Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lang S. — Algebra |
Предметный указатель |
Super algebra 632
Super commutator 757
Super product 631 751
Super tensor product 632 751
Supersolvable 702
Support 419
Surjective ix
Sylow group 33
Sylvester’s theorem 577
Symmetric algebra 635
Symmetric endomorphism 525 585 597
Symmetric form 525 571
Symmetric group 29 269 272—274
Symmetric matrix 530
Symmetric multilinear map 635
Symmetric polynomial 190 217
Symmetric product 635 781 861
Symplectic 535
Symplectic basis 599
Syzygy theorem 862
Szpiro conjecture 198
Taniyama — Shimura conjecture 316 319
Tate group 50 163 169
Tate group, limit 598
Taylor series 213
Tensor 581 628
Tensor, algebra 633
Tensor, exact 612
Tensor, product 602 725
Tensor, product of complexes 832 851
Tensor, product representation 725 799
Tits construction of free group 81
Tomheim proof 471
Tor 622 791
tor (for torsion) 42 47 149
Tor, dimension 622
Torsion, free 45 147
Torsion, module 147 149
Total complex 815
Total degree 103
Totally ordered 879
Tower of fields 225
Tower of groups 18
Trace of element 284 666
Trace of linear map 511 570
Trace of matrix 505 511
Transcendence basis 356
Transcendence degree 355
Transcendence of e 867
Transcendental 99
Transitive 28 79
Translation 26 227
Transpose of bifunctor 808
Transpose of linear map 524
Transpose of matrix 505
Transposition 13
Transvection 542
Trigonometric degree 115
| Trigonometric degree polynomial 114 115
Trivial character 282
Trivial operation 664
Trivial representation 664
Trivial subgroup 9
Trivial valuation 465
Two-sided ideal 86 655
Type of abelian group 43
Type of module 149
Unimodular 846
Unimodular, extension property 849
Unipotent 714
Unique factorization, Ill 116
Uniquely divisible 575
Unit, element 3 83
Unit, ideal 87
Unitary 535 583
Universal 37
Universal, delta-functor 800
Universal, derivation 746
Universally, attracting 57
Universally, repelling 57
Upper bound 879
Upper diagonal group 19
Valuation 465
Valuation ring 348 481
Valuation ring determined by ordering 450 452
Value group 480
Vandermonde determinant 257—259 516
Vanishing ideal 38
Variable 99 104
Variation of signs 454
Variety 382
Vector space 118 139
Volume 735
Warning’s theorem 214
Wedderburn’s theorem 649
Weiersttass, degree 208
Weiersttass, polynomial 208
Weiersttass, preparation theorem 208
Weight 191
Well-behaved 410 478
Well-defined x
Well-ordering 891
Weyl group 570
Witt group 594 599
Witt group, theorem 591
Witt group, vector 330 492
Witt — Grothendieck group 595
Zariski topology 407
Zariski — Matsusaka theorem 372
Zassenhaus lemma 20
Zero of ideal 390 405
Zero of polynomial 102 175 379 390
Zero, divisor 91
Zero, element 3
Zeta function 211 212 255
Zorn’s Lemma 880 884
Реклама |