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Organick E.I., Forsythe A.I., Plummer R.P. — Programming Language Structures |
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Lisp, LISP, procedure definition, lambda expressions for 411
Lisp, LISP, program examples see "Lisp Case studies"
Lisp, LIST function 414 423
Lisp, lists 378
Lisp, Lists, convention for mapping, into S-expressions 378
Lisp, Lists, correspondence, with dotted pair notation 379
Lisp, Lists, empty, symbol 378
Lisp, Lists, generalized 398 399
Lisp, Lists, linked 381
Lisp, MEMBER predicate 415
Lisp, Name parameter simulation 461
Lisp, NIL, as a list terminator 378
Lisp, NIL, atom 378
Lisp, NIL, S-expression 378
Lisp, NULL predicate 399 414
Lisp, Number representation 417
Lisp, NUMBERP predicate 416 453
Lisp, Numeric atoms 377 389 454
Lisp, Pattern match with replacement 460
Lisp, PLUS function 416 459
Lisp, Pointer to an S-expression 384
Lisp, Predefined functions 414
Lisp, Predicate 388
Lisp, Predicate, ATOM 389
Lisp, Predicate, EQ 389
Lisp, Prefix form of algebraic expressions 444 445
Lisp, Prefix form of algebraic expressions, equivalent S-expressions 444
Lisp, Prefix notation 378
Lisp, Primitive operations 385
Lisp, Procedure, definitions 396
Lisp, Procedure, definitions, at one level 397
Lisp, Procedure, parameters 431
Lisp, Procedure, types of cells contained in, contours 397
Lisp, Program 394
Lisp, Program, environment for 396
Lisp, Program, schematic of, with BNF syntax 396
Lisp, QUOTE 392
Lisp, REST 387 see
Lisp, RETURN semantics 406 407
Lisp, retval cell, nonnecessity for 407
Lisp, REVERSE function 414
Lisp, REVERSE function, case study 422
Lisp, REVERSE function, use in case study 3 435
Lisp, RLISP 398
Lisp, RLISP, BNF syntax 398
Lisp, RLISP, conditional expressions 411
Lisp, RLISP, procedure definition 398 411
Lisp, RLISP, program examples see also "Lisp Case studies"
Lisp, RLISP, program examples, LENGTH 417
Lisp, RLISP, program examples, LOOK 401
Lisp, RLISP, program examples, LOOK, snapshot sequence 402—406 408—410
LISP, s-expression 381
Lisp, S-expression, allocation of storage for 384
Lisp, S-expression, correspondence with binary trees 379 382
Lisp, S-expression, multiple occurrences of same, in the HEAP 390
Lisp, S-expression, pointer to 384
Lisp, S-expression, storage structures for 381
Lisp, S-expression, storage structures for, two-compartment HEAP cells for 381
Lisp, Spaces 377
Lisp, Storage, allocation for S-expressions 384
Lisp, Storage, management 384
Lisp, Storage, structures, for lists 381
Lisp, Symbolic expression 377 see
Lisp, Table look-up using LOOK procedure 399
Lisp, TAIL 387 see
Lisp, TIMES function 416 459
Lisp, Top level 406
Lisp, Value parameters 397
Lisp, variables 384 393
Lisp, Variables, sharing of structures in the HEAP for 384
List, sorting, exercise 46 73
List, variable 23
Local variable 42
Loop body 11
Manipulation of algebraic formulas 376
Master computer, MC 22
Master computer, MC, state of 50
Match of parameter and argument 62 63
Matrix sum, exercise 74
Mc see also "Master computer"
MC, rate of progress 530
Multisequence algorithms 519
Multisequencing, asynchronous tasks 520
Multisequencing, commands 520
Multisequencing, coroutines 520
Multisequencing, languages with, features 520
Multisequencing, linguistic features to specify 520
Multisequencing, semantic basis for 520
Multisequencing, semantics explained with contour diagrams 520
Name parameter 101
Name parameter, cell structure 102
Name parameter, contrasted with reference parameter 106
Name parameter, matched to expressions 272
Name parameter, matched to simple arguments 104
Natural order tree search 153
Null string see "Empty string"
Operating systems 549
Parameter, distinction between name and reference 106
Parameter, mechanism 56
Parameter, name 101
Parameter, reference type 62 63
Parameter, reference type, achieving effect of, in actual computers 67 69
Parameter, standing for a procedure or function 107
Parameter, value 80
Parameter-argument, matching 62
Parameter-argument, matching, mechanisms 66
Parameters in preference to globals 67
Pascal 3 560
Pascal's triangle 151
Pascal, 574
Pascal, , absence of goto's and labels 576
Pascal, , chr and ord functions 582
Pascal, , input/output 580 592—593
Pascal, , input/output, built-in procedures 580
Pascal, , input/output, convention for representing unprintable characters 582
Pascal, , input/output, new-line identifier, NL 580
Pascal, , nesting restrictions 574
Pascal, , syntactic summary 584—596
Pascal, , univ prefix 578
Pascal, Array type 568
Pascal, Array type, subscript range specification 568
Pascal, Assignment statement 576 584
Pascal, Block 576
Pascal, Block, compound statement form of 576
Pascal, Case, statement 576 586—587
Pascal, Case, structure 565
Pascal, Case, structure, selectors 566
Pascal, Case, structure, tag field 567
Pascal, Constant (const) definitions 562
Pascal, Data, management 560
Pascal, Data, structure declarations 560
Pascal, Data, structured, types 563
Pascal, Declaration, function 595
Pascal, Declaration, procedure 594
Pascal, Declaration, var 561 596
Pascal, Definitions, const 562
Pascal, Definitions, type 561 596
Pascal, Enumeration shorthand 562
Pascal, file type 563
Pascal, for statement 577 588—589 591
Pascal, forward keyword 575
Pascal, Function, call 593
Pascal, Function, declaration 595
Pascal, if then and if then else statements 576 585 586
Pascal, Input/output 580 592—593
Pascal, Linked lists, construction of 571
Pascal, Loop structures 577 588—591
Pascal, new function 571
Pascal, nil keyword 572
| Pascal, Parameter, function 579
Pascal, Parameter, list syntax 578—579
Pascal, Parameter, procedure 579
Pascal, Parameter, specification 577
Pascal, Parameter, variable (var) 577
Pascal, Pointer for use in representation of arbitrary graphs 572
Pascal, Pointer, operations defined on pointers 572
Pascal, Pointer, type 570
Pascal, Pointer, type, symbol for 570
Pascal, Pointer, values 570
Pascal, Pointer, values, automatic creation of 571
Pascal, pred function 584
Pascal, Primitive data types 561
Pascal, Principal difference from Algol 561
Pascal, Procedure, call 576 593
Pascal, Procedure, declaration 594
Pascal, Procedure, heading syntax 578—579
Pascal, Program examples, Fibonacci series 575
Pascal, Program examples, four-coloring algorithm 597
Pascal, Program examples, four-coloring algorithm, flowcharts and legends 600—602
Pascal, Program examples, four-coloring algorithm, program (in code) 603—607
Pascal, Program examples, four-coloring algorithm, snapshot 608
Pascal, Program structure 572
Pascal, Program structure, nesting of procedure and function declarations 574
Pascal, Program structure, syntax charts for description of 573—574
Pascal, Record structure 563
Pascal, Record structure, common part of 566
Pascal, Record structure, field selectors 563
Pascal, Record structure, variant part of 565
Pascal, Record structure, variant part of case structure for 565
Pascal, record type 563
Pascal, Reference parameter 577
Pascal, repeat until statement 577 590
Pascal, scope rules 574
Pascal, set type 568
Pascal, set type, notation for empty set 569
Pascal, set type, notation for subset 569
Pascal, set type, operators 569
Pascal, Structured programming constructs 576
Pascal, Subrange, notation 562
Pascal, succ function 584
Pascal, Syntax, liberties taken by authors of this book 561
Pascal, type definition 561
Pascal, Type, checking limitation 579
Pascal, Type, conversion from/to char and integer 582
Pascal, Typing of a function 578
Pascal, Typing, strong 578
Pascal, Variable (var) declaration 561
Pascal, while statement 577 589
Pascal, with statement 564
Pascal, with statement, nesting 565
Pascal, write-int procedure 574
PL/I language 3 520 560
Pointer environment, ep 35
Pointer instruction, ip 35
Postfix, expression 52 53
Postfix, expression, exercise 169
Postfix, machines 52
Prefix expression 167
Prime factorization (exercise) 92 93
Primitive actions of an underlying machine 10
Private storage of the MC 51
Proc par see "Procedure parameter"
Procedure(s), box 19
Procedure(s), call box 27
Procedure(s), call step 27
Procedure(s), explicit declaration of 111
Procedure(s), identifier 26
Procedure(s), interchangeability 74
Procedure(s), interfacing 56
Procedure(s), invocation 35
Procedure(s), parameter 107
Procedure(s), parameter, contour diagrams for 109
Procedure(s), parameter, flowchart illustrations 108
Procedure(s), parameter, matching argument for 112
Procedure(s), parameter, storage cell 109
Procedure(s), return step 27
Procedure(s), side effect 74
Protection of arguments 77
Question-answering system 376
Reader/Assigner 22
Recursion 122 149
Recursion as a conceptual tool 122
Recursive, algorithm, binomial coefficient 150 152
Recursive, algorithm, binomial coefficient, snapshot sequences 154—163
Recursive, algorithm, climbing stairs 122
Recursive, algorithm, design of 145
Recursive, algorithm, determining membership 147
Recursive, algorithm, factorial 124
Recursive, algorithm, factorial, procedure definition 125
Recursive, algorithm, factorial, snapshot sequence 129—136
Recursive, algorithm, Fibonacci series 165
Recursive, algorithm, function procedure 126
Recursive, algorithm, prime factorization (exercise) 140—143
Recursive, algorithm, summing elements of a list 146
Recursive, algorithm, symbolic differentiation 170
Recursive, algorithm, symbolic differentiation, flowchart 171
Recursive, algorithm, symbolic differentiation, rules for 170
Recursive, algorithm, tree, search 177
Recursive, algorithm, tree, search, walk 176
Recursive, definition of binary tree 163
Recursive, definition of strings 163
Recursive, definition of syntactical forms 186
Recursive, function, GCDR (exercise) 139
Recursive, function, GCDR (exercise), flowchart 140
Recursive, process of differentiation 170 444
Recursive, structure of tree traversal 175
Ref par see "Reference parameter"
Reference parameter 62
Reference parameter, access to matching argument 63
Reference parameter, mechanism, chain of references 67
Reference parameter, mechanism, copy method 67
Reference parameter, mechanism, value/result 71
retlab 54
retlab, cell 66
Return, label 35
Return, label, cell 54 see
Return, step 30
Return, value cell 240 see
Scratch pad of the MC 51
Search see "Tree search"
Semantics 2 193 see
Semantics of multisequencing 520
Semantics, mathematical vs. operational 193
SEQUENCE see also "Task"
Sequence, spawned 521
Sequence, spawner 521
Sequence, spawning, as an act of resource allocation 521
Sequences, asynchronous relationship for 522
Sequences, coroutine relationship for 522
Sequences, creation of 520
Sequences, hierarchical structure of 521
Sequences, initiation and termination of 521
Side effect prevention 75—77
Simple variable 23
SL5 language 520 541
snapshot 24 36
Snobol 464
Snobol, $ Symbol for indirect referencing 500
Snobol, 4 version 464
Snobol, Alternation operator (|) 475
Snobol, ARB pattern component 474
Snobol, Arithmetic operations 472
Snobol, ARRAY, datatype 513
Snobol, ARRAY, function 512
Snobol, ARRAY, function, second argument for 513
Snobol, Arrays 512
Snobol, Arrays, allocation and initialization 513
Snobol, Assignment, conditional 480
Snobol, Assignment, operator, = 473
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