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Organick E.I., Forsythe A.I., Plummer R.P. — Programming Language Structures |
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Snobol, Assignment, statement 473
Snobol, Assignment, statement, input and output as 474
Snobol, Assignment, success or failure of 480
Snobol, ATOM predicate 507
Snobol, BAL (balanced pattern component) 492 496
Snobol, Blank character, symbol 465
Snobol, Blank character, symbol in column 1 472
Snobol, Blank character, symbol , permissible 472
Snobol, Capture of unknowns 477
Snobol, Capture, clause 477
Snobol, Capture, variable 468
Snobol, CODE data type 503
Snobol, Comment line 476
Snobol, Constants 472
Snobol, Continuation field 471
Snobol, Control field 471 472
Snobol, Control field for transferring to data of type CODE 503 504
Snobol, Control field for transferring to data of type CODE, syntax for 503
Snobol, Conversion between strings and numbers 472
Snobol, CONVERT function 502—504
Snobol, DATA function 505
Snobol, Data type(s), conversion 502
Snobol, Data type(s), conversion, from STRING to CODE 503 504
Snobol, Data type(s), creating instances of new 505
Snobol, Data type(s), defining and using new 505
Snobol, Data type(s), TABLE 464
Snobol, Data type(s), user-defined 464
Snobol, DATATYPE function 503 505
Snobol, DEFINE function 483
Snobol, Distinctive features 464
Snobol, EQL predicate 507
Snobol, EVAL function 501
Snobol, Exercises, Fortran preprocessor 517 518
Snobol, Exercises, simulating a Lisp interpreter 509—512
Snobol, Expressions 472
Snobol, Fields of a statement 471
Snobol, FRETURN pseudolabel 482
Snobol, Function call as a means of controlling a branch 480
Snobol, HEAP 480 481
Snobol, HEAP, cell 480
Snobol, IDENT function 479
Snobol, Label 471
Snobol, Label, END 471 476
Snobol, Label, field 471
Snobol, Labels, distinctness requirement for 489
Snobol, LEN function 474
Snobol, Pattern component 469
Snobol, Pattern component, balanced unknown 492 496 see
Snobol, Pattern component, unknown, of length n 469 474
Snobol, Pattern component, unknown, of length n, of arbitrary length 469 474
Snobol, Pattern match 464 466 474
Snobol, Pattern match with capture of unknowns 477
Snobol, Pattern match with replacement 466 467
Snobol, Pattern match with unknowns of arbitrary length 468
Snobol, Pattern match, box 466
Snobol, Pattern match, success and failure of 474
Snobol, Pattern with unknown components 468
Snobol, Pattern, list element unknown, component 468
Snobol, Period as continuation indicator 471
Snobol, Pointer, to a HEAP cell 480
Snobol, Predefined functions 479
Snobol, Procedure, call 479
Snobol, Procedure, call, semantics 482
Snobol, Procedure, call, success or failure of 479
Snobol, Procedure, call, syntax 482
Snobol, Procedure, contours, placement of 488
Snobol, Procedure, declaration 482
Snobol, Procedure, declaration, placement of, body 483
Snobol, Procedure, declaration, skeleton 482
Snobol, Procedure, declaration, syntax 482
Snobol, Procedure, entry 485
Snobol, Procedure, return 486
Snobol, Procedure, return, success or failure signals 486
Snobol, Program examples, palindrome tester 484 487
Snobol, Program examples, symbolic differentiation 495 496
Snobol, Program examples, text processing 478
Snobol, Program structure 471
Snobol, Pseudolabel 482
Snobol, Reference parameters, simulation of 499
Snobol, Reference parameters, simulation of indirect, operator, $ 500
Snobol, Replacement, arrow, 466
Snobol, Replacement, arrow, , operator 474
Snobol, RETURN pseudolabel 482
Snobol, Semantics of procedure call and return, similarity with Lisp 489
Snobol, Simulating Lisp 507
Snobol, Spaces 479 see
Snobol, Spaces, significance of 479
Snobol, Statement field 471 472
Snobol, Statement field, assignment 473
Snobol, Statement field, pattern match 474
Snobol, Statement field, procedure call 479
Snobol, Storage structures 480
Snobol, String processing 464
Snobol, String processing, flowcharts for 465
Snobol, String(s), concatenation 465 472
Snobol, String(s), empty or null 465
| Snobol, String(s), expression, fully parenthesized 489
Snobol, String(s), uniqueness in storage 480
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study 489
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study, call tree 497
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study, flowcharts and legends 490 492—495
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study, input and output 491 496 498
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study, program 495 496
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study, rules 490
Snobol, Symbolic differentiation case study, use of TRACE 491
Snobol, Syntax 471
Snobol, Syntax, absence of variable declarations 471
Snobol, Syntax, BNF 473
Snobol, Table(s) 512
Snobol, Table(s), access by pattern matching 512
Snobol, Table(s), represented as arrays 515
Snobol, Table(s), represented as arrays, retrieving from 515
Snobol, Table(s), represented as strings 513
Snobol, Table(s), represented as strings, retrieving from 514
Snobol, TABLE, data type 514
Snobol, TABLE, data type, function 516
Snobol, TRACE function 491
Snobol, Variable, cells, allocation of, as needed 471
Snobol, Variable, dynamic association of type for a 482
Snobol, Variable, null string initial value of 475
Snobol, Variable, storage structures for 480
Stack of the MC 53
Stack, computers 52
Stack, empty 54
Stack, end marker 54
Stack, notation 266
State of the MC 50
State of the MC, transition diagram 548
Stepwise decomposition 16
Storage cells, invented names for 90 357
Storage cells, recycling 30
Storage environments 30
String 145 146
String, array declaration 549
String, definition 163
String, empty 145
String, processing see "Snobol string"
Structured programming 7
Subalgorithm 26
Subflowchart 27
Subprogram 26
Subtree 16
SUPERREVERSE procedure 429 434
Symbolic, computation 376
Symbolic, data 376
Symbolic, differentiation 170 444 464 489
Syntax see also "Entries under individual languages"
Syntax and semantics 193
Syntax, BNF 206
Syntax, charts 189—191
Syntax, definitions of familiar forms 186—189
Syntax, rule 184
Task, allocation 523
Task, coordination 523
Task, deletion of a spawned 523
Task, relative speed of a 523
Time-sharing 521
Towers of Hanoi (exercise) 183
Trace of a computation 54
Trace of an algorithm 21
Tree of calls see "Call tree"
Tree, binary 162
Tree, root node 16
Tree, search of a tree with arbitrary structure 173
Tree, search, natural order 153
Tree, search, notation and methods 153
Tree, search, procedure 177
Tree, terminal node 16
Tree, traversal algorithm, converted to a tree search algorithm 175
Tree, traversal algorithm, converted to a tree search algorithm, natural order 153 169
Tree, traversal algorithm, converted to a tree search algorithm, procedures for 173—176
Tree, traversal algorithm, converted to a tree search algorithm, recursive structure 175
Treewalk (exercise) 179—181
Val par see "Value parameter"
Value parameter, specification mechanism 80
Value parameter, treatment 80
Variables 12 22 see
Variables, dummy 59
variables, global 40
Variables, global and local in a procedure environment 56
Variables, globally accessible 42
variables, list 23
variables, local 40 42
Variables, local and global, summary 45
Variables, local to a procedure 43
variables, simple 23
Virtual, MC 521
Virtual, processor 521
While box 9
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