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Wolter F., Wansing H., Вe Rijke M. — Advances in modal logic (vol.3) |
Предметный указатель |
-models 141
-formula 392
Accessiblility relation 331
Action description 177
Action model 370
Advising 54
agents 367
Alexandroff topology 93 99
Alshawi, H. 146
Anderson, A.R. 56
Andreka, H. 324 346
Antsaklis, P.J. 92
Areces, C. 17
Arithmetical interpretation 6
Artemov, S. 2 10 14 15
Articulated history 368
Artin, M. 202
Asserting 54
Aubin, J.-P. 95
B-complete 401
B-saturated 401
Barcan Formula 310
Bartha, P. 38
Barwise, J. 349
Belief 382
Belnap, N. 38 368 374 375
Bencivenga, E. 302
Berger, R. 338
Bernays, P. 7 12
Beth property 350
Beth, E. 349
Betting 55
Bisimulation quantifier 194
Blackburn, P. 220 224 231 237 332
Blok, W.J. 198
Boerger, E. 338
Bonnette, N. 105
Boolean modal logic 329 341
Boolos, G. 1
Boxed formula 3
Branching time 38
Brandom, R. 54
Brauener, T. 59
Broda, K. 154
Bull, R.A. 75
Canonical counterpart-Relations 311
Canonical model theorem 313
Canonical structures 311
Canonical valuation 161—165 168 170
Canonicity 313
Carpenter, B. 154
Cartesian Metaframes 317
Categorial frames 315
Categorial Logics 154 155
Chagrov, A. 222 242
Chellas, B.F. 368 375
Choice 38
Classifying Toposes 195
Clique guarded fragment see Guarded fragment
Clique guarded semantics 259
Complete Kripke structure 342
Completeness theorem for 290
Complex algebra 316
Complex algebra of type n 316
Context of utterance 39
Converse Barcan formula 302
Copley, B. 52
Correia, F. 75 83
Correspondence formula 162
Correspondence theory 161
Coulthard, V. 102
Counterpart-existence-property 305
Counterpart-frame 306
Counterpart-relations 305
Crouch, R. 146
Cut-elimination theorem 285
Dabrowski, A. 108
Danecki, S. 329 347
Davoren, J.M. 92 93 98 99 107
de dicto 390
De Giacomo, C. 135
de Jongh, D. 2
de re 390
de Rijke, M. 17 222—224 230 231 237
Decidability 111
Declarative core 49
Default decision 292
Definite descriptions 303
Denecker, M. 188 189
Description logic 330 344
Descriptive -frame 235
Designation function 393
Deterministic direct effect 180
Diagonal-free cylindric algebra 324 325
Diagonal-free cylindric algebra, representable 324
Dijkstra'S weakest liberal precondition 95
Discourse representation theory 139
Dominant strategy 291
Domino problem 337 338
Donini, F. 344
Dosen, K. 154
Double time references 48—52
Dummett algebras 211
D’Agostino, M. 154 157
E-complete 401
e-Formulas 197
EF-assignment 289
EF-model 289
Endogenous actions and exogenous actions 186
Epistemic depth 282
Epistemic structure 282
Equationally definable principle congurences 198
Equationally definable principle meets 198
Esakia's lemma 236
Essential variable 227
Event 366
Existence symbol 301
Extended propositional dynamic logic (EPDL) 175
F-frame 288
Fagin, R. 279
Faithful substitutions 309
Farinas del Cerro, L. 106
Feferman, S. 349
Fernando, T. 142 144 145
Final subhistory 368
Finger, M. 154
Finite algebra property 324
Finite lifting property 208
Finite model property 321—324
Finite model property, product 322 323
First-order closed modal predicate logic 305
First-order logic of proofs 9
First-order modal logic 299
First-order modal logic of provability 1
First-order structure 305
First-order substitution instance 304
Fischer-Servi, C. 101 108
Fitting, M. 300
Flow laws 96
Flow relation 96
FMP 385
Foo, N. 174 175
Formula, opposite 157
Formula, signed 157 158
Frame 155
Frame, ternary 155
Frame-completeness 314
Frankowska, H. 95
Free Henkin-type 309
| Free quantified K 299
Frege, C. 387
Fregean occurrence 390
Functional frames 314
Functor semantics 299
Fusions 93
Gabbay, D. 154 222 241 279 321—323
Gabriel, P. 198
Gaifman graph 259
Gargov, G. 329 330 332 341
Garson, J. 301
Gasquet, O. 106
Gelfond, M. 178
General predicate frames 316
Geometric formulas 195
Ghilardi, S. 197 199 222 299 315
Giacomo, G. de 173 174
Givan, R. 330
Givant, S. 223
Goedel, K. 1
Goldblatt, R. 102 174 176 221 378
Goranko, V. 174 330
Gore, R. 93 103 123
Graedel, E. 135 332 338
Grammar 117
Green, M. 38
Groeneveld, W. 175
Grothendieck, A. 202
Guarded fragment 257
Guarded fragment, clique guarded fragment 260 255
Guarded fragment, clique guarded fragment, syntactic 259
Guarded fragment, clique guarded fragment, tableau algorithm for the 264
Guarded fragment, clique guarded fragment, tree model property of the 262 271
Guarded fragment, loosely guarded fragment 260
Guarded fragment, tableau algorithm for the 264
Guarded fragment, tree model property of the 275
H-cover 204
Halpern, Y. 279
Hamblin, C. 54
Harel, D. 174 329 346
Heim, I. 141
Heinemann, B. 108
Henkin, L. 322 324 326
Heterophonic theory of truth 60
Hilbert, D. 7 12
Hintikka, J. 280 302
Hintikka-set 334
Hintikka-tree 334
Hirsch, C. 257
Hirsch, R. 322 323
history 38 367
Hodkinson, I. 222 322 323
Homophonic theory of truth 61
Horty, J. 38
Humberstone, I.L. 330
Hustadt, U. 330
Hybrid dynamical systems 91
Hyperdoctrines 320
Indeterminism 38—40
Inital Subhistory 368
Interior algebras 216 355
Interpolation properties 350
Intersection of modal parameters 336
Japaridze, G. 2
Jaspars, J. 74
Johnson, J. 322
Jonsson, B. 95 222
K-world algorithm 344
Kakas, A. 174
Kamp, H. 139
Kaneko, M. 280
Kaplan, D. 39
Karttunen, L. 141
Kleene's star operation 376
Kleene, S.C. 376
Knuth, D.E. 338
Koehler, P. 198 199
Kolmogoroff, A. 2
Kracht, M. 222 225 231 237 299
Kremer, P. 107
Kripke structures 331
Kripke, S.A. 152 310
Kripke-sheaves 299
Kripke-type-semantics 299
Krupski, V.N. 15
Kuratowski, K. 92 93 101
Kurtonina, N. 154 164 168 170
Kurucz, A. 322 323
Kutz, O. 299—301
Labelled deductive systems 154
Ladner, R. 115 344 346
Lambek calculus 157
Lambek calculus, non-associative 155
Lambert, K. 302
LDS see Labelled deductive systems
Leibniz' law 302
Lemmon, E. 221
Lenzerini, M. 174 344
Levesque, H. 173 174 186
Lewis, D. 300
Lifschitz, V. 178
Lin, F. 174
Locally finite algebra 207
Locally finite variety 356
Logic hybrid 17
Logic multi-modal 321
Logics of proof 2
Looping automaton 333
Lower semi-Continuous Kripke frame 95
LTD (language of the tree dwellers) 38
Lutz, C. 329 330
Maddux, R. 322 325 326
Makkai, M. 198
Maksimova, L. 199 216 217
Marx, M. 139 241
McAllester, D. 330
McCain, N. 174 178 183 184 189
McKinsey — Tarski topological semantics 99
McKinsey, J.C.C. 92 101
Meloni, G. 222
Mendelsohn, R.L. 300
Metaframe-semantics 299
Metalanguage 60 63
Meyer, B. 154
Meyer, J.-J. Ch. 279
Meyer, R.K. 302
Miller, R. 174
Minimal inferential epistemic structure 284
Minimal valuation 232
Mints, G. 107
Modal -calculus 127
Modal algebra 242 323 355
Modal individuals 300
Modal Leibniz' law 303
Modal logic of agency 40
Modal model 306
Modal predicate logic 299
Modal semi-algebra 243
Modal structure 306
Modalities, speech acts as 45
Mode invariant 98
Mode of presentation 385
Model graph 123
moment 38
Monk, J. 322 324 326
Monotonic semantic interpretation 146
Moor, T. 92 99
Moortgat, M. 154
Moses, Y. 279
Moss, L.S. 108
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