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Popper K.R. — Quantum theory and the schism in physics
Popper K.R. — Quantum theory and the schism in physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantum theory and the schism in physics

Àâòîð: Popper K.R.


Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics is one of the three volumes of Karl Popper’s Postscript to the Logic of scientific Discovery. The Postscript is the culmination of Popper’s work in the philosophy of physics and a new famous attack on subjectivist approaches to philosophy of science. Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics is the third volume of the Postscript. It may be read independently, but it also forms part of Popper’s interconnected argument in the Postscript. It presents Popper’s classic statement on quantum physics and offers important insights into his thinking on problems of method within science and physics as a whole.

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Propensity, propensities, objectivism of      section 23
Propensity, propensities, objectivity of      87—88
Propensity, propensities, of scatter      section 16 see
Propensity, propensities, open problems of      section 27
Propensity, propensities, partial anticipations of, by Aristotle, Born, Heisenberg, Lande, Schroedinger      sections 11 12
Propensity, propensities, particles and waves and      section 11
Propensity, propensities, physical      127—130 206 207
Propensity, propensities, quantum theory as theory of physical      98—99 see
Propensity, propensities, realism of      181—182 section
Propensity, propensities, realistic view of direction of time in      203
Propensity, propensities, reality of      72 81 83—84 95—97 127—130 193—198
Propensity, propensities, relativity of      80
Propensity, propensities, replaces deterministic interaction by propensities      190
Propensity, propensities, resolves dualism of matter and field      section 26
Propensity, propensities, resolves problems in previous research programmes      205—207
Propensity, propensities, superposition and reality of      84
Propensity, propensities, testing hypotheses on      73—74
Propensity, propensities, wave packet and      140
Propensity, propensities, waves, interference of      84
Proton      11 38
push      163 168—169
Pythagoras      162
Pythagorean metaphysical research programme      162
Quantized field      see "Field"
Quantum Jump      133 183 section
Quantum jump, alleged identity with reduction of wave packet      137 see interpretation "Reduction
Quantum muddle      5 50—52 64 77 see "Copenhagen "Statistical
Quantum states, scatter free      5
Quantum theory      13 37
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, 'completeness' of      5—14 39 123—124
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, 'under-standability' of      42 45
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, as particle theory      10 126 141
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, as theory of atomic structure      11
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, as theory of physical propensities      98—99 137
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, as wave theory      126
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, attack on Einstein — Schrodinger programme      173
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, author's thinking on, development of      xvii 97—99
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, Bohr's attitude towards      9—10
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, commonsense interpretation of      1
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, conservation laws violated by many worlds interpretation of      92
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, differentiated from nuclear mechanics and hadronics      14
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, Everett's 'many-worlds' interpretation of      89—95
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, explanatory inadequacies of      100
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, formalism of      13 64—65 99 101
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, Heisenberg's attitude towards      7—9
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, implies action at a distance      xviii 20—22
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, incompleteness of the mathematical formalism of      19—20 section
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, indeterminism of      5 83—85 section
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, its interpretation, bound to interpretation of probability theory      64—65 69 98
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, its interpretation, physical      101
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, objectivity of      35 119—121 section
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, observer in      5 20 35—47 46 49—50 86—89 119 189—190
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, origins of      7 11 13
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, orthodoxy of      see "Copenhagen interpretation"
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, particle theory as basic to      10 199
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, predictions of, are statistical      60
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, probabilistic character of, not to be explained by lack of knowledge      4—5 50
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, problems of      47—49
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, question of differences from classical physics      148
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, realistic      1
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, realistic interpretation of      1
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, statistical character of its problems      46—49 52 98
Quantum theory as atomic mechanics, statistical interpretation of      164
Rabnitzky, G.      32n
Random walk, toy-soldier argument      sections 10 25
Randomness      112—114 see "Statistical
Rationality      200
Realism      xviii 2—3 46
Realism of author's own metaphysical research programme of propensities      see "Propensity metaphysical
Realism, challenged by scepticism      2
Realism, critical      3
Realism, issue of      174
Realism, not excluded by action at a distance      xviii 25—27
Realism, scientific      3
Realism, subjectivist rejection of      5
reality      19
Reality of Einsteinian (Faradayan) field      193
Reality of particles      section 14 see
Reality of propensity fields      81
Reality, ascription of, in measurement      62—63
Reality, degrees of      46
Reason, human      160
Reduction as trivial consequence of probability theory      78—79 124—125 sections 13
Reduction, arising within Schroedinger wave function according to Everett's argument      89
Reduction, compared to pin-board experiment      74—76
Reduction, experiment on, with semi-permeable mirror      76—77 155—156
Reduction, not a quantum effect or jump      137
Reduction, of the wave packet      74—75 86—91 137 sections 10 13 124—125 174 183 192 section
Reduction, reinterpretation of, in terms of film strip argument      section 23
Relational properties, reality of      127—128
Relativity, Einstein's general theory of      8
Relativity, Einstein's general theory of, Bohr's appeal to      20
Relativity, Einstein's general theory of, his view of      8
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, Bohr's attitude to      30
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, his own interpretation of      8 25—26 29—30
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, implies locality principle      20
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, interpretation of its formalism, Einstein versus Lorentz      25 29—31
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, is incompatible with action at a distance      20 26
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, Lorentz's interpretation of      20 25 29—30
Relativity, Einstein's special theory of, refutability of, and sending of signals      20 see extending "EPR-argument"
Renormalization, method of      194—195
Repulsive forces      see "Force"
Research programme      see "Metaphysical research programme"
Research programme, Propensity, metaphysical research programme of function in quantum theoretical measurement      60 63
Reversibility      see "Irreversible processes" "Time "Wave
Riemann, B.      164
Ritz, W.      59
Rosen, N.      xvii 10n 15n 18 23n 24n 27 39n 58n 63 98n 99 122 144 147 148n 149—151
Russell, B.      xvi 2
Rutherford, E.      32 172
Rydberg, J.R.      59
Santilli, R.M.      12n 13q 14
Scatter      54 section
Scatter of energy      56—57
Scatter of momentum      57—58
Scatter of particles, cannot be suppressed      54
Scatter relations      xvii 54 203—204
Scatter relations, test of      60—64 see extending "Heisenberg's "Propensity of "Statistical
Scatter, responsibility for      27
Scatter, test of      54 145 see extending "Propensity of
Schilpp, P.A.      20n 26n 37n 40n 53n 58n 98n 102n 103n 109n 119n 155 204n
Schism, or crisis, due to subjectivism and completeness arguments      1—4 see clashes
Schism, or crisis, in physics      1—6 14 99—100 173
Schlick, M.      147
Schrodinger's Equation      see "Wave equation (Schroedinger)"
Schroedinger, E.      12—14 17—18 36 43n 48 53n 60 82 83n 89 93 94n 95 100 102 121 123 125n 126qn 127 128q 129n 130q 134n 135n 136 137—142 156 157n 158 164 171 173—177 188—189 192nq 195—196 198—199 206—207
science      1
Science, 'normal'      33
Science, Kantian interpretation of      3
Science, nature of, theories about      100—104
Science, revolution as normal state of      1
Science, task of      1 42 102 173
Science, technological attitude towards      159 see "Metaphysical
Scientific method, as algorithm, does not exist      34
Scientific realism      see "Realism"
Sequences, structural properties of, order and disorder in      113—114
Settle, T.      xvi
Shackle, G.L.S.      69n
Shearmur, J.      xvi
Shelley, J.      26n
Shimony, A.      22n 25
Singular probability statements      104
Slater, J.C.      132—133 189
Space, configuration      52
Space, Hilbert      60—61 84
Space, sample      51—52 81
Special relativity      see "Relativity Einstein's
Specialist      172
speculation      172
Spin      16 22—24
Spin in Bell inequalities      xviii 16 25
Spin in Bohm's version of EPR      xviii 16 22 72—24
Spin, arguments for, in relation to Copenhagen interpretation      24
Spirit, human      210
State preparation, imposing new propensities      23n;
State preparation, merely selective      23n;
State preparation, quantum mechanical      23n—24;
State preparation, two types of      23n
State vector, branching of the, in Everett's argument      91—93
State vector, collapse of the      see "Reduction of the wave packet" "Quantum Everett's
Statistical mechanics      4 47—49
Statistical mechanics, classical      section 4
Statistical mechanics, objectivity of      41 section
Statistical mechanics, subjective misrepresentations of      section 5
Statistical mechanics, superfluous from deterministic viewpoint      117 see
Statistical problems, questions, demand statistical answers      49
Statistical reasoning, statistical theories, as adding to knowledge      54
Statistical reasoning, statistical theories, as adding to knowledge testing of      54 see "Propensity" "Theory statistical"
Statistical reasoning, statistical theories, as adding to knowledge, character of      50—32 54 195—196
Subject, in quantum theoretical measurement      see "Observer" "Quantum observer "Measurement"
Subjectivism, in physics      1—5 50 64 174 see
Superposition      72n—73n 83—84
Superposition, peculiar to quantum mechanics      83 see two-slit"
Superposition, principle of      56
Symmetry, of wave equation (Schrodinger)      see "Time reversibility
Szilard, L.      111n
Test of Heisenberg's formulae      54—60 see
Test of Heisenberg's interpretation of his formulae      see "Crucial experiment extending
Test of scatter relations      60—64 see
Testability of Bohm's version of EPR-argument      xviii 16 22—24 see
Theory, theories, can clash with reality      3 see
Theory, theories, cannot be identified with its conceptual framework      43
Theory, theories, deterministic, approximating indeterministic reality      section 22 see
Theory, theories, deterministic, approximating indeterministic reality, Einstein's view of, contrasted with Heisenberg's and Bohr's      8—9
Theory, theories, deterministic, approximating indeterministic reality, equivalence of      42—43
Theory, theories, deterministic, approximating indeterministic reality, may be formulated in (and are independent of) various conceptual frameworks      42—46
Theory, theories, human inventions      3 41
Theory, theories, more than instruments      42 see
Theory, theories, not 'pictures'      45
Theory, theories, rational appraisal of metaphysical      172—173 200—201 see
Theory, theories, statistical, character of      50—52 see
Theory, theories, truth, or nearness to truth, of      41—44
Theory, theories, understanding of      45—46 100—104
Thompson, R.C.      24n
Thomson, J.J.      172
Thought experiment, of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen      see "EPR-argument"
Time, direction of      203
Time, reversibility of, modelled by pinboard experiment      88—89 93 see
Transition, from possible to actual      see "Actual" "Reduction
Trial and error, method of      174
Truth, nearness to, of theories      41—44
Two-slit experiment, and toy-soldier argument      191
Two-slit experiment, as space-periodicity experiment      58—60 88 section
Two-slit experiment, resolved by propensity interpretation      151
Ullmann, J.D.      24n
Uncertainty relations      see "Heisenberg's formulae"
Uncertainy, alleged creation of by lack of knowledge      4 27
Understanding, of Theories      101—104
Unified field theory      164 192—198 202
Universe, indeterministic      203—205
Universe, problem of spatial structure of      165
Universe, regarded as quantum mechanical system in Everett's interpretation      89 see
Urbach, P.      32n
Vagueness, alleged necessity of      54
van der Merwe, A.      16n 23n 98n
Van der Waerden, B.L.      9n 66n
Venn, J.      66n 67 104
Vigier, J.-R      xviii 24n 36
von Laue, M.      36 79
von Mises, R.      49n 51 66n 67—68 71 104 117
von Neumann, J.      11n 12—13 18 29 36n 41n 61 67n 78 85 98 111qn 113n 114 116q 117qn
Von Weizsaecker, C.F.      9n
Vortices      166
Wartofsky, M.W.      32n
Watkins, J.W.N.      xv—xvi
Wave equation (Schroedinger)      18 89 121
Wave equation (Schroedinger), Born's interpretation      10
Wave equation (Schroedinger), describing a physical reality      94—95
Wave equation (Schroedinger), fusion of states as a consequence of, and Everett's interpretation of quantum theory      93
Wave equation (Schroedinger), symmetry, time-reversibility, of      88—89 93—95
Wave mechanics in explaining problem of atomic stability      47
Wave mechanics, question of equivalence to matrix mechanics      43
Wave packet      77—78
Wave packet, determining propensities      140 see
Wave, waves, dualism of particle and      see "Dualism"
Wave, waves, quantum theoretical, as mathematical representation of propensities      126—127 section see metaphysical
Wavicle      see "Dualism of
Weisskopf, V.      9
Wheeler, J.A.      89
Whyte, L.L.      170n
Wiener, N.      126n
Wigner, E.P.      85qn 125n
Wittgenstein, L.      18n 44
World lines, Goedel's problem of closed      204n
Wu, C.S.      24n
Young, T.      151
Yourgrau, W.      16n 23n 98n
Yukawa, H.      13 195
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