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Davis M., Sigal R., Weyuker E. — Computability, complexity, and languages: Fundamentals of theoretical computer science
Davis M., Sigal R., Weyuker E. — Computability, complexity, and languages: Fundamentals of theoretical computer science

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Íàçâàíèå: Computability, complexity, and languages: Fundamentals of theoretical computer science

Àâòîðû: Davis M., Sigal R., Weyuker E.


This introductory text covers the key areas of computer science, including recursive function theory, formal languages, and automata. It assumes a minimal background in formal mathematics. The book is divided into five parts: Computability, Grammars and Automata, Logic, Complexity, and Unsolvability. * Computability theory is introduced in a manner that makes maximum use of previous programming experience, including a "universal" program that takes up less than a page.* The number of exercises included has more than tripled.* Automata theory, computational logic, and complexity theory are presented in a flexible manner, and can be covered in a variety of different arrangements.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2-nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1994

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 628

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.03.2014

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$\Gamma$-trees      273—274 278
$\Gamma$-trees, paths in      278
$\Pi_{n}$      215—230
$\Pi_{n}$ as a collection of sets      215
$\Pi_{n}$ as a property of predicates      217
$\sigma_{n}$      215—230
$\Sigma_{n}$ as a collection of sets      215
$\Sigma_{n}$ as a property of predicates      217
1-completeness      209 226
Algorithms      3 68 79—80 95 411
Almost everywhere      421
Alphabets      4 113 347 375 505
Alphabets of linear bounded automata      330
Alphabets of pushdown automata      310
Alphabets of Turing machines      146
Approximation orderings      470—471 487 505 see "Partial
Arithmetic hierarchy      215—230
Arithmetic predicates      223
Assignments, complete type      512 513 516 539
Assignments, continuous variable      514—515 539
Assignments, Herbrand ideal type      546
Assignments, on propositional atoms      348 406 455—456
Assignments, type      511—512
Assignments, variable      514—515
atoms      347
Automata theory      237
Axiom of Choice      474
Axiomatizable theories      407—410 415
Axiomatizable theories, $\omega$-consistent      410
Axiomatizable theories, complete      410
Axiomatizable theories, consistent      410
Axiomatizable theories, nonrecursive      415
Balanced words      309—310
Bar-Hillel's pumping lemma      287—290 299
Base n notation      116 328 580
Binary relations      472
Binary relations, restrictions of      472
Blum axioms      419—425
Blum speedup theorem      437—438
Blum, Manuel      419
Boolean algebra      350
Bottom elements      477
Bracket languages      301—308
Cantor, Georg      406
Cartesian product      3
Case, John      103
Chains      477 499
Chang, C.L.      593
Chomsky hierarchy      327—330
Chomsky normal form grammars      285—287 287—290 297 303 306 308 313 316 319
Chomsky normal form grammars, separators of      303—308 313 319
Chomsky — Schuetzenberger representation theorem      306
Church's thesis      69 80 90 95 96 141 161 162 197 407 445 447
Church, Alonzo      411
clauses      355—356
Clauses, linked sets of      366—367 396 398 400
Clauses, minimally unsatisfiable sets of      366—367 392 395
Clauses, unit      361 362 363
Closure properties      4
Closure properties for context-free languages      291—297
Closure properties for context-sensitive languages      329 337—344
Closure properties for regular languages      249—256
CNF      see "Conjunctive normal form"
Co-NP      450
COBOL      323
Coding of $W_{N}$-programs      579—582
Coding of $W_{N}$-substitutions      579—582
Coding of $W_{N}$-terms      579—582
Coding of finite functions      203—204 580
Coding of pairs      59—60 see
Coding of programs      65—67
Coding of sequences      60—63 see
Coding of states of programs      71
Coding of strings      113—115
COF      227
Coincidence lemma      518 527
COMP      48
Compact elements of a cpo      486
Compactness theorem for predicate logic      390 404—406
Compactness theorem for propositional calculus      370—373 390 404
Compilers      323—326
Complete partial orders      475—486 516 see "Orderings"
Complete partial orders, algebraic      486 494
Complete partial orders, compact elements of      486
Complete partial orders, flat      477 539
Complete partial orders, of continuous variable assignments      516—517
Complexity, abstract      419—438
Complexity, measures      419
composition      39—40 42 76 77 108 200 576
Computability theory      17 18 31 70 98 113 169 237 443
Computable real numbers      554 587 589—590
Computations, by $\mathscr{S}$ programs      27 28 29 70—75 420 468 557
Computations, by linear bounded automata      339—343
Computations, by nondeterministic Turing machines      160 171 447—448 451—456
Computations, by pushdown automata      311—323
Computations, for W-terms      559—575 584—587 588
Computations, infinite      469—470 563
Configurations of linear bounded automata      330 331
Configurations of Post — Turing programs      130
Configurations of pushdown automata      311
Configurations of Turing machines      147 159—160 444 452—456
Conjunctive normal form      356—360 364 368 392 393 444 446 447—448 451—456 457—458 461
Constant symbols      375 506
Context-free grammars      269—280 326 327 497—499 see
Context-free grammars, ambiguity of      300 303 307 319
Context-free grammars, branching      277 279 285
Context-free grammars, Chomsky normal form      see "Chomsky normal form grammars"
Context-free grammars, derivation trees in      see "Derivation trees"
Context-free grammars, derivations in      270 275 277
Context-free grammars, Greibach normal form      287
Context-free grammars, kernels of      271
Context-free grammars, languages generated by      270
Context-free grammars, left-linear      285
Context-free grammars, leftmost derivations in      275—277
Context-free grammars, positive      269 271 273 277 327
Context-free grammars, productions of      269
Context-free grammars, regular      280—285 327
Context-free grammars, right-linear      283 304
Context-free grammars, rightmost derivations in      275—277
Context-free grammars, self-embedding      284
Context-free grammars, unsolvable problems involving      297—301
Context-free languages      269—326 327—328 337 450 see
Context-free languages, and compilers      323—326
Context-free languages, and pushdown automata      308—323
Context-free languages, closure properties for      291—297
Context-free languages, deterministic      323
Context-free languages, infinite      298—299
Context-free languages, inherently ambiguous      301
Context-free languages, nonregular      270
Context-free languages, regular      280—285
Context-sensitive grammars      189—190 327—330
Context-sensitive grammars, unsolvable problems involving      339
Context-sensitive languages      327—344
Context-sensitive languages, closure properties for      329 337—344
Context-sensitive languages, open questions concerning      343
Cook — Karp thesis      445
Cook's theorem      451—456
Corollaries      8
Correctness of operational semantics      557
Correctness of programs      536
Course-of-values recursion      62—63
CPO      477 see
cpo, flat      477
Data structure systems      531 536
Data structure systems, infinitary      544—556 584—592
Data structure systems, simple      539—544 557—575
Davis — Putnam rules      360—366 368 391 393 396 444
Davis, Martin      593
de Morgan identities      2 6 7 50 251 291 350 354 371 380
Definition by cases      50—51
Degree of function symbols      375
Degree of polynomials      441
Degree of relation symbols      375
Derivation trees      274—279 298 498
Derivation trees, pruning and splicing of      279 289
DFA      243 see
DFA, minimal      266
Diagonal Lemma      492 502 518
Diagonalization      88—90 94 106 328 406 429
Disjunctive normal form      356—360 444
DNF      see "Disjunctive normal form"
Dovetailing      80 81 408
DTIME      450
Duality, general principle of      350 356 358 380
Dyck languages      303 306
Empty program      26
Enderton, Herbert P.      593
Enumeration Principle      370 371 405
Enumeration theorem      81
Equivalence relations      263
Euclid      57
Exchange Lemma      490 491 503
EXPTIME      450 451
Extension Lemma      526—527 532 534 573
Fibonacci numbers      62 529
Finite automata      237—242
Finite automata, deterministic      243 280 292
Finite automata, nondeterministic      242—249 281 324
Finite automata, nonrestarting      250 316
Finite satisfiability      370—372
Finiteness theorem      204
First-order logic      see "Quantification theory"
Fixed point induction principle      499 see fixed
Fixed point theorem      101 501 see
Fixed point theorem for cpos      495—496 497 499 501 524
Fixed points      494—503
Fixed points as solutions to W-programs      523
Floyd, R.W.      181
Formulas, atomic      376
Formulas, ground      392
Formulas, Herbrand instances of      412—414
Formulas, in predicate logic      376
Formulas, propositional      347 496—500
Formulas, quasi-representing sets      409
Formulas, representing functions      410
Formulas, representing sets      408 409
Formulas, semantically equivalent      380
FORTRAN      279 323 324
Function symbols      375 506
Function symbols, arity of      506
Function symbols, built-in      509
Function symbols, constructor      509
Function symbols, degree of      375
Function symbols, discriminator      509
Function symbols, proper      506
Function symbols, selector      509
Functions      3
Functions, $\Delta$-computable      574 575—584
Functions, binary      3
Functions, Boolean-valued      5
Functions, characteristic      6 78 see
Functions, computable      28—32 41 42 77 112 116 121 469 567
Functions, computed by $\mathscr{S}$ programs      19 22—25 30
Functions, computed by Post — Turing programs      134 135 140 141 147 149 150
Functions, computed by Turing machines      146—152
Functions, computed strictly      134 135 139 146 148
Functions, constructible      428
Functions, continuous      486—494 495
Functions, domain of      3
Functions, elementary      59
Functions, exponential      425 442 444 450
Functions, G-computable      198
Functions, G-partial recursive      198
Functions, G-recursive      198
Functions, higher order      470 481 520
Functions, intuitively computable      see "Church's thesis"
Functions, monotonic      487—494
Functions, n-ary      3 200
Functions, nowhere defined      3 31
Functions, on strings      116—117
Functions, one-one      4 84
Functions, onto      4
Functions, partial      3 24
Functions, partial recursive      30 84
Functions, partially computable      30 39 70 73 75 76 83 96 116 127 140 148 198 199 467 501 578—582
Functions, partially computable in $\mathscr{S}_{n}$      121 127 135 140 141
Functions, partially G-computable      198
Functions, polynomial time computable      445
Functions, primitive recursive      39—63 84 105—112 117 188 262 576—578
Functions, range of      3 82 83 84
functions, recursive      30 84 426 428 436 437
Functions, strict      487 539 564
Functions, strict extensions of      487
Functions, total      3 5 30 40 42 90 198 199 200 201 202 204 205
Functions, unary      3
G-r.e. sets      211—215
Gap theorem      425—428
Garey, Michael R.      593
Goedel numbers      60—63 66 67 71 74—75 79 84 108 200 204 217—218 222 232 435 580
Goedel's incompleteness theorem      407—410
Goedel, Kurt      60
Goldbach's conjecture      69 70
grammars      186—191 see "Context-sensitive "Regular
Grammars, derivations in      188 270
Grammars, languages generated by      186 270 327—329
Grammars, left-linear      285
Grammars, null productions of      269 327 344
Grammars, phrase structure      186 327
Grammars, positive context-free      269 327
Grammars, productions of      186 269
Grammars, regular      280—285 327
Grammars, right-linear      283 304
Grammars, self-embedding      284
Grammars, start symbol of      186 269
Grammars, terminals of      186 269
Grammars, unsolvable problems concerning      191—192 300—301 322 339
Grammars, variables of      186 269
graphs      458—460
Graphs, cliques in      459
Graphs, complete      458—459
Greatest lower bounds      476
Greibach normal form grammars      287
Ground clauses      392
Ground resolution      369 see in
Ground resolution theorem      369
Gunter, Carl A.      593
Halmos, Paul R.      593
Halting problem      68—70 78 82 89 97—98 99 197 467 488 523 554 see halting
Halting problem for Post — Turing programs      144
Halting problem for Turing machines      157—158
Harrison, Michael      594
Herbrand instances of formulas      412—414
Herbrand universes      388 389 390 392 393 395 398 405 406 412 542
Herbrand's theorem      388—398 404
Hilbert, David      410 411
Homomorphisms      253 296 344
Horn clauses      403
Horn programs      404
Hrbacek, Karel      594
Ideals      482—483 546—556
Ideals, principal      482 552
Immerman, Neil      339
Index sets      95 103 230—231
Induction      9—13
Induction, complete      11—12
Induction, course-of-values      11—12 302
Induction, fixed point      499—500 536—537
Induction, hypothesis      10
Induction, loading      11 109
Induction, mathematical      9—13 52 86 206 215 245 256 264 271 293 304 305 433 495 540 571 576
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