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Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook
Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook

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Название: C# Cookbook

Авторы: Hilyard J., Teilhet S.


The C# Cookbook offers a definitive collection of solutions and examples for this new programming language. Recipes range from simple tasks to the more complex, and are organized with respect to the types of problems you'll need to solve as you progress in your experience as a C# programmer. Nearly every recipe contains a complete, documented code sample showing you how to solve the specific problem, as well as a discussion of how the underlying technology works and a discussion of alternatives, limitations, and other considerations where appropriate.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: First

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 800

Добавлена в каталог: 08.09.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
EndOfStreamException exception      2nd
EndsWith method      
EndsWith method, string class      
EnhancedLog class      
Enqueue method, PriorityQueue class      2nd
EnqueueHead method, DblQueue class      
EnqueueTail method, DblQueue class      
EnsureCapacity method      
EnsureCapacity method, StringBuilder class      
ensuring compatibility with managed languages      
ensuring correctness of      
ensuring maximum number in string      
ensuring maximum number of characters in      
entry points, multiple      
EntryPointNotFoundException exception      
EntryWrittenEventHandler delegate      
Enum class      
enumerators, custom      
Environment class      
environment variables, parsing paths in      
Environment.NewLine constant      
EOL (end-of-line) character      2nd
EOL character in, platform-independent      
equality between fractions and floating-point values      
Equality operator (==)      
equality with fractions      
Equals method      2nd
Equals method for, improving performance of      
Equals method for, overloading      
Equations      [See also calculations]
equivalence and nonequivalence of      2nd 3rd
Error handling      [See also exception handling]
ErrorCode property, COMException exception      
errors from, handling      
even values, determining if number is      
event logs      
event logs and      2nd 3rd
event logs for      [See event logs]
EventSearchLog class      
Everything permissions set      2nd
examples      [See code samples]
Exception class      
exception event handlers      
exception event handlers for      
Exception handling      
exception handling and      2nd 3rd
Exceptions      [See also specific exceptions]2nd
exceptions for      2nd
exceptions for, mapping to HRESULTs      
exceptions thrown as result of      
exceptions thrown by      
executable modules, comparing versions of      
ExecutionEngineException exception      2nd 3rd
Exists method      
exported types of an assembly, listing      
exported types of, listing      
Expressions      [See also equations]
Extensible Markup Language      [See XML]
ExternalException class      
ExternalException exception      
ExtractGroupings method, RegExUtilities class      
facade design pattern      
factory design pattern, simple      
FieldAccessException exception      
File class      
file handle, opening file from      
file streams      
file streams, types of      2nd
FileAccess enumeration      
FileAttributes enumeration      2nd
FileInfo class      
FileLoadException exception      
FileMode enumeration      
FileNotFoundException exception      2nd 3rd 4th
Files      [See also directories]
files or directories      
FileShare enumeration      
FileStream class      2nd
FileSystemWatcher class      2nd
FileVersionInfo class      2nd
FilteredArrayList class      
FilteringOutputObtainingMembers method      
finally blocks      [See also exception handling]2nd
findAll method      
FindAllIllegalChars method      
FindAllOccurrences method      
FindAnEntryInEventLog method      
FindAny method      
FindAnyIllegalChars method      
FindIFaceMemberInAssembly method      
FindInArray method      
finding last match in a string      
finding last matching substring in      
finding specific occurrences of a match      
finding substrings in strings using      
finding tags in an XML string      
finding unbalanced strings using      
finding where it occurs      
FindInterfaces method      
FindInterfaces method, Type class      2nd
FindMemberInAssembly method      
FindMembers method      
FindMembers method, Type class      
FindMethodOverrides method      
FindOccurrenceOf method      
FindOverriddenMethods method      
FindSerializable method      
FindSourceNamesFromAllLogs method      
FindSourceNamesFromLog method      
FindSpecificInterfaces method      
FindSubclassOfType method      
FindSubstrings method      2nd
fine-grained exception handling      
FinishedProcessingGroup method, INotificationCallbacks interface      
FinishedProcessingSubGroup method, INotificationCallbacks interface      
fixed statement      2nd
fixed-size      2nd
fixed-size arrays      2nd
Flags attribute      
Flags attribute, enumerations      
flags, enumerations used as      [See also bit flags]2nd 3rd
FlipBit method      
float data type      2nd
floating-point values      
floor method      
Floor method, Math class      
folding hash      
folding hash algorithm      
FoldingHash method      
fonts used in this book      
for assemblies      
for asynchronous delegates      2nd
for delegates in multicast delegate      
for each delegate in multicast delegate      
for keyboard hook callback      
for loop, iterating over characters in string      
for objects      
for reflections      2nd
for this book      
for user-defined exceptions      
foreach loop      
foreach method and      
form execution, simulating      
Format method      
Format method, String class      
format parameters, exceptions for      
FormatException exception      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
formatting data in      
formatting data using      
formatting strings      
formatting strings as      
formatting with      
forming absolute URI      
forms, simulating execution of      
fractions, equality with floating-point values      
FreeNamedDataSlot method      
FreeNamedDataSlot method, Thread class      
FromASCIIByteArray method      
FromBase64CharArray method      
FromBase64CharArray method, Convert class      
FromUnicodeByteArray method      
FtoC method      
FullTrust permission set      2nd
FusionLog property      
generated by method using reflection      
GenerateGetOrPostRequest method      2nd
GenerateIV method      
GenerateIV method, RijndaelManaged class      
generateKey method      
GenerateKey method, RijndaelManaged class      
generating code for during object creation      
generating tracing code when creating      
get methods      
Get methods, Type class      
GET request, sending to web server      
GetAll method      
GetAllDirFilesRecurse method      
GetAllFilesInPatternRecurse method      
GetAvailableThreads method      2nd 3rd
GetAvailableThreads method, ThreadPool class      2nd 3rd
GetBaseDefinition method, MethodInfo class      2nd
GetBaseException method      
GetBaseException method, Exception class      
GetBaseTypeList method      2nd
GetBytes method      
GetCharKind method      
GetCharKindInString method      
GetChild method, NTreeNode class      
GetCreationTime method      
getData method      
GetData method, Thread class      
GetDirectories method      2nd 3rd 4th
GetDirectoryName method      
GetDirectoryName method, Path class      
GetEnumerator method, PriorityQueue class      
GetExportedTypes method      
GetExportedTypes method, Assembly class      
GetExtension method      
GetExtension method, Path class      
GetFileName method      
GetFileName method, Path class      
GetFileNameWithoutExtension method      
GetFileNameWithoutExtension method, Path class      
GetFiles method      2nd
GetFileSystemEntries method      2nd 3rd
GetFileSystemEntries method, Directory class      2nd 3rd
GetFileSystemInfos method      2nd 3rd 4th
GetFileSystemInfos method, DirectoryInfo class      2nd 3rd 4th
GetHashCode method      
GetHashCode method as alternative to      
GetHashCode method for, overriding      
GetHashCode method used to test equality      
GetHTMLFromURL method      
GetInterface method      
GetInterface method, Type class      
GetInterfaces method      
GetInterfaces method, Type class      
GetInvocationList method, MulticastDelegate class      2nd 3rd 4th
GetKeys method      
GetLastAccessTime method      
GetLastWriteTime method      
GetLines method      
GetLSB method      
GetMaxThreads method      
GetMaxThreads method, ThreadPool class      
GetMember method      2nd 3rd 4th
GetMember method, Type class      2nd 3rd 4th
GetMembers method      
GetMembers method, Type class      
GetMethod method      
GetMethods method      2nd
GetMSB method      
GetNamedDataSlot method      
GetNamedDataSlot method, Thread class      
GetPathRoot method      
GetPathRoot method, Path class      
GetReferencedAssemblies method      2nd
GetReferencedAssemblies method, Assembly class      2nd
GetResponse method      
GetResponse method, HttpWebResponse class      2nd
GetResponseStream method      
GetResponseStream method, HttpWebResponse class      
GetRoot method      
GetSerializableTypeNames method      
GetStackTraceDepth method      
GetStream method, TcpClient class      
GetString method      
GetSubClasses method      
GetTempFileName method      
GetTempFileName method, Path class      
GetTempPath method      
GetTempPath method, Path class      
GetType method      
GetType method, Type class      
GetValues method      
GetVersionInfo method, FileVersionInfo class      
GradeBoard class      2nd
greater than operator (>)      
greater than or equal operator (>=)      
groups in      
groups in regular expressions      
groups resulting from      
groups returned by      
guidelines for      
GUIDs, created by assembly registration tool      
HandleEnum method      2nd
HandleFlagsEnum method      
handling exceptions for each delegate in      
handling exceptions generated by methods using      
handling individually      
handling invalid characters with      
HandlingInvalidChars method      
hash code algorithms      
hash codes for      
hash values      
hash values appended to      2nd
Hashed passwords      2nd
HashOps class      
Hashtable class      2nd
Hashtable keys or values stored in      
Hashtable object      
HashtableEventArgs class      2nd
HashtableObserver class      2nd 3rd
HashtableSubject class      2nd 3rd
hexadecimal values, formatting strings as      
hooks, Windows keyboard      
host name      
HostName2IP method      
HRESULTs mapped to      
HTTP status codes      
HTTP: The Definitive Guide (Gourley, Totty)      
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