Авторизация |
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Comfort W.W., Negrepontis S. — The Theory of UltraFilters |
Предметный указатель |
Chain, specializing 84 99
Chain, union of 83
Chang, C.C. 100 165 203 284 285 309 339
Choquet, G. 231
Cl 22
class 1
Class, proper 1
Cofinal subset 103
Cofinality 14
Cohen, P.J. 19 75
Coinitial subset 103
Comfort, W.W. 80 81 140 203 261 379 380 408 409 452
Compact space 22
Compactness property 84
Compactness Theorem 271
Complete structure on 337
Completely generated 295
Completely regular family 28
Completely separated 22
Condition 119
Condition 124
Condition 344
Consecutive elements 108
Conservative enlargement 283
Continuum Hypothesis 18
Continuum, generalized 18
Corson, H.H. 80
Countable chain condition 66 75
Cozero-set 22
Craig, W. 285
Cudnovskii, D.V. 203
Cudnovskil, G.V. 203
Cuesta, N. 115
D(X) 58
d-thick subset 424
Daigneault, A. 140
Davies, R.O. 79 80
de Morgans Laws 33
Dedekind, R. 61 171 200
Definition by recursion 263
Degree of goodness 217
Dense 58
Dense in 53
Dense in ordered set 110
Dense in partially ordered set 74
Density character 58
Descendingly incomplete sequence of families 292
Descendingly incomplete ultrafilter 197
Dickmann, M.A. 202 203
Dieudonne, J. 59 162
Direct image 155
Directed 118
Dirichlet, P.G.L. 200
Disjoint (in ) 32
Disjoint refinement lemma 146
Downward Loewenheim — Skolem property 84
Downward Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 267
du Bois-Reymond, P. 20 311 339
Dwinger, Ph. 140
Dyadic sequence 105
Easton, W.B. 20
Efimov, B. 80 451
Eklof property 304
Eklof, P.C. 286 309 310
Element of Boolean algebra 32
Element of relational system 83
Elementarily equivalent 265
Elementarily homogeneous 274
Elementarily special 276
Elementary chain 266
Elementary embedding 265
Elementary extension 265
Elementary substructure 265
Elementary type 265
Ellentuck, E. 162 339
Emb(A,B) 98
Embedding lemma 29
Embedding of Boolean algebra 34 176
Embedding of partially ordered set 4
Embedding of relational system 83
Embedding property 84
Embedding property for 273
Empty class 2
Engelking, R. 80 81 379
Erdos theorems of 62 67 174 175 190
Erdos, P. 20 61 75 79 80 82 99 100 162 164 200 201 202 203 261 308 311 380
Ersov, Ju.L. 340
Esenin-Vol'pin, A.S. 140
Essential supremum 300
Evalution family 28
Evalution function 28
Extremally disconnected 50
F-space, -space 343
Family closed under finite intersections 252
Family of -large oscillation 325
Family of ( -) large oscillation 75
Family, ( -) almost disjoint 286
Family, cellular 66
Family, completely regular 28
Family, evaluation 28
Family, strongly disjoint 223
Family, uniformly selective 289
Fichtenholz, G. 81
Field of sets 36
Field of sets, -complete 177
Filter (of a Boolean algebra) 37
Filter associated with 37
Filter base 143
Filter generated 37
Filter(s) (on a set) 37 143
Filter(s), -generated 182
Filter(s), -complete 145
Filter(s), countably incomplete 145
Filter(s), generalized Frechet 45 144
Filter(s), generated 143
Filter(s), product of 157
Filter(s), z- 23
Filter(s), z-ultra 23
Filter, -complete 176
Filter, canonical homomorphism associated with 38
Filter, improper 37
Filter, principal 37
Filter, proper 37
Fine ultrafilter 232
Fine, N.J. 378 380 408
Finite intersection property 22 142
Finite intersection property in Boolean algebra 37
Finite intersection property, -uniform 144
Finite intersection property, uniform 144
Finitely satisfiable 277
Fleischer, I. 100 285
Formula of 263
Fraenkel, A.A. 19
Fraisse, R.J. 99 285
Frayne, T. 162 163 284 285 309 311 379
Frechet, M. 144 311
Free set 249
Free variable 263
Frolik, Z. 231 410 450 451
Fuhrken, G. 79
Full expansion 275
Function 2
Function unbounded 14
Function, domain of 2
Function, inverse image under 2
Function, irreducible 55
Function, monotone 217 252
Function, multiplicative 217 252
Function, range of 2
Function, restriction of 2
| G(p) 217
G(x) 57
Gaifman, H. 309
Gaifman, theorem of 295
Galvin, F. 340
Generalized Continuum Hypothesis 18
Generalized Frechet filter 45 144
Generalized rectangle 68
Generic filter 74
Gillman, L. 59 82 99 100 115 162 308 311 339 378 379 380 408 450
Gleason A.M. 60
Gleason, space 57
Goedel, K. 19 162
Good Ultrafilter 217 252
Goodner, D.B. 60
Hadamard, J. 311 339
Hager, A.W. 60 452
Hahn, H. 60
Hajek, P. 232
Hajnal, A. 162 164 200 201 202 203 233 261 309
Hajnal, theorems of 190 249
Hales, A.W. 309
Hales, theorem of 295
Halmos, P.R. 60 379
Hanf, theorem of 191
Hanf, W.P. 165 200 201 202
Haratomi, K. 80
Hardy, G.H. 20 311 339
Hausdorff cardinal 165
Hausdorff separation property 21
Hausdorff, F. 19 20 61 81 82 99 101 115 162 164 200 311 312 341 342 379 409
Hausdorff, theorems of 104 357
Hechler, S.H. 308 379
Hedrlin, Z. 80
Henriksen, M. 82 99 100 162 308 311
Hewitt, E. 59 60 81 284 311
Hindman, N. 203 380 450
Hirschfeld, J. 285
Hoffman, K. 140 379
Homogeneous (for partition) 165
Homogeneous set 165 212
Homogeneous-universal structure 86
Homogeneous-universal structure, existence of 90 96
Homogeneous-universal structure, uniqueness of 96
Homomorphism 34
Homomorphism, - 176
Homomorphism, canonical 38
Hrbacek, K. 80
Hung, H.H.-L. 141 408 409
Immediate predecessor 108
Immediate successor 108
Induction, proof by 263
Infimum 3
Initial segment 5
int 22
Intersection 2
interval 5
Inverse image 2
Ionescu Tulcea, A. 162
Ionescu Tulcea, C. 162
Irreducible function 55
Isbell, J.R. 80
Isiwata, T. 451
Isolated element 118
Isomorphism of Boolean algebras 34
Isomorphism of partially ordered sets 4
Isomorphism of relational systems 83
Jech, T.J. 19 20 74 80 81 202
Jensen, R.B. 162
Jerison, M. 59 115 162 339 379 408 450
Jonsson class 84
Jonsson class, generalized 98
Jonsson, B. 82 99 100 114 115 379
Jourdain, P.E.B. 20
Juhasz, I. 80 81 163 309
Kakutani, S. 308
Kallin, E. 140
Kantorovitch, L. 81
Katetov, M. 231
Keisler, H.J. 61 100 140 162 163 201 202 203 231 232 261 285 286 309 311 312 339 340 379 380 410
Keisler, theorems of 297 317 322 324
Kelley, J.L. 60
Ketonen, J.A. 81 232 261
Kleene, S.C. 200
Kleinberg, E.M. 203
Kochen, S. 162 163 284 285 311 312 340 379
Koenig, D. 200
Koenig, D., theorem of 171
Koenig, J. 20
Koenig, J., theorem of 13
Kripke, S.A. 309
Kunen, K. 61 74 81 162 163 165 202 203 231 232 233 261 312 339 451
Kunen, theorem of 239
Kuratowski, C. 19 20 162 201 408
Kurepa, G. 74 75 80 200 201 380
Language 262
Language , cardinality of 263
Language , formulas of 263
Language , structure for 263
Language , symbols of 262
Language , terms of 262
Language of set theory 1
Lazar, D. 261
Lebesgue, H. 161 162
Lexicographic order 105
Lexicographic order of Brouwer — Kleene 168
Limit ultrapower 313
Linear order 3
Linear order, lexicographic 105
Linearly ordered set 3
Linearly ordered set, -directed 92
Linearly ordered set, Dedekind-complete 109
Local weight 152
Loewenheim L. 284
Loewenheim — Skolem property 84
Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 267
Logarithm 78
Logical symbol 262
Logical symbol, non- 262
Los, J. 79 284 311
Los, theorem of 269
Louveau, A. 410 451
Lower -point 113
Lower bound 3
Lower bound, greatest 3
Lower bound, greatest, in Boolean algebra 49
Lower element 108
Lusin, N. 203 308 379
Luxemburg, W.A.J. 285
Machover, M. 285
MacNeille, H.M. 60
Mansfield, R. 340
Marczewski, E. 75 79 80
Marek, W. 80
Martin's Axiom 75
Martin, D.A. 74 162 202 308
Mathias, A.R.D. 450
max, min 3
Maximal element 3
Maximal principle 10
Mazur, S. 79
Mazurkiewicz, S. 408
McDowell, R.H. 59
Measurable cardinal 186
Michael, E. 79
Minimal element 3
Mirimanoff, D. 19
Mokobodzki, G. 231
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