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Wolter F., Wansing H., Вe Rijke M. — Advances in modal logic (vol.3) |
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Moulin, H. 292
Multi-dimensional modal Lgoic 139
Myerson, R.B. 293
n-sets 316
Nagashima, T. 285
NAME 385
Nardi, D. 344
Necessity of distinctness 310
Necessity of existence 310
Necessity of fictionality 310
Necessity of identity 310
Negation normal form 333
Negation of modal parameters 330 333
Nemeti, I. 324
Nerode, A. 92 98 107
Nesting complexity 392
Neveu, J. 242
Non-denoting terms 303
normal 400
Normal product 244 249
Nutt, W. 344
Object language 60 63
Ordering (Speech act) 54
Orlov, I.E. 1
Parameters of truth 40
Parikh, R. 108
Passy, S. 174 329 341
Payoff function 291
Perloff, M. 38 368 375
Pierre's puzzle 310
Pigozzi, D. 198 199
Pitts, A.M. 193 198
Point of evaluation 40
Polyadic Sahlqvist formula 230
Positive free logic 298
Positive orbit relation 96
Possible continuations 368
Possible next state 182
Possible real states 366
Possible worlds 155
Pratt, V. 374
Prendinger, H. 173 174
Presentation 197
Prime algebra 209
Principle of Bivalence 158 303
Prior, A. 39 75
Prisoner's Dilemma 291
Product f.M.P. 249
Product frame 322
Product logic 322 323
Product-persistent 249
Projective Beth property 350
Promising 47—48 53—54
Propositional causation 175
Pseudo-formula 392
Purely modal Polyadic language 225
Qualification axiom 177
Rasiowa, H. 92 101
Rautenberg, W. 123
Real actions 366
Reference 389
Reiter, R. 173 178
Relationally freordered Kripke frame 95
Restall, G. 154
Restricted amalgamation property 359
Restricted evolution 98
Reynolds, M. 222 241
Roorda, D. 154
Routley, R. 154
Sahlqvist formula 224
Sahlqvist, H. 154 221
Sain, I. 324
Sambin, G. 222 234 238 250
Sattler, U. 329 330
Saturated set 160
Savich, W.J. 345
Schild, K. 344
Schmidt, R.A. 330
Schurz, G. 173 174
Second-order closed modal predicate logic 305
Second-order logic 305
Second-order substitution instance 304
Segerberg, K. 75 354
Semi-flow 96
Sense 385
Sense function 393
Sequent calculus 120
Shalaby, S. 330
Shanahan, M. 174 187 188 189
| Sheaf image 195
Sheaf image, dual image 195
Shehtman, V. 241 279 300 317 321—323
Shifted product 251
Shirasu, H. 317
Sikorski, R. 92 101
Simple Kripke structure 342
Simple polyadic Sahlqvist formula 227
Skvortsov, D.P. 300 317
Smullyan, R. 157
Solovay, R.M. 1
Spaan, E. 341 343 344
Spectrum 217
Speech acts 47
Speech acts and norms 41 47
Speech acts and truly uttering 46
Speech acts are acts 47
Speech acts as modalities 45
Speech acts, normal form of 45—46
Stage be prefix-closed 140
Stalnaker, R. 139
Standard translation 156
Stit (Sees to it that) 40
Strong amalgamation 202
Strong amalgamation property 356
Strong frame axiom 177
Structural descriptive name 63
Substitutability of Identicals 303
Substructural logics 154 155
Super amalgamation property 356
Supplementary axiom 177
Suzuki, N.-Y. 280
T-biconditional 60
Tableau 157
Tableau, deterministic 163
Tableau, KE 157
Tableau, SLaKE 158—170
Tableau, SLaKE, rules 158
Tarski, A. 92 95 101 322 324 326
Tenses, assuming indeterminism 40
Theory of truth 60 64
Thielscher, M. 174 178 187 189
Thijsse, E. 74
Thomason, R. 39 375
Thomson, J. 43
Thought sequent 282
Tinchev, T. 329
Tobies, S. 257
Topoboolean algebra 355
Topological Boolean algebras 216
Topological Kripke frame 94 95
Trace 367
Transitive modal parameters 335
Transworld identifications 303
Truly uttering 44—45
Truth predicate 60 63
Truth-Value gaps 73
Turner, H. 174 178 183 184 189
Ulmer, F. 198
Undecidability 119
Underspecified representation 146
Union of modal parameters 336
Universal modality 343
Upper semi-continuous Kripke frame 95
Uttering 42—44
Vaccaro, V. 222 234 238 250
van Benthem, J. 155 233 300 332
van der Hoek, W. 279
van der Sant, R. 141
Vanderveken, D. 40
Vardanyan, V.A. 2 14
Vardi, M.Y. 279
Venema, Y. 139 222—224 231 237 239 241
Verdier, J.L. 202
Visser, A. 194
von Wright, G.H. 367 374
Weak frame axiom 177
Weak Kleene matrices 73 74
Weak vs. strong necessity 74
Window operator 330
Witness 401
Witness, good 401
Wolter, F. 26 93 222 225 241 279 297 322—324
Xu, M. 38
Yale Shooting Problem 181
Yavorskaya-Sidon, T. 2 14 15
Zakharyaschev, M. 26 222 242 322—324
Zawadowski, M. 197 199
Zhang, D. 174 175
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