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John P. — Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments (Classics in Applied Mathematics No 22. ) |
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Addelman, S. 178 184 187 339
Adding fractions 167
Adjusted block totals 230
Adjusted treatment totals 230
Aia, M.A. 205 213 339
Aitken, A.C. 31 339
Alias set 150
Alias subgroup 150
Allan, R.E. 60 339
Analysis of covariance 60—64
Anderson, R.L. 145 340
Approximations for distributions, F test in three-way layout 92—94
Approximations for distributions, t test with unequal variances 6
Association matrices 314
Association schemes see "Partially balanced association schemes"
Atiqullah, M. 245 283 339
Autrey, K.M. 117 342
Balanced incomplete block designs 220 268—87
Balanced incomplete block designs, combined estimates 235—242
Balanced incomplete block designs, efficiency of 225 247
Balanced incomplete block designs, incidence matrix of 220 269
Balanced incomplete block designs, interblock estimates 234
Balanced incomplete block designs, intrabiock analysis 223
Balanced incomplete block designs, orthogonal series of 221 270
Balanced incomplete block designs, resolvable 226
Balanced incomplete block designs, symmetric designs 220 269 276—277 281—283
Balanced incomplete block designs, unreduced designs 270 307
Balanced lattices 240 307
Bancroft, T.A. 240 344
Banerjee, K.S. 28 339
Baumert, L. 184 339
Behnken, D.W. 199 341
Bennett, C.A. 96 339
Bhattacharya, K.N. 277 282 285 292 295 298 299 323 339 340
Binary designs 227
Binet, F.E. 145 340
Block intersection 281
Block section 281
Blocking factors 158
Bose, R.C. 10 24 111 114 144 178 221 223 227 249 250 252 256 265 269 281 282 283 285 286 288 291 292 293 294 295 298 299 300 301 310 312 314 315 316 323 340 341
Box, G.E.P. 14 46 150 151 193 194 197 199 211 213 214 341
Brownlee, K.A. 139 341
Bruck, R.H. 114 341
Bulmer, M.G. 54 341
Burman, J.P. 172 178 184 347
Burton, R.C. 139 140 341
Bush, K.A. 178 340
Calvin, L.C. 287 341
Cannon, C.Y. 117 342
Canonical equations 208—209 211—212
central composite designs 204
Chandrasekhararao, K. 319 347
Chang, L.C. 301 305 308 309 341
Change-over designs 115—121
Checks in calculations 47 see
Chowla, S. 269 276 283 341
Classification of fractional factorials 151
Clatworthy, W.H. 252 265 288 298 301 304 305 306 307 312 314 315 316 340 341 342
Cochran's theorem 33 71
Cochran, W.G. 6 33 117 341 342
Combined intrablock and interblock estimates 235—245
Combined intrablock and interblock estimates in partially balanced designs 259—260
Combined intrablock and interblock estimates, computational formulae 238—242
Combined intrablock and interblock estimates, maximum likelihood estimates (Rao) 242—245
Combining ability see "Diallel cross experiments"
Complementary designs 270
Completely randomized experiment 41—45
Components of variance, confidence intervals for 54
Computer programs, use of 102—103
Confounding 12 132—245
Confounding in designs 133—143
Confounding in designs 143
Confounding in designs 144—145
Confounding in fractional factorials 158
Confounding in other designs 145
Confounding with factors at more than three levels 144—45
Confounding, partial confounding 134—135
Connected designs 233
Connor, W.S. 139 140 181 190 252 281 283 292 293 301 304 314 315 340 341 342
Cornfield, J. 78 342
Covariance, analysis of 60—64
Cox, G.M. 6 342
Craig, A.T. 31 342
Cross polytope 204
Cuboctahedron 199
Curnow, R.N. 262 342 345
Cyclic designs 266—267 275—287 322—326
Cyclic designs, generalized 324—326
Dairy cattle, experiments with 115—121
Daniel, C. 149 151 154 155 342
David, H.A. 322 323 326 342
Davies, O.L. 194 213 342
Dead factors 160
Dead subscripts 97
Deal, R.B. 242 343
Debaun, R. 199 218 342
Defining contrast 134
Defining contrast subgroup 137 139—140 150
Degree of freedom efficiency 155
Degrees of freedom, calculation in multifactorial experiments 97
Derivation see "Block Intersection"
Diallel cross experiments 81—84 262—265
Difference sets 275
Dishwashing 226
Double confounding 140—143
Draper, N.R. 21 213 342
Duality 290—291
Duncan's multiple range test 45
Duncan, D.B. 45 342
Effects, fixed 11
Effects, main 10
Effects, random 11
Efficiency of fractional factorials 155
Efficiency of incomplete block designs 10 225 246—247 266
Elementary symmetric designs 291—292
Equireplicate designs 228
Estimable functions 24
Euler's conjecture 114
Evolutionary operation 213
Evolutionary operation, calculations for 214—217
Expected mean squares, general rules for deriving 96—98
Expected mean squares, multi-factor crossed classification 90—91
Extended incomplete block designs 248
F test, approximation 92—94
F test, bias in with missing plots 60
F test, power of 7 44 53
Factorial experiments 10
Federer, W.T. 45 260 261 342 345
Finite projective geometries 271—274 300 310—312
Finney, D.J. 12 148 175 178 193 342 343
First order designs 194—196
Fisher's Inequality 221 269
Fisher, R.A. 2 4 136 180 221 265 268 269 282 343
Five—letter plans 151
Foldover designs 156—157 173—174
for design 130
Four—letter plans 151
Fox, M. 8 44 343
Fractional factorial designs 12 148—192
Franklin, N.J. 96 339
Freeman, G.H. 292 295 297 343
Fundamental theorems of difference 277—280
Fundamental theorems of difference for group divisible designs 299—300
Fyfe, J.L. 262 343
Gardner, D.A. 213 343
Gauss — Markoff theorem 34—35
Gilbert, N. 262 343
Goldsmith, R.L. 205 213 339
Golomb, S.W. 184 339
Good, I.J. 128 343
| Graeco-latin squares 110
Graeco-Latin squares as fractional factorials 111 148 178 179 189 191—192
Grandage, A.H.E. 213 343
Graybill, F.A. 8 27 28 76 230 238 242 343
Grilling, B. 81 262 343
Group divisible designs 252—254 292—301
Group divisible designs in partial diallel cross 264
Group divisible designs, classification 252 293
Group divisible designs, intrablock analysis 253—254
Group divisible designs, regular 295—301
Group divisible designs, semiregular 293—295
Group divisible designs, singular 293
Group representation in designs 136
Grundy, P.M. 142 343
Hademard matrices 185
Hademard product of vectors 173
Hader, R.J. 213 343
Half-plaid squares 142
Hall, M.Jr. 184 277 281 283 304 339 343
Hammersley, J.M. 54 343
Hanani, H. 283 343 344
Hartley, H.O. 8 44 47 205 216 277 344 346 348
Healy, M.J.R. 142 175 343 344
Hexagon design 207
Hierarchic designs see "Nested designs"
Hill, W.J. 194 344
Hoffman, A.J. 301 344
Hotelling, H. 31 172 344
Hunter, J.S. 122 150 151 194 197 199 203 214 341 344 350
Hunter, W.G. 194 344
Hyper-Graeco-Latin squares 111
Hyper-Graeco-Latin squares as fractional factorials 111 148
Idempotent matrices 15 31 335
Incident matrix see "Incomplete block designs"
Incomplete block designs 9 219—328
Incomplete block designs, efficiency of 10 225 247 266 289
Incomplete block designs, incidence matrix of 220 269 289
Incomplete block designs, interblock analysis 233—235
Incomplete block designs, intrablock analysis 228—233 see "Partially
Interaction in two-way layout 70—80
Interaction in two-way layout, single degree of freedom for 76
Interblock estimates 233—235
Intrablock analysis 228—233
Intrablock analysis, balanced incomplete block designs 223—226
Intrablock analysis, general balanced design 228—233 245—247
Intrablock analysis, group divisible designs 253—254
Intrablock analysis, PBIB designs 256—259
Intrablock subgroup 138
James, E. 240 344
James, G.S. 28 344
John, J.A. 266 322 323 326 344
John, P.W.M. 28 139 161 163 165 167 170 192 226 246 248 320 344
Johnson, J.D. 321 344
Kapadia, C.H. 259 345
Kelly, B.K. 139 341
Kempthorne's conjecture 10 247 265 289
Kempthorne, O. 5 8 10 27 78 81 109 187 189 230 247 260 261 262 265 289 322 339 345
Keuls, M. 45 345
Kishen, K. 144 172 340 345
Kruskal, W.H. 46 345
Laha, R.G. 290 347
Lancaster, H.O. 28 31 345
Latin rectangles 142—143
Latin square designs 12 105—121
Latin square designs, analysis of 106—107
Latin square designs, limitations of 108—109
Latin square designs, use as fractional factorials 107
Latin squares 105—121
Latin squares, experiments using several 114—121
Latin squares, orthogonal sets 111—114 221—222 270
Lattice designs 240 260—262 271 307
Least significant difference 44 226
Legendre symbol 185 276
Leslie, R.T. 145 340
Linear models 18
Linked block designs 290—291 302—303 312
Linked block designs, singly linked blocks 291 302 312
Linked block designs, triangular doubly linked blocks 303
Liu, C.W. 301 309 341
Liu, W.R. 301 305 308 309 341
Live factors 160
Live subscripts 97
Loraine, P.K. 139 341
Lucas, H.L. 117 345
Madow, W.G. 33 345
Main effects 10 42 67 125
Main effects clear plans 151
Main effects only designs 151
Margolin, B.H. 160 172 173 174 190 345
Marsaglia, G. 28 343
Matrices, idempotent 15 31 335
Measure polytope 204
Mesner, D.M. 256 306 312 316 340 345
Mikhail, W.F. 227 345
Miller, R.G.Jr. 45 46 346
Minimal designs of resolution IV 173
Missing plot formulae 37
Missing plot formulae, designs 146
Missing plot formulae, Latin square designs 121
Missing plot formulae, randomized complete block design 59
Mixed models 10 77—80
Mood, A.M. 172 346
Mooney, R.W. 205 213 339
Motorcycle racing 222
Multiple comparisons 44—47
Murty, V.N. 227 346
Nair, K.R. 10 223 250 251 288 300 316 340 346
Nandi, H.K. 283 346
National Bureau of Standards 158 181 190 346
Nelder, J.A. 160 346
Nested designs 80 103
Nested factors 94
Nested fractions 170—172
Newman — Keuls test 45
Newman, D. 45 346
Neyman, J. 105 346
Noncentral x2 distribution 30—31
Octagonal designs 203 208
octahedron 199
Ogawa, J. 31 305 346
Omitting fractions 161
Optimal designs 195
orthogonal arrays 178
Orthogonal blocking 206—208
Orthogonal Latin squares, sets of 111—114 221—222 270
Orthogonal Latin squares, sets of, construction of 111—114
Orthogonal main effects plans 184
Orthogonal polynomials 50
Orthogonal response surface designs 197
Orthogonality of factors in two-way layout 68—70
Paley, R.E.A.C. 185 346
Parker, E.T. 114 341
Partial confounding 134
Partial geometry 311
Partially balanced association schemes 250
Partially balanced association schemes, 327
Partially balanced association schemes, 320
Partially balanced association schemes, cubic 319
Partially balanced association schemes, cyclic 255 315
Partially balanced association schemes, group divisible 252 292—301
Partially balanced association schemes, hierarchic GD 317
Partially balanced association schemes, Latin square 255 305—308
Partially balanced association schemes, LS3 321
Partially balanced association schemes, negative Latin square 256 306 312
Partially balanced association schemes, rectangular 318
Partially balanced association schemes, triangular 254 301—305 320
Partially balanced incomplete block designs 10 223 250—267 288—328 see
Partially balanced incomplete block designs, choice of 266
Partially balanced incomplete block designs, combined estimates 259
Partially balanced incomplete block designs, intrablock analysis 256
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