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Lang S. — Algebra
Lang S. — Algebra

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Название: Algebra

Автор: Lang S.


"Lang's Algebra changed the way graduate algebra is taught, retaining classical topics but introducing language and ways of thinking from category theory and homological algebra. It has affected all subsequent graduate-level algebra books." NOTICES OF THE AMS "The author has an impressive knack for presenting the important and interesting ideas of algebra in just the right way, and he never gets bogged down in the dry formalism which pervades some parts of algebra." MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS This book is intended as a basic text for a one-year course in algebra at the graduate level, or as a useful reference for mathematicians and professionals who use higher-level algebra. It successfully addresses the basic concepts of algebra. For the revised third edition, the author has added exercises and made numerous corrections to the text.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd edition, revised

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 914

Добавлена в каталог: 02.07.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Exact sequence of complexes      767
Expansion of determinant      515
Exponent of a field extension      293
Exponent of a group      23
Exponent of a module      149
Exponent of an element      23 149
Exponential      497
Ext      791 808 810 831 857
Extension of base      623
Extension of derivations      375
Extension of fields      223
Extension of homomorphisms      347 378
Extension of modules      831
Exterior algebra      733
Exterior product      733
Extreme point      883
Factor group      14
Factor module      119 141
Factor ring      89
Factorial      111 115 175 209
Faithful      28 334 649 664
Faithfully flat      638
Fermat theorem      195 319
Fiber product      61 81
Field      93
Field of definition of a representation      710
Filtered complex      817
Filtration      156 172 426 814 817
Finite complex      762
Finite dimension      141 772 823
Finite extension      223
Finite field      244
Finite free resolution      840
Finite homological dimension      772 823
Finite module      129
Finite resolution      763
Finite sequence      877
Finite set      877
Finite type      129
Finite under a place      349
Finitely generated algebra      121
Finitely generated extension      226
Finitely generated group      66
Finitely generated module      129
Finitely generated point      28 34 80
Finitely generated ring      90
Finitely presented      171
Fitting ideal      738—745
Fitting lemma      440
Five lemma      169
Fixed field      261
Flat      612 808
Flat for a module      616
Forgetful functor      62
Form multilinear      450 466
Form polynomial      384
Formal power series      205
Fourier coefficients      679
Fractional ideal      88
Fractions      107
Free Abelian group      38 39
Free extension      362
Free generators      137
Free group      66 82
Free module      135
Free module generated by a set      137
Free resolution      763
Frey polynomial      198
Frobenius element      180 246 316 346
Frobenius reciprocity      686 689
Functionals      142
functor      62
Fundamental group      63
G or (G,k)-module      664 779
G-homomorphism      779
G-object      55
G-regular      829
G-set      27 55
g.c.d.      111
Galois cohomology      288 302
Galois extension      261
Galois group      252 262 269
Galois theory      262
Gauss lemma      181 209 495
Gauss sum      277
Gelfand — Mazur theorem      471
Gelfand — Naimark theorem      406
Gelfond — Schneider      868
Generate and generators for a group      9 23 68
Generate and generators for a module      660
Generate and generators for a ring      90
Generate and generators for an ideal      87
Generating function or power series      211
Generators and relations      68
Generic forms      390 392
Generic hyperplane      374
Generic pfaffian      589
Generic point      383 408
Generic polynomial      272 345
Ghost components      330
Global sections      792
Goursat’s lemma      75
Graded algebra      172 631
Graded module      427 751 765
Graded morphism      765 766
Graded object      814
Graded ring      631
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization      579 599
Grassman algebra      733
Greatest common divisor      111
Grothendieck algebra and ring      778—782
Grothendieck group      40 139
Grothendieck power series      218
Grothendieck spectral sequence      819
Group      7
Group algebra      104 121
Group automorphism      10
Group extensions      827
Group homomorphism      10
Group object      65
Group ring      85 104 126
Hall conjecture      197
Harmonic polynomials      354 550
Hasse zeta function      255
Height      167
Herbrand quotient      79
Hermite — Lindemann      867
Hermitian form      533 571 579
Hermitian linear map      534
Hermitian matrix      535
Hilbert nullstellensatz      380 551
Hilbert polynomial      433
Hilbert syzygy theorem      862
Hilbert theorem      90 288
Hilbert theorem on polynomial rings      185
Hilbert — Serre theorem      431
Hilbert — Zariski theorem      409
Homogeneous      410 427 631
Homogeneous algebraic space      385
Homogeneous ideal      385 436 733
Homogeneous integral closure      409
Homogeneous point      385
Homogeneous polynomial      103 107 190 384 436
Homogeneous quadratic map      575
Homology      445 767
Homology isomorphism      767 836
Homomorphism of complex      445 765
Homomorphism of groups      10
Homomorphism of inverse systems      163
Homomorphism of modules      119 122
Homomorphism of monoid      10
Homomorphism of representations      125
Homomorphism of rings      88
Homomorphisms in categories      765
Homotopies of complexes      787
Horrock’s theorem      847
Howe’s proof      258
Hyperbolic enlargement      593
Hyperbolic pair      586 590
Hyperbolic plane      586 590
Hyperbolic space      590
Hyperplane      542
Hyperplane section      374 410
Ideal      86
Ideal class group      88 126
Idempotent      443
Image      11
Indecomposable      440
Independent absolute values      465
Independent characters      283 676
Independent elements of module      151
Independent extensions      362
Independent variables      102 103
INDEX      12
Induced character      686
Induced homomorphism      16
Induced module      688
Induced ordering      879
Induced representation      688
Inductively ordered      880
Inertia form      393
Inertia group      344
Infinite cyclic group      8 23
Infinite cyclic module      147
Infinite extension      223 235
Infinite Galois extensions      313
Infinite period      8 23
Infinite set      876
Infinite under a place      349
Infinitely large      450
Infinitely small      450
Injective, map      ix
Injective, module      782 830
Injective, resolution      788 801 819
Inner automorphism      26
Inseparable degree      249
Inseparable extension      247
Integers mod n      94
integral      334 351 352 409
Integral closure      336 409
Integral domain      91
Integral equation      334
Integral extension      340
Integral homomorphism      337
Integral map      357
Integral root test      185
Integral valued polynomials      216 435
Integrality criterion      352 409
Integrally closed      337
Invariant bases      550
Invariant of linear map      557 560
Invariant of matrix      557
Invariant of module      153 557 563
Invariant of submodule      153 154
Invariant submodule      665
Inverse      ix 7
Inverse limit      50 51 161 163 169
Inverse limit of Galois groups      313 328
Inverse matrix      518
Invertible      84
Irr(z,k,X)      224
Irreducible, algebraic set      382 408
Irreducible, character      669 696
Irreducible, element      111
Irreducible, module      554
Irreducible, polynomial      175 183
Irreducible, polynomial of a field element      224
Irrelevant prime      436
Isolated prime      422
Isometry      572
Isomorphism      10 54
Isomorphism of representations      56 667
Isotropy group      27
Iss’sa — Hironaka theorem      498
Jacobson density      647
Jacobson radical      658
Jordan canonical form      559
Jordan — Holder      22 156
K-family      771
K-heory      139 771—782
Kernel of bilinear map      48 144 522 572
Kernel of homomorphism      11 133
Kolchin’s theorem      661
Koszul complex      853
Krull theorem      429
Krull topology      329
Krull — Remak — Schmidt      441
Kummer extensions abelian      294—296 332
Kummer extensions non-abelian      297 304 326
L-functions      727
Lambda operation      217
Lambda-ring      218 780
Langlands conjectures      316 319
Lattice      662
Law of composition      3
Lazard’s theorem      639
Leading coefficient      100
Least common multiple      113
Least element      879
Least upper bound      879
Left coset      12
Left derived functor      791
Left exact      790
Left ideal      86
Left module      117
Length of complex      765
Length of filtration      433
Length of module      433 644
Lie above prime      338
Lie above valuation ring      350
Lie algebra      548
Lifting      227
linear combination      129
Linear dependence      130
Linear independence      129 150 283
Linear map      119
Linear polynomial      100
Linearly disjoint      360
Local degree      477
Local homomorphism      444
Local norm      478
Local parameter      487
Local ring      110 425 441
Local uniformization      498
localization      110
Locally nilpotent      418
Logarithm      497 597
Logarithmic derivative      214 375
Mackey’s theorems      694
MacLane’s criterion      364
Mapping cylinder      838
Maschke’s Theorem      666
Mason — Stothers theorem      194 220
Matrix      503
Matrix of bilinear map      528
Matrix over non-commutative ring      641
Maximal abelian extension      269
Maximal archimedean      450
Maximal element      879
Maximal ideal      92
1 2 3 4
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