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Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook
Hilyard J., Teilhet S. — C# Cookbook

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Название: C# Cookbook

Авторы: Hilyard J., Teilhet S.


The C# Cookbook offers a definitive collection of solutions and examples for this new programming language. Recipes range from simple tasks to the more complex, and are organized with respect to the types of problems you'll need to solve as you progress in your experience as a C# programmer. Nearly every recipe contains a complete, documented code sample showing you how to solve the specific problem, as well as a discussion of how the underlying technology works and a discussion of alternatives, limitations, and other considerations where appropriate.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: First

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 800

Добавлена в каталог: 08.09.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Compare method      2nd
Compare method, String class      2nd
compared to dynamic invocation using reflection      
CompareFileVersions method      
CompareHeight class      
CompareTo method      
comparing characters using      
comparing pointers with      
comparing strings using      
comparing strings with      
Comparison operators      [See also Equals method]
comparison operators and      
CompileToAssembly method      
CompileToAssembly method, Regex class      
compiling regular expressions with      2nd
complex, ensuring correctness of      
complex, simplifying      
ComplexReplace method      
component, as source for event log, determining      
ConcatStringGetHashCode method      
concrete classes      
concrete classes, implementing polymorphism with      
conditional operator (?:), overloading      
conditional testing of bit flags for      
ConditionalAttribute attribute      
conditionally compiling blocks of      
conditionally replacing matching text with a new string      
conditionally replacing text within      
configuration file to turn on      
Configuration files      [See application configuration file machine configuration file]
configuration, exceptions for      
ConfigurationException exception      
configuring to break on exceptions      
console utilities, reading from and responding to      
const field      
constants, initializing at runtime      
constructing from separate constituent pieces      
constructing XML data using      
constructor for      
contact information for this book      
contained in string, determining      
contained object cache      
contained object cache algorithm      
ContainedObjHash method      
Container class      
Contains method      
Contains method, PriorityQueue class      
ContainsKey method      
ContainsString method, PriorityQueue class      
ContainsValue method      
ContextMarshalException exception      
control character, determining if character is      
controlling additions to, through attributes      
controlling and tracking access to      
controlling changes to when passed to methods      
controlling delegates executed in      
conventions used in this book      
conversions between      2nd
conversions to      2nd 3rd
Convert class      
ConvertCollectionToDelStr method      
ConvertDegreesToRadians method      
converting between simple types consistently across      
converting Celsius to      
converting Celsius to Fahrenheit      
converting degrees to      
converting degrees to radians      
converting degrees to radians for      
converting Fahrenheit to      
converting Fahrenheit to Celsius      
converting from pointers to numeric data types      
converting host name to      
converting host name to IP address      
converting pointers to numeric data types to strings      
converting radians to      
converting radians to degrees      
converting radians to degrees for      
converting strings to      
converting text of to enumeration value      
converting to a string      
converting to base 10 from another base
converting to Celsius      
converting to degrees      
converting to Fahrenheit      
converting to HTML      
converting to IP address      
converting to radians      
converting to value type      
converting XML to      
ConvertObj method      
ConvertRadiansToDegrees method      
ConvertToASCIIStringSlow method      
ConvertToString method      2nd
ConvertToStringSlow method      
Copy method      
CopyTo method      
Cos method      
Cos method, Math class      
Cosine function      
Count method, MultiMap class      
Count property      
CountAll method      
CountChildren method      
CounterDelta32 counter      
CounterDelta64 counter      
CounterMultiTimer counter      
CounterMultiTimer100Ns counter      
CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse counter      
CounterMultiTimerInverse counter      
Counters      [See performance counters]
CounterTimer counter      
CounterTimerInverse counter      
CountImmediateChildren method, NTreeNode class      
counting in string or file      
counting lines of text in      
counting lines of text using      
counting occurrences of an object type in      
CountPerTimeInterval32 counter      
CountPerTimeInterval64 counter      
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)      
Create method      
CreateAbsoluteUri method      
CreateAndHandlePoint method      
CreateComplexCounter method      
CreateDirectory method      
CreateDirectory method, Directory class      
CreateFile method      
CreateHashedPassword method      2nd 3rd
CreateInternedStr method      
CreateLockedFile method      
CreateLogFile method      
CreateNestedObjects method      
CreateNode method, NTreeNodeFactory class      2nd
CreatePoint method      
CreateRegExDLL method      
CreateSimpleCounter method      
CreateStringHash method      2nd 3rd
CreateText method      
CreateText method, File class      
Creating      2nd
creating for a data type      
creating instance of      
creating instance of, from file handle      
creating programmatically      
CreationTime property      
credit card number, regular expression patterns for      
critical sections and      
critical sections, locking objects against      
CryptographicException exception      
CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException exception      
Cryptography      [See encryption security]
cryptography providers      
CryptoHash method      2nd
CryptoHash method algorithm      2nd
CryptoStream class      
CryptoString class      2nd
CtoF method      
currency, formatting strings as      
CurrentValue property, NTreeNodeFactory class      
custom, exceptions for      
custom, maximum size of      
CustomAttributeFormatException exception      2nd
customizing levels for      
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)      
dangling pointers      
dash (-)      
DATA      [See also files]
data for, storing securely      
Data types      
date/time values, conversions to      2nd
dates, regular expression patterns for      
DateTime object, creating      
DblQueue class      
DeadLock class      
deadlocks, preventing      
Debug class      
Debugging      2nd
DECIMAL data type      
decoding Base64 data into      
decoding from Base64 to byte array      
decoding into byte array      
decorator design pattern      
Decrypt method      
Decrypt method, CryptoString class      
deep copying      2nd
DeepClone class      
default, removing      
DelegateCallback method      2nd
delegates implementing      2nd
DelegateUtilities class      2nd 3rd
Delete method      
deleting      2nd
delimited, extracting items from      
Demand method      2nd
DemonstrateRenameDir method      
DeMorgan's Theorem      
DepthFirstSearch method      
DequeueHead method, DblQueue class      
DequeueLargest method, PriorityQueue class      2nd
DequeueSmallest method, PriorityQueue class      2nd
DequeueTail method, DblQueue class      
derived classes, overriding methods in, listing      
Design patterns      
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides)      2nd
DetectXMLChanges method      
determining if character is      
determining if even or odd      
determining if it exists      2nd
determining object originating      
determining objects originating exceptions      
determining sources for event logs using      
determining variable's type with      
determining whether it exists      
DevPartner Profiler Community Edition      
DevPartner Studio Professional Edition      
dictionary collections      
difference of      2nd 3rd 4th
difference of set objects      2nd 3rd 4th
DifferenceOf method, Set class      2nd
digit, determining if character is      
digital signature for      
digital signatures for assemblies      
digital signatures, for assemblies      
directories      [See also files]
Directory class      
directory trees, retrieving and manipulating      
DirectoryInfo class      
DirectoryInfoNotify class      2nd
DirectoryInfoObserver class      2nd
DirectoryNotFoundException exception      2nd 3rd
disassembler tool      
DisplayDirAttr method      
DisplayDirs method      2nd 3rd 4th
DisplayException method      
DisplayFileAttr method      
DisplayFiles method      2nd
DisplayFilesDirs method      2nd 3rd 4th
displaying as strings      
displaying enumerations as      
displaying information from      
displaying sorted by keys and/or values      
displaying values as a delimited string      
DisplayInheritanceHierarchyType method      
DisplayNestedTypes method      
DisplaySet method, Set class      
DisplayTypeHierarchy method      2nd
disposal of, ensuring      
Dispose design pattern      
dispose design pattern and      
Dispose method      2nd
disposed, exception for      
Distributive law      
DivideByZeroException exception      
DllNotFoundException exception      
Dns class, Resolve method      2nd
dollar amounts, regular expression patterns for      
DOM model      
DOM model for      
DoReversal method      
Double data type      2nd
double quotes (""), on command line
DownloadData method      
DownloadData method, WebClient class      
DownloadFile method      
DownloadFile method, WebClient class      
downloading data from      
downloading data from server      
DTD, validating XML conformance to      
dump files, searching for      
DuplicateWaitObjectException exception      
dynamically invoking members using      
dynamically invoking using reflection      
DynamicInvoke method      
ElapsedTime counter      
elements, in a collection      
ellipses (...), omitted code in examples      2nd
email address      
enabling for specific components      
encoding as a string      
encoding byte array as      
encrypt method      
Encrypt method, CryptoString class      
encrypting      [See encryption]
encrypting and decrypting      
encryption and decryption      
end-of-line character      [See EOL character linefeed character]
EndInvoke method      2nd
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