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Comfort W.W., Negrepontis S. — The Theory of UltraFilters |
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Monk, D. 201 380
Monotone 217 252
Morel, A.C. 162 163 284 285 309 311 379
Morley, M. 80 82 99 100 140 201 285 312
Morley, theorem of 275
Mostowski, M. 19 80
Mrowka, S. 162
Multiplicative 217 252
Nachbin, L. 60
Nakamura, M. 308
Natural number 8
NEAR 355
Negrepontis, S. 60 80 81 140 141 163 203 231 232 261 309 340 378 379 380 408 409 452
Neighborhood 22
Nikodym, O.M. 162
Noble, N. 80
Non-comparable 4
Normal space 22
Normal ultrafilter 188
Novak, J. 379
Olin, P. 379
Open partion 383
Order of ramification system 167
Order topology 31
Order-isomorphism 4
Order-type 9
Ordered pair 2
Ordinal (number) 5
Ordinal sum 9
Ordinal, cofinality of 14
Ordinal, even 9
Ordinal, finite 8
Ordinal, limit 8
Ordinal, non-limit 8
Ordinal, odd 9
P(a) [in partially ordered set] 3 167
Parovicenko I.I. 140 201 379 408
Partial order 3
Partial order of Rudin — Frolik 430
Partial order of Rudin — Kreisler 206
Partially ordered set 3
Partially ordered set, compatible elements of 74
Partially ordered set, countable chain condition in 75
Partially ordered set, filter in 74
Partition 211
Partition of an element 179
Partition, - 222
Partition, open 383
Partition, refinement of 180
Peano axioms 8
Permutation 206
Piccard, S. 261
Pierce, R.S. 60 80 201 380
Pincherle, S. 311 339
Pitt, R.A. 450
Plank, D. 409
Point-homogeneous 136
Pondiczery, E.S. 81
Pospisil, B. 162 163
Power set axiom 2
Pre-order 3
Pre-order of Rudin — Frolik 430
Pre-order of Rudin — Kreisler 206
Prikry, K. 162 165 201 203 286 309 380
Principle of definition by transfinite recursion 9
Principle of proof by transfinite induction 4
Problem of Souslin 74
Produce 450
Product of filters 157
Product, reduced 269
Projective space 50
Proof by induction 263
Property 119
Property 124
Property 344
Property 223
Pseudobase 58
Pseudobase, uniform 290
Pseudocompact 402
Pseudoweight 58
pw(X) 58
Quasi-normal ultrafilter 212
Rado, R. 20 61 75 79 80 164 201
Rado, theorems of 62 174 175
Radon, J. 162
Rainwater, J. 60
Rajagopalan, M. 380
Ramifiable cardinal 167
Ramification system 167
Ramification system, order of 167
Ramsay, A. 140 379
Ramsey cardinal 165
Ramsey ultrafilter 189
Ramsey ultrafilter, strongly 190
Ramsey, F.P. 164 200
Ramsey, theorem of 174
Realcompact 402
Recursion, definition by 263
Reduced product 269
Reduct 272
refinement 180 288 383
Regr 291
Regressive 291
Regular ultrafilter 149
Regular-open subset 52
Relation -ary 82
Relation, anti-symmetric 3
Relation, binary 2
Relation, connected 3
Relation, reflexive 3
Relation, transitive 3
Relational system(s) 82
Relational system(s), cardinality of 83
Relational system(s), embedding of 83
Relational system(s), isomorphism of 83
Relational system(s), similar 83
Relational system(s), subsystem of 83
Remote point 407
Restriction set 68
retract 50
Retract of Boolean algebra 49
Riesz, F. 59
Robinson — Craig joint consistency theorem 272
Robinson, A. 285
Ross, K.A. 80
Rothberger, F. 379
Rowbottom, F. 81 165 202 203 231
Rowbottom, theorems of 189 190 191
Rubin, H. 19
Rubin, J.E. 19
Rucker, R.V.B. 162 339
Rudin — Frolik (pre-)order 430
Rudin — Kreisler (pre-)order 206
Rudin, M.E. 61 81 140 231 232 261 410 450 451
Rudin, W. 140 163 231 379 451
Ruziewicz, S. 261
S(X) 66
Sanin, N.A. 75 79 80
Satisfiable 277
Satisfiable, finitely 277
Satisfies 264
Saturated 277
Schoenflies, A. 19
Schreier, O. 100
Schroeder, E. 379
Scott, D. 162 163 165 201 202 203 284 285 309 311 379
Scott, theorems of 188 191
Selective ultrafilter 210
Selective ultrafilter, uniformly 210
Semadeni, Z. 162
| Sentence 263
Separates elements 28
Set 1 see
Set, free 249
Set, regressive 291
Sevee, D. 100 285
Shelah, S. 61 81 233 261 309 312 339 340 379
Shelah, theorem of 333
Sierpinski, W. 19 20 115 140 162 286 308
Sikorski, R. 59 60 201 309 408
Sikorski, theorem of 49
Silver, J.H. 162 202 203
Similarity type 82
Simpson, S.G. 201
Singleton 2
Skolem, Th. 19 284 311
Slomson, A.B. 285
Smith, E.C. 201
Solomon, R.C. 451
Solovay, R.M. 19 74 75 80 81 162 202 286 308 309
Solovay, theorem of 295
Souslin Line 74
Souslin number 66
Souslin's problem 74 80
Souslin, M. 61 74 75 80 81
Souslin-homogeneous 66
Space 21
Space perfect 118
Space, - 343
Space, -basically disconnected 350
Space, -co-homogeneous 132
Space, -co-universal 132
Space, -compact 181
Space, -compact 383
Space, -compact 22 402
Space, basically disconnected 350
Space, compact 22
Space, extremally disconnected 50
Space, F- 343
Space, normal 22
Space, point-homogeneous 136
Space, projective 50
Space, pseudocompact 402
Space, realcompact 402
Space, totally disconnected 40
Space, zero-dimensional 42
Special structure 84
Special structure, elementarily 276
Special structure, existence of 96
Special structure, uniqueness of 94 96
Specializing chain 84 99
Specker, E. 200 342 380
Specker, theorem of 370
Stavi, J. 309
Steiner, A.K. 379 451
Steiner, E.F. 379 451
Stepanek, P. 80 309
Stepping-up lemma 174
Stone extension 27
Stone space 40
Stone topology 40
Stone — Cech compactification 24
Stone's duality 46
Stone, A.H. 80
Stone, M.H. 59 60
Strongly compact cardinal 196
Strongly discrete 226 429
Strongly measurable cardinal 196
Structure 82
Structure for 263
Sub-type 332
Sub-uniform ultrafilter 364
Subalgebra 33
Subalgebra generated by 33
Subbase, -subbase 31
Subformula 263
Subset, coinitial 103
Subset, completely separated 22
Subset, d-thick 424
Subset, dense 53 58 74 110
Subset, directed downwards 118
Subset, directed upwards 118
Subset, free 249
Subset, homogeneous 165 212
Subset, regressive 291
Subset, regular-open 52
Subset, retract 50
Subset, strongly discrete 226 429
Subset, subspace, cofinal 103
Supremum 3
Szpilrajn, E. 79
Tarski, A. 20 59 60 80 81 161 162 200 201 202 231 284 286 308 312 380
Tarski, definition of 264
Tarski, recursion formula of 17
Tarski, theorems of 67 266
Tennenbaum, S. 74 75 80
Th, 265
Theory of 265
Thick 424
Tietze's extension theorem 22
Totally disconnected 40
Transfinite induction, principle of proof by 4
Transfinite recursion, principle of definition by 9
Tychonoff product theorem 28
Tychonoff product theorem, analogue of 183
Tychonoff, A. 59
Type of an element 206
Type, elementary 265
Type, elementary open set 120 343
Type, elementary relational system 82
Type-equivalent 205
Ulam Matrix 197 203
Ulam, S. 59 202 203
Ulam, theorem of 197
Ulam-measurable cardinal 196
Ulmer, M.D. 80
Ultrafilter 143
Ultrafilter, -regular 148
Ultrafilter, -descendingly incomplete 198
Ultrafilter, -uniform (on ) 253
Ultrafilter, -complete 145
Ultrafilter, -uniform 144
Ultrafilter, -uniformly selective 210
Ultrafilter, adequate 259
Ultrafilter, Alexander's property 181
Ultrafilter, countably incomplete 145 252
Ultrafilter, descendingly incomplete 197
Ultrafilter, Eklof property of 304
Ultrafilter, fine 232
Ultrafilter, good 217 252
Ultrafilter, non-principal 144
Ultrafilter, norm of 144
Ultrafilter, normal 188
Ultrafilter, principal 144
Ultrafilter, quasi-normal 212
Ultrafilter, Ramsey 212
Ultrafilter, regular 149
Ultrafilter, selective 210
Ultrafilter, strongly Ramsey 190
Ultrafilter, sub-uniform 364
Ultrafilter, ultrapower modulo 269
Ultrafilter, ultraproduct modulo 269
Ultrafilter, uniform 144
Ultrafilter, uniform over -partition 223
Ultrafilter, uniformly selective 210
Ultrafilter, weakly Ramsey 212
Ultrapower 269
Ultraproduct 186 269
Uniform closure 223
Uniform finite intersection property 144
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