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Hamacher C., Vranesic, Zaky S. — Computer Organization 5th Edition |
Предметный указатель |
Memory, access time 5 294
Memory, address 5 33
Memory, address register (MAR) 8 293
Memory, address space 292
Memory, asynchronous DRAM 299
Memory, bandwidth 304
Memory, bit line 295
Memory, byte addressable 35
memory, cache see "Cache memory"
Memory, cell 298 310
Memory, controller 307
Memory, cycle time 294
Memory, data register (MDR) 8 293
Memory, DDR SDRAM 304
Memory, DIMM 306
Memory, dynamic (DRAM) 299
Memory, fast page mode 301
Memory, Hierarchy 5 313
Memory, interleaving 330
Memory, latency 304
Memory, main 5 13 313
Memory, multiple module 330
Memory, Rambus 308
Memory, random-access memory (RAM) 5 294
Memory, read cycle 9
Memory, read-only memory (ROM) 310
Memory, refreshing 301 308
Memory, RIMM 309
Memory, SIMM 306
Memory, static (SRAM) 297 305
Memory, synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) 302
Memory, unit 4
Memory, word 5 33
Memory, word length 33 292
Memory, word line 295
Memory, write cycle 9
Memory-mapped I/O 66 204
Mesh network 630
Message-passing 19 645 651
Message-passing, protocol 623
MFLOPS measure 656
Microcontroller 512 518—521 541
Microcontroller, ARM 543
Microcontroller, Intel 542
Microcontroller, Motorola 542
Microinstruction 430
Microinstruction, fields 433
Microinstruction, horizontal 434
Microinstruction, sequencing 437 440
Microinstruction, vertical 434
Microoperation 433
Microprogram counter 430
Microprogram memory see "Control store"
Microprogrammed control 429
Microroutine 430
Microwave oven 512
MIMD system 620
MIPS measure 656
MISD system 620
MISS see "Cache memory"
Mnemonic 58
Modem 564
Modem cable 569
Modulation 564
motherboard 259 305
Motorola 68000 130
Motorola 68000, addressing modes 131 752
Motorola 68000, assembly language 140
Motorola 68000, condition codes 141 768
Motorola 68000, input/output (I/O) 145
Motorola 68000, instruction set 136 141 151 754—767
Motorola 68000, interrupts 229—231
Motorola 68000, register structure 131
Motorola 68000, subroutines 146
Motorola processors, 68000 130
Motorola processors, 68020 582
Motorola processors, 68030 584
Motorola processors, 68040 584
Motorola processors, 68060 585
Motorola processors, 683xx 543
Motorola processors, 68HC11 542
Motorola processors, ColdFire family 585
Motorola processors, ColdFire MCF5xxx 543
Mouse 555
Multicast 633
Multicomputer 18 638 645
Multiple issue 482
Multiplexer 705
Multiplication 376
Multiplication, array implementation 376
Multiplication, Booth algorithm 380
Multiplication, carry-save addition 385
Multiplication, fast 383
Multiplication, floating-point 398
Multiplication, sequential implementation 378
Multiplication, signed-operand 380
multiprocessor 18 618 622
Multiprocessor, cache coherence 641
Multiprocessor, caches 637
Multiprocessor, global memory 623
Multiprocessor, interconnection network 624—636
Multiprocessor, local memory 623
Multiprocessor, private address space 638
Multiprocessor, program parallelism 638
Multiprocessor, shared memory 18 637
Multiprocessor, shared variables 640
Multiprocessor, speedup 653
Multiprogramming 12
Multistage network 626
Multitasking 12 221
Network of workstations 647
Noise 686
Noise margin 686
Nonblocking switch 626
Notebook computer 2
NUMA multiprocessors 623
Number conversion 793
Number representation, 1's-complement 27
Number representation, 2's-complement 27
Number representation, binary positional notation 27
Number representation, floating-point 394
Number representation, hexadecimal 64
Number representation, sign and magnitude 27
Number representation, signed integer 28
Number representation, ternary 404
Object program 4 58
OP code 59 95
OP code in 68000 135
OP code in ARM 106
OP code in IA-32 168
Open-drain 211
OpenGL 563
Operand forwarding 462
operands 39
Operating System 11
Operating system, interrupts in 220
Operating system, multitasking 221
Operating system, process 221
Operating system, scheduling 221
optical disk 5 352—358
Optical disk, CD-Recordable 356
Optical disk, CD-Rewritable 356
Optical disk, CD-ROM 355
Optical disk, DVD 357
Output unit 6
Overflow 32 84
Overflow, flag see "Condition codes"
Packet 624
Page 339
Parallel I/O port 248 518
| Parallel processing 619
Parameter passing 74
Parameter passing by reference 75
Parameter passing by value 75
Parity 567
PC see "Program counter"
Pentium see "Intel processors"
Performance 13
Performance, basic equation 14
Performance, execution time 13
Performance, measurement 17 656
Performance, memory 329
Performance, multiprocessors 653
Performance, pipeline 503—505
Performance, processor 13
Peripheral device 554
Personal Computer 2
Phase encoding 344
Phase-shift keying (PSK) 564
Physical address 338
Pipelining 15 454
Pipelining, addressing modes 465 476
Pipelining, basic concepts 454
Pipelining, branching 466
Pipelining, bubbles 460
Pipelining, condition codes 465 478
Pipelining, data hazards 459 461
Pipelining, instruction hazards 459 465
Pipelining, performance 503
Pipelining, stalling 459
Pipelining, structural hazard 460
Pixel 558
Plasma display 560
Plug-and-Play 261 265 274
Pointer register 51
polling 207 213
Pop operation see "Stack"
Port see "Input/output" "Register"
PowerPC processors, 601/603/604/620 593
PowerPC processors, MPC7450 594
PowerPC processors, MPC7450, AltiVec units 594
PowerPC, addressing modes 592
PowerPC, instructions 592
PowerPC, registers 591
prefetching 336
Primary storage 5
Printer 6 560
Priority 215 see
Private memory 623
Privileged instruction 220 343
Process see "Operating system"
Processor 3
Processor stack 73
Processor status word (PSW) 46
Processor status word (PSW) in 68000 230
Processor status word (PSW) in ARM 224
Processor status word (PSW) in IA-32 232
Processor time 13
Program counter (PC) 8 43 412
Program examples, addition loop, 68000 143
Program examples, addition loop, ARM 118
Program examples, addition loop, generic 45 51 57
Program examples, addition loop, IA-32 166
Program examples, character transfer 525
Program examples, circular buffer 531
Program examples, digit packing, 68000 151
Program examples, digit packing, ARM 116
Program examples, digit packing, generic 82
Program examples, digit packing, IA-32 174
Program examples, dot product, 68000 152
Program examples, dot product, ARM 126
Program examples, dot product, generic 86
Program examples, dot product, IA-32 184
Program examples, dot product, message-passing multiprocessor 651
Program examples, dot product, shared-memory multiprocessor 648
Program examples, input/output, 68000 145
Program examples, input/output, ARM 121
Program examples, input/output, generic 67 207
Program examples, input/output, IA-32 175
Program examples, interrupt service routine, 68000 232
Program examples, interrupt service routine, ARM 230
Program examples, interrupt service routine, generic 219
Program examples, interrupt service routine, IA-32 234
Program examples, linked-list insertion/deletion, 68000 154
Program examples, linked-list insertion/deletion, ARM 127
Program examples, linked-list insertion/deletion, generic 92 93
Program examples, linked-list insertion/deletion, IA-32 185
Program examples, reaction timer 537
Program examples, sorting, 68000 153
Program examples, sorting, ARM 127
Program examples, sorting, generic 87
Program examples, sorting, IA-32 185
Program examples, subroutines, 68000 146
Program examples, subroutines, ARM 122
Program examples, subroutines, generic 74 76 79
Program examples, subroutines, IA-32 177
Program parallelism 638
Program parallelism, shared variables 640
Program state 221
Program-controlled I/O see "Input/output"
Programmable array logic (PAL) 710
Programmable logic array (PLA) 707
Programming experiments in ARM 750
Programming experiments in IA-32 785
Propagation delay in logic circuit 686
Propagation delay on bus 241
Protected mode 587
Protection 343
Push operation see "Stack"
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) 564
QUEUE 71 see
RAID disk systems 351
Rambus memory 308
Random-access memory (RAM) 5
Raster scan 558
Reaction timer 635
Reactive system 541
Read-modify-write 640
Read-only memory (ROM) 310
Read-only memory (ROM), electrically erasable (EEPROM) 311
Read-only memory (ROM), erasable (EPROM) 311
Read-only memory (ROM), flash 312
Read-only memory (ROM), programmable (PROM) 311
Real mode 586
Real-time processing 210 535
Reduced instruction set computer see "RISC"
Refreshing in displays 559
Refreshing in memories 301 308
register 6 699
Register transfer notation (RTN) 37
Register, base 55
Register, general-purpose 8
Register, index 52
Register, port 423
Register, renaming 485 498
Register, windows 488
Rendering 562
Reorder buffer 485
Replacement algorithm 321
Ring network 631
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) 17 97 578
Rounding see "Floating point"
RS-232-C 571
Scalability 633
Scaler 702
Scanner 557
Scheduling see "Arbitration" "Operating
SCI Standard 644
SCSI bus see "Bus standards"
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