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Popper K.R. — Quantum theory and the schism in physics |
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'End-of-the-road-thesis' xvii xviii 5—7 11—74 19
'End-of-the-road-thesis', abandoned by Pauli xviii
'End-of-the-road-thesis', connected with 'normal science' 6
'End-of-the-road-thesis', refuted by discovery of new particles 12
'End-of-the-road-thesis', rejected by Einstein 6
'End-of-the-road-thesis', supported by Bohr 10
'End-of-the-road-thesis', underlies clash between Bohr and Einstein 7 10
'End-of-the-road-thesis', von Neumann's alleged proof of 11 see "Copenhagen
'Kickability', and reality 46 72—73 81 84 193
'Wave picture' 42 45 64 84 140
Absolute space and time 20 25 29—30
Abstractness, in theories 97
Accelerations 169
Action at a distance xviii 16—22 25—26 29—30 166 173 see "Relativity"
Action at a distance is incompatible with special relativity 26
Action at a distance is not excluded by realism xviii 25—27
Action at a distance, apparent confirmation by Aspect's experiments xviii
Action at a distance, Einstein's view of 20—22 25—26
Action at a distance, exclusion of see "Locality principle"
Action at a distance, implied by Copenhagen interpretation 16 21—22 see
Actual, transition from the possible to the 78 123 133 sections 10 13 185—186 see
Adams, W. xvi
Agassi, J. xv 136n
Anderson, C.D. 12
Andersson, G. 32n
Anti-rationalist atmosphere section 19
Appraisal, rational, of metaphysical theories 32 172—173 sections 28 see "Theory"
Approximation of indeterministic reality by deterministic theories see "Correspondence argument" see deterministic"
Argument see "Critical discussion"
Aristotle 128 132—133 163n 165 205—206 209
Arithmetization of cosmology, Pythagorean metaphysical research programme of 162
Aspect's (and related) experiment, as crucial between Einstein and Lorentz interpretations of Lorentz transformations xviii 22—25 30n
Aspect, A. xviii
Atomic energy, peaceful use of 199n
Atomic stability, problem of 46—49 see Propensity metaphysical
Atomic stability, replaced by statistical problem 49
Atomism 162 164—165 168—169 205
Atomism, metaphysical research programme of 162
Atomism, relation of, to Newton's dynamics 168
Atoms and the void 162 165
Atoms as vortices of ether (Bernoulli) 163 172
Atoms, constitution of 38 136
Atoms, rejected by Leibniz 167
Autarky 209
Axiomatization, of the calculus of probability 65 see calculus
Bartley, W.W., III xvi 27n 32n
Bayesian probability 67 see subjective
Bell's theorem xviii 16 22 24 25 see
Bell's theorem as imposing new propensities 23
Bell's theorem, tests of, as crucial between Einstein and Lorentz interpretations of special relativity 25
Bell, J.S. xviii 6 14 16n 20n 22n 23—24n 25 30 98n
Bellarmino, R.F.R. 2 102 173
Berkeley, G. 2 102—103n 172—173
Bernoulli, J. 66 105 108 110 163—164
Beyer, R. T. 111n
biology 80 86 160
Biology and propensities 209—210
Birkhoff, G. 98n
Block universe, Parmenides's metaphysical research programme of 162 166
Bohm, D. xviii 16n 22n 23—24 36n 46 85 100 151n 174—175n
Bohr, N. xvii—xviii 6—10 12—14 20n 21n 22 30 36n 39n 40qn 45 47qn 48—50 53n 55 58qn 59—60 63—64 71 78n 85 97—98 100—101 102n 103n 119qn 121n 122qn 123n 125 126n 131—132 133n 135n 143qn 148n—153 155—156 158 172 174—175 179—182 189 199 206n 208n
Boltzmann, L. 4 104 109 111 113 115—116 157
Bondi, H. 82 202
Bopp, F. 37qn 39n 48 50 63 82n
Born, H. 8n
Born, M. 8n 10 13—14 47 48qn 49q 53n 82n 83n 94 100 102n 105 115qn 116—117 118qn 121 125nq 126n 129n 130qn 131q 132—133 136n 138—140 141n 151n 158 164 174n 175n 189 195—196 199 202n 207
Boscovich, R.G. 163 168 169 170 171
Bose's principle 198
Bose, S.N. 198 208
Bothe, W. 189
Boyle, R. 163 206
Breck, A. D. 98n
Bridge, alleged, from non-statistical assumptions to statistical conclusions 66—68 196 see law
Bruno, G. 163 173
Bub, J. 36n 85n
Bunge, M. 35n 37n 63n 71n 98n
Calculus of probability see "Probability calculus
Callippus 162
Cantelli, F. 110n 117
cartesian 166 see
Cartesian metaphysical research programme see "Metaphysical research programmes Cartesian"
Cassirer, E. 159n
Cauchy, A.L. 171
Causation, problem of 165
Causation, push theory of 163 166
Chadwick, J. 12
Change, as actualization of potentialities or propensities 159 160
Change, as actualization of potentialities or propensities, problem of 162 165
Change, as actualization of potentialities or propensities, reality of 162
Change, as actualization of potentialities or propensities, theories of 165 173
Clash, among metaphysical research programmes see "Metaphysical research programmes" "Realism"
Clash, between theories and reality 3
Clauser, J.F. 16n 22n 24n 25
Clockwork theory of the world 163—166
Clockwork theory of the world, refuted 164
Cohen, R.S. 32n
Collapse of the state vector, of wave packet see "Reduction of the wave packet" "Copenhagen
Common sense 29 159
Commutation relations 13 53
Complementarity, Bohr's principle of 10 50 103 110 155 174 177 see of "Measurement of "Theories not
Complementarity, Bohr's principle of, breakdown of link 10
Complementarity, Bohr's principle of, linked to particle-wave duality 10 64
Completeness of formalism, distinguished from completeness of interpreted theory 123
Completeness of mathematical formalism section 9
Completeness, alleged, of quantum theory xvii 1 5 7 14 19 39 63 122 see "End-of-the-road-thesis" "Quantum
Completeness, confusion of, with soundness 39
Completeness, refuted by discovery of new particles 12
Completeness, refuted by self-registering box experiment 122
Completeness, rejected by Einstein 6
Completeness, von Neumann's alleged proof of 11
Compressibility, problem of 168—169
Concepts, conceptual frameworks 42—46 see
Conklin, E.K. 30n
Consciousness 35 41 75 86 158
Conservation laws 206 210
Conservation laws and theory of Bohr, Kramers, and Slater 189
Conservation laws in filmstrip argument 184
Conservation laws, do not entail determinism 189—192 see Everett's
Conservation laws, violated by Everett's theory 92
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory 1 5 6 10 15—18 21 24—25 28—29 35t—41 97—100 119—120 140 175 206 207 see "Crucial extending "Dualism "EPR-argument" "Probability subjective "Quantum "Reduction "Subjectivism"
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, anti-rational tendencies of 99
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, as view of Bohr and Heisenberg 6
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, clashes with locality principle 21
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, implies action at a distance xvii 16 21—22
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, obsoleteness of 37 39—41
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, periods of xvii—xviii 37—39
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, Schroedinger's criticism of 125—126 127
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, test of 27—30
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, the observer in 5 35—41 4 50 86—89 119 189—190
Copernicus, N. 102 163
Correspondence argument, modifying classical determinism 177 section see "Theory deterministic"
Correspondence, Bohr's principle of 47
Cosmology 1 31 162—165 173 see
Creation of matter see "Matter"
Creativity, human xviii
Critical discussion of metaphysical speculations 32 172—173 199—201
Critical discussion, criticism, role of, in the growth of knowledge 33—34 41 211 see
Critical discussion, deterioration of 156—158
Critical realism see Realism Criticizability of 199; 201 section extending 27—30.
D'Espagnat, B. 16n
Dahrendorf, R. xvi
deBroglie, L. 14 24n 36 47—48 57 82 100 125n 126n 142 151 158 164 171 174 176 195 208
Definition, unimportance of 45—46 see conceptual
Demarcation, criterion of, within metaphysics 211 see "Metaphysical
Democritus 168 170
Demoivre, A. 67
Descartes's, metaphysical research programme 162
Descartes's, principle of causality 164
Descartes's, theory of free will 192
Descartes, R. 2 162—168 170—173 192n 206
| Determinism and statistical mechanics 117
Determinism is not entailed by conservation laws 189—192
Determinism, classical, modified by a correspondence argument section 22 see "Probability subjective "Subjectivism"
Determinism, indeterministic reinterpretation of 160 181
Determinism, issue of 174
Determinism, Laplacean 66
Determinism, leads to subjective interpretation of probability and to subjectivism in probabilistic physics 99 104—106 110 135
DeWitt, B.S. 4n 89qn 90qn
Differential equations, principle of 163
Dirac, P.A.M. 12—14 48n 79qn 100 125 132 135 137n 156 158 189—190 196—198 202
Direction of time see "Time"
Discontinuity 136 183
Dispositions, dispositional properties 127 159 198
Distribution function 51—52
Distribution function, not a property of an element 52 82
Disturbance, theory of, as theory of change 165
Dualism, duality of matter and form 163 see "Copenhagen "Field" "Matter" "Particle" "Propensity "Propensity metaphysical "Quantum "Wave"
Dualism, duality of particle and wave and of matter and field 7—8 10 52 53 54 64 79—86 171 206 sections 26
Dualism, duality of potentialities 207
Dualism, duality, rejected by author 126
Duane's third quantum rule 73
Duane, W. 73n
Dynamism, metaphysical research programme of 163 165 169 206
Eckart, C. 43n 83
Eddington, A.S. 12 38
Einstein — Bohr Correspondence 8
Einstein — Bohr debate 7 13 14 20—22 39
Einstein's relativity theory see "Relativity"
Einstein, A. xvii—xviii 2n 3n 4 6—7 8n 9 10n 11 13—14 15n 18qn 19 20qn 21 22 23n 24n 25qn 26qn 27 29 30n 34 35n 36 37qn 38q 39n 40n 46—50 53n 56 58n 63 76 79 84 98n 99—100 102qn 103nq 104nq 115 119n 122—123 143n 144 147 148n 149—151 155—158 160 164 171 173—177 189qn 190 192—195 198 201 202qn 203 204n 206—207 208qn 211
Elasticity, problem of 168—169 171
Electromagnetic theory of matter xvii 37—38 192—194 see
Electron 11 38 138 193
Electron can have a precise position and momentum 63
Electron in quantum jumps 135
Electron, de Broglie's and Schrodinger's theory of 195
Electron, Dirac's theory of 197—198 202
Electronic charge, problem of 39 201
Elements, periodic system of 38
entropy 109—117 see
Entropy and probability 113—114 see
Entropy, alleged dependence on knowledge 109—117 section
Entropy, objective characterizations of 111—112 see metaphysical
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment] xvii xviii 14 73—22 63 98 99 section see "Bell's "Completeness" "Locality "Spin" "State
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], assumes principle of locality 19
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], author's invalid anticipation of 15 98
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], author's new extension of 27—30
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], Bell's reformulation of xviii
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], Bohm's version of xviii 16 22—24
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], Bohr's criticism of 148—151
EPR-argument (or experiment) [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, thought experiment], tested in Bell form 24
Essentialism, metaphysical research programme of 127 128 163
Euclid 162—163 205
Eudoxus 162
Euler, L. 13477
Everett's 'many worlds' interpretation 89—95
Everett's 'many worlds' interpretation and film-strip argument 187
Everett's 'many worlds' interpretation, illustrated by pin board model 91
Everett's 'many worlds' interpretation, implies fusion of infinity of real worlds 93
Everett's 'many worlds' interpretation, violates conservation laws 92
Everett, H. 89n—92 93n 94—95 187
Exclusion principle 13 134—135 201
Existence see "Reality Expansion of
Experiment, Aspect's (and related) xviii 22—25 30
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), Crucial, extending the original EPR-argument see there
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), dependence of on theory 41 80
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), imaginary, author's own invalid 15 98
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), one-slit 57 145—147 see
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), Pin board see "there"
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), relativity to specification 80
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), repetition of 72 76 144
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), scatter see "EPR-argument"
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), selfregistering boxes 119—121
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), thought experiment of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen see "EPR-argument"
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), two—slit 58—60 88 section
Experiment, Aspect's (and related), with a semi-permeable mirror 76—77 155—156
Expert 172
Explanations, appraisal of 161
Extension 159 166—167
Faraci, G. 24n
Faraday, M. 46 103 158 162 164 170—171 173 176—177 193 206
Feenberg, E. 52
Feigl, H. 43n 52n
Fenyes, I. 134n
Fermi, E. 12 135
Feyerabend, P. 32n 71n 72n 73n 153n
Feynman, R.P. 83
Field theory 164 195—196 section see
Field, dualism of matter and section 26
Field, dualism of matter and, determining propensities see "Propensity fields"
Field, dualism of matter and, electromagnetic 37—38
Field, dualism of matter and, quantized 196
Field, dualism of matter and, reality of Einsteinian (Faradayan) 193
Field, dualism of matter and, theory (Einsteinian) of unified 34 section
Film strips, sequences of, argument sections 22 23 24
Film strips, sequences of, argument, 'classical', visualizing one's changing world section 22 see
Film strips, sequences of, argument, modelling aspects of reduction of the wave packet section 23 see
Film strips, sequences of, argument, of propensities section 24 see metaphysical
Fluids, theory of 206
Force, forces, fields of 127 164
Force, forces, fields of, four fundamental 38
Force, forces, fields of, in Boscovich 163 168—169 170n
Force, forces, fields of, in Faraday 164 171
Force, forces, fields of, in Kant 163 168 169 170—172
Force, forces, fields of, in Maxwell 164 171 206
Force, forces, fields of, Leibnizian 163 167—168
Force, forces, fields of, repulsive 167—169 171
Formalism, mathematical, of quantum theory 122 section
Framework, conceptual see "Concepts"
Free will, Descartes on 192n
Freed, J. xv
Freed, L. xv
Freedman, S.J. 24n
Freedom, human 160
Frequency interpretation of probability 104 144 see
Frisch, O.R. 63n
Fry, E.S. 24n
Galileo 46 102 158q 163 173—174 189 200
Garuccio, A. 24n
Geiger, H. 189
Gell-Mann, M. 10qn
GEOMETRIZATION, of cosmology, Plato's in unified field theory 164
GEOMETRIZATION, of cosmology, Plato's, metaphysical research programme of 162—163 205
Gerhardt, C. 169n
Gibbs, J.W. 109 137
Goedel, K. 204n
Gold, A. 202
Gordon, W. 13
Graham, N. 4n 89n 90n
Gravity 127
Great numbers, law of, of Bernoulli and Cantelli 66—67 106 110 section
Green, H.S. 202n
Growth of knowledge see "Knowledge"
Gurkowski, S. 24n
Haas, A. 60
Hamblin, C.L. 69n
Hanson, N.R. 12n 43n
HARMONIC RESOLVING POWER, principle of, relation to indeterminacy relations 55—56
Harre, R. 32n
Heisenberg's formulae xvii 4—6 16—17 49 53n—60 section 153 174 191
Heisenberg's formulae as explanation of statistical character of quantum mechanics 4 49 50
Heisenberg's formulae as setting limits to scatter 54 203
Heisenberg's formulae, author's own interpretation of as Scatter relations xvii
Heisenberg's formulae, interpreted as limits to knowledge 5
Heisenberg's formulae, refer to population of particles 54
Heisenberg's formulae, relation to wave-particle duality 10 53n
Heisenberg's formulae, tests of 203 see "Measurement of "Quantum observer "Scatter
Heisenberg, W. 2n 4—7 8qn 9qn 10 12—14 17 18n 20 23n 28—29 35n 36n 37n 40qn 41qn 48qn 49n 53n 54 55n 56 60 61qn 62qn 63q 66n 76qn 77 78qn 79 83 85qn 97—98 100 119 123qn 124q 125n 132q 133qn 136qn 137q 138 139q 140 143—144 146 153 158 164n 165n 172 174—175 183 185 189 191 195 202n 203qn 204 206nq
Heitler, W. 119qn 120qn 121n 123—124 147n
Helm, G. 67
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