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Hamacher C., Vranesic, Zaky S. — Computer Organization 5th Edition |
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exception see also "Interrupt"
Exception, floating-point 397
Exception, imprecise 484
Exception, precise 485
Execution phase 413
Eye pattern 568
Fan-in 687
Fan-out 687
Fat-tree network 631
Fetch phase 413
Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) 547 712
FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue 71 531
File mark 358
File server 2
Finite state machine 719
Flash memory 312
Flat pane] display 560
Flip-flops 690—699
Flip-flops, D 694—697
Flip-flops, edge-triggered 694
Flip-flops, gated latch 690
Flip-flops, JK 697
Flip-flops, latch 690
Flip-flops, master-slave 694
Flip-flops, SR latch 690
Flip-flops, T 697
Flit 634
Floating point 393
Floating point exception 397
Floating point, addition-subtraction unit 400
Floating point, arithmetic operations 398
Floating point, chopping 399
Floating point, coprocessor 588 750
Floating point, double precision 396
Floating point, exponent 394
Floating point, exponent, excess-x representation 396
Floating point, format 395
Floating point, guard bits 399
Floating point, IEEE standard 394
Floating point, mantissa 394
Floating point, normalization 394
Floating point, overflow 396
Floating point, representation 395
Floating point, rounding 399
Floating point, scale factor 394
Floating point, significant digits 394
Floating point, single precision 396
Floating point, special values 397
Floating point, special values, denormal 397
Floating point, special values, infinity 397
Floating point, special values, Not a Number (NaN) 397
Floating point, sticky bit 400
Floating point, truncation 399
Floating point, truncation, biased/unbiased 399
Floating point, underflow 396
Floppy disk 350
Four-wire link 565
Frame pointer 77
Frequency-shift keying (FSK) 564
Full-duplex (FDX) link 565
Fully-connected network 625
Gated latch 690
General-purpose register 8
Global address space 637
GPU (graphics processing unit) 561
Graphics accelerator 561
Graphics port 562
Graphics Processing Unit 561
Gray code 726
Half-duplex (HDX) link 565
handshake 244
Hardware 2
Hardwired control 425
Hertz 14
Hexadecimal see "Number representation"
High-level language 4 11 26
High-level language, C, C++ 11 88 527
History of computers 19
Hold time 697
HP3000, addressing 607
HP3000, instructions 606
HP3000, registers in stack 610
HP3000, stack structure 604
Hybrid 566
Hypercube network 628
I/O see "Input/output"
IBM 591.592
IEEE standards see "Standards"
Index register 52
Input unit 4
Input/output (I/O) in operating system 220
Input/output (I/O), address space 205
Input/output (I/O), instructions in IA-32 175
Input/output (I/O), interface circuit 206 248 259
Input/output (I/O), memory-mapped 66 204
Input/output (I/O), program-controlled 64 207
Input/output (I/O), register 206
Input/output (I/O), status flag 67 206
Input/output (I/O), unit 3
Input/output devices see "Flat panel display" "Intellimouse" "Joystick" "Keyboard" "Mouse" Printer" "Trackball" "Video
Input/output port 248
Input/output port, bidirectional 254
Input/output port, parallel 248 518
Input/output port, serial 257 521
Instruction 3 37
Instruction encoding 94
Instruction format, 68000 137
Instruction format, ARM 106 735
Instruction format, HP3000 606
Instruction format, IA-32 168 770 771
Instruction format, IA-64 598
Instruction format, one-address 40
Instruction format, three-address 39
Instruction format, two-address 39
Instruction format, zero-address 42
Instruction register (IR) 7 43 412
Instruction set architecture (ISA) 26
Instruction unit 3
Instruction, commitment 485
Instruction, completion queue 485
Instruction, dispatch 467 486
Instruction, encoding 94
Instruction, execution phase 413
Instruction, fetch phase 413
Instruction, fields 62 95
Instruction, grouping 496
Instruction, hazards 504
Instruction, operands 39
Instruction, privileged 220 343
Instruction, queue 467
Instruction, reordering 471
Instruction, retired 485
Instruction, side effects 478
Instruction, synthetic 489
Instructions, arithmetic 7 38 70
Instructions, branch 45
Instructions, data transfer 38
Instructions, input/output 66
Instructions, logic 81
Instructions, shift and rotate 82
Instructions, subroutine 72
Integrated circuit (IC) 16 20 688
Intel IA-32 Pentium, addressing modes 159 772
Intel IA-32 Pentium, assembly language 170
Intel IA-32 Pentium, condition codes 156 171 783
Intel IA-32 Pentium, input/output (I/O) 174
Intel IA-32 Pentium, input/output (I/O), block transfers 176
Intel IA-32 Pentium, input/output (I/O), isolated 175
| Intel IA-32 Pentium, input/output (I/O), memory-mapped 174
Intel IA-32 Pentium, instructions 164 171 182 773—784
Intel IA-32 Pentium, instructions, encoding 770 771
Intel IA-32 Pentium, instructions, format 168 770 771
Intel IA-32 Pentium, instructions, multimedia (MMX) 183
Intel IA-32 Pentium, instructions, string 176 783
Intel IA-32 Pentium, instructions, vector SIMD (SSE) 184
Intel IA-32 Pentium, interrupts 231—234
Intel IA-32 Pentium, memory segmentation 586
Intel IA-32 Pentium, memory segmentation, protected mode 587
Intel IA-32 Pentium, memory segmentation, real mode 586
Intel IA-32 Pentium, memory segmentation, segment registers 156 586
Intel IA-32 Pentium, programming experiments 785
Intel IA-32 Pentium, register structure 156
Intel IA-32 Pentium, sixteen-bit mode 588 785
Intel IA-32 Pentium, subroutines 177
Intel IA-32 Pentium, subroutines, stack frame 179
Intel IA-64, instructions 598
Intel IA-64, instructions, bundles 598
Intel IA-64, instructions, conditional execution 598
Intel IA-64, Itanium processor 602
Intel IA-64, register rotation 602
Intel IA-64, register stack 600
Intel IA-64, register windows 602
Intel IA-64, speculative loads 600
Intel processors, 80286 585
Intel processors, 80386 588
Intel processors, 80486 588
Intel processors, 8051 542
Intel processors, 8086 585
Intel processors, 8088 585
Intel processors, Itanium 602
Intel processors, Pentium 589
Intel processors, Pentium 4 590
Intel processors, Pentium II 590
Intel processors, Pentium III 590
Intel processors, Pentium Pro 589
Intellectual property (IP) 547
IntelliMouse 555
Interconnection network 622—636
Interconnection network, crossbar 625
Interconnection network, fist tree 631
Interconnection network, hypercube 628
Interconnection network, mesh 630
Interconnection network, multistage 626
Interconnection network, ring 631
Interconnection network, shuffle network 627
Interconnection network, single-bus 624
Interconnection network, torus 630
Interconnection network, tree 630
Interleaving 330
Internet 2
Interrupt 9 see
Interrupt in 68000 229—231
Interrupt in ARM 224—229
Interrupt in IA-32 231—234
Interrupt in operating systems 220
Interrupt, acknowledge 214
Interrupt, disabling 212
Interrupt, edge-triggered 229 212
Interrupt, enabling 212
Interrupt, latency 210
Interrupt, mask 224
Interrupt, nesting 213
Interrupt, nonmaskable 229
Interrupt, priority 215
Interrupt, service routine 9
Interrupt, software 220
Interrupt, vectored 214
IR (Instruction register) 7 43 412
ISA (instruction set architecture) 26
Isochronous 273 281
Itanium processor 602
Joystick 556
JTAG port 712
Karnaugh map 671
Kernel (Supervisor) mode 343
Keyboard 554
Laser printer 560
Latch 690
LIFO (last-in, first-out) 68
Link register 72
Linked list 90
Linked list, insertion/deletion see "Program examples"
Liquid crystal display 559
little-endian 35
Load through see "Cache memory"
Load-store multiple operands, 68000 146
Load-store multiple operands, ARM 112
Load-store multiple operands, IA-32 783
Loader 63
Local area networks (LAN) 646
Local area networks (LAN), Ethernet 646
Local area networks (LAN), token ring 647
locality of reference 315
LOCK 640
Logic circuits 662—724
Logic families, CMOS 681
Logic functions 662—677
Logic functions, AND 664
Logic functions, EXCLUSIVE-OR (XOR) 664
Logic functions, minimization 668
Logic functions, NAND 674
Logic functions, NOR 674
Logic functions, NOT 665
Logic functions, OR 662
Logic functions, synthesis 664
Logic gates 662
Logic gates, fan-in 687
Logic gates, fan-out 687
Logic gates, noise margin 686
Logic gates, propagation delay 686
Logic gates, threshold 678 684
Logic gates, transfer characteristic 684
Logic gates, transition time 686
Logical address 294 338
long-haul networks 646
Loop with branch prediction 473 492
Loop with delayed branch 470 492
Loosely coupled multicomputer 645
LRU (least-recently used) replacement 321
Machine instruction 3 94
Machine language 4 19 26
magnetic disk 5 344—352
Magnetic disk, access time 347
Magnetic disk, controller 348
Magnetic disk, data buffer/cache 348
Magnetic disk, data encoding 344
Magnetic disk, drive 346
Magnetic disk, floppy disk 350
Magnetic disk, latency 347
Magnetic disk, organization 346
Magnetic disk, rotational delay 347
Magnetic disk, seek time 347
Magnetic disk, Winchester 345
Magnetic tape 358
Magnetic tape, cartridge 359
Magnetic tape, format 358
Mailbox memory 659
Mainframe 2
Manchester code 344
master-slave see "Flip-flops"
Mechanical computing devices 19
Memory 4
Memory Management Unit (MMU) 294 339
Memory management unit (MMU) in 680X0 584
Memory management unit (MMU) in 80X86 586
Memory management unit (MMU) in ARM 581
Memory pages 133
Memory segmentation 586
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