Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hamacher C., Vranesic, Zaky S. — Computer Organization 5th Edition |
Предметный указатель |
secondary cache 314
Secondary storage 5 344—359
Segmentation see "Memory segmentation"
Sequential circuits 691 714—723
Sequential circuits, finite stale machine 719
Sequential circuits, Kate assignment 716
Sequential circuits, state diagram 715
Sequential circuits, state table 716
Sequential circuits, synchronous 718
Serial I/O interface 257 521
Serial transmission 563
server 2 512
Setup time 242 697
Seven-segment display 704
Shared memory 18 637 648
SHARED variables 640
Shared variables, busy-waiting 658
Shared variables, critical section 640
Shared variables, locks 640
Shared variables, read-modify write access 640
Shared variables, Test-and-Set instruction 640
Shift register 700
Shuffle network 627
Side effects see "Instructions"
Sign bit 27 34
Sign extension 32
SIMD system 620
Simplex link 565
Simulated annealing 655
SISD system 619
Skew see "Bus"
Small-scale integration (SSI) 689
Snoopy cache 643
Soft processor core 547
software interrupts see "Interrupt"
Sorting see "Program examples"
Source program 4 58
sp see "Stack pointer"
SPARC see "Sun Microsystems processors"
SPEC rating 18
Speedup 653
split-transaction protocol 624
SPMD application 651
Stack in 68000 146
Stack in ARM 122
Stack in HP3000 604
Stack in IA-32 177
Stack in subroutines 73
Stack, frame pointer (FP) 77
Stack, frame, 68000 146
Stack, frame, ARM 123
Stack, frame, generic 75
Stack, frame, IA-32 179
Stack, frame, IA-64 600
Stack, pointer (SP) 68
Stack, processor see "HP3000"
Stack, push and pop operations 68
Stack, pushdown 68
Stale table 716
Standards see also "Bus standards"
Standards, IEEE floating-point 395
Standards, IEEE-802 646
Standards, RS-232-C 571
Standards, SCI 644
Start-stop format 566
State diagram 715
Static memory (SRAM) 297 305
Status flag see "Input/output"
Status register see "Input/output"
Store-and-forward network 634
Stored program 4
strobe 241
Subroutine in 68000 146
Subroutine in ARM 122
Subroutine in IA-32 177
Subroutine in IA-64 600
| Subroutine, linkage 72
Subroutine, nesting 73 78
Subroutine, parameter passing 74
Subtraction 29
Subtraction, floating-point 398
Sum-of-products form 667
Sun Microsystems processors, microSPARC 595
Sun Microsystems processors, SPARC 594
Sun Microsystems processors, UltraSPARC I, II, III 493 595
Sun Microsystems processors, UltraSPARC I, II, III, visual instruction set (VIS) 595
Supercomputer 2 618
Superscalar processor 15 481
Supervisor mode (state) 215 221 343
Symbol table 63
symmetric multiprocessor 636
Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) 302
Synchronous sequential circuit 718
Synchronous transmission 568
Syntax see "Assembler"
System Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) 18
system software 10 see
System space 343
System-on-a-chip 546
Test-and-set instruction 640
Testability 546
Texel 562
Text editor 11
TFT (Thin-film transistor) display 560
Thread 650
Three-state see "Tri-state"
Threshold 678 684
Tightly-coupled multiprocessor 645
Time slicing 221
Token-ring network 647
Torus network 630
touchpad 557
Trace exception 220
TrackBall 556
Transition time 686
Translation lookaside buffer (TLB) 341
Transmission, asynchronous 566
Transmission, simplex and duplex 565
Transmission, synchronous 568
Trap 220
Tree network 630
Tri-state 415 687
Truth table 662
tuners 524
Tuning signals 6
Two-wire link 564
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) 259
UltraSPARC II 493 595
UMA multiprocessors 622
User mode (state) 215 221 343
User space 343
Very large-scale integration (VLSI) 9 20
Video display 558
Virtual address 294 338
Virtual memory 294 337—343
Virtual memory, address translation 339
Virtual memory, page 339
Virtual memory, page fault 342
Virtual memory, page frame 339
Virtual memory, page table 339
Virtual memory, translation buffer (TLB) 341
Virtual memory, virtual address 294 338
Von Neumann architecture 19
Wait loop 66
Wide Area Networks (WAN) 646
Winchester 345
Word 5
Word alignment 36
Word length 5 33
Workstation 2
Wormhole routing 634
Write Buffer 335
Write-back protocol 316
Write-through protocol 316 642
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