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John P. — Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments (Classics in Applied Mathematics No 22. )
John P. — Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments (Classics in Applied Mathematics No 22. )

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Название: Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments (Classics in Applied Mathematics No 22. )

Автор: John P.


This is a reprint of Peter John classic book on experimental designs originally published by MacMillan but now reprinted by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in their Classics in Applied Mathematics series. The book was written in 1971 and there have been many changes in philosophy for experimental designs since then. Also the revolution in computing has had an influence. In his "Preface to the Classics Edition" John reflects on the state of computing in 1966 when he first contracted to write the book and 1998 when the book was reprinted. He also describes the history of experimental design and extends it to the advances of Taguchi. It was industrial applications that attracted John to do research in experimental designs and he see industry as a rich source for design problems. The text covers all the classical design work with examples from agriculture and industry. It has heavy coverage of incomplete block designs and in Chapter 13 he demonstrates how to construct the various balanced incomplete block designs. There is a lot of theory. Although the title says design and analysis it is primarily a book on designs. Response surface methods and the evolutionary operation approach are also covered....

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 381

Добавлена в каталог: 05.04.2014

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Предметный указатель
Patterson, H.D.      117 346
Pearson, E.S.      8 44 47 216 346
Peart, J.N.      346
Permutation tests      5
Petersen, E.M.      346
Plackett and Burman designs      172 178 184—187 195
Plackett, R.L.      27 170 172 178 184 231 347
Plaid squares      142
Polygonal designs      201—203
Pooling sums of squares      86
Power calculations      7 44 53
Principal block      138
Principal fraction      149
Proper designs      227 246
Proportional frequencies, condition of      68—70 187
Pseudo inverses      223
Quadratic forms      15 17 332
Quadratic forms, distribution of      17 29—31
Quadratic forms, independence of      31
Quadratic forms, rank of      17
Qualitative factors      48 124
Quantitative factors      48 124
Quasi-Latin squares      140 158 260
Quenouille, M.H.      129 347
Raese, J.T.      347
Raghavarao, D.      172 303 306 308 317 319 347
Random effects      11 52 76
Randomization      4 5
Randomization tests      5
Randomized complete blocks      9 55—60
Randomized complete blocks, analysis of covariance in      63
Randomized complete blocks, missing plots in      59
Rao, C.R.      23 178 236 242 245 251 256 269 316 346 347
Rao, V.R.      246 347
Rayner, A.A.      129 347
Recovery of interblock information      see "Interblock estimates"
Reduced intrablock equations      229
Replication      4 87
Residual effects      117
Residual effects, designs for experiments with      120
Residuation      see "Block section"
Resolution of a fractional factorial      151
Resolvable designs      226 240 270 286 299
Response surfaces      14 193—213
Ridge surface      213
Rising ridge      213
Rollingson, D.H.L.      68 347
Rotatability      197
Roy, J.      10 247 290 347
Roy, P.M.      227 293 317 318 347
Ryser, H.J.      114 269 276 277 283 341 343
Saddle surface      213
Sample size, calculation of      7
Satterthwaite, F.      93 347
Saturated fractions      155 172
Scheffe's S statistic      45 226
Scheffe, H.      2 5 6 8 27 35 45 54 65 78 96 109 231 348
Schiitzenberger, M.P.      269 348
Schneider, A.M.      200 348
Screening experiments      13 149
Second order designs      196
Seshadri, V.      238 242 343 348
Shimamoto, T.      250 252 256 316 340
Shrikhande, S.S.      114 252 265 269 288 291 292 295 298 299 301 306 312 316 323 340 348
Singh, K.N.      320 327 348
Singh, N.K.      320 327 348
Single degrees of freedom      48—52 73—76
Single degrees of freedom, Tukey's test for interaction      76
Smith, C.A.B.      277 348
Smith, H.      21 342
Solution matrices      24
Solution matrices for reduced intrablock equations      230—233
Solution matrices, general methods of obtaining      26—28
Split plots      11 98 142
Split-split plots      101
Sprague, G.F.      81 348
Sprott, D.A.      245 249 269 283 284 348
Standard order      128 132
Steel, R.G.D.      46 348
Steepest ascent      208
Steiner, J.      283 348
Stevens, W.L.      113 348
Stockett, A.L.      200 348
Student's t distribution, approximation with unequal variances      6
Studentized range      45
Subdivision of sums of squares      73
Sums of squares, general rules for deriving      96
Sums of squares, subdivision      73
Tandon, R.K.      101 348
Tang's tables      8 44
Tang, P.C.      44 348
Tarry, G.      114 349
Tatum, L.A.      81 348
Three quarter replicates      163
Three-letter plans      151
Transformations to stabilize variance      7
Triads, method of      304
Tukey's test for treatment differences      45 226
Tukey, J.W.      45 76 78 342 349
Two f.i. clear plans      151
Unequal variances      6
Uniqueness of association schemes, $\lambda_{2}$      306
Uniqueness of association schemes, triangular      301
Vajda, S.      312 349
Vance, F.P.      182 349
Variance efficiency      155
Vartak, M.N.      318 349
Wallis, W.A.      46 345
Webb's conjecture      173
Webb, S.R.      173 174 349
Weeks, D.L.      238 259 343 345
Weighing designs      172
Weiner, S.      145
Welch, B.L.      6 93 349
Whole plots      11 98
Widdowson, F.V.      349
Wilk, M.B.      5 78 109 349
Williams, E.J.      120 349
Wilson, K.J.      14 151 193 194 341
Wishart, J.      60 339
Wolock, F.W.      322 342
Woodman, R.M.      91 349
Yang, C.H.      172 349
Yates' algorithm      127 153
Yates' algorithm, checks on calculations      128—130
Yates' algorithm, extension to $3^{n}$ designs      132
Yates, F.      2 12 37 74 98 123 127 135 141 142 145 220 233 238 242 260 265 268 270 282 343 349 350
Youden square      277
Youden, W.J.      122 290 350
Youle, P.V.      211 213 341
Zebu cattle      68
Zelen, M.      181 293 350
Zero-sum column vectors      185
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