      
monitoring for changes to      
monitoring for specific entries      
MonitorMethodAccess class      
most-significant bits (MSB) of an integer, determining      
Mouse events      
mouse, manipulating      
Move method      2nd
MoveInFile method      
MoveTo method      2nd
moving      2nd
MSB (most-significant bits) of an integer, determining      
MSDN Library      
MultiCallBackThroughIFace method      2nd
Multicast delegates      
MulticastDelegate class, GetInvocationList method      2nd 3rd 4th
MulticastNotSupportedException exception      
MultiClone class      
Multidimensional      2nd
multidimensional arrays      2nd
MultiMap class      2nd
MultiMementoCareTaker class      2nd
multiple, handling exceptions individually      
MultiTask class      2nd
Multithreading      [See threading]
MultiWriter class      
MyKeys.snk file      
n-ary trees      
named groups in regular expressions      2nd
named pipes      
named pipes communicating across network      
NamedPipeClient class      2nd
NamedPipeInterop class      
NamedPipeServer class      2nd 3rd
NamedPipesInterop class      
NameValueCollection class      
narrowing conversions      2nd
navigating arrays with      
navigating arrays with pointers      
navigating with pointer      
navigating with pointers      
nested arrays of, iterating across      
nested types in, finding      
nested, finding in assembly      
nested, iterating across nested arrays of objects      
NetworkCredential class      
newline character      [See EOL character linefeed character]
newline characters and      
NodeChangedEvent method      
NodeChangingEvent method      
NodeInsertedEvent method      
NodeInsertingEvent method      
NodeRemovedEvent method      
NodeRemovingevent method      
NoFlags privilege      
nonblittable objects      
not existing when creating file      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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